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Trust The Timing EP:37
Episode 3730th August 2022 • Soul Inspired Decisions • Carrie Lecuyer
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We are all okay just as we are. If you need this message, then it is meant for you. When we have a plan in life and it doesn’t go our way we often get frustrated and quit. I am telling you it's ok, the greatest lessons in life are the ones that make us stand still for a bit. It allows us to feel the desire for more and know that we do truly want more for ourselves even if life does not allow for us to have it right now. Enjoy the beautiful moments that you are given over your summer months and trust that timing is everything even if we truly do not understand the message at that moment. That is part of our growth and our journey.

About the Host:

When we are inspired by our own thoughts, we feel a true sense of joy, creativity, and the energy of infinite potential or possibilities that are available to us. Then someone needs a snack and the thoughts have gone. I am here to say YOU matter. My name is Carrie Lecuyer, I am an empowerment coach for moms with a feeling that there is more on their hearts and I want to help you reconnect and re-align with your soul's purpose and passion and remain a great MOM.

As a mom of two little boys who love mud, I have visions, goals, ideas, and thoughts. Sometimes they only lasted for seconds, and the rest of the day I spend cleaning up after my kids. 

Over the past 20 years, I spent 15 years in a fast-paced career development and personal development environment. I have completed 26 half marathons, crossed the finish line at Ironman Canada, and became a mom. It has been the most amazing journey with so many lessons. I know for a fact that the moment I made a decision, clarity in all directions appeared.

I am here to help you connect with what lights you up, through 1:1 coaching.

You can learn more & connect with Carrie at:


Instagram: Inspiredcoachingbycarrie 

Facebook: inspired@inspiredbycarrielecuyer

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Carrie Lecuyer:

Hello, my friends and welcome. You're listening to soul inspired decisions, a podcast for ordinary moms living extraordinary lives. My intention with this podcast is to teach, motivate and inspire by sharing stories, tools and strategies to help you unlock your greatest fears, annoying habits and old stories and make a move towards the things that have been on your heart. If you have been a little lost, or in a funk, and want to reconnect with your purpose, your passion and feel empowered again, then this is the best place for you to be hanging out. My name is Carrie Lecuyer. And I'm an ordinary mom making extraordinary decisions. This is me putting one foot in front of the other, moving towards my next goal, and hoping to inspire you along the way. Let's get started.

Carrie Lecuyer:

Hello, and welcome back to sell inspired decisions. It has been a while two months since I've recorded, not what I intended. But it's I guess what was intended for me. And I'm gonna go with trust the timing of what happens in our life, because that's what I teach. And that's what I talk about. And so this is, this summer has been no different from the journey of probably what you're experiencing of life happens, things come up. And we don't understand why. But we learned lessons if we're open and aware to them that show up and teach us. So if you don't know me, my name is Carrie Lecuyer. And I'm devoted to mindset and goal setting, which I truly love. But I also put it which I don't maybe share enough about because it's more on my one on one, coaching and my and my client work and workshops that I really dive into the wishes and desires and manifesting that we create and want as women as men as people wanting and desiring more as an adult, and how we get to a point of moving forward on those when they seem so heavy at times. And how can we move forward? When there's just seems like there's no room to move forward, which I kind of experienced this summer. And I'll talk about probably more. in later episodes, when I truly feel that I've learned all I needed to learn from my experiences this summer, but really had truly had a really good six months, January through February, March, April, May right to June, with clients and workshops and felt really, really grateful towards the people that came to me and what we were doing. And then yeah, everything came to a screeching halt. Understanding truly that it didn't have to hurt so much the halt. But it was necessary. And I knew it was teaching me something I needed to learn. So just kind of went with it and let go and rescheduled some clients for September, getting back on track for hopefully, what would be a whole new month. And so here we are the end of August the end of summer. And if you have listened to previous episodes, you know that pretty much every time I record a podcast, something happens with my kids that makes me stop and record and today was actually no different. Just queued perfectly, I tell my boys to play quietly in the sandbox because I am recording, one decides to take off on the motorbike and runs out of gas I cannot hear and he's over half a kilometer away. And he's walking back. And my other son yells that Lincoln's walking and he needs fuel. And so I then had to stop everything and deal with that. And that is part of doing all of this at home as a mom as

