What is the number one thing you need to consider when packaging your expertise (and it’s NOT tech)? Listen in as Tara shares the answer in today’s episode. She breaks down the importance of mapping out your proprietary framework and really understanding who your client is and how you serve them. Focus on what the client experience is that you want to deliver and start automating bits and pieces to make it an awesome experience for everybody involved.
About Me:
Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results.
I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business.
Join us each week as we dive into different strategies, tactics and tips you can apply immediately to your business.
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Mentioned in this episode:
Hey, everybody, it's Tara, Bryan, and you are listening to the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give you practical real life tips that you can use today to build your online experiences that get results and create raving fans. Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people without adding more time or team to your business? If you're looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in.
Tara Bryan:Hey, everybody, welcome to today's podcast. So happy to be talking to you today. Today's episode, I want to talk about one of the biggest challenges that people have that I work with. And so here's the thing is the reason that you start looking at online courses or an online experience, whether it's a course or program, I don't care what it is, doesn't really matter what it is, right? The reason that you start looking at how do you put your thing online, is for two main reasons. One is, you're running out of time, right? You're working with one on one clients, you're doing done for your work, and you're just maxed out and you think there's got to be a better way to do this, that gets my expertise out there in a bigger and broader way. But doesn't kill me in the process. Right? And so that's when people tend to start looking at how do I package what I'm doing in a different way. And, you know, I think I think we'll spend some time kind of diving into this, as you know, in future episodes of sort of the mindset that goes into being able to go from sort of one on one, to packaging what you do in a different way. But I want to talk about that today. Because here's the thing is that the biggest thing that stops people from doing this isn't necessarily that they don't want to right, like, it sounds great to be able to package what you do have people go through it without you being there, and really get results and and have you you know, kind of have the satisfaction of knowing that you're helping people, even though you're not like literally spending every waking hour helping them and reinventing the wheel every single time you have a client, right. But the reality of going from what you're doing to that packaging is is 10 tends to stop people in their tracks. And a lot of times it looks like well, I just don't understand the technology. And I don't know how to use the tech, so I'm not going to do it. But the real problem isn't actually the tech, the real problem is the concept of how do you create an experience that matches the level of impact and connection. And, and just sort of that hands on nurturing that you do when you're with somebody in person versus putting it online, right? Because here's, here's the reality is in and this is sort of a hard truth to look at is a lot of times, and I'm saying this with love, a lot of times all of those things that you're worried about, in terms of you know, you need to be there, and they need to see you and you need to be hands on with them. In not all cases. But in a lot of cases, most of that is actually just about you, right? Like you need that connection, you need to show up, and maybe you don't have enough planned ahead of time to know how to lead them down a path. And so you're just sort of going on the on the fly, right? You're just helping them kind of in the moment. And so but all that's about you, it's not really about them. And and so, so there's two things really to getting on line and kind of automating and packaging what you're doing. And the very first thing is, what's the method behind your madness, right? Like, what's your proprietary framework? When you think of working with your one on one clients or your done for your clients? Are you finding that every single time you do it is different? Or it's just it's sort of like whatever they come up with is is what you're what you're working on, or every client just has different needs. That's actually not an automation or an online problem. That's a that's a business problem. Right? That's a clarity of Avatar, or that's really you know, you need to sit down and determine what your proprietary framework is. And what that means is just like how do you do what you do, and what's your approach to getting somebody from where they are today to that transformation or result that they're paying you for. Right. And if you don't have that sort of mapped out in terms of step by step, what you do and how you go about doing it, to get them to the outcome, that's the very first place that you start. And honestly, that doesn't matter if you're going online, or you're staying doing one on one work, like dial that in and know exactly how you're taking somebody from point A to point B, and it will free you up so much, even in your business process for one on one work. So so that's the very first thing like and again, that has nothing to do with automation has nothing to do with tech. It's really just looking at like, how do I help people? And how do I help people consistently? So you have like one, or maybe two different ways that you help people based on how they're coming in? And then that's going to lead you to the question I know it's in your head right now is like, But Tara, all my clients want something a little bit different.
