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Thanks for joining us on this week in Health IT Influence. My name is Bill Russell, former Healthcare CIO for 16 hospital system and creator of this week in Health. IT a channel dedicated to keeping health IT staff current and engaged. Today we have a treat for you. We are gonna go in depth into the mass vaccination covid playbook that uc Health put together.
And we have Sarah White with uc Health. She's the Senior Director of Innovation and Health System Engineering. So fantastic conversation. I know you'll get a lot out of this. One Special thanks to our Influence show sponsors, Sirius Healthcare and Health lyrics for choosing to invest in our mission to develop the next generation of health IT leaders.
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You can subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts at Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, overcast, you name it, we're out there. You can also go to today in health And now onto today's show. Alright, I'm excited. Today we have a, a very timely conversation. We are going to talk with Sarah White, the director of innovation.
And health system engineering at uc, health, university of Colorado Health. And, uh, we're gonna talk about the c Ovid 19 mass vaccination playbook that you guys put out there. I'm, I'm really looking forward to this. Welcome to the show. Thank you. Thank you so much for having me, bill. We're, I'm excited to be here.
Well, I, you know, I'm excited to have the conversation. This is, this is a phenomenal playbook. What was, what was sort of the genesis for this? How did it. I mean, did, did everyone say, Hey, if we're doing, I mean, was this thought of in the beginning or did you like document it all at the end? Yeah, so the way, so uc Health, we're a health system out in Colorado.
We. 12 hospitals across the front range and we have been participating in partnership with the state kind of in three different avenues to, to vaccinate our communities. So one is really in this pop-up clinics. So really targeting certain neighborhoods or certain areas to, to do vaccine events. One is in this brick and mortar, so across our hospitals we actually have vaccine locations.
And third is this concept we'll around. So what happened is our, the Colorado Rockies actually gave us a call and in partnership with the state said, we, we need to ramp up our vaccinations and we, we have a, a target to do 10,000 vaccines in a weekend. So can you guys, uh, be our partner in that? So that's what happened.
We got a phone call. We had about two. Partnered with the state, the Rockies, the Denver Police Department. There was a whole team. But yeah, that's, that's the genesis of this one. Yeah. That's, that's fantastic. By the way, I'm a Cardinals fan, so thank you for, uh, for ado. That's, that is a phenomenal pickup for the Cardinals.
And now everyone in Colorado was just tuned out of the entire show. No one, no one in Colorado is gonna listen anymore. Sorry about that. So you know from the documents there, so there's some great statistics right out of the chute. So two six hour days, 10,000 vaccines administered, 834 cars per hour, 22.4 minutes per car, including the 15 minute observation period, which is interesting to me.
That means your logistics and everything else only took about six and a half minutes, zero. Unused dosage, 0.9% a patient, no rate. Accomplishment as well. I, I, I, I sort of wanna cover all of these things and try to figure out how you, how you got to this point of, you know, fairly efficient model. So how important are the partnerships to get the word out?
Absolutely. I, I think the, the partnerships are one of the most important pieces to all of this. And honestly, the team chemistry that we had, we created a really transparent group. We met, you know, daily. I, I think we've all kind of created this, this bond that happens when you're all trying to, you have an end goal in mind and you know, you have a pretty tight deadline on it.
We, you know, the Rockies, the state, the city and county of Denver, Verizon Wireless is a very strong partner for us in this. It really took kind of all of those partners voices at the table to, to organize this, to make sure we weren't missing anything and really create those open lines of communication.
So. So we stood this up just, you know, like I mentioned in, in two weeks. And one of the really unique things about those, those partnerships and, and the whole uc health team that was behind this, which, you know, involved many, many individuals. One of the things I think we still all talk about as a team was we, we went into it with the goal and a mission, but we were all in this mindset of problem solving and making things better.