Carrie Lecuyer:

creating a business and working for myself of being in the moment and real with what's going on around me because that's what life is about. Like we know as moms as women, we're doing all the things possible to make everything work and move smoothly and move on to the next thing and we know that that doesn't always work out as planned and today is no different, as usual. So welcome to my life. It is chaotic with two boys. And my husband has been away. Actually he's on a fire. He's on a fire right now. There was some lightning strike, and he's dropping water on the fire. So he's been busy not available to help because it's very stressful when he flies. So we kind of leave them be given the space Oh, it's just me, holding down everything right now. And also feeling that I really need to put out an episode for you, thank you for all your comments. And wondering where I've been, it actually has brought up quite a few people who now I know, listen, so thank you and where because this world is actually very, very lonely. It's a very lonely world. So thank you for mentioning and talking and sending me messages. I am here, I'm still here just took a bit of a break off of social media of podcasting from clients, I am looking forward to the next four months, with some really great expansion and ideas that I've had the time to really sit on and think about over this quite a few months. So really grateful for what has come to fruition in this time, even though it's been really tough as well self through. So what I want to talk to you today is about just trusting the timing of where you are. And I have had the really great honor of talking to some really close friends over the summer, helping them through a few things. But also talking to some clients at the end of June on what they've wanted to do over the summer. And a lot of people just wanted to maintain their growth, and jump back into things in the fall when their kids go to school and they have little bit more time and freedom with their mind power to think so maintaining really came up. But with these friends of like also experiencing shifts and things going on just the perspective that everything was just so close up. So if you were to think about looking through a lens, and you only see what's in that lens in that scope, so when you look out wherever you're looking at right now, and you can only see the shape of your hands in a circle. And that's it. So sometimes we get so bogged down by life, in our experiences, that that's kind of the only thing we see is what's in the funnel. And if we are able to take away the lens and really look around, we can actually look up and look out to what is available to us. And it's a whole world of possibilities. And then it seems overwhelming. So we then to tend to close up and look just through the lens again, because that seems to be more capable of what we can handle. So when we place our thoughts in that moment of looking around, of all the things that we wish, desire and want and feel called to do that's coming into our inner soul of who am I and what do I want to be in? What do I want to do, then all of a sudden, this overwhelming, whoosh of feelings of excitement and overwhelm hit us. And we tend to clam up and close up very quickly. And it's telling us that there's something there, but it's kind of too scary. So I just want to say that that is there for a reason. That's your inner soul, your inner heart, calling you for something more, something bigger. And that's extremely important. And it's time to maybe shift the perspective that you actually can take away the lens and look up and around. And it's okay. So I want to ask for you right now to

Carrie Lecuyer:

send out a message to send wisdom to you. That represents what you do ask for and want in a bigger, bigger picture, not just through a lens. But what is the bigger picture that you wish for and desire in your future. For your future self? What does it look like? What does it feel like? And when you look out and gaze, what do you see? What do you dream about? What do you feel? What do you sense because it's kind of this empowering moment that there's this a spark this flame that is in you. And then like me, your kids come in and that flame feels like it's squished. That's life, right? Maybe it's work, maybe work bombards you or what's going on in your life bombards you and shuts all of it down. And then you feel like there's just no movement and you just gotta stay where you are. Know that this also is so a principle from when I took my career development coaching. I took a diploma program through Erickson college out in out in BC. So one of the principles through the ICF, international coaching Federation. And the Erickson principle is that people are okay, just as they are. So just know, if you put your hand on your hearts, just know that you're okay, wherever you are in this moment. And that's perfectly fine. You don't have to be anyone else in this moment. Just be here present. And give yourself grace to feel like there's more that there's more opportunities for you out there. But where you are in this moment is okay. And that's the thing is, this summer, as much as I wanted to look up and look out, it was impossible for me to do so. And it hurts so much. And I couldn't. And that was a really eye opening experience to really try to look up and look out and I physically could not. And just understanding that there's a lesson in this learning for me to learn on what I can look forward to what I can teach what I can talk about. But there it is, sometimes we get so bombarded that we can't look up, don't look up, don't want to look up. And then when we we try to it's impossible, and we want to but we can't, we don't know where to go from here. And you exhaust yourself by doing all the things so you just quit. This may seem familiar, this may seem like a pattern, it is quite common to think about, if you do have a moment to look up and you can look up with grace and love in your heart for five seconds, that you're expanding. And that expansion creates joy, and it creates new circles, and it creates new friendships, which for some odd reason has happened this month, even though it was really hard to look up and look out. So I don't know if that makes sense. But maybe it will, as I talk later on in the month about kind of what's been happening, but it just seemed really impossible to to expand yet expansion was happening right in front of me. So maybe I didn't have to look very far I don't I don't know. But it's been very fun. It's been a very fun month, but a very painful night as well. So in this moment, if you take a deep breath, and just be here, be present, understand that your summer has been yours, and you're exactly where you're meant to be. And that is okay. And whatever you desire in this moment is yours. And that comes from your heart. And when we come from our when it comes from our heart, and we create this feeling around it, we tend to bring up manifestations and desires and goals that have been burning inside of us for a long time. And then we just we don't know what to do with them. So that's where what I talk about. And what I do with my clients really evolves and help people to grow into their own. Being their own true self, building their businesses building, they're who they are, for the first time in forever, as a mom as a business person, as a wife as whoever, and whatever's happening in their lives. But big things, big shifts happen when you allow yourself to be fully present and expand the lens.

