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Life-Saving Conversations: Tom Efird on Suicide Prevention
Episode 3024th March 2025 • The Midlife Revolution • Megan Conner
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In this vital episode of The Midlife Revolution, host Megan Conner delves into the critical topic of suicide prevention with expert therapist Tom Eord. Learn about the myths and realities surrounding mental health crises, including the importance of direct communication about suicidal thoughts, the role of medication, and the power of building personal resiliency. Tom shares firsthand insights on how to support loved ones in crisis, the significance of therapy, and practical steps to foster healing from trauma. Whether you're seeking help for yourself or a loved one, this episode provides essential tools and understanding to navigate the path to recovery and hope.




Hello, beautiful humans.


Welcome to the midlife revolution.


I'm your host, Megan Conner.


And today we're going to be


talking about suicide prevention.


I normally don't do trigger


warnings because I believe


that our triggers are there


to teach us things about ourselves.


But today I just want to


mention that we have a


little crawl on the bottom


of the screen for the


suicide crisis lifeline.


And if any of you need it,


please reach out for help.


Today I am joined by the


illustrious Tom Eford.






Thanks for joining me today.


Thanks for having me.


Would you like to tell the


people about your


credentials and where they can find you?


I am actually a licensed


clinical social worker and


an EMDR certified therapist


and approved consultant.


And I live in Texas.


I'm going to add to that


because that's a very boring description.


I think Tom is a,


is an excellent EMDR




He's a person who does not


suffer fools and proudly.




I come from a I come from a place where,


you know,


I'm not going to suffer foolishness.


And that's not I don't think


I think that's a skill set.


I think I think it builds resiliency.


And I think it's a great I


think it's a great asset to where,


you know,


we're just not I'm just not


going to play play with


fools because that's just a


waste of my time.


Just, I think, yeah,


that was a rather boring


description of what I do.


I've been in the field for 25 years.


I started in North Carolina


where I'm originally from.


Got licensed in North


Carolina and joined the


service at some point in 2012.


Served for five and a half


years and then ended up in Texas.


So I've spent the majority of, I mean,


I've spent my career,


I'd say since I learned how


to do EMDR in 2007,


I've spent the last 17 years,


18 years treating trauma.


I originally was a case manager in a small,




small rural community where it was


probably the best training


I've ever had anywhere,


because you see everything.


But once I got licensed and


learned how to do EMDR,


I just that's just become my wheelhouse.




So I always tell people on


my channel that I am not


any kind of a mental health professional.


I am just an expert in my own trauma.


And you actually are an expert in trauma.


I try to be.




So I'm going to go back and


talk a little bit about


some of my story and my


background for those people


who may be new to the


channel or don't know


anything about my story.


I survived sex trafficking as a child,


and I grew up in a very


toxic family of origin.


that sort of felt familiar to me.


And so I naturally was


attracted to those same


kinds of chaotic situations


as I got older and ended up


in some bad relationships.


And finally got to the point


where I had to address the


fact that my growing up was traumatic.


I had dissociated from it


for such a long time.


And I had an experience


around somewhere around 2014


where I had to wake up from


that dissociative state and


start confronting all of this trauma.


And I was in a really dark


place for a couple of years.


I love Christmas time.


I have six children.


Christmas is my very


favorite time of the year.


And in the Christmas of 2016,


I didn't take a single picture,


nothing of my kids Christmas Eve,


nothing waking up Christmas morning,


no presents or anything.


So that tells you a little


bit about what a dark place


I was in at the time.


And in January,


I decided to go on a girl's


trip to visit a friend who


lived in San Francisco.


And my phone must have been


listening to me and knew I


was visiting there because


I kept getting these news


stories and pop-ups about


things to do in San Francisco.


And one day a news article


popped up about a man who


had jumped from the Golden


Gate Bridge and lived.


And he talked about the fact that,


first of all,


that's rare for that to happen.


And secondly,


there's actually a group of


survivors that meet with


each other and they know


each other and support each other.