So we tweaked along the way. So the, the playbook that we published, we are actually in process of revising it. Because we just this past weekend completed our second dose. So as you know, we had the Pfizer for our Our Event. So we had a first dose weekend in January, and then we actually had to stand up the whole event again for a second dose, which we just completed this past weekend.
And our staffs actually were even better the second time. And it was really because we were just kind of tweaking things along the way and making those adjustments that we needed to. But yeah. Probably what allowed us to pull this off. Was it the same people coming back to the same location for their second dose?
It was, yep. So it was all of those same individuals, the 10,000 who came that first weekend, they all came back three weeks later. Alright. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go through this in, in a fair amount of detail because I think it's worth doing. So let's start by, elaborate a little bit on the team that you put together to do this.
Absolutely. So from a uc health perspective, we pulled in. Individuals across our, across our entire health system. So we had supply chain, we had nursing, finance, it, operations and logistics. Our emergency, uh, preparedness team, emergency services, medical directors. Event planning was actually one of the most critical roles, but the first day we actually didn't have event planning and it took us, you know, two days as we were planning the event to realize what a critical piece that was for, you know, an outdoor event that we were standing up basically an entire infrastructure in the parking lot, right?
So the tents and the generators and the tables and chairs and all of those things that require that level of detail and expertise. You know, there were, there were team members added throughout the journey as we discovered, you know, potential holes that we had or, or ways that, you know, we wanted to make sure that all of our bases were covered.
Facilities was another one that was critical. Not only did we have a strong partnership with the city, state, and Rocky is, you know, in Colorado we deal with snow removal. And when it snows, everybody needs snow removal. So things like that, you know, if, if we weren't able to cover our bases with one of our potential partners, then you know, our team was able to step in.
And so it just became a really seamless group and a, a, a team that at the end of it, I think we all felt like each role was absolutely critical and each role knew what they were accountable for and executed on it. Did, did you have to battle the elements at all or was it another sunny day in Colorado?
d we set up our event to be a:So, you know, that's really three days of events. And then we had to do all of that again three weeks later. For the second dose. So I remember that first day we said, there is no way in Colorado we're gonna get six perfect days. So we , we had built in a lot of contingency planning and we kind of had a joke because we all were all skiers and snowboarders and we were excited to, you know.
Praying for snow in Colorado, you know, especially in the winter so that we can hit the slips. And this was the first time I think, in all of our careers, we were praying for no snow for, you know, for six weeks. And we ended up in, instead of getting snow, we actually got a, a day that was minus, you know, about minus seven degrees.
And it was just not possible on. Just not safe to have our staff and our patients coming through a drive-through model in, you know, sub Sub-Zero temperatures. So we did actually one day it ended up being our second dose pilot day, so it was only a thousand individuals, but we ended up moving those thousand individuals.
To an indoor location. So we did have to trigger one of our contingency plans, but it all worked out. You know, we had the plans in place, a lot of support to make sure that we were able to pull that off. Well, why, why outdoor in Colorado? I mean, there's so many, so many things that could go wrong. Were there not large indoor facilities, or is the logistics harder for an.
Yeah, it's what, what we found. And we have, like I mentioned, the 12 indoor locations actually already. And then we, we will go out to churches or to organizations and we'll do, we'll do events in, you know, vaccine events, in, in targeted areas. But what we found is there's still a population that we were missing.
There's still a population that prefers to actually, maybe they have mobility challenges or, you know, maybe they, they're not comfortable being in an indoor setting exposure risk or, you know, they've, they've really been hunkered down in their homes for the past year and so we were getting some request for that.
Some ideas of, you know, how we could do that, uh, drive through model really became the, um, most optimal way, address some of those needs of our population. You know, this is one that potentially Covid will, and, you know, vaccines will be around and in need across the nation for several more months. And so our thought was, you know, if we can pull this off in the winter, then you know, the summer's gonna be easy.
