Are you tired of feeling fatigued, relying on caffeine and energy drinks just to get through the day? Do you feel like your body isn’t performing the way it should?
You’re not alone, and this week's guest may have just what you need.
Join us as we dive into the world of health and vitality with special guest Rob Rene, the founder of Exodus.
After being hit by not one but two life-changing events, Rob discovered his mission to help people transform their health by combining biblically inspired ingredients with the groundbreaking power of molecular hydrogen.
Loral's Takeaways:
Meet Rob Rene:
Rob Rene, a former high-level athlete and near-death survivor whose life was transformed after a near-fatal accident. With a deep passion for natural health, Rob has become an inspiring keynote speaker, herbalist, and molecular hydrogen researcher, sharing his unique insights on living a pain-free and vibrant life. As a frequency medicine specialist, he uses cutting-edge techniques to heal, while his investigative work exposes the hidden truths behind the mainstream medical system.
Rob is also the host of the "I Am Pain Free" podcast, where he explores natural and faithful living, bringing to light topics like the censorship of natural health, the power of frequency medicine, and the ancient healing wisdom found in the Bible. Through his company, Exodus Strong, Rob is on a mission to help people break free from Big Pharma drugs and embrace natural solutions. With the launch of his transformational supplement, Exodus, Rob combines 2000 years of biblical healing herbs with the scientifically-backed benefits of molecular hydrogen, offering a path to better energy, stress relief, and overall health.
His goal is to help one million people read the Bible every day and to guide individuals toward a healthier, more vibrant life. With Rob, it's all about "Exiting the Old You" and stepping into a new life filled with energy, wellness, and faith.
Try Exodus Today!
Meet Loral Langemeier:
Loral Langemeier is a money expert, sought-after speaker, entrepreneurial thought leader, and best-selling author of five books.
Her goal: to change the conversations people have about money worldwide and empower people to become millionaires.
The CEO and Founder of Live Out Loud, Inc. – a multinational organization — Loral relentlessly and candidly shares her best advice without hesitation or apology. What sets her apart from other wealth experts is her innate ability to recognize and acknowledge the skills & talents of people, inspiring them to generate wealth.
She has created, nurtured, and perfected a 3-5 year strategy to make millions for the “Average Jill and Joe.” To date, she and her team have served thousands of individuals worldwide and created hundreds of millionaires through wealth-building education keynotes, workshops, products, events, programs, and coaching services.
Loral is truly dedicated to helping men and women, from all walks of life, to become millionaires AND be able to enjoy time with their families.
She is living proof that anyone can have the life of their dreams through hard work, persistence, and getting things done in the face of opposition. As a single mother of two children, she is redefining the possibility for women to have it all and raise their children in an entrepreneurial and financially literate environment.
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Those T shirts. Okay, hey, this is Laurel. And welcome back to Laurel's real money. Talks a podcast about money. We talk about how to make it. We talk about how to keep it through corporate structure, low tax, you know, really the lowest basis, tax planning, Legacy planning, and then how to invest so you can compound your money for the rest of your life and legacy generations to come. You have to use a team. There's too many experts. It's fascinating. I talk a lot, you know, to whether it's an engineer or surgeon, who go to school for six to eight years. Well, CPAs go to school, typically have a Master's of account, and they go to school for five to six years and spend another two years and 2000 hours getting an exam. So I said an accountant's not trying to be an engineer or surgeon. So why are you trying to be an accountant? So experts are critical to this journey in wealth building. And my favorite interviews on our podcast and our best reviews come from me interviewing other entrepreneurs and how they've done it, how they have made it. And I have a really amazing guest today, and I met him through Howard, who is my doctor, my naturopathic doctor, chiropractor, amazing. And Howard introduced me to rob Renee, who has designed this extraordinary product called Exodus. Now the supplement world, having lived in it, I've actually, I don't know if you know this, Rob, but I built a supplement company. We bought it was really broken. It was right out at Flagstaff Arizona, and we built it and sold it for millions and millions of dollars. So this is a tough one, because it's highly, highly, highly crowded. Everybody says they have the newest best thing. So Robert A is the designer and the founder, actually, Howard helped design it, but the founder of Exodus, and it comes from seven biblically based supplements, and we're going to have a big interview, because Rob, most people don't come to market for their first big entrepreneurial venture and come out with supplements. So welcome, Rob Renee. I'm
