Three Things You Can Automate In Your Animal Business RIGHT NOW
There are so many tasks in our animal, equine and pet-based businesses that are repetitive. That we find ourselves doing over and over again. And they are often big time-sucks! On this week’s episode of The Business Animal, Cara and Kim give three things you can take off your plate right now through the power of automation. Listen to this episode and lighten your load!
The Business Animal podcast is proudly
Kimberly Beer:sponsored by WP Engine your resource for managed WordPress
Kimberly Beer:hosting, and KEAP the premier CRM software for small business,
Kimberly Beer:head over to for the
Kimberly Beer:best deals on these two amazing products
Jaz:Welcome to The Business Animal podcast. Saddle up for a
Jaz:gallop to the top of the animal industry, where you'll learn how
Jaz:to tame your wild business beast with tips, techniques, and tools
Jaz:that will take overwhelm to obedience school, and have you
Jaz:wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts, Kim Beer and
Jaz:Cara Taylor Swift.
Kimberly Beer:Hey there business animals. It's Kim with
Kimberly Beer:Be More Business and
Cara Taylor Swift:Cara with Fast Horse photography. Hi, Kim.
Kimberly Beer:Hi, Cara. Welcome everybody to The Business
Kimberly Beer:Animal. I know every listener out there listening to this
Kimberly Beer:podcast wishes that they had more time in their business. I
Kimberly Beer:know I do, don't you Cara.
Cara Taylor Swift:Oh my gosh, especially right now it's so
Cara Taylor Swift:busy in my world between it being a very busy equine
Cara Taylor Swift:portrait season, because we're in the early days of spring
Cara Taylor Swift:going into summer. So it's not too miserable yet, so it's so
Cara Taylor Swift:busy right there. And then on top of it, we're in birthday
Cara Taylor Swift:party season for all the kids and children in my life, my
Cara Taylor Swift:son's birthday is coming up. It's almost the end of school.
Cara Taylor Swift:So we're making summer plans and life is insane. So one of the
Cara Taylor Swift:things I was thinking about when we were talking about episodes
Cara Taylor Swift:is what are the three things we can do right now to just give
Cara Taylor Swift:herself some breathing room in our business so that we can also
Cara Taylor Swift:be enjoying all the craziness of the springtime and enjoy it a
Cara Taylor Swift:little bit more.
Kimberly Beer:Yes. And so that brings us to a topic that we've
Kimberly Beer:brought up on this podcast a few times. And that's automation,
Kimberly Beer:because when you automate things, you take it off of your
Kimberly Beer:plate, and you pass it off to a computer. And I can tell you, My
Kimberly Beer:computer has no birthday plans, it doesn't need to attend
Kimberly Beer:parties, it could care less about what time it works. I
Kimberly Beer:mean, honestly, it is a very good computer. And it really
Kimberly Beer:just doesn't mind. And I can guarantee you that most of the
Kimberly Beer:computers out there in the world unless they've gotten some new
Kimberly Beer:sort of technology don't care either. So let's put them to
Kimberly Beer:work and let the technology do the work for us. So that we can
Kimberly Beer:go off and enjoy graduations and birthday parties and
Kimberly Beer:celebrations and working with our clients with our full
Kimberly Beer:attention devoted to it and our business running smoothly in the
Kimberly Beer:background. So we've come up with three things that you can
Kimberly Beer:automate easily. So none of these are going to take you
Kimberly Beer:weeks to try to cook up, they should be three easy automations
Kimberly Beer:that you can institute in your business that will honestly the
Kimberly Beer:three things we're going to talk about are huge. Either things
Kimberly Beer:that you don't do, or things that suck a tremendous amount of
Kimberly Beer:time out of your business, I would you know, they talk about
Kimberly Beer:those energy vampires in your house. So these little items
Kimberly Beer:that keep running and suck up your electricity. To me, these
Kimberly Beer:are time vampires. And the three things are follow up responses,
Kimberly Beer:billing and appointments. So these are three places where you
Kimberly Beer:can save a tremendous amount of time, if you would put together
Kimberly Beer:a simple automation, none of these should take you more than
Kimberly Beer:a couple of hours tops to be able to put together. So yeah,
Kimberly Beer:I'm excited about passing this information on to people because
Kimberly Beer:honestly, I don't think I would have made it through the last
Kimberly Beer:three or four months of my life without these things in place.
Kimberly Beer:So I already had most of them in place. But I think I would have
Kimberly Beer:definitely fallen flat on my face. Had I not had them with
Kimberly Beer:the the spring that I've had.
Cara Taylor Swift:And you've got so much coming up over you
Cara Taylor Swift:know, in the next several months that you've even been ramping up
Cara Taylor Swift:your automation game just to try to make sure that while you're
Cara Taylor Swift:taking care of yourself and you're doing the things that you
Cara Taylor Swift:need to do this spring and summer that your clients aren't
Cara Taylor Swift:feeling that that they're still being nurtured. And they're
Cara Taylor Swift:still getting all of the things that they need from you. So
Cara Taylor Swift:you've been working really hard on this. So it's just such a
Cara Taylor Swift:timely topic, I think for both of us right now.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. So let's dive into number one,
Kimberly Beer:which is follow ups. So follow ups and responses. We all get a
Kimberly Beer:ton of communications in a day and we get communications from
Kimberly Beer:everywhere. I honestly some days I feel like I have way too many
Kimberly Beer:closets that I have to open every single day to look in to
Kimberly Beer:see what my messages are from people because there's so many
Kimberly Beer:ways to get in contact with people. It used to be back when
Kimberly Beer:I started my business the only way people contacted me was over
Kimberly Beer:the phone. Now we have phones, text messages, email messengers
Kimberly Beer:on all the different social media platforms and then we have
Kimberly Beer:these complicated things that have added Things like I have
Kimberly Beer:discord that I have to keep up with I have banned I have to
Kimberly Beer:keep up with which are two apps and I have a client that uses
Kimberly Beer:Slack. So I mean, I don't know, I just listed off like 10 places
Kimberly Beer:that I have to look for communications from people every
Kimberly Beer:single day to kind of keep up with what's going on. And it can
Kimberly Beer:drive you for lack of a better term batshit crazy. To make sure
Kimberly Beer:you look at all of those.
Cara Taylor Swift:It's so true, I can spend an hour in the
Cara Taylor Swift:morning, just going to each one of those, like you said, closet
Cara Taylor Swift:doors that you have to open looking to see who's reached out
Cara Taylor Swift:Who do you need to respond to. And then on the flip side, if
Cara Taylor Swift:you're not funneling those people, which is kind of what
Cara Taylor Swift:we're going to talk about, if you're not funneling them to one
Cara Taylor Swift:place, and you need to contact them, then you have to spend
Cara Taylor Swift:more time finding them. So where was I communicating with them?
