In this episode, Tara comes live from FHL 2023 to help marketers, course creators, and others find the fast track to building and scaling your programs and delivery methods.
About Me:
Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results.
I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business.
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Mentioned in this episode:
Hey everybody, it's Tara, Bryan, and you are
Unknown:listening to the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're
Unknown:a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based
Unknown:on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide
Unknown:them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give
Unknown:you practical real life tips that you can use today to build
Unknown:your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.
Unknown:Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people
Unknown:without adding more time or team to your business? If you're
Unknown:looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and
Unknown:use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in.
Unknown:Hey, everybody, welcome to today's episode of the course
Unknown:building secrets podcast. I am thrilled you're with us today.
Unknown:Hey, I am on location today in Orlando for FHL 2023. So I
Unknown:thought I would tune in today and let you kind of have a
Unknown:little bit of what's going on in my mind, as this week is
Unknown:progressing. So for those of you who are in the position of like
Unknown:you want to launch a digital program, of course, something
Unknown:that allows you to package your expertise. One of the biggest
Unknown:challenges is how do you go about figuring out what to
Unknown:teach, right? Like, how do you organize it? How do you put the
Unknown:right amount of material in? How do you, you know, get yourself
Unknown:kind of organized enough to be able to do that.
Unknown:And one of the critical success factors. Regardless, if you're
Unknown:doing it live, if you're packaging it into a digital
Unknown:program, if you're doing a live event, if you're doing a virtual
Unknown:event doesn't really matter, one of the critical success factors
Unknown:for you to consider is having a sort of unique methodology that
Unknown:you use, that provide somebody the solution to the problem that
Unknown:they have. And your job is to give them the fastest path,
Unknown:right. So it's to put together kind of the steps that go from
Unknown:point A to point B,
Unknown:we call that a success path, we call that a unique framework or
Unknown:methodology, whatever you want to call, it doesn't really
Unknown:matter, what you're doing is you're creating a specific
Unknown:strategic, fast path for your learner's for your customers to
Unknown:get the results that they need. So they can keep moving on their
Unknown:path, right.
Unknown:And so that's the very first step in terms of how to start
Unknown:packaging your expertise. So often people are like, Oh, I'm
Unknown:just gonna get a tool, and I'm gonna just, you know, kind of
Unknown:come up with some different topics, maybe do some post it
Unknown:notes, and brainstorm and put them out there. And then what
Unknown:happens is, it just is
Unknown:ends up sort of being a smattering of information and
Unknown:videos and random things that don't actually help to serve
Unknown:your people at the highest level.
Unknown:And so if you can organize the everything around proprietary
Unknown:framework, or signature framework, what happens is the
Unknown:delivery method then becomes scalable, because you can
Unknown:deliver it in so many different ways. And, and so the first way
Unknown:that you deliver, it usually is like, you're just trying to kind
Unknown:of figure out the order, you're trying to figure out what works,
Unknown:you're gonna figure out what kind of hurdles and obstacles
Unknown:people have along the path, what questions they have, how you can
Unknown:answer those, but it's all still framed around that signature
Unknown:methodology. And I'm going to tell you that it's really like
Unknown:for a lot of people, it's challenging to narrow down the
Unknown:methodology to, you know, five to seven steps or five to nine
Unknown:steps or wherever you kind of end up in there.
Unknown:And, and the reason for that is because you're the expert,
Unknown:right? So you know, so many things, typically your customer
Unknown:isn't as experienced as you are, obviously, because they have the
Unknown:problem. And so you only need to solve the problem, you don't
Unknown:have to give them all of the things so it's hard for people
Unknown:to kind of remember what it was like to learn it or remember
Unknown:what it was like to maybe be at a level three it's a level 10 So
Unknown:sometimes you need help with this. And so we you know, if
Unknown:you're in that position, just know that it's normal, just know
Unknown:that it's it's this is not an easy process, it seems easy, oh,
Unknown:just create your provider and framework No problem. Just, you
Unknown:know, kind of put the pieces together. You're already the
Unknown:expert you should know. And
Unknown:it is a little a lot more challenging. It's, we always
Unknown:equate it to like if you're looking at a prescription
Unknown:bottle, right, it's really hard to read the label when you're
Unknown:inside the bottle. And and that happens to me It happens to
Unknown:almost everybody who is trying to go through this process.