Rob Rene:I'm so excited to be here. I really appreciate it. Yeah, this is not an easy road to hoe, but it's not my road to hoe. It's the Lord's right. Literally, I believe that he led me to do this, and I'm just following. It's like, okay, you really want me to do this, Lord. It's like, okay, you know, if this is what you want me to do, then and I'm going to be obedient and listen. And this is exactly what he's got me this path on. And so it's so funny, because I do hear that that same comment, oh, the supplement space is so crowded, and everybody has a supplement, and all the supplements are junk and and I was literally praying, that's like reading the Bible, going, there's gotta be something that I can do to help people. This could just journey started for me when, when the pandemic hit, right, it was like, Oh my gosh, I want to protect my family. And I really leaned back on my background as a as an athlete, I was a young runner, and my goal in life was to be a professional runner. When I was young, and I made it, got a division scholarship to a division one school, and was doing great from a running perspective, and then, boom, I got hit by a truck, and that truck threw me 36 feet. I landed straight on my face, and all sudden, boom, my, my running career at that point was, was over. My, my lifelong goal of being a professional runner was, was out the door through that, through that truck. But the reason why I mentioned that part of my story is because I knew how important nutrition was. That was one of my special gifts of being that runner. Wasn't because I was so gifted physically. Is because I knew how to fuel my body. So being a distance runner, I knew that if I fueled my body correctly at the end of the race, I always had something extra. And my competitors were out, you know, eating pizza and drinking soda, and I'm fueling my body perfectly. And at the end of the race, I always had something extra special. So when the pandemic hit, was kind of boom, the second truck hit me. And like, you know, before
Loral Langemeier:you go to the pandemic and tell us this journey, the journey in between. So not becoming a runner, did you do other entrepreneurial ventures? I mean, what did you do between then and this? I'm gonna say calling was what you have. Because I would say this has been my calling. And when you, when you're called to duty, you know, I say being obedient. It's, it's a huge it's a, it's, there's a, I shouldn't say a burden to it, but it's a heavy lift that comes with it, heavy responsibility. I'd say it comes with it. But here's what I also say to all of you who know that you have a gift and you haven't actually executed it. Once you give a little, it just keeps coming, like this book. I mean, two years ago, we hit them. They make your kids millionaires. I got another podcast about that today, so it just keeps coming once you answer a calling. So I just want to acknowledge you for answering a calling, because most people get those little taps and whispers and they don't go so, yeah, yeah. Well, the middle part of the journey. So
Rob Rene:the long part of my journey, I spent 25 Five years doing what the world told me I needed to do. The world told me I need to go out and get a job, corporate job, and I needed to work for a large corporation and get a 401, K and and buy a buy a house with a white picket fence and have three kids and have a dog, and be be busy watching sports and be busy playing new video games. And it was like I had this design life that was just designed to be busy and designed and do really nothing in life, as far as actually making a difference in this world. And that's when did you do in that work world? What were you I was sold enterprise software. So I worked for IBM, I worked for some really large corporations, and I loved my job. I was really good at my job. I was really good at corporate sales, but part of my it got me in trouble and respect that from my health perspective, I was in corporate sales, and I was selling enterprise software, and part of that is, is entertaining, right? So guess what you do? And you entertain. You take people out to dinners every night. Then after dinner. Guess what you do after dinner? Where do you take them after dinner? Laurel, yeah, you gotta go to the bar, right? You gotta the the bar, and cut the deal, got a drink, and then it was like that drink became, for 20 some years, that I drink every day, you know, which was very, very big problem. I was a very highly functional alcoholic. I call it that. So anyway, just doing what the world was telling me to do, this is what you do. And then when the pandemic hit, that, that second truck, as I call it, because it had a similar effect as that first one did, is my entire life changed, boom, in an instance, and the pandemic kind of did that same thing to me. Is like, boom, I lost my sales job. And I'm like, well, that sucks, because I can't, I can't travel because noone can travel right now. And I'm like, What am I doing? And I wanted to protect my family so that that's when I leaned back on that nutrition, beginning right? I'm like, Okay, I'm going to go help my family be safe through this, because this is scary, whatever the heck is going on in the world and and then I it's really was crazy and respected. I started doing research on how I could keep my family healthy. But then I saw this, this doctor being talking about vitamin D. And vitamin D, I know is from the sun, right? It's the God given son. It's like, okay, that makes sense to me. Vitamin D is healthy. But then, why are they vilifying this guy? They were crucifying this doctor, and I couldn't understand, why not? Like, man, maybe this is a really bad dude, right? Maybe he's really bad, yeah. What has he done? So I went
Loral Langemeier:on to something. Maybe it was ivermectin and hydrochloroquine and viral,
Rob Rene:empty, healthy. I was nuts, right? So, and I didn't. I had no clue that this was going on in our world. So when I saw them crucifying Him, I knew there was a reason why. So then I started doing research. And what that research I found is exactly what you just mentioned. It's like, oh my gosh, they're They're crucifying Him, not because it's what he's telling is going to hurt anybody, because they want to shut him up. Like, why would they want to shut him up? So then I started doing research on the whole medical industry. Yeah, became it's all about the the
Loral Langemeier:money and vaccines. And if you've noticed too, which all of you, if you haven't been paying attention, I mean, now it's, it's everything has vaccine. I mean, they are pushing vaccines as, like the cure all of everything versus,
Rob Rene:right? They want to put it in mosquitoes, right? So they can, they can vaccinate us without us even knowing it. Yeah, it's like the there's some evil ass people in this in this world, right?