And he said one of the


things that all of those


survivors have in common is


that the second they jumped,


they immediately regretted it.


And after I read that article,


I made a decision that I


was going to live.


I wanted to live.


And despite the dark


thoughts that I had and the


dark place that I was in,


I decided that I didn't


want those thoughts to take


over and I didn't want to


leave my kids without their mother.


And so I came up with a plan to


get help for when i was in


those really dark spaces


and i wrote a book about


all of my healing


experiences it's called i


walked through fire to get


here and in the book i talk


about my plan and i had a


group of friends and i


referred to them as the


suicide squad and these are


the rules of the plan


Number one, when I'm in crisis,


I will send a text message


to the group with just a


number on a scale of one to


10 with one being suicidal


and 10 being euphorically happy.


I was never a 10.


I had never been a 10 at the


time I lived my life in the


three to five range.


Three was barely able to get


out of bed and pretend like


everything was okay.


So I could pretend to work


and pretend to be there for my kids.


It usually took several hits


to knock me down to a two


triggers trauma or more abuse.


This was before I had good, reliable,


unbreakable boundaries,


so I was getting hit often.


Once I was at a two, the assessment became,


am I about to spiral down


farther or will I be stable


enough to do some self-care


or get in to see my therapist?


If the answer was a spiral,


it was time for a text to the squad.


rule number two.


When I'm in crisis,


I'm not allowed to decline


any offers of help.


My usual behavior in crisis


was to shut down,


put the walls up and lock myself away.


I didn't want to tell anyone


how I was feeling.


I didn't want to reach out.


I didn't want to accept


phone calls or answer texts


or admit that I needed help


or allow people to help me.


The abuse and neglect I


suffered taught me not to trust anyone,


not to rely on anyone,


not to ask for anything from anyone ever.


The only person I could


really trust was me.


And even I wasn't very


trustworthy most of the time.


Rule number three,


the squad's job is to check in.


I was only required to


respond if my one to 10 number changed.


They were to offer encouragement,


we're here for you, you're not alone,


reminders like drink water, eat something,


practice self-care,


and help me keep track of


medications and dosages.


Rule number four.


If the episode lasted more


than a couple of doses of meds,


they had my permission to


contact my psychiatrist.


They all had his number and


he had a list of the names


and numbers of everyone in the squad.


And if necessary,


they had permission to call 911.


rule number five someone in


the squad would make


face-to-face contact within


a few hours and report back


to the rest of the squad


what the situation looked


like in person the most


important thing about this


plan is that all these


rules and plans were made


when i was not in crisis


with the help of my friends


and therapists i made a


list of self-care items i


could and would practice i


made a list of things that


would be encouraging to


hear and what i did not


want to hear the last thing


in the world i wanted was


for people to rush to my


side offer to bring me


cookies or a casserole


or sit there and bite their


nails with a worried


expression and ask trite questions like,


how are you really?


This plan,


this squad was put into place to


make sure that never happened.


When all was said and done,


I only needed the squad


three times over the course of a year,


and we never got to the


point where 911 was needed.


Just knowing that I had a


plan in place kept me from


going down the spiral at


least eight more times.


I found a way to end the


pain without ending my life.


So Tom,


I brought you here today to get a


clinician's perspective and


to hopefully assist some


people out there who either


are dealing with suicidal


feelings themselves or who


have a friend or a loved


one who are going through this as well.


So what advice do you have


about people putting a plan


in place similar to that?


I think any plan to prevent


suicide is a good plan.


Any plan is a good plan to prevent it.


And we'll be clear about that.


To prevent suicide,


any plan is a good plan.


Suicide is not part of our


natural instincts.


Our natural instinct is to live.


And you said that so eloquently,


survivors of suicide have


said they jumped and


immediately regretted it.


so I think that any plan to prevent it


is a good plan.




and I think the other thing to remember


for that,


I think that gets overlooked is


that our brains are hardwired to heal.


The brain is always trying


to return to a state of


natural balance and healing.




now going through things like you went


through as a kid is


certainly going to leave a mark.




