We’re excited to announce the first ever episode of LifeSchool. On this episode, you’ll be introduced to the hosts (Caesar Kalinowski and Heath Hollensbe) and hear a bit about who they are, what they believe, and what their hopes are for the future of the LifeSchool Podcast.
Living Out Our Faith Can Feel Awkward
Have you ever felt like your Christian faith and practice sort of hangs out on Sunday most of the time? And truly living out what we say we believe–in all of life–is not something we've really been taught very much.
We'll teach you the stuff that your parents, teachers, pastors and coaches forgot to tell you.
In This Episode You'll Learn:
- Who are the hosts and are these guys credible?
- Why we decided to start this podcast when there are already so many out there.
- Why most of us have “spiritual schizophrenia” and how we can fix it.
- What we are most excited for about the future of this podcast.
- When we'll be posting new episodes.
- Why we give away free stuff every week.
Click to learn how to start growing in confidence and naturally integrating your faith into all of life.
Each episode of Lifeschool will give you new insights, practical advice (from proven experts) and leave you with a growing confidence to integrate your faith and beliefs into your life and relationships in a natural and powerful way.
This podcast just might change your life!
Every episode leaves you with 3 boiled-down action steps you can get started on right away. We call these the "Big 3".
Download today's BIG 3 right now. Read and think over them again later. You might even want to share them with others...
Thanks for Listening!
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Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
Free Download of the Big 3 For Episode #101
You can also get the Big 3 by texting episode101 to the phone number 44222.
Caesar Kalinowski's Website and Blog with Loads of Resources
Missio Publishing – Top Missional Books and Resources