Loral Langemeier:Tell us how you got to the seven biblical songs. That's what, when I met you, when I met you, I thought, What a cool way to look at the supplement world. So kind of combine the nutrition to what you found in the seven supplement.
Rob Rene:Yeah. So I was, as I mentioned, I was digging into the Bible at the at that point, this point, I was like, Oh my gosh, there's something going on this world. And I started having, finally, a decent relationship with my savior, right? So I started reading the book the Bible all the time. I was like, Lord, help me find out what's going on in the world and then what's going on. And I just started researching. So as I was looking at things to do to help my family, I started there. I'm like, Oh my gosh, the Lord is our healer, right? He tells us that, specifically, that's one of my favorite verses, right? Is, is Exodus 1526, it's like, oh my gosh. This is, this is amazing. So then I started researching all the ingredients in the Bible. And there's 20 or 30 ingredients in the Bible that maybe not specifically mentioned, but talked about. And there's 20 that are specifically mentioned. So I was researching all those, but I couldn't find anything that was different. I was like, There's stuff already out there in the market. Like you said, it's so crowded. It's like, okay, there frankincense on the market, there's murder in the market, there's saffron in the market. Like, what can I do that's different? What combination? I was like, there's gotta be something here. And that's when the Lord led me to Howard. I mean literally, it was like I was researching all these cool ingredients and combinations and and Howard had this molecular hydrogen blend that has so much amazing health effects on the body. And he was looking for me, and I was looking for him, and we combined together. To create this incredible product called Exodus that has those seven biblical ingredients are really synergistic to the health effects of molecular hydrogen. So you combine the two and there's nothing else on the market like it. That's why I'm just so stoked, because, yeah, the the supplement industry is ridiculously complicated, and there's really gross people in this marketplace, just because they all they want to do is is throw crap out there in the market, and all they want is your money, and they want to put you on a subscription and hide away and and run from you. And we're trying to do just the opposite. We're like, we have a product that really helps you. We've even created an entire system. It's like a 40 day journey. It's like fatigue to vitality. We want to take you from the old you and bring you to a new you. And we're going to give you every step of everything to do along the way. We're giving you a checklist, right? Simple, these follow these steps. Boom, it's got a 50 checklist. Yeah, it's so easy because it's like, Okay, here's the things you need to do in the morning, here's the thing, the things you do in the afternoon, here's what you do in the evening. And it's simple things like hydration, right and getting sun and getting correct proper sleep and getting the right nutrients you need, and what that's part of our our supplement giving you the nutrients you need. But if you can start taking care of your body, and you could do it for a 40 day period, you're going to be so addicted to it because it's helping you, and you're going to feel so good. You're going to like, what did I do to myself for these many years? But now, after this 40 day journey, you're not going to stop and you're just going to keep improving, improving, improving. And then this molecular hydrogen is so cool that it acts as a master actually
Loral Langemeier:dig deep into how does that that that hydrogen and and with these specific ingredients, how does it what does it do to your body? I mean, you said it gives you a lot of energy, but what are the healing properties? What a what does it do as a combination that made the formula so unique? Yeah,
Rob Rene:that's what's so fun about them. Obviously, I can't, you know, disclaimer, binary all. I can't, I can't make any claims all about our product, but it is an amazing thing. What the research shows, there's some awesome research done on hydrogen and molecular hydrogen on the human body. And when you go research these scientific reports, the results are amazing. It helps with inflammation. Inflammation is literally the site I interview. I have a podcast called I Am pain free, and I interview holistic doctors every week, and almost every single doctor says the source of all disease is inflammation. So guess what? If you can reduce inflammation in your body, that's a good thing, right? So guess what? One of the main benefits of molecular hydrogen is a reduced inflammation. So that's super cool, and a big part of it. But another thing that I love about molecular hydrogen is a thing that I had not heard of before. They call it a master antioxidant. Like, okay, I've heard of an antioxidant before, but what I've learned is antioxidants can be bad. Sometimes they get rid of too much stuff in your bloodstream, and so they get rid of the good stuff. So the awesome thing about molecular hydrogen is it deciphers between good cells and bad cells, and attaches itself to the bad cells, the free radicals, and extracts them from your your blood, and then the