In this episode, Tara reveals a behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of putting together a signature sales presentation (webinar). She includes secret ninja tricks that most people aren't revealing. Check it out here.
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Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results.
I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business.
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Everybody, welcome to this week's episode of the
Unknown:course building secrets podcast. I am thrilled that you're here
Unknown:today. Hey, in this episode, I'm going to go a little bit behind
Unknown:the scenes and share with you a little of our launch strategy.
Unknown:So one of the things that I think is so powerful about being
Unknown:able to speak to you guys, in this podcast on the YouTube
Unknown:video, and all of the things is that we're able to share our
Unknown:best practices, both what we're doing with clients, as well as
Unknown:what we're doing in our own business. And so hopefully, it
Unknown:serves you because it's not theory, it's not information,
Unknown:it's really actionable tips that we're applying all the time,
Unknown:again, both in our business and also for our clients. So today
Unknown:is no exception. So I want to make sure that, that I dive into
Unknown:a little bit of the detail of how we're doing this launch that
Unknown:we're working on right now. And, and some different pieces that I
Unknown:think will will help you Hey, and if you like these episodes,
Unknown:both on the podcast and on YouTube, we'll give us a like a
Unknown:subscribe a rating, wherever you're listening, however you're
Unknown:seeing it, go ahead and and just click on or whatever it is, you
Unknown:can click on that lets you know, it lets us know that you
Unknown:appreciate what we're doing. Because obviously, we love
Unknown:giving you this free content.
Unknown:But we want to know that you're listening. Alright, there you
Unknown:go. I'm gonna jump right in. Okay, so today I want to talk
Unknown:about your signature presentation. And what that is,
Unknown:sometimes people call it a webinar or workshop or a
Unknown:challenge or whatever else. But basically what it is, is kind of
Unknown:the initial training that you are doing to help somebody make
Unknown:a buying decision. So they've come into your world in one way,
Unknown:shape, or form, either through this challenge, or training,
Unknown:right, they're interested in attending because they like what
Unknown:you have to say, or they've come in through email list or
Unknown:something else. And, and so what this is doing is helping them
Unknown:understand what it is that you do, how you like, what your
Unknown:approach is, what your methodology is to the problem to
Unknown:the solution that that gives gives them the solution to the
Unknown:problem that they have. And then whether or not they want to work
Unknown:with you in a purchasing capacity. So your signature
Unknown:presentation is really all about that. Usually, we recommend
Unknown:doing one main signature presentation, you could have
Unknown:some variations of it. But usually you're just doing one
Unknown:that is
Unknown:teeing up what it is that your philosophy is the methodology,
Unknown:and then giving them an invitation to continue working
Unknown:with you.
Unknown:Okay, so that's the frame in which I'm talking about today.
Unknown:So again, you could call it a perfect webinar, or you could
Unknown:call it a signature presentation, doesn't really
Unknown:matter what you call it, but it's basically that kind of
Unknown:initial piece of training or
Unknown:content that you're giving to help them one solve kind of one
Unknown:immediate problem, and then basically ask them for a broader
Unknown:commitment. Okay, so a lot of times when people approach this,
Unknown:when they aren't used to this game is that it's just a
Unknown:training session, right? You're just giving some training some
Unknown:high value content, and then you're going to ask them for the
Unknown:sale at the end. And then and then hope that they buy right.
Unknown:And, and so one of the things I want to share with you today is
Unknown:sort of the strategy behind how you put something like this
Unknown:together, because it's not just showing up and sharing
Unknown:information. The point is, yes, you want to elevate your status,
Unknown:right? You want people to see that you have experience and
Unknown:that you know what you're talking about, right, that
Unknown:you're actually not just, you know, like an overnight expert,
Unknown:right. And so that's super important. However, what you
Unknown:don't want to do is give too much training, because that's
Unknown:not actually going to help them solve the problem. What's going
Unknown:to help them solve the problem is giving them the belief that
Unknown:if solving their problem is possible, because remember where
Unknown:they are on the journey as they're just sort of at the
Unknown:first place where before they signed up for your thing,
Unknown:they're either wandering around, kind of hoping that somebody is
Unknown:going to come into their worlds give them the answer that
Unknown:they're looking for. Right? Like I have a problem. I don't know
Unknown:how to solve it. I wonder if there's anyone out there who
Unknown:could help me. I could sort of the mindset that they're in, or
Unknown:they're like, I don't even know what questions to ask, but I
Unknown:know that something's not working. Which direction do I
Unknown:go? How do I move forward, right. So remember, whenever you
Unknown:are working on some sort of product or service, it's an
Unknown:answer to a problem.