Cara Taylor Swift:Was it a text message? wasn't an Instagram, you know, DM? Was it
Cara Taylor Swift:an email, and you have to like, go find them in that can take
Cara Taylor Swift:forever? It can be so time consuming. So frustrating. I
Cara Taylor Swift:know, I saw that piece of information. Yeah. So when I
Cara Taylor Swift:work with people, photographers that I'm mentoring around their
Cara Taylor Swift:photography businesses, one of the first things we talk about
Cara Taylor Swift:is this issue and how to get this piece cleaned up so that
Cara Taylor Swift:you're not losing people you're doing the follow ups that you
Cara Taylor Swift:need to do we know how important follow up is, and that you're
Cara Taylor Swift:creating a space for yourself that isn't in the crazy making
Cara Taylor Swift:mentality, like you're able to funnel those people all to one
Cara Taylor Swift:place so that you can find them and work with them. And you can
Cara Taylor Swift:have automation setup. So yeah, this one is a favorite for me.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. So our recommendations here are to
Kimberly Beer:start simple, don't make this overly complicated, right, for
Kimberly Beer:the majority of the communication, I actually do get
Kimberly Beer:usually comes through email. So in email, you can create common
Kimberly Beer:responses to things because honestly, owning a small
Kimberly Beer:business is pretty repetitive, like you say the same thing over
Kimberly Beer:and over and over and over again. So you're going to have
Kimberly Beer:some very common responses. Even if your automation is as analog
Kimberly Beer:as typing up the common responses into a Word document
Kimberly Beer:and then cutting and pasting them into your emails as
Kimberly Beer:responses and then customizing it, you're going to shave hours
Kimberly Beer:off of your month. I mean, it may seem like a minute or two
Kimberly Beer:every single time you use it. But trust me, it adds up over
Kimberly Beer:time, little small things add up over time. And you can also use
Kimberly Beer:software to automate the responses. So when a customer
Kimberly Beer:does one thing, then you can either add a tag or
Kimberly Beer:automatically even if there's enough automation involved in
Kimberly Beer:it, to be able to just go ahead and respond to them right where
Kimberly Beer:they are with information that they need. I like to do the very
Kimberly Beer:first email I like to be able to create for automation for my
Kimberly Beer:clients is the one that follows up from like networking or
Kimberly Beer:contacts, because that email is almost exactly the same every
Kimberly Beer:single time it has contact information and maybe has a link
Kimberly Beer:to an appointment scheduler, which is our third item that
Kimberly Beer:we're going to talk about today, which is another huge time suck
Kimberly Beer:in our lives and communication suck. But just setting up a
Kimberly Beer:simple response email to say, you know, hey, it was nice to
Kimberly Beer:meet you. Here's my contact information. And here's the next
Kimberly Beer:step and writing it up in advance and then setting it up
Kimberly Beer:so that all you have to do is drop a tag on the contact in
Kimberly Beer:your CRM software, and it sends off the email, it just saves you
Kimberly Beer:so many hours, so many hours over the year, it's time back,
Kimberly Beer:you can actually take a vacation. That's brilliant,
Cara Taylor Swift:you know, all the time we're out networking,
Cara Taylor Swift:because
Cara Taylor Swift:we're meeting people, we're collecting business cards, you
Cara Taylor Swift:know, we're doing all of that. But then where we fall short is
Cara Taylor Swift:that stack of business cards sits on our desk, and we always
Cara Taylor Swift:have the intention of getting back to them. So it's another
Cara Taylor Swift:area of and I'm putting this in quotes where we feel like we're
Cara Taylor Swift:failing or failure in our business because we're not
Cara Taylor Swift:following up well, but that's a great starter for automation.
Cara Taylor Swift:Literally just create your follow up email from
Cara Taylor Swift:interactions that you can drop in there in personalized and and
Cara Taylor Swift:send it out and you don't even have to go so far as to put it
Cara Taylor Swift:in a software system. Like Kim said, you can create a Word
Cara Taylor Swift:document if that's where you want to start or an email draft
Cara Taylor Swift:that you copy over and over again and have them saved in a
Cara Taylor Swift:folder in your emails. My favorite that I like to start
Cara Taylor Swift:with because I get a ton of inquiries about portrait
Cara Taylor Swift:sessions daily. I like to start with a welcome email and it's
Cara Taylor Swift:something as kind of a qualifier email, where I'm welcoming them
Cara Taylor Swift:thanking them for reaching out and then I have some common
Cara Taylor Swift:questions that I asked to determine more about what
Cara Taylor Swift:they're looking for. It's easily customizable. It's something
Cara Taylor Swift:that I can do really quickly. That used to take me a long time
Cara Taylor Swift:to sit down and craft and because I was able to put just
Cara Taylor Swift:you know, and I think I spent 15 minutes creating it originally,
Cara Taylor Swift:and just sat down and really thought about my wording and the
Cara Taylor Swift:language that I wanted to use and the feeling of my response,
Cara Taylor Swift:I was able to do all of that. So now I have an email I'm really
Cara Taylor Swift:happy with vs before, when I was responding to all of them.
Cara Taylor Swift:Sometimes it was an email I like sometimes I wasn't feeling like
Cara Taylor Swift:I could write it, and I wasn't feeling creative. So they were
Cara Taylor Swift:all different, if that makes sense. So being able to create
Cara Taylor Swift:one that I was really proud of and happy made such a big
Cara Taylor Swift:difference. And now I can just shoot it off in two seconds
Cara Taylor Swift:flat, and it puts the ball kind of back in my clients court to
Cara Taylor Swift:be in a place where they're determining if they want to work
Cara Taylor Swift:with me or not by are they going to answer some of the questions?
Cara Taylor Swift:Are they going to take the next step? So that's a favorite one
Cara Taylor Swift:for me. Kim, do you have any tools that you really like for
Cara Taylor Swift:email automation? I know you do.