mitochondrial process, maybe the ones that are struggling because they don't have the the right nutrients because you're not eating the right foods, or you're not drinking the water, you're not hydrated, so your mitochondrial the process struggles, and this helps the mitochondrial process work more efficiently. So that's why it's so cool, is and then your blood recycles every 90 days. So if you can clean it out over a 90 day period. We're starting the off with 40, right? I want you at least get to 40, and if you do 40, you're going to be so stoked, because you're, you're feel so much better. But then you get to the 90 day and your blood has been cleaned for that 90 day period, and you're, you have new, fresh flood. And it's just so so cool to see that in people, because there go from really poor health that have issues that are wide, wide ranging, and we're focusing on the our messaging on fatigue, because I we found out that, like, 69% of Americans struggle with fatigue, and it's like they they struggle during the afternoon, but like, oh my gosh, I need my pickup, you Know? So they go, they go to energy drinks, right? They all this crap that's in the marketplace. And then it's unbelievable, how many people are addicted to Starbucks, right? Or to to having your, your $7 $8 cup of coffee. I love coffee because I like to taste, right? So I still drink the coffee occasionally, but I was one of the the reasons why people created this solution was, I have a heart condition called bradycardia, so my heart beats really slow. So like, 32 beats a minute, my heart rate beats, you know, the doctor's like, man, how are you walking around? Like, I don't know, this way God made me, but I in the afternoon, about two o'clock, I would crash, I'd get I'd get exhausted. It because my body's not getting enough oxygen, and I would go take a nap, and I was like, This is frustrating. It's like, I'm, you know, in my 50s, like, why am I having to take a nap? This is stupid. And so I wanted to create a solution that helped me with that. That's I was doing all this research on the biblical ingredients and then this molecular hydrogen combination. Now, though, when I take excess I don't need to take that afternoon nap. It's like, it's like, really, I have extended energy throughout the day. And so I'm like, Man, I can take this and take this to the world, and people are going to love it, because it helps them recover from their athletic workouts and help them have sustained energy throughout the day that they don't have without it. And so it's just, it's so exciting. So, so
Loral Langemeier:what? So what is the protocol? Let's go back to kind of, what are the protocol with this? Because I know when I met you and Howard, you said, make sure you don't take it too late in the day to that point, because it does create energy in your body, which I know it does. So talk about, like the protocol for this. And then I want to go back into a little more detail of your 40 day plan. Yeah, sounds
Rob Rene:good. So the the we recommend two capsules in the morning. You can't take it in the afternoon. In fact, a lot of people, and that the nice thing about the product is the sunset. They're so the ingredients are so not basic, but these ingredients are so healthy that you can take a lot of it and it's not going to hurt you. So it's not you can take six, eight capsules a day, and you're it's not going to hurt you, but you can take two and see how your body reacts, which is, that's, that's our recommendation. So we have a month supply of the product is 60 capsules, because we recommend two a day. And then when people go to the next step, they, you know, maybe in the afternoon, they're feeling, man, I'm getting it's been a long day. I'm tired. I didn't get my rest that I should have gotten, and they'll take two in the afternoon. So a lot of times people take four and they're up to six in a day. But yeah, we typically, lot of people, you know, it's really funny. It's kind of an individual thing, because some people take it a couple in the morning and couple at night, and they're totally fine. Get some people take it at five o'clock in the afternoon and they feel like they can't sleep. So it's like, you know what? We just recommend that it is. It does help you with energy. So when do you typically need energy? Right? You need it during the waking hours. So typically you take in the morning and afternoon and then then start. That's part of the process. In our plan, is to make sure that you have a really good period where you're resting appropriately and setting up the structure to where you use sleep. Have a pattern to set up, and then when you get good rest, it's, you know, that's where your body does all the repair is during sleep. So sleep is so, so important, and us as Americans are just destroying our bodies with the air that we're breathing, with the water that we're consuming, with the food that we're eating and the sleep we're not getting, you know. And so if we can help fix those four things with people's just standard process with their their standard activity, and we can affect that, and we can give them the right nutrients they need with Exodus, because that's the barley grass and wheat grass are so awesome. It gives you all the nutrients you need. And then we had add saffron. It's really good for stress reduction, right? So it's amazing to get you mellowed out and ready and not stressed for for the next day. And then there's a lot of anti inflammation properties in it, so reducing that inflammation, and then getting a the energy that you need throughout the day. And then, you know, we start that process where, like, hey, we want to teach you about hydration. Did you know how important hydration is? Most people are way, way dehydrated, and they don't understand it. So if I can help them with this little Howard,