But if we give ourselves the


time and the space to heal,


we're gonna heal.


Yeah, I think for me,


that was the hard part


because having confronted


all of the reality of all my trauma,


at the time that that came out,


I felt like I was never


gonna feel differently.


I felt like it was


impossible to confront all


of those different kinds of


abuse and come out on the


other side and be happy.


Well, if we look at it this way,


you're 15 years old and you


have your first boyfriend


or girlfriend breaks your heart.


You feel like you want to


die because that's your


first real heartbreak.


And then, you know, time goes on 10, 20,


30, 40 years later.


Now you just got a funny story.


Because in the immediate aftermath of that,


you don't sleep good for a few days.


You might have some weird dreams,


you don't eat good.


But eventually what happens


is the brain takes that


event and it puts it in its


proper context.


Like you just got your heart broke.


You're not going to die over this.




And you're going to move on.


Something like chronic


sexual abuse or exposure to


violence in childhood


that leaves a mark that


determines really what ends


up happening is you end up


in these patterns of


behavior until really you


get the help that you need.


And that help can come, you know,


sometimes it takes a while


to find the right help because we just,


you know, if you don't know,


you don't know.


And hindsight is always 20, 20.


But when you find that help


and you do the work,


things do get different, different.


And I think the important


thing to remember is that once,


once you kind of recover from something,


then it becomes the lesson


and you get the experience


and the wisdom.


So when some, if somebody, you know,


if you get out of,


if you were raised in a


violent home and you get


into violent relationships


and then you realize this


isn't good for me and you end up,


going to therapy or getting


the help that you need.


And then you start dating


again and you start seeing


those red flags.


Those red flags are not the circus.


That's not the entry you want.


You're going to look at


those red flags and go,


I've been down this road before.


I know how this ends.


That's a hard pass.


Then you end up having


better relationships


because you're not running


towards the circus with the red flags.


Yeah, of course.




And I did get to the point


where I became allergic to


disrespect and I became


allergic to volatile temperaments.


And, you know,


I just have zero tolerance


for any of those things now.


And it's it's easy to see


how that evolution happened for me.


And, you know,


now being on the other side of it,


I just think that so many people,


you know,


we all have some kind of a


trauma that we are that we


need to work through.


Some of it can be helped with talk therapy,


which is where I started.


Some of it needs more intense help,


different kinds of healing modalities.


But I think when people


think about the idea of


going to therapy and


confronting their deep,


dark secrets and their demons,


it feels overwhelming and


you don't want to do it.


And that's why most people don't.




When you ask for help,


if you have somebody who


you're worried about,


and I'll start there.


If you have somebody that


you're worried about,


I'm a fan of asking direct questions.


I think most of my patients


will tell you that I don't mess around.


I'm going to ask the direct question.


Are you thinking about killing yourself?




And if they say yes,


I'm going to ask some


follow-up questions because


if you ask the question and


you're not a clinician,


because me asking that question,


somebody says, yes, well,


it's nine o'clock on a Tuesday.


You know,


that's not something that's


necessarily going to keep


me awake at night.


If they have plan and if


they have the plan and the intent to die,


that will keep me awake and


I'm going to do what I need


to do to make sure that they're safe.


But if, if I wasn't a clinician, um,


Am I asked the question?


And then I have to be


prepared for the answer.


What happens if they say yes?


Well, I think the next thing,


because we're talking about


your loved ones and


everybody's got different


ways of handling these things.


But I think the most humane


thing to do is ask the question, well,


what can I do to help you


so you don't feel this way?


And if they say, well, I don't know,




That's when you do the follow up thing.


Can we get you some help?




Yeah, thank you for addressing that.


I think a lot of people are


afraid to ask the direct


question because there's


sort of this myth out there


that if you ask someone if


they're suicidal,


you're going to make them worse.


No, because if that was the case,


as much as I talk about


wanting a new guitar,


nobody's bought me a new guitar.


You know,


that's like listening to blues


music is going to, you know,


you're selling your soul to


the devil if you listen to


blues or rock music.