Yeah. And the, uh, the car ends up being a natural social distancer, doesn't it? It's almost exactly, you know, six feet and outdoors is a lot more, it's a lot safer. I think just in the long run. Let me, let me ask you about scheduling. So scheduling has been one of those things that gets talked about a fair amount and it sounds like, you know, 0.9% no-show rate.
You had a fairly efficient model for scheduling. What, how did you guys attack that challenge? Yeah, absolutely. So, so we actually have, uh, it's called My Health Connection and it's a mobile app that, an web app that our patients or community members. Can actually create a user account for and create a request for a vaccine appointment.
So we've used that across, all, across uc Health to help vaccinate hundreds of thousands or hundreds. Do, do they have to be a patient to do that or they don't? No, they actually, yeah, so it. What it does is it is you, you create an account and then it actually will put you on the vaccine list. And you know, we have your, your age information and so as the state deems, you know, we're ready for your age or your ages.
You know, part of the vaccine cohort. Then we actually have a random, um, process where we can release an invite to you through the electronic system. And then of course we also have a call, um, center and, uh, a way to invite our patients via phone call if that's just an easier. Model for them. So we use both of those kind of interchangeably.
And we did that as we set out invites for the mass vaccination event. So when they show up, they, they went through this efficient scheduling. When they show up, do they have like a QR code or, or, or a number that they just give and it just connects to a automatically to an electronic system? Exactly. Yep.
You're spot on. So we have a QR code. Most of our patients actually went that route. So I think it was around 83%, just over 80% of our patients or community members. I'm, I'm calling all of the, you know, everyone who showed up as patients, but so they arrive at the entrance, they. Go through kind of our registration process and show their QR code.
If they don't have a QR code, it's very easy for our team to also just look them up and verify that they, you know, have an appointment and then get them vaccinated. So it was really made the whole process. I think our check-in process was around 30 seconds just because it was the majority of our, our population was.
Able to either print their QR code or actually show it on their mobile phone. What, what did you track it in, if they're not patients? Did you track it outside the R Did you end up tracking it in. We actually tracked it in the EHR and we have a whole process to, you know, one of, one of the most important factors in inviting people to get a vaccine is making it as easy as possible, right?
And, and removing any barriers. So really it's a phone, it's. And a way to contact you, whether it's an email or a phone number. But that's really all we require. So there's no other information that our community members need to enter in order to, um, be added to the distribution list or the vaccine distribution list.
You know, there, there's a wise guy in M that wants to ask the question, did anyone crash? The party did. You know, I mean, vaccine right now, it's a, a hard thing to get. I've, I have people who live in my neighborhood that are driving. I, I had one who drove five hours to get the first shot and I'm like, you realize you have to go back?
He goes, yeah, I'm gonna go back and, you know, drive another round trip, 10 hours to get the vaccine. So literally, did anyone get in line who didn't have an appointment? You know, a lot fewer than we thought. So there were definitely some individuals. It was, it was interesting, right? We, we had a lot of pre community conversation with our, some of our local government as well as our media partners, and they did just a phenomenal job of helping to spread the message.
By appointment only. So we had, we were trying to kind of get as much communication out as possible about that. And what, what happened is, you know, I, I, I think we, we were anticipating that a a lot more people would show up without an appointment. There were a handful. And we had kind of like a whole communication for those individuals of, you know, here's how we get you signed up.
We can even help you if you need to, but almost what we called like a bailout lane where we could just have that conversation with them and make sure that they were able to get on, uh, a list and registered and everything. And it. Actually, you know, we had escalation plans in process and none of that was needed.
It was really just some people came because they were curious. They saw other cars drive driving into the Rocky Stadium. Well, your, you know, your communication plan, I mean, this, this is a 50 some odd page document. Your communication plan is, is really impressive. You had a.
Oh, it's not the Rockies normal AM band that they would communicate. I guess not. So, so you had to do a partnership to get that am band? We actually did, yeah. So what's actually interesting is what we found in, you know, I, I'm sure other states are doing this as well, but across Colorado we have partnered with our other health systems who are all kind of going through this as well.