Loral Langemeier:put me on this stuff, which is rehydrate, which is that same hydrogen, Ah, yep. Like, you know hydrogen, because I was hydrating, and I drink a ton of water, but I wasn't absorbing it. So, yep,
Rob Rene:yep. So that's important to get your your body to the point where it will actually absorb the nutrients that you need, right? So you gotta get your gut health well, and then when you get your gut health, well, your body starts functioning the way that God, that God made this incredible body. He designed it so complex that we, we just have destroyed it. And so if we can get it back to the way God created it, and then your body will heal itself. We're not healing anybody. You know, a doctor's not healing you. Your body is healing itself. We just need to help you get to the point where your body has what it literally needs, and then it operates the way that it's supposed to, the way he designed it. And then, man, guess what? You're going to be feeling so amazing. You're like, this is great. You healed me. I was like, No, I didn't heal you. Anything good, Lord and Savior, who did it for us? Yeah.
Loral Langemeier:So talk a little bit about your 40 day plan. So there's some AM, kind of midday and a PM. So talk about each of them and the components that are in the plan. So people, those of. You that want it. It's ask, forward slash, Exodus. It's also in the show notes. So click on that link. I know that gets you to the product, but Rob, let's make sure that the 40 day plan and the checklist is in there as well.
Rob Rene:Yes, we give you the complete fatigue to vitality system when you when you get it there. So you're not only getting the supplement which is, which is obviously a core component of it. We're giving you a checklist, right? The checklist is super simple. Like, what do I need to do in the morning? What do I need to do in the afternoon? What do I do in the evening? And you follow that, and then you do it for 40 days, but you're like, what if I want to go to the next step? What if I want to do a little bit more? And we have this guidebook that's like, 56 pages that says, oh, okay, you want to start getting the right nutrients in your body. I think that's a great idea. So what are the recommendations for you to get the right nutrients in the body, right? How do you, you know, shop organically. How do you get the right things? How do you do juicing? How do you do the right things to do? And so we have this in the morning. A lot of it's hydration, right? We're like, okay, there's a couple things that are 100% free. And if you just do them, you're going to transform your life. And if they're super simple, and it's free, you go get some sun. Get that first 45 minutes of sunlight, it's just beautiful for you. And you hydrate. You get enough water, and you take, like, I'm about 200 pounds, and so I need about 100 ounces of water in a day. That's a lot of water. You don't think about it until you start measuring it. You're like, Oh, crap, I'm on I'm not drinking enough water, so drink a lot of water. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. That's really important. Your body is like, 60 to 70% water, so you need that. So that's the the morning routine. I always do a little bit of Celtic salt too in the morning. So Celtic salt is very good for you, has the minerals and not some of the other nutrients you need. Have like 70 or 80 nutrients in Celtic salt, not iodized salt that you the table salt that we've been growing grew up on, at least I did, but you get this Celtic salt, and it's very, very good. I literally take a pinch and put it on my mouth and and drink really good filtered water as part of my morning routine, and I'm getting sun, so I'm getting the vitamin D that I need, I'm getting the hydration that I need. And then the other thing I do that is really important sometimes throughout the day, is grounding. That's 100% free, right? I can tell you a $5,000 grounding, Matt, I'll say that in a heartbeat, and I'll ship it to you tomorrow. But like, why do that one? Literally, all you have to do is you take your socks and shoes off and you go get your feet on the ground. And this is one my wife loves to give me a hard time about, because I have really sensitive feet, and I'm like, I'm not putting my feet on the grass. I don't like it. Then I started learning the benefits of grounding, and I'm like, Oh my gosh. So now I do ground all the time because it's so amazing. It literally recharges your body's energy. So it recycles it's like, it's down. You're connecting to God's given energy system. And it's like, it's go. So do research a little bit about grounding natural I had the skill set that I found when I got the the pandemic hit, wasn't a research of me being this amazing health person. It was the Lord saying, bam, you're going to go look in another direction. You're going to start