Unknown:Somebody has, right? It's not just like, I'm an expert, and I
Unknown:want to like just give you information, that's not actually
Unknown:going to sell or build your business. So you need to be
Unknown:solving the problem that people are wandering around hoping that
Unknown:somebody is going to provide an answer for them. And then the
Unknown:next step is to put it into some sort of framework, that that
Unknown:allows those people to not only identify that they have a
Unknown:problem, and that you're the person to help them solve the
Unknown:But that it's going to be easy for them or possible for them to
Unknown:solve the problem. So with that, there are sort of some key
Unknown:pieces that you put together, outside of the teaching
Unknown:elements. And and then they help kind of frame what the teaching
Unknown:element should be, because you do want to get a lot of value in
Unknown:the training that you're doing. But the value is a little bit
Unknown:different than you may think. Right? It's not just like giving
Unknown:them information or giving them a formula, it's actually taking
Unknown:them on a journey. So the very first thing is that you want to
Unknown:be very clear about what your solution is, what your vehicle
Unknown:is, right? Like how you can help solve that problem. And what
Unknown:that looks like. The most successful ones are the ones
Unknown:that have some sort of methodology framework, something
Unknown:that's packaged, right. It's the, you know, Tara's
Unknown:methodology to this, right, like, it's, it's an actual,
Unknown:it feels like it's a physical manifestation of an outcome.
Unknown:Right? So that's the very first thing that you want to do. So if
Unknown:you can give them the belief that that the this vehicle that
Unknown:you have this solution, this product or service, is the
Unknown:answer that they're looking for, that's going to solve their
Unknown:problem faster and better and easier than anything else, then
Unknown:they're going to buy, right. And so that's the first
Unknown:identification is what what is it that you need to sort of
Unknown:package and talk about, in order to get them to believe that
Unknown:you're, you've got the best option for them. Because that's
Unknown:what you need to believe. Now, if you don't believe that, then
Unknown:you need to do the work first and make sure that you have a
Unknown:solution that you believe in so strongly that you know that it's
Unknown:the fastest, the easiest, and the best solution for somebody
Unknown:to solve the problem that they're wandering around having.
Unknown:That's the first order of business. So if you haven't done
Unknown:that, then you need to do that first. And that doesn't mean you
Unknown:have to totally build it out. But it means that you have to
Unknown:have the strategy for what your framework is what your
Unknown:proprietary methodology is, because that's what people are
Unknown:paying for. Right, they're paying for the fastest path to
Unknown:success. They're not just paying for you to give them information
Unknown:that's not valuable for them. And so that's the very first
Unknown:thing if you don't believe that, then you have to believe it
Unknown:first, before you can help other people believe it. But the goal
Unknown:is that you are helping them see that your vehicle, your
Unknown:framework, your methodology, your product or service,
Unknown:whatever it is that you are selling, is the way that they're
Unknown:going to get to the answer that they're looking for. Okay, so
Unknown:work on that first, and, and really feel confident that this
Unknown:is the solution, they can't get it anywhere else. If they go
Unknown:somewhere else, it's going to cost them more time cost them
Unknown:more money, and and whatever else. Right? So that's the very
Unknown:first order of business, then the way that you're going to
Unknown:structure your presentation is actually not in teaching
Unknown:elements, right? So a lot of times, we'll do you know, the
Unknown:three secrets, or the three items, or the three, this or the
Unknown:three that right? There's a whole kind of psychology behind
Unknown:the rules of three I'm not gonna talk about today. But typically,
Unknown:you have about that much time and people think in the in in
Unknown:terms of threes. So, three secrets, three tips, three
Unknown:strategies, three mistakes, whatever it is, right?