Kimberly Beer:Of course I do. Of course I do. So keep is going
Kimberly Beer:to be my my go to tool. It's KEAP and it is a full fledged
Kimberly Beer:CRM and I'm not going to give anybody sunshine that it's not a
Kimberly Beer:little bit of a hassle to set up because it is you've got to
Kimberly Beer:think about a few things. But here's the cool thing about KEAP
Kimberly Beer:is KEAP has this incredible force on I am one of them have a
Kimberly Beer:partner program. And all CRM programs, by the way, in general
Kimberly Beer:have one of these right there are individuals who own their
Kimberly Beer:own businesses who really understand maybe a niche market
Kimberly Beer:or they understand a local market. And they're really damn
Kimberly Beer:good at what they do. And they help you set up automations. And
Kimberly Beer:so KEAPs partner network and again, I am one of their
Kimberly Beer:partners, we will help you set it up. And many of us like
Kimberly Beer:myself have a program where if you buy KEAP through me, then I
Kimberly Beer:will help you get started, I have some basic classes I can
Kimberly Beer:teach you, I will do a couple of consultations with you to help
Kimberly Beer:you get ramped up and started. So it is a tool to be able to do
Kimberly Beer:this. And when you're ready to move away from that Word
Kimberly Beer:document or draft folder in your email, then this is a good step
Kimberly Beer:up for you. There are other tools, but I think keep works
Kimberly Beer:really especially well for small businesses, because it seems to
Kimberly Beer:make sense to small business owners where a lot of the other
Kimberly Beer:tools do not. So that's one of the reasons I like it. And I
Kimberly Beer:think that people who are developing it really take time
Kimberly Beer:to understand what small business owners need in a CRM,
Kimberly Beer:and they don't need a lot of stuff in their way, what they
Kimberly Beer:need to be able to do is to get in there and work with their
Kimberly Beer:contacts. And KEAP does make that easy once you have the
Kimberly Beer:setup part done. So that would be my favorite tool for that
Kimberly Beer:other tools that there are tons of them out there. And you can
Kimberly Beer:use them. And again, I don't want anyone to feel like okay,
Kimberly Beer:it's not really automation, because I have a Word document.
Kimberly Beer:And it's not like the technologist doing all of it.
Kimberly Beer:But trust me, it saves you time. So if that's the place you
Kimberly Beer:start, and it builds you up. So when you're ready to step into a
Kimberly Beer:CRM tool that will allow you to do the rest of the automation,
Kimberly Beer:you most certainly can do that much easier, because you'll
Kimberly Beer:already have all of those scripts written and the
Kimberly Beer:automations can just come super fast. So that's my two cents on
Kimberly Beer:that one,
Cara Taylor Swift:I have been dabbling in keep as well, since
Cara Taylor Swift:you, you know, got me started on it with calculus with cameras
Cara Taylor Swift:and you know, some of our events we have coming up. But as it as
Cara Taylor Swift:a horse photographer, one of the programs that I really like that
Cara Taylor Swift:I have found useful for automation is a program called
Cara Taylor Swift:17 hats, which is really geared towards photographers. So I know
Cara Taylor Swift:we have a lot of photographers that listen. So I wanted to
Cara Taylor Swift:throw that out there it is a beast, I feel like I only use
Cara Taylor Swift:20% of it at this point. And I have so much room to grow in it.
Cara Taylor Swift:But I do really like it for managing my clients and also the
Cara Taylor Swift:automation part around sending emails, it's very easy to set up
Cara Taylor Swift:and to work with. And it also has, this is gonna sound kind of
Cara Taylor Swift:crazy, but it has a template marketplace and templates that
Cara Taylor Swift:you can use that are geared towards photographers that you
Cara Taylor Swift:can do you know, emails that kind of handle all the different
Cara Taylor Swift:stages of your business. And if you're someone like me, that's
Cara Taylor Swift:not always able to come up with like the best words all the
Cara Taylor Swift:time, without really putting a lot of time and energy into it,
Cara Taylor Swift:it's nice to be able to have a starting point with some of the
Cara Taylor Swift:template packs that they offer that kind of are through the
Cara Taylor Swift:standard process of a client lifespan in photography. So
Cara Taylor Swift:anyway, I would throw that one out there. And I would also
Cara Taylor Swift:challenge folks to look at the program that they're using for
Cara Taylor Swift:their website. I use Squarespace for my website, and it also has
Cara Taylor Swift:an automation component, and they keep adding more and more
Cara Taylor Swift:you can do contracts now and invoicing is coming and all of
Cara Taylor Swift:that. So there's so much you know, just take a look at the
Cara Taylor Swift:program that you're using for your website because it also
Cara Taylor Swift:might be that there's tools wrapped up in that that you're
Cara Taylor Swift:not even using yet. All of those things. Yeah, all of those
Cara Taylor Swift:things. So those are some tools for you guys to think about. The
Cara Taylor Swift:next thing I would add is some things to consider with your
Cara Taylor Swift:follows up and responses, you know, even though you're
Cara Taylor Swift:automating there is still room for personalization. And that's
Cara Taylor Swift:still really important making sure that if your client asks
Cara Taylor Swift:you a specific question that if you can take a moment to answer
Cara Taylor Swift:that, that's awesome. Or just adding, you know, making sure
Cara Taylor Swift:their name is included in there, nothing is icky or than when you
Cara Taylor Swift:get a cold email from someone that says hello. And if your
Cara Taylor Swift:business name or some awkward, you know, thing that the
Cara Taylor Swift:automation has picked up. So do your best to kind of weed
Cara Taylor Swift:through some of that stuff. I would also say that if you are
Cara Taylor Swift:automating, and you're setting up templates that make sure that
Cara Taylor Swift:your templates all have a consistent look and feel that
Cara Taylor Swift:you're using your branding fonts and colors, and that it looks
Cara Taylor Swift:like it's coming from you and that each one that you send
Cara Taylor Swift:looks like it's coming from you. So you can actually create an
Cara Taylor Swift:email template that you use over and over again, that's in line
Cara Taylor Swift:with your branding. Another thing, sometimes if you're like
Cara Taylor Swift:me, you wake up in the middle of the night, and you feel like you
Cara Taylor Swift:want to get ahead on your emails, but you don't want to be
Cara Taylor Swift:emailing your clients at two o'clock in the morning, right?
Cara Taylor Swift:They don't need to get a ping from you. Or it's not always
Cara Taylor Swift:professional for them to wake up in the morning and see that you
Cara Taylor Swift:were working all night long, that doesn't represent your
Cara Taylor Swift:business all that well, sometimes. So it's okay to
Cara Taylor Swift:schedule your emails. So if you're doing a flurry of them at
Cara Taylor Swift:night, and you want them to go in the morning, when people are
Cara Taylor Swift:more likely to open them when they're sitting down in front of
Cara Taylor Swift:their computers, you can schedule that to happen. Kim,
Cara Taylor Swift:did you want to add anything to that? Because I know you do a
Cara Taylor Swift:lot of scheduling I do.