Tara Bryan:So that gets to the next kind of layer of this, which is do you have one client type that you're helping? Are you helping anyone who comes in the door? And has any kind of problem that you can solve? Or are you just helping that one dreamy? Avatar that you know that you can help the most? And And chances are, if you're like, well, Tara, every thing I do is just a little bit different, that the person that you're helping is not clear enough, you have to get very clear in helping that one person solve that one problem. dial that in create that framework. And then you look at from there, what is the experience you want to create for them, right. So if you're, if you think about what you're doing with your one on one clients, maybe you have a project plan, and maybe you meet with them weekly, maybe you have some specific touchpoints or you send them I don't know, you send them birthday cards, or you do something right like, like, think about all the things that you do for your clients and all the all the ways that you show up that you'll feel like, you know what, if I were to package this, or if I were to put this online call, I would just they wouldn't have the same experience, they wouldn't have the same experience because I'm not showing up, or they're not seeing me, or I'm not helping them when they need it or, you know, whatever, whatever those things are, right? really define what those things are that you feel like you need to show up for, and be present for them. Because here's the thing is that probably like 80, or 85% of all the things that you're doing, you could actually create a virtual version of you that would do those same exact things. And then the 20%, where you really want to build a strong relationship and connection, then that's when you show up, right? But imagine if you could automate or you know, kind of make something that you do 80% of the time repeatable. So you didn't have to continuously reinvent the wheel every single time. Just imagine what that would do to your time. Like, just think about even today, what are the things that you have done today, that if you had a system around, or you had some sort of automation around, would have saved you that time and headache of being able to do that? Like just take a moment and reflect on that, like one super simple example that I will give you is scheduling meetings. So I have spent, I don't know, 25 years or something working with or in corporate. And one of the things that just blows my mind is how often we spend coordinating meetings via email, right? Like, are you available at this time, or this time? Or this time? Or here's four options of when I'm available, you know which one works for you go check your calendar, you check your calendar, you come back and you're like, yep, that works or that doesn't work. Or how about this time? Or how about that time? And I mean, just think about how much time that wastes cumulatively trying to schedule meetings. Did you know that there is a free automation tool out there where you literally send them when you're available? They click a button and they say yep, I'm available at this time. This is the meeting time it automatically goes into your into their calendar, they get a link to zoom or Google meets or whatever you're using. And there's no discussion there's no back to back and forth. There's no multiple emails, there's no phone calls. There's none of that. So right like so if you're not doing that I'm telling you like go do that right now there's Calendly. There's all sorts of different options for you to do that. But that is like table stakes at this point. Especially if you're, if you're a school volunteer like I am, that that is like crazy, right? So just put something out there, that's like, Okay, everybody put their times in and find we'll find something that works. All that is automatable. Right? So do that, that will save you a ton of time. But just think about how you can like, Is there value there in in building a relationship by going back and forth? Trying to schedule a meeting? No. Right? All that does is just cause frost frustration. And an extra people it doesn't, doesn't further the relationship. So automate it, right. So there's probably like 20, or 30 of those little things where it's not building a connection, it's not improving the relationship. It could be something that's automated and doesn't make any difference to how well
Tara Bryan:you know, that person is going to get results or how you know, how much you show up or whatever. Right. So that would be the first thing is like, those are the kind of the easy things to start looking at to save yourself some time and some energy. And then what you'll do is you'll start looking at the compound effect of that, and like, what are all of the things then that are repeatable or time consuming, or things that really don't provide a high level of value to your client, that you can automate that you can put on autopilot, and just forget about, right, but still creates an awesome experience for a client, if you have an onboarding sequence, for example. And you know, that when somebody purchases that there is that, like, they see a video of you, you send them, you know, a message that welcomes them, you're doing these high touch activities, and it's already all taken care of, they're getting an awesome experience, because you're showing up and showing them what they should be doing. Giving them the expectations and, and really walking them through what needs to happen in the order it needs to happen. They're having an awesome experience, they're getting to know you because you're on video, but you're not physically