That's a myth.


It's not going to make anybody worse.


It's actually going to shine


a light on that shadow.


And, you know,


if they say they don't know and they say,


well, can we get you some help?


You know, then what do you do?


Well, if you have commercial insurance,


Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Humana,


United, most of these insurance companies,


and I know that people


complain about insurance companies.


I don't like to complain


about the people that pay me.


I think that's out of bounds.


You know, nothing's perfect.


But one of those insurance companies,


the things that an


insurance company will do


is when you call that 1-800


number and say, hey,


My kid,


my loved one is having suicidal thoughts.


This is their insurance policy, blah, blah,




I need to get some help.


Typically what that


insurance company will do,


and I'm going to knock on wood,


is that they're going to say, well,


let us help you find somebody.


And some insurances will


actually help you make


phone calls to providers


who are in network.


I know that people worry


about their insurance


companies knowing about


their mental health.


It's no different than going


to a doctor and being


diagnosed with diabetes or


heart condition.


Insurance companies are going to know.


And one of the things that


has happened over the last


dozen years is that when


the Affordable Care Act was passed,


I can't remember the year,


but when the ACA was passed,


they eliminated


pre-existing conditions and


they made mental health and


substance abuse,


they gave it parity with


medical conditions.


So you don't have to,


typically you don't have to


pay any more than what you


would pay your provider for


a doctor's visit.


But calling your insurance


company and using your


in-network benefits,


and finding a provider that


way is a great resource.


The other thing is check


with your employer because employers have,


especially if it's a big company,


employee assistance programs.


Sometimes they have mental


health benefits that are


extended to family members.


And those things are usually free.


And I'm a big fan of free.


I like free.


So, you know,


and you get a certain amount


of sessions for free.


Can you talk a little bit


about confidentiality and


sort of the myth that if


you call the suicide crisis line,


if you call 988,


that they're going to send


police to your door or, you know,


something like that.


I've had a lot of people ask


questions about that.


I will always and forever


reserve my right to be


wrong about things.


I'm a married man.


I can either be right or I can be happy.


I don't get to be both.


My understanding and things


that I've read about 988 is


that that rarely happens.


If somebody is that


concerned that you've got


the plan and the intent to die,


somebody should call 911


and have them do a safety check.


I would rather that happen


and have somebody be angry that, well,


they called the police on me.


Well, were you suicidal?




Did you have a plan?




Did you have intent?




Well, they did the right thing.


I would rather have you


alive and angry than dead


and having to do that work


with grieving parents or a


grieving spouse or kids.


You know,


just because you call 988 doesn't


mean that, you know,


the police are going to


automatically show up.


They're going to walk you


through it and they're


going to give you resources to help you.


So I want to talk a little


bit about what you said


about plan and intent,


because there's a


difference between suicidal


ideation and then having plan and intent.


So can you explain to us


what those differences are?


Well, you know,


going to bed at night and


praying that you don't wake


up in the mornings,


And then you wake up and


you're disappointed.


Then you roll out of bed and


you go on about your day.


That's depression and hopelessness.


You can work with that.




Having brief fleeting suicidal ideation.


Well, sometimes I think about this thing.




Are you going to?




Why not?


Well, I've got kids.


Well, I've got this thing to live for.




I want you to keep living for that thing.


You know, if it gets any worse than that,


let me know.


We'll talk.


But having a plan is when you're preparing,


you're giving things away,


you're practicing what it's


going to be like to do the


act that you're how you're


going to end your life.


And the intent to die is when you are like,




today's the day this is happening


and it's going to happen at this time.




so those are some good warning signs


for those of us who have


loved ones who have


struggled with depression.


If your loved one starts


giving away meaningful things,


or if they start writing


letters that sound like


their goodbye letters,


or if they start talking


more and more about not being around,


those are the times to


intervene and start asking the questions.




and this is the other thing that I get,


because you were talking


about confidentiality.


And it's, you know,


confidentiality laws are


confidentiality laws.


There's a reason why we have HIPAA.