Kimberly Beer:And a lot of the scheduling I do with emails or
Kimberly Beer:marketing emails in for me and my evolved email practice that I
Kimberly Beer:like to put forward to my clients is the scheduling is
Kimberly Beer:really important because it's really key to meet people where
Kimberly Beer:they are in the sales process. So gone are the days when you
Kimberly Beer:just sort of send out something to all of your list every single
Kimberly Beer:week. Instead, making sure you meet those clients where they
Kimberly Beer:are. That's where the automations come into play in
Kimberly Beer:keep is being able to create basically workflows or flows for
Kimberly Beer:customers to go through in the different stages that they're in
Kimberly Beer:in your business. That's a little bit more than 10 or 15
Kimberly Beer:minutes to set up, however, so scheduling emails, I do like to
Kimberly Beer:schedule them according to time wise, I like mid morning and mid
Kimberly Beer:afternoon if you're talking about specific times, because I
Kimberly Beer:think people tend to have a delete fest first thing in the
Kimberly Beer:morning and right when they come back from lunch. So I know I do.
Kimberly Beer:That's my delete fest time. Speaking from personal
Kimberly Beer:experience speaking from personal experience, yeah, but
Kimberly Beer:you also have to look at your target market, right? If you
Kimberly Beer:work with farmers, farmers only read their emails, like super
Kimberly Beer:early in the morning or super late at night. They don't tend
Kimberly Beer:to check their email during the day. So you got to look at your
Kimberly Beer:target market, right horse people are the same way. They're
Kimberly Beer:not usually in the house during the middle of the day. And so
Kimberly Beer:look at your target market and who you're working with. But
Kimberly Beer:then also scheduling your marketing emails out. We've
Kimberly Beer:talked a lot about batching on this podcast over the time we've
Kimberly Beer:been doing it and batching helps and you can schedule batches of
Kimberly Beer:emails out as well. But yeah, scheduling is key.
Cara Taylor Swift:Are you looking to bring awareness to
Cara Taylor Swift:your equine based product or service or create a unique way
Cara Taylor Swift:for your audience to feel connected to your brand quality
Cara Taylor Swift:horse photos tell your story and breathe life into your marketing
Cara Taylor Swift:they draw your customers in and create an emotional connection
Cara Taylor Swift:powerful images, communicate your core values and highlight
Cara Taylor Swift:the benefits your product offers. Ultimately proving your
Cara Taylor Swift:business is a voice your customers can trust it's time to
Cara Taylor Swift:use dynamic images that define your small business and separate
Cara Taylor Swift:you from the rest of the herd. Fast Horse photography is
Cara Taylor Swift:professional photo library features 1000s of searchable
Cara Taylor Swift:images available for businesses just like yours. And guess what?
Cara Taylor Swift:100% of those images are horse related. Now finding the right
Cara Taylor Swift:horse images for your website. Social media and marketing needs
Cara Taylor Swift:is easier than ever help your audience see that your brand
Cara Taylor Swift:offers the answers they are looking for search for the
Cara Taylor Swift:perfect images for your equine business right now spur your
Cara Taylor Swift:customers into action with
Cara Taylor Swift:That's So yeah, the last thing I want
Cara Taylor Swift:to mention that happens a lot in my life is I get a ton of social
Cara Taylor Swift:media inquiries. So I get DMs you know on Instagram I get
Cara Taylor Swift:Facebook Messenger. I even I'm having LinkedIn stuff come in
Cara Taylor Swift:it's it's can be so overwhelming. So like we said at
Cara Taylor Swift:the top of this episode, we're talking about opening all those
Cara Taylor Swift:doors in the morning and figuring out who we need to
Cara Taylor Swift:respond to one of the things that I have done that has been
Cara Taylor Swift:just a breath of just a breath of relief for me was I set up
Cara Taylor Swift:automated responses on all of my DMs and my Facebook messengers
Cara Taylor Swift:so that when I get client inquiries from there, I don't
Cara Taylor Swift:have to necessarily respond to them right away if I don't want
Cara Taylor Swift:to. So I set up automated responses, they're just out of
Cara Taylor Swift:office responses, it says something to the effect of thank
Cara Taylor Swift:you for reaching out, I don't normally check these on a
Cara Taylor Swift:regular basis to reach me, please send me an email, and I
Cara Taylor Swift:give the information and I can put a direct link to the contact
Cara Taylor Swift:form on my website, which then pulls them into my system when
Cara Taylor Swift:they email me. So I would definitely recommend that as a
Cara Taylor Swift:very easy, super simple thing you can do right away to just
Cara Taylor Swift:get a little breathing room, and you're not having to battle all
Cara Taylor Swift:of the inboxes
Kimberly Beer:Yes, that's a wise decision is being able to
Kimberly Beer:tell people where it's best to contact you, you can also put in
Kimberly Beer:I think my direct message responder for Facebook even
Kimberly Beer:tells people like if you're contacting me, after a certain
Kimberly Beer:hour, I don't check messages after five o'clock, I'll return
Kimberly Beer:your message the next day. I mean, it just lets people know
Kimberly Beer:that you're conscientious but you're also a human being. And
Kimberly Beer:what to expect, I think is that you're setting a good
Kimberly Beer:expectation with those responders. And if for those of
Kimberly Beer:you who want to take that one step further, Facebook and some
Kimberly Beer:of the other social media channels that have direct
Kimberly Beer:messaging, also have what are called chat bots, where you can
Kimberly Beer:even choreograph things further, like really common questions,
Kimberly Beer:you can put responses into the automations, that will the
Kimberly Beer:person can choose a question that they would like a response
Kimberly Beer:to, and then you set up the response ahead of time. And then
Kimberly Beer:they can choose that question. And it'll give them the
Kimberly Beer:response. And then their next step. So sometimes that helps
Kimberly Beer:further the conversation. And I do say sometimes, because I've
Kimberly Beer:found in practice, what happens is when you even when you set
Kimberly Beer:those things up so that every question gets answered,
Kimberly Beer:customers will still call and ask you the question. I don't
Kimberly Beer:know if it's like, do they want to see if your answer matches
Kimberly Beer:the direct message answer or what, but they'll tend to ask
Kimberly Beer:you again anyway. But I think it's a good reiteration of it.
Kimberly Beer:So I like that thought. But I also know, as a consumer, I
Kimberly Beer:don't typically click on those. I want to talk to somebody and
Kimberly Beer:actually hear the answer from them. Maybe it's my generation,
Kimberly Beer:or maybe it's just me, but
Cara Taylor Swift:I'm not brave enough to set those up yet for
Cara Taylor Swift:my business, I feel like I would really need to like go through
Cara Taylor Swift:and test it out. I'm just not brave enough yet. I'm afraid.