It was one of our other health system partners who, you know, suggest, should suggested an AM radio might be, um, helpful in communication. So we were able to secure an FCC license. We were able to make sure that the amount of time that the message ran for it about two to three minutes, appropriate amount of time message in.
The city and state communication team to actually develop that and then launch it day of. We had a lot of really good feedback on it. We didn't end up doing it during our second dose and a lot of our patients asked us, they said that was so helpful. Like it, you know, just reiterated to me what the process was gonna be and where I should go wait and what happened next.
So, you know, if we do one of these again, that's definitely something we would make sure we do both for the first dose and second dose. last week. I keyed you in on something that's unfolding here at this week in Health it. We started off with our influencer podcast a little over three years ago, but since then we've been able to introduce Newsday and solution showcases, and last year we expanded even further with our Daily C Ovid 19 series and now we have a daily show today in Health it.
And I'm happy to say that we're not done growing yet. We have something really exciting happening here at this week in health. It. Our goal, as you know, is to help inform, educate, and train health leaders. And we understand lots of people take information in in different ways. That's why we're introducing written content to our site.
For the first time, you'll be able to find news, write-ups, covering each of our shows in detail as well as feature stories. And I'm really excited about the feature stories. We've hired two great, uh, feature story writers, and they're gonna take . Topics that are highly relevant to you and relevant to our industry, and they're gonna turn them into feature stories on our website.
I'm so thankful for all of our listeners and the conversations that we've had, our sponsors and the dialogue that we've had, uh, and the back and forth has really convinced me that this is the best next step. I wanna thank all of you for listening and joining with us on our journey of raising up the next generation of health leaders by amplifying great thinking to propel healthcare forward.
You also had the, the signage you had, I mean, you had scripts and stuff in there, so I thought the communication plan was excellent. Let's talk to the logistics a little bit here. I, I would imagine, you know, getting the PPE out there, not all that hard, but what, what about getting the vaccine out there?
You're talking the Pfizer vaccine, so. That's, uh, that's a heavy lift to keep that refrigerated. And you said zero unused doses, so there were some logistics and planning around that. How did you take care of that? Absolutely. So we had a, you know, we had been, I'm gonna say practicing quite a bit with our other locations.
The trickiest part of this one was obviously outdoors, so. A lot of redundancy just to make sure that nothing could go wrong was really what we needed to focus on for pharmacy. So we had a, a whole tent outside, a secure tent that was dedicated to our pharmacy team. So of course we had to, you know, get the vaccine out to the location to make sure that we had freezers and backup freezers and generators.
A whole team. One of the, uh, you know, most important pieces of our, the operation for pharmacy was, you know, our teams are working with their bare hands, and so they need to be in a face that's warm. They can't wear their gloves. It's very, or you know, they can wear surgical gloves, but no winter gloves. So we had to make sure that the temperature was warm enough for them, for our staff, but not too warm for the vaccine.
So there were, there were quite a few just operational hurdles we needed to work through. Also, just the making sure that there was really constant communication, especially as the, the day wore on, on, you know.
We had enough vaccine up until the very last patient arrived, so it was just a very close communication. One of the lessons learned from our first weekend was we had the pharmacy tent kind of located off offsite a little bit. And we ended up moving our vaccine tent to be in the middle of the madness.
So we moved them to be inside of our large tent that all of our cars were driving through. And that created a really close communication with them, and it just had them really at the center of the entire event, which helped us as the, you know, as we got closer to the end of the event, one of the most important pieces is just making sure we don't oversaw and making sure that we use every single dose.
And so that, that became a really, um. Good lesson for us to make sure that those vaccinators or the vaccinators and the pharmacists were arm in arm. Did you tap into anyone that has done this kind of crowd movement before? I mean, like, you know, I'm thinking, you know, Disney knows how to do this well. Well, the, the Rockies would know how to do this.