It's a federal law that


protects people's privacy


and confidentiality when it


comes to the healthcare.


If I get referred a patient,


And they want me to talk to


their loved ones, their spouse, their mom,


their dad or whoever.


They have to sign a release


of information and we have


to discuss what information


I can talk to their loved ones about.


And I've done this where, you know,


somebody I used to work


emergency services early in my career.


and somebody is bringing


their loved one in,


and you really have to convince,


and it's really just a lot


of convincing the person,


sign the release of


information so we can bring


your parent in,


we can bring your loved one in,


because you're getting them


to buy into the process,


buy into getting help,


because it makes them feel


like they have some locus of control.


Even when I was in the


military and we'd have to


hospitalize somebody,


there's rare occasions where


it's involuntary because I


want them to buy into this process that,


you know what, it's bad right now.


It's going to get different.


We're going to get you through this.


But the confidentiality laws


means that as long as you


sign that release of


information as a clinician, I can talk,


I can talk to you.


If they say, no,


my hands are effectively tied.


There's nothing I can do.


You know,


if they're telling me that they


if they're suicidal,


they have the implant and


the intent to die.


I can call 911 and have 911


have the police do a safety check.


And that's what I can do.


You know,


there have been a few times since


I've been out of the Air Force that.


I've missed having the


ability to hospitalize


people that I think needed


to go because they just


weren't buying in and I had


to escalate it to a, to a higher level.






And, but the important thing is,


is that getting somebody to buy into,


there might be a better way to do this,


be a better way to get help


So I think I remember you


saying that the only times


that you needed to contact


someone on the outside and


involve a third party is if


somebody is planning on


hurting themself or someone else.




typically it's with if they're going


to hurt themselves.




And they've got a plan or the intent.




I think there's this myth out there that,


well, if I say yes,


I'm going to be hauled off


to the psych ward.


And that's not necessarily how that goes.




You know,


somebody having brief fleeting


suicidal ideation that that's Tuesday.


It's like I said, it's not going to get my,


it's going to get my attention.


That's something that's


going to be on my radar,


but it's not something that


I'm going to get too worked


up about because, okay, they're just,


they're in pain right now.


I think it's a lot more


common than people think, you know,


and I certainly thought


when I was going through it, I was like,


I'm probably the only one


who feels this extreme about this.


You know,


I'm the only one who's having


these thoughts,


but I think it's pretty common.




It can be,


but I think the myth of being


placed on a psych ward,


I think it's overrated.


If you end up on a psych


ward that is for stabilization purposes,


you're gonna be there for


24 to 72 hours typically.


It's a rare occasion,


at least since I've been


out of the emergency services


arena if when i was working


emergency services uh


doctors would do an


evaluation and say that


they need to be


hospitalized the patient


doesn't want to go and they


fill out the form for in


they do an involuntary


petition to have that


person committed to a psych


unit for observation


And typically, at least in state,


every state is different


about how this process goes.


But you have to go, you know,


the clinician has to


contact the magistrate and


swear out an affidavit and say, hey,


this person is suicidal.


We cannot guarantee their safety.


They need to be committed.


They need to be a 24 to 48


hour commitment and the


police will go pick them up,


which is why it's always


better to get the buy in


Because if it's voluntary, it goes better.


But there have been times


where I've had to go down


to the magistrate and say,


I swear this person is


doing this and this needs


to happen for their safety.




They usually get mad, but they're alive.


Well, yes.


And as you said before,


we'd rather have them be


mad at you or mad at us for


making the phone call than


to have to deal with the


consequences of completed self-harm.


But again,


it doesn't happen as often as


people think.


It usually happens when


people are really in a bad


way and they are refusing help.




So basically,


if you want to avoid getting committed,


buy into your own healing.


You know, I would recommend that.




And, you know,


this is the other thing is


that when you're when


you're looking for clinician,


everybody wants a doctor,


everybody wants a psychiatrist.


And there's nothing wrong with that.


The psychiatrists,


at least in my experience,


they don't do that kind of therapy.


