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354 : Kyle Wright – Don’t let FOMO derail your success
8th November 2018 • eCommerce Momentum Podcast • eCommerce Momentum Podcast
00:00:00 01:02:39

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Do you build risk into your decisions? Really? Don’t you expect to sell more this year versus last year? Doesn’t everyone? Doesn’t everything sell in Q4? Kyle will boldly admit, he and his partners stumbled. See they thought like above and guess what…the market changes outside of your control. There is a balance where you as the entrepreneur need to take risks, the challenge is to not to take risks that are fatal to you , your staff and your company. Great example of learning and moving forward.



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Kyle:                                      [00:00:00]               Focus on what you can do for the brand because you’re not bringing them any value just by buying six out of 100 products that sell well, now you gotta. Figure out what you can do to help them.

Cool voice guy:                  [00:00:10]               Welcome to the ECOMMERCE, but we’ll focus on the people, the products, and the process of your host, Stephen Peterson.

Stephen:                             [00:00:23]               He wanted to talk a few moments about some sponsors scope from seller labs. Um, when’s the last time you created a listing? Right? And when you create that listing, you’ve got to come up with the keywords, right? It’s all key word dependent. I don’t care if it’s a private label or wholesale. You’ve got to get it right. Well, what’s the best way to get it right? And if you’re selling a similar product that’s really successful, you go and you take and use their keywords and that’s what scope does for you. So phenomenal tool brought to you again by sellerlabs. The leaders in technology when it comes to Amazon, right now, they are just crushing it with all their products, but scope allows you to get that listing right. Get ranked for those key words as fast as possible, therefore you get the sales. So go to, forward slash scope.

Stephen:                             [00:01:12]               Use the code word momentum. Save a little bit of money. Get some free key words to test, try it out and see if you see an improvement. If you don’t adjust, what’s cool about what I love about a seller labs is that you then message and say, Hey, I didn’t get this right tyler. Hey Jeff, this isn’t working right. What am I doing wrong? And Boom, you’re going to get the help you need and that’s what you’re going to get from seller Lamson. And it’s a very special group that had been very. I’ve been very fortunate to be connected with them. And again, I look over time they’ve delivered every single time, you know, same thing I can say for Karen from solutions for ecommerce. I mean, she’s been carrying my account for a couple of years now. Um, and our account, my wife and I, and she really does handle things for us.

Stephen:                             [00:01:53]               Um, I mentioned, uh, just last week we created a new listing with, I forget how many variations, but again, all the flat files uploaded done as I needed. I pop in, so she’ll send me a template, I pop in some information and then boom, it’s handled, await. These pictures weren’t done right, blah, blah, blah. This upc to poom modified adjusted. And again, the communication has been phenomenal too. I get an email back saying, hey, this was done or this, you’re missing this, Steve. Hey, you gotta do this. So, you know, we have those challenges too and that’s why I like working with somebody who’s been doing it. I’ve been doing it for a long time to do, you know, Karen also does listings for Ebay. Yup. Lots of them. So if you want to build out that channel, which of course you should, it’s q four, you should be selling everywhere.

Stephen:                             [00:02:37]               You can, um, Karen can help you with that too. So you gotTa tell her I’ve sent you. So you’re going to go to solutions four ecommerce forward slash momentum. You’re going to save 50 bucks every single month. You’ve got to save that $50, but more importantly, you’re going to get an inventory health report. Um, did you just get hit with monthly longterm storage fees? Well, guess what? If you haven’t, they’re coming. You want them to get that inventory right and she can help you with that. You gotta tell her I sent you again, solutions, the number for ecommerce forward slash momentum will get you into that. Save the 50 bucks. Get that inventory health report though. That’s really, really important. Get that going right away. And I don’t want to miss my coach when it comes to retail arbor online or when I have a question. And I do not that we don’t, we don’t really do much of it anymore, but when I do have a question, I go to Gaye Lisby because why?