Right. How to, how to move. A lot of people in a, did you tap into their expertise in this? Absolutely. So as we talk about kind of those critical partners, that was one of the roles the Rockies played for us. Not only the Rockies, but also our Denver police department. So we, we had a whole team from the Rockies as kind of our professional flaggers, and they were, um, the actual rocky players.
Well, we had Dinger, who's the Rockies mascot, and then we had many, many of the Rockies staff. Unfortunately the players were already headed down for spring training. Oh, they were in Arizona already. Okay. Yeah. They were staying nice and warm in, in Arizona, so we had a lot of their team, kind of the office team, and they were really, really incredible to work with and definitely have an expertise in that.
Yeah, I, I, I've, I've talked about this before I, the technology stuff, I'm not gonna hit you up on too much, but I, I assume the Verizon partnership is how you got the wireless communication infrastructure into the parking lot that you needed. Yeah, and I would say kind of the, the cliff notes of, of the IT piece was, we actually did that that very first weekend I was telling you about.
Individual pilot that we did, we actually did do paper during that. And it was a a little bit of just to just kind of test things out, like is that the right thing to do? And quickly our entire team, you know, said We gotta do this electronically. And you know, one of the most important reasons we wanted to do it electronically was it allows for us to really back to like pharmacy, right?
It allows for us to track those patients in real time. So the data all feeds back over to our. Um, pharmacy team and our IT team to make sure that we are tracking those doses, um, as closely as possible through the following process. And then obviously just paper. I mean, we, we work in innovation, we work in healthcare.
I think all always our preferred, uh, mode would be electronics. And one of the, yeah, no, go ahead. I was just gonna, because you just create redundancy if you're gonna do that. So anyway, go ahead. Exactly. So one of the lessons learned for us around it was we, we actually have what's called rover devices, and you can think of 'em like an iPhone that.
Allows you to track all of this in real time. So you're in the EMR real time and you're able to document, you're able to consent to patients. It's handheld devices, really easy. And we knew that our goal, if we could make that work. We could save a lot of time rather than like a laptop. So we partnered with Verizon and this was one of probably the most critical pieces of the entire event, was just around it and connectivity and power.
And as we created those, we uh, quickly realized we needed to create like a triple redundancy plan. So that triple redundancy was not only did we have a wifi network up and running. , but we also had cell signal via what's called jet packs from Verizon. And then we also had sim cards within the the rover devices.
And so there was no way your network was gonna go down. 'cause if you had, you know, any trouble from wifi, you could, you had, you know, two other backup plans and that, that triple redundancy we actually did use and that, um. The flow of cars moving, keep the throughput times that we needed and that we had set out.
Yeah, I, well, I've not been to Coors Field, but if it's anything like your airport, it's probably in the middle of nowhere. So , so it's actually smack in the middle of downtown Denver. Oh, okay. So you, so you should be able to get, should be able to get other signals and tap into things there I would think.
Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Well, I'll have to get to Coors Field. Your, your airport has always cracked me up. Um, every time I fly in there, I'm like, these people have vision. They, they envision a time where this city is gonna be so big that this airport's gonna be relevant. But for now, we're gonna drive 25 minutes before we see a house.
Anyway, , why you appreciate the Colorado landscape when you arrive. It's a, uh, great document. I was, I was kidding somebody. I'm like, there's more in this appendix. I've seen in most other playbooks, and it, it, it's just great. You have, you know, the recruitment process, clinical, clinical support, volunteers, police and medical.
It really is comprehensive media and communications vaccine storage and handling patient communication. Just you have maps of how you did the, the flow in and out of I doing it outside.
And you know, the research would just tell us we're so much safer outside than we're inside. And I think people have heard that message over and over again that The other question I think I would ask is, you had 10,000 for the first event. How many of those people came back? Most of the percentage that actually came back all, but I think it was a total of 17.