Cara Taylor Swift:I'm afraid of how to respond. I would love to hear from other
Cara Taylor Swift:people, though, that are running animal based businesses out
Cara Taylor Swift:there. If they use that or not, it'd be really fun to hear how
Cara Taylor Swift:that's working for them. So if anybody's using the what did you
Cara Taylor Swift:call it the bot, the response bot,
Kimberly Beer:their chat bot chat bot chatbots. And some of
Kimberly Beer:them come directly with the social media for a long time I
Kimberly Beer:actually used on my website, one that is a separate from social
Kimberly Beer:media. It's called drift. And it was it sets up you know, the
Kimberly Beer:little thing you get at the lower right hand corner of your
Kimberly Beer:website that says, Do you have a question technician here or live
Kimberly Beer:chat with somebody now chat now? Yes, and the majority of the
Kimberly Beer:time, you know, small businesses, we can't stalk
Kimberly Beer:people to respond to those chats in live form. But what they will
Kimberly Beer:do is you can choreograph them, I call it choreographing, but a
Kimberly Beer:scripting is probably a better word, you can script a bunch of
Kimberly Beer:responses back to people and drift was really nice. I
Kimberly Beer:actually made clients with drift it several of them as a matter
Kimberly Beer:of fact found that incredibly useful. But I took it off of the
Kimberly Beer:newest version of my website, because I had a little bit
Kimberly Beer:better response system through keep because I had drifted
Kimberly Beer:before I had keep. So drift is another one that you can take a
Kimberly Beer:look at and understand what a chatbot is a little bit better.
Kimberly Beer:That's a little bit more advanced automation. I know for
Kimberly Beer:this episode, we're trying to keep it super simple. But
Kimberly Beer:automation is one of those things that just grows, the more
Kimberly Beer:you use it. So take baby steps don't feel like you have to jump
Kimberly Beer:right into the deep end of the pool. But definitely take those
Kimberly Beer:first baby steps because it'll make your life easier. And then
Kimberly Beer:as you take the baby steps, things will keep growing out.
Kimberly Beer:Are we ready to move on to billing? Let's talk about some
Kimberly Beer:money.
Cara Taylor Swift:We are let's talk about billing, money, money
Kimberly Beer:money. So one of the things that I see in my
Kimberly Beer:clients is that this is kind of a double threat benefit to
Kimberly Beer:business owners. So one is saving time. So billing in and
Kimberly Beer:of itself like I have a service oriented business and billing
Kimberly Beer:honestly, doesn't take me long because I've got quite a few
Kimberly Beer:automation setup for it, but I maybe spend five to 10 minutes a
Kimberly Beer:month on it. But I have worked for small businesses where this
Kimberly Beer:is something that people work on for days is getting the monthly
Kimberly Beer:billing taken care of and getting it sent out and that has
Kimberly Beer:not been And last on software companies. So a lot of software
Kimberly Beer:companies have set up automations, to be able to help
Kimberly Beer:you process your billing faster. And with you having less hands
Kimberly Beer:on, right, because a lot of times billing, it doesn't change
Kimberly Beer:a lot like the same client gets billed the same amount every
Kimberly Beer:month on the same date. And your clients, it's better if they get
Kimberly Beer:their invoices on time. I know for me, as a consumer, if
Kimberly Beer:somebody bills me at a different date, sometimes it gets lost
Kimberly Beer:because I pay bills on a very certain date. And if I don't
Kimberly Beer:have them all in front of me at that date, having automated
Kimberly Beer:invoicing really, really helps because it saves you from having
Kimberly Beer:to sit down and do those invoices by yourself having an
Kimberly Beer:automatic statement system is super beneficial as well. So I
Kimberly Beer:am not an accounting software guru, and I don't think Cara is
Kimberly Beer:either. So one of the things that I would suggest the first
Kimberly Beer:thing you do if you want to do a more automation in your billing
Kimberly Beer:is talk to your accountant and ask them how can I make this
Kimberly Beer:process easier for my business? How can I set this up so that
Kimberly Beer:things do things behind the scenes without me having to
Kimberly Beer:touch them. So that is an important thing. Tool wise, if
Kimberly Beer:you're using key keep does have a billing system and an
Kimberly Beer:invoicing system attached that allows you to set up automations
Kimberly Beer:around invoices and product purchases. So that really helps
Kimberly Beer:it actually helps with product follow up if somebody buys
Kimberly Beer:something from you. And it's a very specific product that you
Kimberly Beer:set up, then keep will be able to send out you know, follow up
Kimberly Beer:emails, review emails, all kinds of things that need to come
Kimberly Beer:after that for marketing, customer service, and continued
Kimberly Beer:purchases, and so on. So that all helps as well. Another thing
Kimberly Beer:that really helps when automating your billing is going
Kimberly Beer:ahead and entering ahead the information into your accounting
Kimberly Beer:system for the products and services that you have the
Kimberly Beer:prices that you have slated the information about each thing, so
Kimberly Beer:it looks pretty on the invoice and then having them there. So
Kimberly Beer:they can be chosen most of the accounting software allows you
Kimberly Beer:to do it like out of a drop down menu, or if you type a couple of
Kimberly Beer:letters, whatever it is, will pop up and fill in the
Kimberly Beer:appropriate items. So that all helps. So taking a few hours to
Kimberly Beer:just sit down and really get your accounting software set up.
Kimberly Beer:So it can really benefit you timewise is important and
Kimberly Beer:setting up your invoicing, the more automated you can make that
Kimberly Beer:invoicing, the better a lot of the software that is available
Kimberly Beer:now offers a reoccurring payment system. So if you have the same
Kimberly Beer:client that you're billing every single month for the same
Kimberly Beer:amount, then you can set that up as a recurring bill. And this is
Kimberly Beer:where the psychology starts to come into play. Because if you
Kimberly Beer:have a little bit of trouble collecting money, and I'm going
Kimberly Beer:to be honest with you, there's a lot more of you out there that
Kimberly Beer:have trouble collecting money than there are that don't. So a
Kimberly Beer:lot of small business owners really struggle with pushing the
Kimberly Beer:button to send on an invoice. It's sometimes it feels a little
Kimberly Beer:weird for people, if they have some residual stuff leftover
Kimberly Beer:from their childhood or other experiences around money. This
Kimberly Beer:is a place like follow up where we can start to feel some polls
Kimberly Beer:internally that don't have anything to do with our business
Kimberly Beer:and may stop us from doing things that are beneficial for
Kimberly Beer:our business. So the automations, in addition to the
Kimberly Beer:fact that they save us time, they also keep a square because
Kimberly Beer:they take our personal stuff out of the equation, because the
Kimberly Beer:computer just like it doesn't care about what time it works.