Unknown:So just know that it's normal, but keep working through it. It
Unknown:start to finding it helps some people you
Unknown:You may rearrange it, you may change it, which is why we
Unknown:recommend doing a beta or 1.0, kind of MVP version, which is
Unknown:like just get it out there and start teaching it, start putting
Unknown:it together, and then it's, and then it will start coming
Unknown:together for you. And you can go and and start to put it in lots
Unknown:of different delivery methods, or choose a delivery method of
Unknown:your choice. So that's the very first thing. Because I'm talking
Unknown:about this here at FHL, I have to tell you, just as a side
Unknown:note, this is a sales and marketing conference, which
Unknown:means they don't talk a lot about fulfillment, they don't
Unknown:talk a lot about like, what do you do, when you get a customer,
Unknown:right? You, you, you do all the marketing, and you get the sales
Unknown:at men.
Unknown:Now you have to fulfill right now you have to actually do
Unknown:something, to get them the results. And so because the
Unknown:focus of this is not in the fulfillment, there's been a lot
Unknown:of chatter around it. at these conferences. This year, however,
Unknown:Russell Brunson has been spending some time on
Unknown:fulfillment and his preferred method of fulfillment. And, and
Unknown:more, he has said Success Path more times this week, than he
Unknown:has ever seen in his entire life. So, look for that, I'm
Unknown:putting together some gifts on that, because I'm so excited
Unknown:about it. But as you know, if you've listened to this podcast,
Unknown:it is near and dear to my heart is having a specific path, that
Unknown:you take your people down to get from point A to point B, right,
Unknown:so they can become successful.
Unknown:So it's a critical, it's critical success factor, to
Unknown:really think through that and and nail that down. And once you
Unknown:do that, then the road to creating your digital
Unknown:experiences becomes so much easier, because you can focus on
Unknown:the levels of the success path, not all of the things. So you
Unknown:don't end up with either you are overwhelmed, or your students or
Unknown:your customers are overwhelmed. And so you're hearing it from
Unknown:the source today is that it is something that,
Unknown:luckily, is becoming more and more part of the conversation,
Unknown:because the reality is used to be able to go out and kind of
Unknown:put your message out there, throw ads at it, and scale your
Unknown:business. And that's not actually working anymore. So
Unknown:what we need to do is we need to be thinking about how do we not
Unknown:only get new customers acquire new customers, but how do we
Unknown:keep them? How do we retain them? How do we bring them to
Unknown:our next offers, because it's much easier and less expensive
Unknown:to keep the customers that you have, that you've spent so much
Unknown:time working on to get keeping them in your world, keeping them
Unknown:getting results, keeping them having an awesome experience, so
Unknown:much easier, and less expensive than it is to just constantly be
Unknown:churning, and getting new customers all of the time. So it
Unknown:like makes my heart so happy that that's a conversation
Unknown:that's at this conference this year. Because this is all the
Unknown:cutting edge marketing and sales stuff, right? Like, if you don't
Unknown:hear it here, it's not happening. So, so again, makes
Unknown:my heart happy. But you have to spend the time to figure out
Unknown:what your specific Success Path is for your people. And you do
Unknown:that by defining first, what are the steps and then turn it into
Unknown:your signature framework or your unique methodology.
Unknown:Hopefully, that helps to serve you.
Unknown:You know, this is what our VIP day does this is what million
Unknown:dollar Framework Program does. We offer this for people because
Unknown:this is such a critical linchpin step in, in defining your whole
Unknown:resist really, honestly. And if you get this right, then you can
Unknown:take it and run with it.
Unknown:And so like I mentioned earlier, it's hard to do this yourself
Unknown:without kind of getting stuck in all the minutiae of the details.
Unknown:So if you need help, let us know we are here for you just go in
Unknown:the show notes and you can grab a link to set up a chat with me.
Unknown:But in the meantime, start working through your own
Unknown:signature framework. All right, there you go. Have a great day.