Unknown:Typically, that's how you're going to frame up your
Unknown:presentation. You don't have to all the time, but any more than
Unknown:three, you don't really have time and you less than three,
Unknown:then you're not actually going to tee up the three things I'm
Unknown:going to tell you are the secrets to being able to move
Unknown:somebody to make a good buying decision that they feel
Unknown:comfortable with. Okay, so there are three main sort of beliefs
Unknown:or objections that you need to overcome that people have around
Unknown:the vehicle that you're selling. So around the answer to their
Unknown:problem. So there's three main kinds of things that people trip
Unknown:up against. One is, do they believe that your solution or
Unknown:the solution to their problem will help them
Unknown:Right. So it doesn't even need to be your product or service at
Unknown:that point. But like, do they believe that there's a solution
Unknown:to their problem? And do they believe that it's possible to
Unknown:fix whatever they're dealing with?
Unknown:That's the first sort of false belief that you need to
Unknown:overcome. Because that's what's going on in their head is I have
Unknown:this problem. I don't know, if it's solvable. I, I'm
Unknown:overwhelmed. I don't know what to do blah, blah, blah, all the
Unknown:things. And so that is a very first order of business is how
Unknown:do you help them see that this solution is going to move them
Unknown:from point A to point B.
Unknown:So that's your first job is to overcome that false belief that
Unknown:this vehicle this, this solution will or will not work for them?
Unknown:Okay. So that's the first thing that you're teeing up, as, is
Unknown:kind of the teaching element is you're teaching them to go from
Unknown:this false belief to having belief that this is possible for
Unknown:them. So it's all about building the possibility that this option
Unknown:will work for them.
Unknown:It's not teaching them the framework and and you know, the
Unknown:six components and what they all are, and going into detail about
Unknown:all the things right, it's teeing it up, but it's not.
Unknown:You're not teaching each of the steps, right? So this is the
Unknown:what and the why not the how, the how comes in then purchasing
Unknown:your programs. So it's why is it important? What is it around the
Unknown:wrapper of this being what's possible for them? type. So
Unknown:that's the first thing. The second thing is you have to work
Unknown:through their internal false belief that it's not something
Unknown:that they can do, right? There's some
Unknown:internal challenge that they're like, Well, that may work for
Unknown:other people, but I don't know if I can be successful with it.
Unknown:Right, for whatever reason. And so you have to help them bridge
Unknown:that gap. Where, you know, can I do this? Is it possible for me,
Unknown:I know, this works for other people, but I don't know if I
Unknown:can do it. So you have to help them jump over that hurdle,
Unknown:which is giving them
Unknown:you know, examples, case studies, stories, different
Unknown:things that help them see that other people like them, have
Unknown:also, who had that problem, also have been able to overcome the
Unknown:challenge. And so that's the internal belief, false belief
Unknown:that needs to happen throughout the presentation is to move them
Unknown:into it's possible. And not only is it possible, but if other
Unknown:people can do it, I can do it. And that's, that's the goal is
Unknown:to get them to that place. By the end, they're like, I can do
Unknown:this, this is possible. If that person can do it, I can do it.
Unknown:This isn't as hard as I've made it out, in my mind to be. That's
Unknown:that second kind of false belief that you need to tip over in the
Unknown:middle of this presentation. Then the third one is the
Unknown:external false belief. And this one is, okay, well, I believe
Unknown:that this is the right solution for me, I believe that I can do
Unknown:it. But there's some sort of force outside of me, that's not
Unknown:going to let that happen. Time, money, technology, all of those
Unknown:different things are great,
Unknown:great things to look at to see is that what's in in the way of
Unknown:somebody making a decision to solve their problem, right? I
Unknown:don't have time I'm already overwhelmed. There's so many
Unknown:things going on in my business in my life. I know I can't
Unknown:devote the time to this, right. That's a that's an external
Unknown:Tech, I don't have the right tools. I don't understand
Unknown:technology. I don't want to learn technology. I know I can't
Unknown:do this until I master that. I'm going to put it off right, I'm
Unknown:not going to make a decision because that just seems
Unknown:overwhelming to me. That's a an external false belief.
