Episode 152 What Do You Love About YOUR Life Story?
Welcome back to the Love Your Story Podcast. Today we are talking about what you love about your life story. I walked the streets, with microphone in hand, of Salt Lake City, Utah to find out what people love about their life story.
Today I want you to think about what you love about your life story. Today we celebrate the things that are going right. The seeds you’ve planted that have born good fruit. What seeds have you sown and what fruit have you harvested? Ponder on that, but stay tuned to hear what people on the streets said when I put the microphone to them.
At the most basic level of the Love Your Story movement we talk about how we are responsible for creating our best life stories on purpose – because we can. We celebrate the law of the harvest. We don’t get apricots because we plant lettuce. Your life looks the way it does because of your thoughts, your words, your actions. If you’re getting lettuce and you want apricots well, plant apricot seeds, but if you love it, pat yourself on the back and celebrate the things you love because you have also created those – planted those seeds.
Tune into the audio program to hear what people on the street had to say. It’s grand.
Thanks for tuning in. I love almost everything about my life. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have goals or want more of this and that. But I love my home and yard with all it’s big, green trees; I love my children, my family, my job, my friends, my car, my dog and the good, good people in my life who are my friends. I love the magic I see pop up in my life every day. I love summer heat and the abundance I’m blessed with. I love my podcast and the people I meet on my podcast. I love my community and the people in my tribe. Thank you to all of you who make my life so wonderful.
Blessings to you and good job for all the wonderful things you have created in your life story. Keep up the good work!! Keep planting and nourishing the seeds you wish to harvest.