Kimberly Beer:It could care less that I'm worried because Sally's having
Kimberly Beer:family problems this month, and I know it and it's pressing send
Kimberly Beer:on Sally's invoice, I still have a business to run no matter
Kimberly Beer:what's going on out there in the world. So automating those
Kimberly Beer:things is super beneficial to your business. Another thing
Kimberly Beer:that you can do is and this is not necessarily a technical
Kimberly Beer:automation, but one of the biggest benefits I had for my
Kimberly Beer:business was when I stopped random invoicing and started
Kimberly Beer:doing like packages with people where I could get them to pay
Kimberly Beer:ahead maybe do three months of a payment at a time or six months
Kimberly Beer:at a time and I got a good enough reputation with my
Kimberly Beer:clients that they're pretty comfortable that we're still
Kimberly Beer:going to be working together in three to six months that they
Kimberly Beer:would go ahead and pay ahead and I offered a small discount for
Kimberly Beer:that so that I didn't have to worry about it. So you can also
Kimberly Beer:make that little alteration in your business if it works for
Kimberly Beer:you there.
Kimberly Beer:Every small business owner wants to gain traction in their
Kimberly Beer:marketing. After three decades of working with small business
Kimberly Beer:owners just like you I have developed what I call my four by
Kimberly Beer:four marketing method in just 119 In this session, you'll
Kimberly Beer:discover the four major focus areas of a successful marketing
Kimberly Beer:plan. And together we'll uncover where your business is getting
Kimberly Beer:stuck, you'll leave the session with an action plan of next
Kimberly Beer:steps that engage your revenue engine dropped by
Kimberly To request your session today, that's
Kimberly See you there.
Cara Taylor Swift:You know, you were talking about the money
Cara Taylor Swift:issue and issues around hitting the send button. Oh, another
Cara Taylor Swift:element of that, that I hear a lot when I'm working with other
Cara Taylor Swift:photographers, but also that I experienced in the early days of
Cara Taylor Swift:my business was the issue of selective pricing depends, you
Cara Taylor Swift:know, you had that area where you were feeling like maybe
Cara Taylor Swift:someone couldn't afford your services. So you were offering
Cara Taylor Swift:random discounts, and then trying to keep up with what you
Cara Taylor Swift:offered one person versus what you were charging another
Cara Taylor Swift:person. So that's another area where it kind of cleans all of
Cara Taylor Swift:that up, if you can go in and set up your common invoices, the
Cara Taylor Swift:things that you commonly invoice for. So for me, I do a set
Cara Taylor Swift:retainer for every client that I work with. And it's the same
Cara Taylor Swift:amount, I can set that up, and I don't have to think about it,
Cara Taylor Swift:and then I know what I've sent, I can just send it, send it send
Cara Taylor Swift:it when I need to. So even if you're not at a place where
Cara Taylor Swift:you're ready to set up automated billing, even just setting up
Cara Taylor Swift:those common line items that you bill for on a regular basis with
Cara Taylor Swift:the prices that you want to charge and then get in the habit
Cara Taylor Swift:of just creating those invoices and sending them because it's
Cara Taylor Swift:first of all, it's easier for you, you've already set up your
Cara Taylor Swift:line items, your common things that you invoice for either
Cara Taylor Swift:products or services, it's already done for you, it's ready
Cara Taylor Swift:to go. And you've just got to enter your client and send it
Cara Taylor Swift:on. I mean, you don't even have to go to the the level that Kim
Cara Taylor Swift:was talking about setting up the automated billing, I mean, just
Cara Taylor Swift:literally getting that into a system so that you can click
Cara Taylor Swift:instead of having to recreate it. I mean, there was a time
Cara Taylor Swift:when I was doing invoices, and I was having to every single
Cara Taylor Swift:invoice, check my pricing, write a description of the item and
Cara Taylor Swift:send it out and it got to where it was it was never consistent.
Cara Taylor Swift:So just adding that consistency is so empowering. And it gives
Cara Taylor Swift:you I don't know, it kind of helps with that issue around
Cara Taylor Swift:having anxiety around hitting the send button.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. And it keeps you more honest.
Kimberly Beer:Because if you change the price, you have to think about changing
Kimberly Beer:the price. And you look at it and you say should I really do
Kimberly Beer:that? Sure. Is that that important for me to change.
Kimberly Beer:That's what I said the price was going to be so at least it's a
Kimberly Beer:reminder there to keep you focused. And definitely just as
Kimberly Beer:a side note, if you have difficulties with money in your
Kimberly Beer:business, like collecting money invoicing, people value, those
Kimberly Beer:kinds of things, get some help with that, because honestly,
Kimberly Beer:life is too short to be stressing over that. So
Kimberly Beer:definitely reach out to a coach or a gestalt toast or somebody
Kimberly Beer:to kind of help you move past that, because it's a painful
Kimberly Beer:thing. I feel Yeah, because I've been there. So yeah. All right,
Kimberly Beer:appointments. Appointments are the next one. And this was of
Kimberly Beer:all of the things we've talked about today, like automating the
Kimberly Beer:emails was great, but I type 100 words a minute, and I don't have
Kimberly Beer:any trouble writing things. So that was a nice thing to happen
Kimberly Beer:for me and it was definitely it's helpful now automating the
Kimberly Beer:billing stuff really helped me with a lot of different stuff,
Kimberly Beer:but I'm going to tell you the biggest and the most dramatic
Kimberly Beer:change in my business as far as administrative time was creating
Kimberly Beer:automations around my appointments because I have a
Kimberly Beer:very busy calendar if you ever look at it, it's a nightmare.