showing up. Does that enhance the relationship? Yes. Does that is that something that people feel really positive about? Absolutely. Right. There's no point purpose in saying, Well, let me get you on a call and walk you through the steps of how to get started. And in waste your time doing that, right, you could just follow up with, Hey, let's let's jump on a 15 minute call schedule it here. And and I want to get to know you, that's a much better use of your time and the relationship than walking them through how to use a tool or how to use this or even what the steps of the process are going to be. And so really start looking at that in terms of how do you start packaging and automating the experience, and getting yourself out of that mind set of well, if I if I create an online experience, if I create an online course, if I stopped doing one on one, and I packaged everything into an online business, it's going to impact the relationship I have with my clients. And it has you start taking baby steps and just grab a couple of things that that you know, could be done like calendar tool, super easy, huge time saver, doesn't affect relationship, like, jot all those down, make a list, start with those. And then what you're going to find is you're going to keep pushing the envelope like could I do that? Could I do that? Could I do this? What does that look like? What happens if I would just spend my time connecting with people at a higher level instead of doing all this administrative stuff that could be packaged and automated. And really think about that because that is absolutely the first place to start as you're going into the kind of the this is changed from high touch to online high touch right? Just because you're going online doesn't mean you're you're creating this generic you know, low touch you know relationship right, you can still create a super high touch connection with your people even if most of your business is automated and online. So really start shifting if you are one of those people who sort of been struggling with this is is you know, yeah, but I My business is different or Yeah, but I need to connect with Meet people one on one or Yeah, but they just need me just really consider
Tara Bryan:one, do they need you for all of it? No, probably not. And what do they need from you? Maybe they just need that, that phone call, once a week or twice a week, or whatever else, what if you could just show up with your people, either as a group, or individually for 15 or 30 minutes a week, and everything else was taken care of on the back end. So they had an awesome experience. They were getting everything that they needed to keep moving forward. And you showed up when it counted. So just really think about that, as you reflect on, on how, you know, how do you even think about this, and it's not just about creating a course, it's not just about creating an email sequence, it's not just about creating, you know, a sales funnel or whatever else, right? It's really looking at it as a holistic experience of, of, you know, how do I want to show up for my clients? And how can I automate what, what can be automatable, and then show up and provide the highest level of service when I show up, and really thinking through that. So there you go, that is my course, building secret for today, a little bit of a deeper conversation, a little bit more, kind of targeted in terms of coaching, but if you just take the time to really think through these things, that hurdle of how do I even think about changing the way that I do this. And the value that you provide online versus in person really is is just a switch in, you know, leveraging your time, just a little bit differently than you than you are today. So hopefully, this is helpful for you. You know, one of the things that we spent a lot of time doing, and I know I talked about this every so often and probably not enough is, is sometimes this is hard to do on your own, because you can't imagine or envision what it would look like to do things different than the way that you do them today, is really what we specialize in is being able to help people reimagine the way that they're working to help maximize their time, but also maximize the experience that are giving getting for people because it is not only just possible, but it actually provides an awesome, consistent and reliable experience for the people you're trying to help. And so instead of thinking about, well, the only way that I can shop and provide the highest value is for me to be there in person all the time. It's really looking at showing up and providing the most value when it makes the most sense. Right and, and in looking at it from that perspective. So if you need help with that, if you need help kind of getting out of your own head or looking at your business from a bigger picture perspective, or just kind of starting to map things out. One of the things that we do is really help businesses and business leaders do that because the reality is is really hard to do it by yourself when you're kind of in the weeds or you're too close to the process. And so definitely reach out to me if you are interested in in just even exploring what that looks like. And if you are one of those people who's just sort of had this this niggling like I really need to figure this out. I really think that this could work. I just don't know how to get there. Definitely call me and we will talk through it because it's absolutely possible in in the reality is it's a lot easier than you think it is. It's just a matter of getting clear on the experience that you provide. So Alright, there you go. I will leave you for today.