Stephen:                             [00:03:23]               Because she’s really, she is a coach. I mean, she’s really phenomenal, but she also puts out a daily list and you’re going to get that list five days a week. You’re going to get tons of leads. The number of, uh, agreed to amount that you’re supposed to get. She at least, she usually gets to those in the four days and then the fifth day seems to be a bonus most of the time. Phenomenal Group, small amount of buyers. Where this list is going to end. The best thing is the nuggets that you learn. Hey, why is the red one better than the blue? One? Gaye can help you with those questions. I saw. Hey, I got a. I got to the dreaded letter about a brand. Here’s the, here’s the way you approach it. Hey, receipts. How do you, what’s the best practice? I saw her leaving instructions, teaching me the accountant how to do a better job with it.

Stephen:                             [00:04:07]               And it’s phenomenal. So it’s Lisby made a million dollars selling. Um, I’ll have the link in here. You’ve got to use the link and it does help me. I don’t want to say it that way, but um, it’s part of the amazing freedom with Andy Slamming Lee, Ron Hirsch, corn and nate’s lamins. So, you know, you can trust. Okay, so come out to the website, take a look at it, and you will get a savings and you can get two weeks free right now only through my link. You get two weeks free. Try it. You don’t like it? I get it back off, but right now is the time to make money. Get cashflow going right now. And so join you. Get two weeks free. The only way you’re gonna get the two weeks for if you use my link, it’s on this episode. Come on out and give it a try.

Stephen:                             [00:04:49]               You will not be disappointed. Again. You’re going to see me in there. So reach out if I can help you too. Let’s get into the podcast. Welcome back to the ECOMMERCE momentum podcast. This is episode three, hundred and 50 for kyle. You know, Kyle lives up to his name. He is right about a bunch of things. Um, he’s right that he recognizes his abilities, but he also recognizes his limitations. He’s right when he recognizes that doing this by yourself can be a lonely, you know, not such a great place, but doing it with others that you love and care for ’em and that love and care for you equally, that you could trust implicitly makes this such a better business. He’s also right to recognize that he’s had some really strong mentors along the way. Um, and to me, those networks that developed through those, through those relationships are phenomenal and hence the reason he is so right.

Stephen:                             [00:05:48]               Let’s get into the podcast. Alright, welcome back to the ECOMMERCE momentum podcast. Very excited about today’s guest because I think in some ways, um, there are some similarities. A though, first off, he’s like a third of my age, uh, probably, um, but you know, he’s really focused on his health, his mental health, and then building a business and he didn’t do it all right. He’s willing to admit that he’s willing to say, Hey, I’ve got to adjust. I’ve got a step step back. And sometimes she gets that back three or four times to move forward. And I think that that is, that’s the thing that not many people are talking about, and yet it’s, it’s just so important to realize that everybody, I don’t care who the most successful person has made, um, uh, not, not wrong choices because it’s based on the information you have, you just what I see as most people fail to put risk into the formula and then when the risk comes and you didn’t plan for it, then things you have to step back. And so that’s a cool place to get to. And I’m very, very excited about welcoming kyle. Right? Welcome Kyle.

Kyle:                                      [00:06:50]               That’s a fair statement. What I just said. Is that correct? Oh, absolutely. And I’m not really afraid to admit it either. You know, we all make mistakes and we learn from them. But, you know, at your age, how old are you? Twenty four.

Stephen:                             [00:07:01]               Jesus, Dude. Oh my shoulders just sunk down when you said that. But, but, you know, here’s the thing to realize that at 24 that these are not fatal choices. These are not, you know, uh, you, you get your, I always say a pencil, it gets sharper because you learned from these things, right? And you adjust and that’s the key because that’s how a long life well lived is formed. So I think it’s very, very cool. The other thing I would say is that I was impressed, uh, you know, this is an early morning interview for both of us, but you were intentional about going to the gym this morning. How important is that? Because you got a lot of responsibility, dude. At 24 you got a lot of moving pieces. How important is your health to keeping things really steering right?

