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175: HR Compliance on the Rise
Episode 17518th March 2019 • unsuitable on Rea Radio • Rea & Associates
00:00:00 00:25:07

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Employers have to juggle a lot these days, especially in the area of HR compliance. In addition to usual concerns like paid sick leave, the Family & Medical Leave Act, and compensation, business owners are being confronted by a slew of new considerations – like the legalization of marijuana, generational differences, and whether it’s okay to vape indoors.

Our guest Renee West, senior human resources manager at Rea, has seen a lot over the course of her HR career, but she says that this is the most HR activity and legislative updates she has ever seen. So in this episode of unsuitable, Renee shares what she thinks all these changes will mean.

Compliance is Constantly Evolving

The policies and regulations being discussed in this episode are relevant to companies of every size, from two-person startups to Fortune 500 companies. These regulations will also be constantly evolving. So by the time we have more guidance on these issues, new things are likely to arise. That’s why we suggest reaching out to an HR professional, even if your organization is not large enough to hire a dedicated HR professional in-house. There’s a lot in the area of HR compliance to learn, and making mistakes can be quite costly.

If you are a business owner or employee, you will be interested in these other topics discussed in this episode:

  • What you need to know about changes to federal and state policy agendas.
  • How non-compliance can cost your business quite a bit.
  • Whether your business can benefit from HR consulting services.

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