Unknown:And then money, right, I don't have the money, I don't have the
Unknown:ability to pay for a solution to this problem. So all those are
Unknown:examples of external false beliefs. And so your job is to,
Unknown:again get them from point A to point B to they believe right
Unknown:now that those are their hurdles that they cannot move forward
Unknown:because they've got these obstacles in the way your job is
Unknown:to tip them over and get them past the obstacles past those
Unknown:hurdles, so they can move forward. And so these are the
Unknown:the strategic elements that need to go in each one of your
Unknown:signature presentations, so that you can help people
Unknown:not only know that this is the right solution
Unknown:for them, and that it's possible to solve the problem that they
Unknown:have. But to get them past their sort of
Unknown:level of inertia, right? Like, we all have something that
Unknown:stands in our way of moving forward and taking things to the
Unknown:level that we really want to be operating at, right. So if
Unknown:there's a problem that you have, you're, you're usually trying to
Unknown:solve the problem. But there's a huge gap between wanting to
Unknown:solve the problem and actually solving the problem. And so the
Unknown:people who are able to make a buying decision, have the
Unknown:ability to see how each one of those false beliefs or
Unknown:objections can be eliminated to get to their outcome. Now, if
Unknown:somebody's pain is really, really strong, that strategic,
Unknown:the strategic points I just went over are less important. They're
Unknown:all important, but like less important, because that pain is
Unknown:so strong that they have the internal motivation to to solve
Unknown:that pain. But most of the time, 80% of the time, people need a
Unknown:little bit of help to realize that it's possible and not as
Unknown:hard as they're making it out to be, right. And so that's what
Unknown:that signature presentation is. Now within each of those, you're
Unknown:actually teaching, right, you're giving stories, you're giving
Unknown:case studies, you're helping them have a couple of sort of
Unknown:fast wins for each of the things that your teachings, so they see
Unknown:that it's possible, they see that they can apply it to their
Unknown:world and move things forward. But the whole thing isn't about
Unknown:teaching. And I think that was one of the things that I really
Unknown:had to learn in this whole process, when I started this,
Unknown:when I started kind of studying this years ago, is that I'm an
Unknown:actual teacher, right? Like, that is my thing. I love
Unknown:teaching, I love training, I love designing training, I love
Unknown:doing all of those things. But the you know, and I was like,
Unknown:Oh, I can teach all day, like it's no problem, blah, blah,
Unknown:blah, I'm really comfortable with that. But the sales
Unknown:process, the moving a prospective buyer to purchase is
Unknown:not just about teaching and showing that you have that
Unknown:knowledge, it's about bringing them along on the journey and
Unknown:meeting them where they are. And where they are, is they have a
Unknown:problem. And they don't know whether or not they can trust
Unknown:you, you have the solution. And if you're able to help them move
Unknown:forward, right. And so that's your job in this in this initial
Unknown:presentation, if they have signed up to to, you know, spend
Unknown:some time with you, your job is to help them move from point A
Unknown:to point B. And where they are right now in the journey is just
Unknown:looking to see if they can make a buying decision with you like
Unknown:do they trust you? Do they like you? Do they think that you're
Unknown:the person that's going to help them? And if they're not, then
Unknown:you say great, like, you know, keep looking, somebody will be
Unknown:able to help you don't try and help everyone, but be very
Unknown:specific about helping them move over their hurdles. So hopefully
Unknown:this serves you because I think that a lot of times,
Unknown:well, I mean, we deal with this with our clients all the time.
Unknown:And even you know, yesterday, I had to go through this activity
Unknown:because I'm doing this, this act, this presentation. For my
Unknown:program, I had to go and sit down and do this activity again.