They do medication


management and medication


management for depression,


for mental health issues.


It's a wonderful asset.


It's a wonderful tool.


I know people say, well,


I don't want to take medications.


Well, you know,


Diabetics don't want to take insulin,


but there they are taking insulin.


There are medications there


that are supposed to help


alleviate those symptoms.


It doesn't necessarily mean


that you're going to be on them forever,


but to get you through, it helps.


Yeah, when I when I first started therapy,


there just was nothing that


was making me feel better.


And I didn't want to get on


medication either.


There's all of the stigma


around it and side effects


and all those kinds of things.


And when I did finally get on medication,


I was able to get above that, you know,


three or four on a scale of


one to 10 for the first time in years.


And I was able to get out of


bed in the morning and function normally.


And I always said that


depression for me felt like


there was a filter over my


brain and none of the bad


thoughts could get out and


none of the good thoughts could come in.


So I was just stuck in this


place all the time and


medication helped get rid


of that filter so that I


could finally start feeling


hopeful about things again.




And so I'm not a prescribing provider.


So when patients ask me


questions about their medications,


I'm like, one, two, three, not it.


Call your doctor,


because if you're having these issues,


you should be talking to


your doctor about this.


If I think that you need medications,


I'm going to tell you,


I think you need a second opinion,


because even in my work,


I may be an expert, considered an expert,


but I can still be wrong.


And I'm a fan of getting a second opinion.


A lot of people don't


realize that you can get, um,


depression medication from


your regular primary care doctor.


You don't have to go to a psychiatrist.


You can, you can get your,


you can get psych meds from


a nurse practitioner or PA,


or just a regular, uh,


general practitioner.


but that's for medications for therapy.


i'm a licensed clinical


social worker so i have a


master's degree in social


work i've been licensed


since 2003. so i am


sanctified and certified by


the state of texas that i


can provide assessments do


treatment planning provide


outpatient therapy services um


and do discharge planning


and case management.


I cannot prescribe medications.


So a few years ago,


my wife and I were at a


social work conference here in Texas,


and we were standing in


line to get lunch.


we were standing behind some


students some young


students and me being the


smarter like that i am i


overheard one of them say


how do you tell the


difference between a


master's level provider


psychologist and a


psychiatrist and without


thinking i said level of


arrogance and my wife


immediately just does this


number and start shaking


her head like why


I don't know.


It's a true statement.


I mean,


if you spend any time with providers,


you'll be like,


and I have the same problem.


But the difference is, is that LCSWs,


licensed professional counselors, LPCs,


licensed marriage and family therapists,




there might be another license I'm


missing, but we can assess,


we can write treatment plans.


we can diagnose, we can provide therapy.


And depending on like social workers,


we're trained a little


differently because a lot


of our work started in the community.


So we go from a systems perspective.


It's not only that individual,


but what societal factors


are impacting that person.


Do they have food?


Do they have a roof over their head?


Are they in a safe environment?


I can't tell you how many


times I've done evaluations


where I'll ask the questions, well,


do you have food in your refrigerator?


And if they say no and they're cranky,


well, they might be hungry.


If they're having financial issues,


if they're having...


marital if there's marital


conflict there might be


something else impacting


those symptoms that i need


to be aware of but we're


all trained to do therapies


whether it's and it's


usually basic stuff in grad


school and then we go on


and get other training um


psychologists and psyd's


they're trained to do the


same thing the only thing


that the bare bones of what they do


is the only thing they do


additionally is IQ and


personality disorder


testing and testing for


learning disabilities.


And they do those things beautifully.


They're great at it.


I've worked with a lot of


great psychologists over the years.


So those are kind of the differences.


What else do we need to


cover about suicide prevention?


What haven't we asked yet?


That is important to know.




Best way of preventing suicide.


Build resiliency.


The R word resiliency.


Heard that a lot in the Air Force.


Build resiliency.


And I always kind of chuckle


at that because service members,


when we join the service,


we're typically a little healthier.


We have to be a little


healthier than everybody else.