Kyle:                                      [00:07:46]               A very important. I think it’s important to make sure you stay healthy. I go to the gym, I play basketball every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I get up about five, 20 on were there by [6:00] and I also go to the gym other days to lift as well. So, well, I lifted this morning. I did my warehouse Wednesday this morning and uh, and then I go to a sauna every single day that I can. So you ought to look into that too. One of my things about the gym is the Sauna. Yeah. Twenty minutes in that sauna will take so much crap out of your body, but it also gives you a chance to think there’s a guy in there that rights while he’s in there. And I’m always like, dude, I love the fact that he’s getting up whatever’s in his head while he’s sitting there. I’ve ruined a few pairs of headphones in there. They come in there and listen to podcasts or books on audible and they get way too hot. I need to start taking like actual physical books in there. My, uh, my iphone shut down today. It said it was too hot and it’s like, oops, sorry. But I was texting, I was videoing, I was doing all these different. That’s probably a little, a little

Stephen:                             [00:08:48]               overkill. Okay. So I’m kyle is a, and I’m going to call it a successful seller while he’s only 24. You’ve been, you’ve been doing this for a while, right? I mean, you’ve been, you’ve been, you know, in dog years, you know, you’ve got some, you got some long, you’re long in the tooth as they say when it comes to Amazon.

Kyle:                                      [00:09:09]               Yeah. This is the going to be the end of the fourth year selling online now. I started back in, I started researching back in December of 2014 and I did that for about a month at the time, not knowing I was really missing out on a lot of q four sales. Um, but my first sale was on January seventh, 2015.

Stephen:                             [00:09:29]               So that’s a long time ago. Um, when, when, what was it that made it attractive to you? I mean, I understand you working at a pizza shop, you were doing different things. You were in college, but what was it that, that was like, you know, where Chris Green put something in your ear that like, oh, I see something here.

Kyle:                                      [00:09:48]               Yeah. So I would say it goes all the way back to high school. I knew about people selling on Ebay. I even bought a book back in high school about selling on Ebay and I never really did anything with it. I’m going to an auction once, but I just never took action on it. And then once I got into college and during my junior year at that time I started doing a little more research and that’s where I came across Chris Green, uh, his retail arbitrage book, online arbitrage book. I’d read those. Um, and that’s when I really decided to just take the plunge and go for it.

Stephen:                             [00:10:21]               But what was it like, there’s usually something in somebody that just, you know, the thrill of the hunt, the instant reward. There’s usually something that that’s a very attractive to the real successful people I’ve talked to.

Kyle:                                      [00:10:34]               Oh yeah, absolutely. The thrill of the hunt I think is one of the biggest things in the beginning. Um, whenever I was doing my research, I’ve heard about people going out to stores and I started doing it and like during that first month of research I was shopping as well, but I just, I didn’t take the plunge actually sending it in. I don’t know why. I don’t know what, but like I had inventory at the time. It was during the um, uh, what would it be like winter break at our school and I think we had like five or six weeks. We had a really long winter break here and my, like, I probably ended up buying $1,500 or so and inventory before I even took a plunge. Descended it now I don’t like I kick myself every time for her not taking that plunge. Like the first shipment was the biggest fear for me, but when I got over that and send it all in January seventh, I sold probably 10 items right when they hit the warehouse. And ever since, I’ve never, never looked back. Like that’s when I knew that I could do something with this.

Stephen:                             [00:11:32]               It’s like a floodgate, right? It’s that feeling. Um, yeah, that, that fear of getting started I think is a, uh, I don’t know if there’s a book out there called that that’s a good name for a book, fear of getting started because it’s just so hard. I mean, it’s just, you know, let’s face it, you know, you’ve listed a bunch of my shows, you, you’ve seen so many of these people. There are so many people that make this look so easy that they run into a problem and they can let me just write a line of code and I’ll blah blah, blah, blah, blah. I was watching a guy write a letter code yesterday. I’m like, holy smokes, how does this mind think like that? But you...





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