Kimberly Beer:It's beautiful because it's rainbow colored but it has I
Kimberly Beer:have lots of different appointments I have tons of
Kimberly Beer:commitments my calendar is dictates my entire life I cannot
Kimberly Beer:live without it in a single day and then being able to find time
Kimberly Beer:for people and a great deal the reason why my calendar so busy
Kimberly Beer:is a great deal of my time is spent working with clients over
Kimberly Beer:zoom or in person or teaching classes and so there's all of
Kimberly Beer:this like scheduling that has to happen and when I was doing it
Kimberly Beer:before it was either texts phone calls emails in order to you
Kimberly Beer:know, are you available next week? We Yes, I'm available next
Kimberly Beer:week. Here's the time slots that I have Okay, I'll take this time
Kimberly Beer:slot will no sorry, that doesn't go to work. Because that's time
Kimberly Beer:so I got taken by somebody else who just emailed me so I can't
Kimberly Beer:do that one anymore. This is what I have left. What do you
Kimberly Beer:have left? Nothing in there. Can we go to the next week? Okay,
Kimberly Beer:no, that's not going to work. My project deadlines this I have to
Kimberly Beer:see you before then. And it is just hours and hours and hours
Kimberly Beer:of my life got sucked away into these inane conversations about
Kimberly Beer:scheduling something on my calendar, and it just was
Kimberly Beer:ridiculous. And my customers were angry with me, oh, I can't
Kimberly Beer:ever get an appointment with you or and things got dropped. I
Kimberly Beer:mean, it was just a mess. It was a hot mess. So I started looking
Kimberly Beer:for a calendar scheduler A while back, I mean long years ago, and
Kimberly Beer:I've been through a bunch of different ones over Over the
Kimberly Beer:years, and the one that I finally settled on is called
Kimberly Beer:schedule once and I can sing its praises and kind of like keep
Kimberly Beer:once you have it set up, it's like it this one keep it
Kimberly Beer:requires a little bit of upkeep, but schedule once once you have
Kimberly Beer:it set up, it really runs without you having to worry
Kimberly Beer:about it, the setup is a little bit challenging. But once it's
Kimberly Beer:set up, it's so detailed, I can like dictate down certain types
Kimberly Beer:of appointments to certain hours of the day, I can set up intake
Kimberly Beer:forms, so I no longer have to collect that information. When
Kimberly Beer:people make the appointment, it will let me charge people when
Kimberly Beer:they make the appointment. So if somebody signs up for one of my
Kimberly Beer:coaching packages, they will pay for it and then put their
Kimberly Beer:coaching times on my calendar, it's like automatically done,
Kimberly Beer:and it just shows up on my Google calendar. And when I sit
Kimberly Beer:down to work in the morning, I look at who am I going to be
Kimberly Beer:speaking with today, and I can prep for that. And then I can
Kimberly Beer:open up my key folder, look at who I'm going to be talking to
Kimberly Beer:see my notes, see their notes, and boom, I'm just I'm
Kimberly Beer:organized. It organizes me in a way that no other thing
Kimberly Beer:organizes me and my business. So honestly, do yourself a huge
Kimberly Beer:favor. If you do appointments, Discovery calls anything like
Kimberly Beer:this, having an appointment scheduler is absolutely crucial.
Kimberly Beer:Do you use one Kara? I don't think you do. Do you
Cara Taylor Swift:know. So that's why I wanted this on our
Cara Taylor Swift:agenda today to talk about because I've been thinking about
Cara Taylor Swift:adding one to my current process, because that whole
Cara Taylor Swift:thing you were talking about the beginning where you're going
Cara Taylor Swift:back and forth with dates, and then another client takes a
Cara Taylor Swift:date. And then you're back and forth. Again, trying to confirm
Cara Taylor Swift:dates, I really liked that idea. And I've been wondering how to
Cara Taylor Swift:fit that into the type of work that I do. And just listening to
Cara Taylor Swift:you talk, I can already see some ways that I can probably be
Cara Taylor Swift:scheduling, viewing and ordering appointments to my creative
Cara Taylor Swift:consoles, that sort of thing. And I can get some of those
Cara Taylor Swift:things on the calendar and take away some of that back and
Cara Taylor Swift:forth, back and forth. And I think that it's not just that
Cara Taylor Swift:piece of it isn't just about freeing up your life and your
Cara Taylor Swift:business and giving you a little more organization. But it also
Cara Taylor Swift:is more professional for your clients. They don't have to go
Cara Taylor Swift:back and forth with you. Because that's taking time out of their
Cara Taylor Swift:day and you're becoming while you're doing a service for them,
Cara Taylor Swift:it can become a little daunting for them and a little It's like
Cara Taylor Swift:another step to confirm them if that makes sense more work they
Cara Taylor Swift:have to do to be in your system and to be working with you. So
Cara Taylor Swift:I've been thinking about that. And I've was kind of hoping you
Cara Taylor Swift:would share what you use that you love. So I'm excited that
Cara Taylor Swift:you've dropped that I think you said it was called schedule one
Cara Taylor Swift:schedule
Kimberly Beer:one. There are some other options out there
Kimberly Beer:that work for businesses acuity is another one that my clients
Kimberly Beer:will use that if I have the option to choose what we use.
Kimberly Beer:It's going to be scheduled once because I know it inside and
Kimberly Beer:out. But acuity is one. So calendaring options for your
Kimberly Beer:business, like these appointments schedule are things
Kimberly Beer:they really need to be chosen based upon what it is that you
Kimberly Beer:need, you have to look at your business in order to determine
Kimberly Beer:you know, how much do you want to invest in in a scheduling
Kimberly Beer:software? And how complex does it need to be. So let me dive
Kimberly Beer:into that just a little bit for your edification and for our
Kimberly Beer:audience. So there's a software program out it's called
Kimberly Beer:Calendly. And oh, Adobe bought it. That was it. So it that is
Kimberly Beer:just a really recent development in this episode, which we're
Kimberly Beer:taping on May 19 of 2022, just to let you know where you're
Kimberly Beer:going to be listening to it in the future. But that was just
Kimberly Beer:announced like this last week that Adobe purchased it. So I'm
Kimberly Beer:sure the name of it's going to change and it's going to alter,
Kimberly Beer:but as of this moment in time, you can get it as Calendly. And
Kimberly Beer:if all you need is you have a business flow that you need to
Kimberly Beer:be able to set up an exploratory call with people Calendly works
Kimberly Beer:really, really well. If you need a little bit more than that they
Kimberly Beer:do have a paid version, I think that that's their free version,
Kimberly Beer:you can do like one appointment. And oftentimes for my coaches
Kimberly Beer:who typically don't book their coaching sessions based on the
Kimberly Beer:auto scheduling, they will do those on that discovery call. So
Kimberly Beer:somebody calls in gets a gets information about it. And then
Kimberly Beer:they book the sessions and look at their calendar right there.
