If you are going to clean your Rubber Roof you might as well wash your RV at the same time, it is more work but, it is easier to do it all at once in most instances. I recommend using a cleaner that is made for rubber roofs such as Dicors Rubber Roof Cleaner, it is designed to clean the rubber better than a product not made for cleaning rubber roofs. If you don’t want to buy a product made for rubber roofs than I would suggest using Dawn Dish Washing Soap, it is safe cleaner for most applications. It is still best to use a cleaner made and has been tested on rubber roofs.
When cleaning your rubber roof with a product that is made for it you will need to exercise caution and not let the cleaner run down the sides, it can cause damage. When I clean my roof I will keep the sides of the RV wet and that will reduce any potential for damage. The cleaner can remove wax, stain the Gel Coat, Stain Awnings and Covers. Don’t let that scare you, it is still better to use a roof cleaner. You can also mask off the sides with plastic and that will create a protective barrier although, it will create more work. I just wash the roof and RV at the same time, it is easier.
Stains are just that, stains! You can use Tilex or bleach or bleach to try to clean a stain, you probably will not be able to remove the stain and keep in mind it is on the roof and no one can see it. At the end of the day who cares, a stain can’t ruin the roof. Scrub the stain with Tilex but don’t scrub so hard and for so long you ruin the roof, it is just a stain. Even if you selling your RV, you can show them the stain and explain that according to Dicor it will not harm the roof and is no cause for alarm. You will want clean any stains before you do the entire roof.
Tree sap can be a problem and hard to remove. It is best to avoid parking under trees. Dicor recommends using an ice cube to remove the sap. Place the ice cube on the sap and the sap may peel up after it freezes. If that doesn’t work you can use Mineral Spirits (Use with Great Caution) and try clean the sap,don’t get carried away with sap, it can’t ruin the roof.
Check out the Podcast for more tips on cleaning methods and how to prevent and remove black streaks. Check out all of Episode 17 Now! Part 2 of the 3 Part Rubber Roof Series.
Purchase Dicor Rubber Roof Cleaners
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