#09: Lakshmi DelSesto - Ride the Mystic Dragon
Episode 930th April 2021 • How Humans Work with Jef Szi • Jeffrey Szilagyi
00:00:00 00:55:54

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Episode Summary

In Episode #09 Lakshmi DelSesto joins the show for beautiful conversation about music, fathering, and spirituality. In Lakshmi’s life we can gather much about the sacred and healing power of music, the challenge of coming-of-age without an invested father and the moving way a nomadic heart reconciles life’s adversities with creativity.

Leading a self-described ‘unconventional’ path into adulthood, we can see both the beauty and tenderness that comes when a daughter’s unique spirit is untended by a father caught-up in religious beliefs and generational limitations.

Ride the Mystic Dragon gives us a brave portrait of the contours of the heart, the impact in a father’s choices, and the way the inborn spirit will find a way to make a meaningful life no matter what. By the shows end, we not only melt into the sonic genius of Lakshmi’s gifts, we taste how love can still flow in the heart, even in the face of disappointment, especially when one is willing to honor the threads of connection beyond differences.

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