That didn't make it back. So it was, it was really, yeah. And, and we've actually found that to be pretty consistent across all of our locations. It's just like, like we kind of talked about, it's like gold. And as soon as you know, you're committed and. Once you have that one, the first dose, I think that's actually one of the things we've been talking about.
You know, if we were to do another one, how, how amazing would it be to just have a one dose vaccine, you know, and not have to come back for that second dose. I think as we think of mass vaccination event, that would, that would make a mass vaccination event even, you know, more doable. Right. You know, I think one of the things that's gonna transpire, they say that 50% of the population's in line, they want, they wanna get the vaccine and then we're gonna get to this other 50%.
Uh, and actually I think 20% of the next 50% is like, I'll wait and see, make sure there's no adverse effects, and then they're gonna get in line. But then there's this other 30%, these kind of events, I would think are well geared towards that 30% that are, I don't know, that, that aren't prone to, even if.
You know, they're pro to, to into. The
guys have have started thinking through that. What are percent. Yeah. And you know, one of the things that's attractive, like I think where you're going is the drive-through model. So think of, think of the, the individual you know, in your life who has, you know, three children and is the primary care provider for their family from a, you know, childcare perspective.
Honestly, this doesn't have the time to find a, a sitter to, you know, go drive to an event or go drive to a clinic, walk in, get their vaccine, and then, you know, potentially even do that twice within, you know, a month. Like there is definitely a population. Where a drive through model will be possible because of just life circumstances.
And so as we, you know, developed this model, it was really around there. You know, we talked about drive through versus walk up and, you know, talked through the pros and cons of it. We hadn't, there was no drive-through model. And the more, you know, we talked with our patients and we talked with the community, there was a need for this type of event to help meet those needs of, of those communities.
And this is a model that we could take and scale down. You know, to other parts of Colorado, we could actually, we, we think we could probably even scale it up quite a bit. We, you know, as, as there's more daylight in the summer, we could extend hours to be probably 10 hours, you know, in a day and do double the amount of individuals in one day.
So I think because of all of those things, there's just a lot of variability with this one. So I'm, I'm pushing you a little bit here with stuff that's not what we in the document. Is, so if you were, let's assume you didn't work for uc Health. You worked for a rural facility out in, out in Colorado and there's a lot of rural in Colorado.
You could, you could still do a mass vaccination event. It's just not mass as you would consider in Denver. It's mass, like as a percentage of the total population. You could still do something like this in a, in a town of, I know 25. Absolutely. Yeah. And I think the way you would do it, you know, the, what I would tweak is obviously you'd, you'd have a smaller staff, right?
You'd have, you wouldn't need the, the massive tents that we had, you could extend your throughput, right? We were hitting 834 cars per hour. You, you would not need to hit that throughput, of course, right. In a 20,000, 30,000 person town. You could also have a Dr. A walkup option, right? So you could actually have both models in, you know, one area, share some of those, you know, pharmacy services, share some of maybe the oversight and even some of the staffing, but create a model that would meet the community needs pretty easily.
Yeah. You have, you have somewhere in here you have financials. I'm, I'm, I'm missing right now.
Where's the bottom? Of course. Yeah. I, I, I remember seeing it. But I guess the question is, you know, is, is this expensive to do and are there, uh, you know, and what ends up being the, the, the greatest expense? Yeah. So it's, so it's about $27 per, uh, vaccine. So that was what our, kind of our math came out to. So we, one of the takeaways and, and like I mentioned this, this playbook that, that you have today is our first, first edition playbook and we tweaked our model.
So we went from having what we called like the standard model, which you'll see in the appendix was. One large tent, which was where our registration happened. There were six rows of cars that would go through registration, and then they would actually get funneled into 18 cabana, as we called them. And those cabanas is actually where you received your vaccination.
And then after your vaccination, you went around to the observation area. So we decided, you know, to save money and resources and actually we think to keep the throughput the same pace we can actually have. And, and because we had 80% of individuals checking in, you know, online before the the appointment.