Carrie Lecuyer:

And when we are centered in our heart, we create these highest vibrations, which are super powerful and fun, which create manifestations. Now, if you don't know, I have mentioned in the past that I call it manifestations and my husband may refer to it as what is the word it just slipped my mind. Basically, he's a very logical mind thinking person and manifestations aren't actually true. But I can prove over and over and over again that they are real, and they happen and they happen magically and fun and fantastically. And that's the part of life that I really love and he respects that part of me because he actually enjoys the ride of what happens and how I think of life is being so fun and free and joyous. And which he also then keeps me grounded in morals. And that right there. Yes, my son knocking at the door. So, when we feel joyous, we manifest He wants to have come. And I just said yes, because I'm busy. If you can relate, give me a thumbs up. And just mine one last one, this will be boys. How many of you have a dog that barks when you're on the phone? Are your kids start yapping and talking and wanting things because you're busy. So this is exactly what's happening right now in my world, but finding the joy and what we're talking about, because I actually find a lot of fun in it. And if you've worked with me one on one, you know that I dive right into it. And we start creating, right up right away of getting centered into who you are, what you want your visions, and to get you flowing and moving and connected with your heart and your soul and your inner purpose. Again, whether it's through work, your family, your marriage, business, you want to create whatever you want to create and build. That's what we work on and move towards is all about your vision. So it's not it's not about fixing the past. So someone asked me if I would work with them. On some marriage things happening. And I asked a couple questions. And it was very much a blaming. Where they were at, we're at the blaming mark. And I said I couldn't help them. Because that's not what I do, they might need a counselor for that. But I can, if you're ready to talk about just working, you've come to a mutual agreement that you want to work towards the future. That's what I'm all about. problems exist in our life, things come up in our life, we just experienced two years of a world that we were all very unfamiliar with, that we cannot change. And I can't change that you can change it. And sometimes when we can just come to an understanding of it. That's what happened. And we're willing to work towards moving to a better future goal, which, then that's where I can help you. It's all about the future. It's all about creating

Carrie Lecuyer:

a bigger picture, that's the best part of what your heart really wants, not the blaming, shaming trauma that may have caused a lot of feelings, things. That's not what I'm about. That's not what I work with. That is a totally different person, my, the people that I work with, it's all solution focused coaching, and helping and moving you through and pass the barriers that you have that you know that you can move around them, that are our mindset that blocking you. And when we are about looking and living towards the future, we create clarity. And as soon as we create clarity, we can almost Time Warp time and see movement instantly. Because it's tapping into our own divine self of self love and self joy and all that goodness, we actually see and want and are meant to have in our lives. I don't really know if that makes sense. But that's just kind of what I'm feeling. It's coming up right now on how to talk about all what I do on what's been happening. So when we work on when we rely on external sources, we lose ourselves. And in a sense, that's kind of what I felt was happening. We lose ourselves. When we are so focused on the social media, TV, the television, the newspaper or the news, we lose ourselves. And it happens really quickly. So I really needed to take a step back. So I'm not not responding and not liking people stuff on Instagram On Facebook right now on purpose for any reason other than I've just taken a huge, massive break off of social media, for the purpose of myself, to really get to understand it, hear what my own thoughts are again, instead of being bombarded by everybody else's thoughts, opinions, what they're doing, what they're not doing, how they're perceiving things, how they're not perceiving things, that becomes overwhelming. And when we take time to look inward, and we're forced to do that, because of trauma, body illness, whatever it may be. It's for a reason, and that's exactly what happened this summer is I was really forced to take a look at what was happening kind of Lost my purpose and what I was wanting to teach and talk about and felt like I was just kind of spinning in my own story. And I recognized so much some of that story this summer. So there were so many great things that happened, again, through all the pain that I was feeling. And really, my husband could not be with my kids couldn't help me with that just incredible body pain. And through finding the right people, and a lot of self love and self care, and I am just having just a lot of patience and grace with what was happening. You know, I tended to, you know, want to fall into old patterns of negative self talk, but really just doing the little things in the little moments that created joy. And that kept moving me forward one more day. And this becomes powerful in our mindset. Because we can so quickly rely on the fear of the world to dictate what we should or shouldn't do, or we move into that the fight flight or freeze mode, and then we don't know what to do. So then everything becomes overwhelming, we baby doing too much, which creates an anxiety and then with what's happened in our whole world, it's created a lot of depression, and a lot of people and people are starting to wake up and want more, they just have no idea where to go or what to do. And in this time, if we just kind of like, open the window, or pull the curtain back and let a little bit of sunshine in, it feels really refreshing and bright.