Unknown:Right. So every single time I do a presentation, I go in and I
Unknown:look at, okay, what's the vehicle? You know, what's, what
Unknown:are the false beliefs that I need to help my my prospective
Unknown:customers see in order to make a buying decision? And what
Unknown:objections are they going to have? Right? Like, what are the
Unknown:things that they're tripping up against? That may cause them to
Unknown:say, well, I don't know if now it's the right time. I don't
Unknown:know if I have the the finance, I don't know if it's a priority,
Unknown:like all the things right. And so I literally every single time
Unknown:I do this, I go back and I look at those because again, I like I
Unknown:said earlier, for me, it's really easy to teach, I have
Unknown:frameworks. I have an overarching methodology. I've
Unknown:got insights and ideas and all the things if you've listened to
Unknown:the podcast, like you know, right, like, I, I have lots of
Unknown:knowledge. I've been doing this for, you know, 20 plus years.
Unknown:And so my tendency is just to show up and serve and teach. And
Unknown:so for me, it's a disciplined habit for me to to look at it go
Unknown:Okay, so what's my objective? How can I help my prospective
Unknown:customers see how valuable it is because we have the tools to get
Unknown:them from point A to point B. And so they don't need to be,
Unknown:you know, having that challenging or they don't have
Unknown:to be having that problem.
Unknown:But my job is to help them move forward. And stop kind of stinks
Unknown:stuck, right. And so, so again, like I do this each and every
Unknown:time. So yesterday, I spent the afternoon, just going through
Unknown:and validating that I had the right pieces in place. So then I
Unknown:can wrap that around the training. So when I asked for
Unknown:the next step, people will know that either it's for them or not
Unknown:for them, right, now's the right time, or now's not the right
Unknown:time. This is the place to put their investment dollars or it's
Unknown:not right, they can make an educated decision, because they
Unknown:have all of the information and examples of how other people
Unknown:have overcome those challenges. So hopefully, this serves you,
Unknown:obviously, we go a lot deeper in this in the coaching and
Unknown:programs that I offer. Because this is a key strategy in your
Unknown:customers journey. When you help them, help them kind of, you
Unknown:know, get over that place of like having the problem and that
Unknown:you have the solution. And the more you can frame out the
Unknown:vehicle, the solution, the product or service that you
Unknown:offer, the more clarity you give them on the roadmap that they
Unknown:have to go through their the Success Path, whatever you want
Unknown:to call it,
Unknown:the easier it is for them to have the confidence that they
Unknown:can come into your program and get results, right because
Unknown:there's something specific that they're going through, and they
Unknown:can see it. So even if this is your beta, and you're doing it
Unknown:for the first time, you don't actually sell it without having
Unknown:your signature framework, your success path, your your
Unknown:methodology, whatever you want to call it, I don't care what
Unknown:you call it, without having that dialed in and set that as the
Unknown:very first order of business is that you do not just like decide
Unknown:you're gonna do a new topic or a new course or whatever you're
Unknown:working on, and throw it out there without having that that
Unknown:signature framework setup. And so again, these are the things
Unknown:that we're working on a lot in the learning experience. And
Unknown:kind of the private clients that I work with is getting this out
Unknown:of your head and getting it into a packaged program or a packaged
Unknown:product. Even if you're doing one on one that allows you to
Unknown:start to develop your systems so that you can grow and scale as
Unknown:quickly as possible. If you're interested in that, just give me
Unknown:a shout. There are lots of ways to get a hold of me you can go
Unknown:out on the website TLS And and that you
Unknown:can just schedule a meeting with me right there, or jump into one
Unknown:of our programs. Or if you want to see this in action, you can
Unknown:show up to one of the signature presentations. But hopefully
Unknown:this serves you and hopefully you were taking notes because
Unknown:these are very strong golden nuggets that a lot of people
Unknown:aren't talking about because they they aren't sort of sharing
Unknown:that right it's it's the ninja tricks of how you sell how you
Unknown:get your prospects to really understand and want to be a part
Unknown:of what you're doing. So there you go. Have a great day.