We expanded our mega tent and from, went from six lanes to eight lanes and we actually did our registration and vaccination altogether within that, that mega tent. So we did away with our cabanas for our second model, and we called that our pit crew model, which you know, nascar, right? So it was our pit crew model where we were registering you and vaccinating you all at the.
That proved to be even more efficient. It proved to be cheaper. So we, you know, if we were to do more of these. , we got our throughput at one point in one hour. It was, it was over a thousand cars per hour and the average time was actually 14 minutes and 36 seconds. And that was, that was partly because observation for your second dose is actually can be 10 minutes instead of 15 minutes.
And so our throughput was just about a minute and four seconds, register and vaccinate you. Our patients moved very quickly through the process, so that actually reduced our cost from that $27 to even, even cheaper. A any other learnings that, that, that we should know about from the, uh, the post game of, of the, uh, process?
Oh, that's a really good question. Yeah. So we, we did. Lessons learned kind of after each one of our events. We actually interviewed patients as well as volunteers. And you know, I think moving from that standard model to pit crew is one of the biggest lessons for us. Um, do you guys normally do, uh, like a lean and agile model in your health system?
Yeah, we do like a little bit of a, a mix, right? SixSigma, lean Toyota way. Depending on kind of what the effort is. This one was, you know, very lean, kind of always reassessing ourselves. So we, we followed kind of like Toyota Way principles as much as possible. We, some of the way finding, I would say is always something and over communication to our community and our patients.
I, I would just say like if you have, you know, a, a strong team, you know, that was one of our biggest lessons learned. We, we walked out of this just, you know, knowing that if, if we were thrown another challenge that this, this team would be able to rally and and pull it off. Yeah. It is phenomenal. I.
Specifically with, with two of my clients who were asking me questions around it. And I'm like, that here. I mean, you know, they, they did it and here it is. So this, this has been phenomenal. And then the other thing is just the, it takes work to put the document together. And, and, and I, I just wanna thank you for that contribution.
How can people get ahold of the document and, and you know, how, how can they hear more about what, what you guys.
Absolutely. And Bill, thank you so much for just the opportunity to share this. You know, the reason we even put this together was really when we went out to create this, we couldn't find anything, you know, out there. And we thought we're all in this together. We are all trying to end this pandemic together.
And you know, something.
Figure out what works best for your population, your area, and your location. But our thought was really, we are looking at ending this pandemic in the most collaborative way possible. So we're open to suggestions, always open to conversation. Would love to connect with you. If you go on the uc Health website, uc
There is. Link, actually link to the playbook under our vaccine tab so you can, uh, I think you put your name in there and your maybe email address and the document is available to you. So it's of course, you know, free. There's, you know, no strings attached. If you have questions, I'm always here and happy to help answer them or help connect you to the right individuals across uc Health.
We're just looking forward to ending this pandemic and looking forward to whatever comes next. Yeah, it's, and you haven't marketed to me yet, and I signed, I put all my information in to download the the PDF and you, you should probably what you think the numbers are, because I think I've forwarded the PDF to at least three or four people, so.
So, and I think that's happening probably a significant amount. This is a, a great resource. Again, thanks. Thanks for putting it together and thanks on to share even more with the community. Really appreciate. Absolutely. Thank you Bill. What a great discussion. If you know of someone that might benefit from our channel, from these kinds of discussions, please forward them a note.
Perhaps your team, your staff. I know if I were ACIO today, I would have every one of my team members listening to this show. It's it's conference level value every week. They can subscribe on our website this week,, or they can go wherever you listen to podcasts. Apple, Google. Overcast, which is what I use, uh, Spotify, Stitcher, you name it.
We're out there. They can find us. Go ahead, subscribe today. Send a note to someone and have them subscribe as well. We want to thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health IT leaders. Those are VMware, Hillrom, Starbridge advisors, Aruba and McAfee.
Thanks for listening. That's all for now.