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BTM 54: (Anniversary/Bonus) A Tribe Of Mentors with Trevor McGregor
25th May 2018 • Before the Millions • Daray Olaleye: Real Estate Investor and Business Coach
00:00:00 01:02:52

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Trevor McGregor has been a business and personal coach of Daray’s for quite some time. Today Trevor tells us his 6 steps every real estate investor must have in place to succeed. Trevor is a Master Platinum Coach having completed over 15,000 coaching hours, working with hundreds of clients from around the world to achieve success and fulfillment, including Fortune 500 executives, high level real estate investors, entrepreneurs, world-class athletes and professionals.


Before launching his own coaching practice, Trevor was a Master Coach with the Anthony Robbins Group, offering elite coaching unlike any other program in the world. On today’s episode, we learn about what initially inspired Trevor to get into entrepreneurship. You’ll also learn about how he met someone at a local meet-up group that introduced him to the power of real estate investing. Trevor shares his coaching experience inside the Tony Robbins Group. He talks about how he knew he was ready to leave the Tony Robbins group and start pursuing his own goals and dreams. Trevor wraps up the interview speaking about the impact of having mentors has helped him achieve his goal of financial freedom.


The 6 Steps Every Real Estate Investor Must Do To Succeed

  1. Get rid of limiting beliefs
  2. Create a strategic plan
  3. Commit to being persistent and consistent towards your goals
  4. Set up tried and true systems in place
  5. Pay attention to how you spend your time
  6. The importance of accountability and course correction


Key Points From This Episode:

  • The 6 steps Trevor recommends every real estate investor must take to succeed
  • The story of how Trevor was introduced into the opportunity to work with Tony Robbins group
  • The importance of networking and investing in coaching during his entrepreneur journey
  • How to determine the #1 thing to help move your business forward
  • Breakdown of Trevor’s daily routine that keeps him focused and motivated


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

Book:  The ONE Thing by Gary Keller

Trevor’s Website: Trevor McGregor

Favorite Book: Think & Grow Rich

Favorite Lifestyle Design App: Headspace


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