doing thing and I'm going to give you the research skill. Like, what the heck does he mean by that? He was like, I'm going to teach you how to research. So he taught me to research about the medical system in the medical cartel, as I called and he started talking about, you know, nutrients and all these help and so I'm having a blast meeting with all these holistic doctors and practitioners, because it's like they're teaching me how to help people, and it's not. This isn't coming for me. This is coming from just my absorption of information and and taking it down into steps that are really simple for people. So, hey, this is really easy. If you could just do these five things, you're going to transform your life in a really dramatic way. And it's and it's not as complicated as you think it is. And so, you know, we get water, we get the sun, we get grounding. Those are basic things you do. And then you need throughout the day. Our, 70% of our food is ultra processed food, which has no nutrients whatsoever in it, even the, you know, stuff we're buying from from the grocery store or just their GMO foods, and they don't, they don't have the nutrients that you even thought. So you think you're eating a nice salad, but the salad is made up of GMO crap, that is, you're not getting still enough, enough nutrients. You need to start learning about that. You're like, oh my gosh, I need to start getting grass fed meat. I need to start getting, you know, eggs from the right place and milk from the right place, and my vegetables from the right place. And you start looking at at that. And you can, you know, you can make it as, really, as complicated as you want, or you can make it as really as simple as you want. I'm trying to make it for everybody. So okay, let's, let's start simple. Let's just do. Let's get enough water. Let's do, let's hydrate, and let's take your Exodus supplement. And then we have a reading, a prayer guide that goes with every product. And so we want, literally, to you to read the prayer. Are out loud. You're engaging your mouth to read it, your eyes to read it, and your your ears to hear yourself read it, and then you take the supplement. You're using multiple senses that God gave you to help you with their health. I believe that's
Loral Langemeier:really important. I think it's critical
Rob Rene:mind, body and spirit, right? The Lord gave us this mind, he gave us this body, this temple that we're supposed to take care of. And there's a spirit component to our bodies. And if we can combine those three things, it's literally transformational. So it's really exciting to get people to realize that and then help them, because your mind is so powerful, it can, it can heal you. And they're like, What do you mean? Like, literally, that can happen or your mind can do it, but guess what? If you pray, guess who could potentially heal you, right? And and so it's just, I want to give people these simple steps to say, Hey, this is not rocket science, but I promise you, if you try to try these steps and follow it, it's not that difficult, and you're going to transform your health in such a beautiful way that you're going to be so excited about it. You're going to be like, hey, I want this for my children. I want this for my grandchildren. And the simple things to do that we can all share and we all just like you're you helping people build wealth? I want to help people build health that they can they can pass on to generations and generations, because man, God designed this incredible body. Let's take care of it, right? And then let's talk a little
Loral Langemeier:bit about the the evening. I want to make sure we get all the did you talk about during the morning? You've talked about during the day? What's some of the evening routines? So they have a sense of a day when they go download the three day plan. Awesome.
Rob Rene:So the it's to set a routine for your evening, because a lot of times people get so busy and they've got their gadget right? They're using their cell phone and sitting in bed looking at their cell phone, or they're watching TV, you have to about an hour, at least an hour, probably two hours, before you gotta shut those gadgets off and get them out of your brain and mind, and you need to have the light turned down to a nice, subtle light, and get your body ready. Because if you look at your rhythms of your body, it's really important to follow the sun. And so the sun is going down. Guess what? You know when, when we were when we were cavemen, when the sun went down, we'd go to bed, right? And then we'd get up when the sun came up. And we need to change our bodies to do that. Our bodies built and designed that way. So in the evening, you need to kind of start replicating that and getting rid of a lot of the and get your phones and other electronics if you can, out of the bedroom, so you're not having any of the EMF interaction and things that happen to your body at night. And if you can have that, that good preparation into the evening, you're going to sleep so much better, because sleep is really, really, really important. All the other things I talked about, probably sleep is most important. One, right? It's like, what who knew that sleep was? Was that important? Yeah,
Loral Langemeier:the people who say I only need 234, hours, I'm like, No, I'm sleeping. Sleep hard, play hard.