So we've already got some


built in resiliency.


I work with a lot of parents.


I don't work with kids.


I think I've kind of aged


out of working with kids.


No longer cool.


I'm an old guy.


But I tell parents who are


worried about their kids, it's like,


when have you allowed them to fail?


When have you taught them how to fail?


Because the best way that


you're gonna prevent this


stuff in the future is if


you teach them how to fail.


And it's gonna stink.


When you watch your kid fail, it stinks.




my mom was one of those old Southern


women who did not play games.


And she did not suffer


foolishness like a lot of


moms of that generation.


And she made it very clear


that if we failed at school,


there were gonna be


consequences that we didn't want.


Now, we would, you know,


grow our hair as long as I


had hair at one point.


We would grow, we had long hair,


holes in our jeans, you know,


listening to rock music,


doing just dumb things.


But my mom set her limits.


She goes,


I don't care what kind of music


you listen to,


but if your grades are not good,


we have a problem.


And she was a great believer


in teaching object lessons.


You know, four years old,


we were standing in my


grandmother's living room.


She was ironing her clothes and she said,


honey, don't touch that iron.


It's hot.


And I didn't believe her.


Put my finger on that thing,


started hollering.


And she looked at me and said, well,


I told you it was hot.


What'd you learn?


Which was normally the, you know,


after the lesson, after the,


after I learned the lesson, well,


what did you learn?


You know?


I think that's such a great way to handle,


you know, children's failure or children,


you know,


being disappointed about


something is to just, just say,


what did you learn?


Because that's a very


nonjudgmental way to say


you and I both know that didn't go well.


And the important thing is, yeah,


what did you learn and what


are you going to do


differently next time?




if there's violence in the


home that's something


different but if you're in


a house where you know


there's a mix of discipline


and love and we know from


studies after studies that


parents just who give their


kids are permissive with


their kids and let them do


anything well they end up


getting spoiled little


brats if on the other hand


you have strict


disciplinarians that they


have to toe the line and


you know, all that, well,


they're just going to get


better at hiding.


They're going to get better


at hiding bad behaviors.


But what we found is that in, you know,


at least the last time I looked at it,


parents that give a mix of, you know,


setting limits and


consequences and boundaries


and rewards when they've


earned it typically end up


with with fairly decent kids.


You know, notwithstanding,


we're all you know, when we're all kids,


we're all stupid.


I don't mean that in a bad way,


but we're all kids.


We do dumb things.


That's just life.


Putting your finger on a hot


iron taught me don't touch a hot iron,


you know.


But it is really, well,


what did you learn?


And being nonjudgmental about it.


And sometimes as, you know,


working with kids,


sometimes it really is.


Here's the thing.


I'm not okay with that behavior.


Don't do that again.


And here's the consequence.


But the other thing is,


and I really do kind of


feel sorry for kids


nowadays is because there's


social media and


everybody's got a cell phone.


And it's hard to build relationships.


But I think that some of the


things that protect us over


time is having people that


we can count on, friends.


And the thing that I hear from patients,


which I will always and


forever reserve my right to


be right about this, is when they say,




I can't burden my friends with this.


And I'm like, no,


that that's not how this is


going to work.


As a therapist,


I get you for one hour a week.


I get that's it.


And we have work to do.


And I'm going to structure


that time so you get your needs met.


Because you coming in and


talking to me about your


feelings is not going to be


ineffective because


essentially what you're


doing is you're just


stirring a pot of soup.


You're stirring everything up.


You walk out.


You feel like crap.


And then you have to deal


with that the rest of the day.


Mm hmm.


And so what I want to do is


stir the pot in session,


make sure that you've dealt


with what you've had to deal with.


So when you leave my office


or leave telehealth,


because that's what I'm doing now,


when you log out,


you feel better because


that's kind of the point of therapy.


Because if you're doing the


same thing with your


therapist every week and


nothing's changing, to me,


that would be a problem.


Yeah, time to get a new therapist.


Yeah, it's time to get a new therapist.