Carrie Lecuyer:

But it's, it's so freeing, and then the moment that I was trying to look up into the sky, and I just physically couldn't. But I really wanted to because there was so much beauty in the sky. But I just couldn't, in that second, just realizing again that the moment that I seen the beauty in the sky, just realizing how much I've been looking down instead of out. So again, just maybe moving the lens away from what I was looking and funneling in into creating a bigger picture. Than One day, I was able to look up. And it was beautiful. The sun was setting and there were beautiful colors in the sky. And the clouds were beautiful. And there's also the insects and the dragonflies flying all over in the geese removing. There was all of a sudden so much beauty. Instead of all the hard stuff, all the hurt all the pain that I was feeling for the last 46 days. It happens it happens to all of us life happens. And we want to not forget about what's happened in our past, but to learn decide that we want to rise from here and move forward into what we've always wanted. We've always felt it. You know, when you take I think I use it. When I was talking to my sister, how can I always feel like we move like one step forward. And then we move 10 steps back and her response to me was just 10 steps back. Like she's like, I feel like it's always like 2025 steps like so I know that I'm not the only one that feels like, you move a little bit forward, and then you get pulled back. And when we just take a moment to breathe and understand, again, that everything happens for a reason. We're exactly where we need to be at this moment, even if we don't understand it to just have grace and look around to what's right in front of us and be grateful for the moments that are Julius are freeing are wonderful and say thank you. Again, getting back to the gratitude in the little moments that sometimes we take for granted. Then time shifts things things start to happen. And we start to focus on changing our own world instead of what everybody else is doing. You know how we know how to live everybody else's lives perfectly, but we can't focus on our own. That's what happens is that we can just start to move forward in her own life and we bring in the bright, the brightness, the joy the world. World moves in such happiness and you hear more thank yous and you hear more you see more smiles and it's just pure happiness instead of this trudging of each day moving forward. So if you're at a park bench at a beach on a walk, look up wherever you are, look out and realize how very much have going on for you.

Carrie Lecuyer:

Even if you have to look down again, for one second, look up again, try looking up and looking out. The wisdom is there. And when you look out and see Thank you look up and say thank you, the wisdom, come into your heart. And if you allow it, it will give you brilliant breakthroughs of what you should do next. And that's what really moves us into creating new opportunities, desires, manifestations that we move towards, that make us feel like the world is this beautiful place to be, instead of this very dark, deep world that we've kind of been in, we're ready to break free, everybody's really ready to break free. So if you have been standing still, that's okay. And if you are ready for your kids to go back to school, which, that's me, just now that they're almost sitting back, and you can start to focus on the little things that move you and let your fire and get it going again, and be okay with where you are where you want to go. And understand that as long as you have the thoughts of moving forward and creating something better and bigger, it will happen you will move there automatically. If you allow yourself to dream and want and wish and see what is available in the bigger picture for you. Choose what's next. It is a choice. Choose September 1 to September 30. Choose to move forward on a specific date that's coming, you have something to look forward to. It's your own personal mindset. And it patiently awaits for you. Just look up and around and decide. And write it down. Commit to it, tell somebody tight me take me a message that I'm committed to this on this date, your world will shift dramatically. As soon as you put it out into the world to the universe to God, whoever your sources, your beliefs are. But right now where you are, just know that you are okay, you are loved, you're beautiful, you're a bright human being with a lot of soul left and a lot of years left. And you are worthy of having all the things you wish and want and desire. And still be a good teacher, a wife, mom, nurse, spouse, partner, whatever you have going on in your life, you can still have all of that and still have and want all the things that you wish and desire for. So with that, I leave you with a picture of a beautiful moment where you are super grateful. And don't forget about the overwhelming pieces of life. Just smile and thank you for them. Take deep breaths and connecting with yourself your true self. And you will find comfort in the overwhelm instead of shutting down your whole world. And that reconnects you and relights, your inner fire, which then you're always getting more clear. And once you're clear, you're confident and connected in this beautiful and same way. So I will catch you all next month. I will be back on a more regular basis. I can't wait to talk to you if you have any questions. Anything you want to hear me talk about on these podcasts, send me a DM, send me a message, send me an email, get in touch with me. Send me your date that you're ready to start. And always I'll be available for one on one and group coaching. Starting back in September. Take care.





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