Rob Rene:Super important for your health, really is. And then your body, if you have three or four nights of lack of sleep, it catches up in a big way, and boom, you're going to get pounded. And so you really need to take care of your that's where your body does, literally the healing. So you need to do that so that those are the basic things that we try to do. And obviously getting that hydration during the day and then settling down in the evening really, really helps. And then a lot of the health issues that people have with these are the insomnia that they have is because of all the other factors we talked about to get to that
Loral Langemeier:it all compounds. What's interesting about the 40 days is nothing. I'd say that most people haven't heard, but it's the reminders. And I say a lot of stuff with the money, it's just, it's not difficult, it's different, a little bit different. And I just encourage people to go get it. We gotta wrap up this podcast for now. Rob will be with us at our 25th anniversary. This is our 25th year of the big table. So we're the longest standing mastermind and mentoring of its kind, doing one thing, we made millionaires for 25 years, over 10,000 millionaires are made. Rob is a huge part of our community, because our table is now very focused on health and wealth, because without your health, you're not going to have a great legacy, and you gotta take care of it. My kids are everything. I take my kids now, 85 Mom, I'm like,
Rob Rene:You need this, right?
Loral Langemeier:I do do that. I do it. And my kids are extremely at the event. They're both going to come because it's such a big deal for our family to have been blessed with this, like you're blessed with this. So I can't wait to see you see the journey. Now, when they they can get the product, they can get the 40 day guide. I know you have little sample packs do this. Can they buy some of the little sample packs from the site?
Rob Rene:We have little travel packs that we call them. Yep, they're they come. In 1010, 30 or 60, or actually, 1030 and 100 increments. So if you really like this and you want to treat it as a business, we have a really amazing affiliate program where you can set up and, you know, be an affiliate of ours. And those little travel packs are awesome. You give somebody a travel pack, and that's three days worth of nutrients and stuff they're going to get. And say, Hey, tell me how you feel after a couple of days of using this. And most people would come back and say, Hey, that was amazing. How do I get more of that? And makes it, makes it simple to do and share. And you're you're helping people with their health, right? Absolutely.
Loral Langemeier:So we'll be seeing Rob April, 28 and 29th is our next big table live in Reno, Nevada, our 25th anniversary. We're going to have fun swag bags. Actually, we should put one of your sample packs in everybody's swag, cuz we've got shirts and polo shirts and all sorts of fun stuff that's coming your way. And those of you again, inside the show notes is ask forward slash Exodus, to get some of the product. Give it a try, but for sure, do the 40 day plan and see how you feel at the end. And I think, you know, so interesting habits and routine are so critical for for everyone, and how few people live? Yeah, they just, you know, want to be spontaneous. Well, spontaneous is great. And then there's just some context of
Rob Rene:having structures in your life. That's a really important part. I forgot to mention, I apologize the community. So we do have a community that supports you through that journey, right? So because a lot of people don't want to be held accountable, or they just like, hey, I need accountability. And so we we have this group that just loves you and supports you and says, Hey, you have questions. Great, the community will help you. And so you have, you have a group of people that are doing the similar thing that you are, and they can all work together. You have a question about something, it's like, Hey, I had this problem. What do I do? And we have people in there. We just have amazing practitioners who in there, who who are literally giving advice and helping people, you know, through some of their health issues that are complicated, because they just want to love on people. And so we just want to, want to help people with that, with community, feel Hey, we're all in this together. Let's, let's get well,
Loral Langemeier:yeah, Rob, it's been great to have you on laurels road Money talks. I appreciate you. We'll have you back another time. Those of you grab a a 40 day plan and some samples of the Exodus, or just by the bottle and Rob, we'll see you in April. Those of you that have any questions at any time about how to make, keep or invest your money, use a team. The integration of a team is critical, because every team specialist, they have a lane, they stay in their lane, which means somebody's got to put these lanes together. And that's me. I call myself the glue of your plan. So go to ask A, S, K, L, O, R, L, ask a question, make a request, and we'll be back next Friday on the next podcast. Rob, thank you. God. Bless you.