And I tell all of my patients,


if what I'm doing isn't working for you,


we're going to have a


conversation about it


because there was a time I


probably would have tried


to stick it out with them.


But if it's not working, it's not working.


And frankly,


it just gets really hard to


write those notes after a while,


plus wasting that person's time.


And that's that's not that's


not great for for for helping people.


But there are things that I


think one building those


friendships that and, you know,


women communicate very


differently than guys do.


It's just it's just our nature.


I'm not going to go to my


friends and tell them all of my feelings.


I'm going to say, dude,


you ain't going to believe this.


And my friends are going to be like, dude,


And they're going to be there for me.


Like, is there anything I can do?


Nah, dude, I just need to say it.


I, if there's something I can do,


let me know.




Um, because we,


we communicate differently.


We just, you know, we do.


It's neither bad nor good.


Just is what it is.


Um, but I think other,


just like keeping life really simple,


getting off of social media, phone down,




Practice daily routines.


Getting out of bed is a daily routine.


Brushing your teeth is a daily routine.


Drinking a good cup of


coffee is a good routine to have.


Don't drink coffee at


midnight unless you're a


third shift worker.




If you're not moving, get moving.


Try something new.


If you've stopped listening


to the music that you grew up with,


just because you, you know,


you've stopped listening to it.


Revisit those songs, revisit those albums,


because they are going to hit different.


Be okay, get okay with failing.


And over the age of 50, I can tell you,


I failed at things.


I can't remember who said this,


but I love this quote that


the definition of success


is moving from failure to


failure without a loss of enthusiasm.


I think that was Winston Churchill.


Might be, yeah.


I think it was Churchill.


And it's just the


acknowledgement that life


is a series of failures.


And if you think of it that way,


then you appreciate the


things that happen well


because they're rare.


Yeah, you know, I had a...


I was talking to a friend of


mine who's a vet and he's


retiring and we were


talking about our


experiences in the military.


And, you know,


some of my experience was


amazing and some of it was


just creptacular in an epic proportions.


And we were talking about it and I said,


you know,


even with all the even with all


the bad stuff,


I wouldn't change any of it.


And he's like, why?


I was like,


because I wouldn't have ended


up where I am.


I mean,


it literally the worst some of the


worst moments of my life


occurred when I was in the military.


Just due to bad leadership,


because leadership is key


to preventing mental health


issues in your in your troop or in work.


So, you know, I told him, I said, you know,


I would do all I would do


it all over again.


Yeah, because it made me exactly who I am.


And I got those lessons that


I can pass on to other


people if they want them.


And if they don't want them, that's OK.


The other thing to remember,


because I find myself


saying this a lot lately.


Feelings are not facts.


Your feelings are going to change.


And I know that there are


people out there who would


disagree with me about this.


And hey, Kitty.


um it's time for her treats


uh my goal is to help you


move past those yucky


feelings if you've got a


lot of trauma that you're


hanging on to there's work


to be done we can get you


through that and you're not


going to feel the same way


but that said there's no


therapy on this planet that


is ever going to make you like something


didn't like broccoli as a


kid probably not going to


like broccoli as an adult


if you didn't like being


sexually abused as a kid


probably not going to like


it as an adult and that's


okay what therapy is going


to do is it's going to take


out the emotional sting of


those issues and so that


way you're not having those


same reactions because if


you keep having the same


reactions over and over


again that's a problem


But I just, you know,


and I say this to a lot of people,


you know,


our feelings aren't facts and


our feelings are going to change.


And we're going to grow through them.


They're going to be different.


So the next time, you know,


somebody tries to pull the


wool over your eyes,


you're going to be sitting there going,


I've seen this movie before.


I know how it ends.


I'm good.


No, thank you.


Yeah, for sure.


Miss Pris here is demanding her treat.


What is her name?


We need to know.


Her name is Callie.


Her Majesty.


Her Majesty the Queen.




thank you so much for spending time


with us today.


And I appreciate all of your


helpful commentary.


And I hope this helps some


people out there to get the


help they need.









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