Kimberly Beer:And when you're on the phone, that process goes a little
Kimberly Beer:easier, but a lot of people I'm not always available by phone,
Kimberly Beer:so people need to be able to get to me another way. So Calendly
Kimberly Beer:would be like a starter option. If you don't need a lot of
Kimberly Beer:latitude and you just need to book one appointment it's a
Kimberly Beer:great place to step into this acuity was designed more for
Kimberly Beer:salons massage therapists, people who maybe have more than
Kimberly Beer:one person working in their business like a dog groomer
Kimberly Beer:acuity would be really good for because you can set up multiple
Kimberly Beer:calendars for the employees in your office and people can book
Kimberly Beer:appointments with this very specific person. So acuity works
Kimberly Beer:really well for that I liked acuity. And I've set it up for
Kimberly Beer:several clients, I thought it went really smoothly, but I
Kimberly Beer:preferred schedule once and a couple of the reasons I
Kimberly Beer:preferred it is because one it integrates with keep so since
Kimberly Beer:keep is my CRM and my scheduling is so connected to my CRM keep,
Kimberly Beer:by the way does have a scheduling tool in it, it just
Kimberly Beer:doesn't have a lot of options. Like you can't, you can say when
Kimberly Beer:appointments are available, but one of my complaints about it is
Kimberly Beer:I don't want to take same day coaching calls, I just don't
Kimberly Beer:this scheduler and keep will schedule the same day call. So
Kimberly Beer:if you went to my calendar, and I have free time this afternoon
Kimberly Beer:available on my calendar, it will book the call. Now I can
Kimberly Beer:get around that by marking my day out first thing in the
Kimberly Beer:morning. But I'm lazy and don't want to do that. So I like to
Kimberly Beer:schedule a once. Because schedule, once I can tell it,
Kimberly Beer:this type of meeting, I will only take that meeting, they
Kimberly Beer:have to be 24 hours ahead of time, or 48. Or it would be to
Kimberly Beer:book it out a week. It also keeps from people booking out
Kimberly Beer:too far ahead, I travel a lot, I have impromptu life, I don't
Kimberly Beer:want people book an appointment six months from now, because
Kimberly Beer:frankly, I don't know what I'm doing six months from now. So I
Kimberly Beer:want to cut it off at a certain date schedule once has the
Kimberly Beer:capability for you to be able to really really define your time
Kimberly Beer:that you want to work very tightly. And then it also lets
Kimberly Beer:you set up different calendar or different scheduling options for
Kimberly Beer:different groups of people. So I have several centers of
Kimberly Beer:influence that I work with that I do consulting services for
Kimberly Beer:their people, and I offer them special times and special rates
Kimberly Beer:and and things that are very different from somebody that
Kimberly Beer:would come in in a different like singular way. So I have to
Kimberly Beer:have different calendars available for them. And schedule
Kimberly Beer:ones offers me that latitude as well. Schedule once costs $15 a
Kimberly Beer:month. And I would say it saves me six $800 a month in time. I
Kimberly Beer:mean, it's the amount of time I spend on calendar stuff. It's
Kimberly Beer:minuscule compared to what it once was because I adopted using
Kimberly Beer:that software that's
Cara Taylor Swift:really interesting. And you know, I've
Cara Taylor Swift:mentioned 17 hats on here a couple of times, that's, you
Cara Taylor Swift:know, that's a CRM for photographers. And they have a
Cara Taylor Swift:scheduling option as well. And I am going to dig into it a little
Cara Taylor Swift:bit since I'm already using 17 hats to manage my clients. But I
Cara Taylor Swift:haven't set it up yet. So I'm interested to see. And it's just
Cara Taylor Swift:a great example that you may have providers that you're using
Cara Taylor Swift:for one aspect of your business that have features that you
Cara Taylor Swift:didn't even know that they have. So if you've got a website
Cara Taylor Swift:hosting program or something like go look and see what
Cara Taylor Swift:they've added and what they've used, because you may not need
Cara Taylor Swift:to pick up another monthly service charge, if you know what
Cara Taylor Swift:I mean. Like I can't tell you how many times I thought I
Cara Taylor Swift:needed something went to subscribe to it, and then
Cara Taylor Swift:realize that something I already am subscribing to and I'm
Cara Taylor Swift:already paying for has that function or that feature, I just
Cara Taylor Swift:need to go look at it. And you don't always get updates when
Cara Taylor Swift:they add new things. Or maybe when I started using the
Cara Taylor Swift:program, I didn't need it for that reason I needed something
Cara Taylor Swift:else from it. And I never went looked at the other stuff. So
Cara Taylor Swift:definitely recommend look at what you're already paying for,
Cara Taylor Swift:see what services they have and how you can add those to your
Cara Taylor Swift:business before going out and getting something new. So that
Cara Taylor Swift:was such a good, this was a really good conversation for me
Cara Taylor Swift:because I'm at a place where I'm ready to take even a second
Cara Taylor Swift:level of automation. So this has been very timely. And I hope
Cara Taylor Swift:it's been very timely for our listeners as well as we're all
Cara Taylor Swift:probably in our spring crazy season. All right. So are we
Cara Taylor Swift:done for today? Kim, is there anything else we want to add?
Cara Taylor Swift:Nope,
Kimberly Beer:I'm good. Go automate stuff, folks. And maybe
Kimberly Beer:what your time save is is to sit in the hammock with a margarita
Kimberly Beer:and just enjoy.
Cara Taylor Swift:That's right. All this automation will give us
Cara Taylor Swift:more Margarita time I like it. So that's it for us today. We
Cara Taylor Swift:hope that we've given you three things you can do right now to
Cara Taylor Swift:add just give yourself a little breathing room in your business.
Cara Taylor Swift:Number one, think about your follow ups and your responses.
Cara Taylor Swift:There's a ton of stuff that you can do there to free up some
Cara Taylor Swift:time automate your billing is the second thing that we
Cara Taylor Swift:mentioned. And then finally, the third one is around appointments
Cara Taylor Swift:and scheduling. So we hope you enjoyed this. We would love to
Cara Taylor Swift:hear from you guys. If you use any of the programs that we
Cara Taylor Swift:mentioned today. Let us know what you think about them what
Cara Taylor Swift:you liked what you didn't like, if you are doing something
Cara Taylor Swift:really amazing in your business that is automating and freeing
Cara Taylor Swift:up time for you. We would love to hear about that. So hop over
Cara Taylor Swift:to our social media channels at The Business Animal on Instagram
Cara Taylor Swift:and Facebook or shoot us an email. We'd love to hear from
Cara Taylor Swift:you guys. Thank you so much for listening.
Jaz:Thanks for listening to this episode of The Business
Jaz:Animal. Be sure to subscribe so you will never miss an episode.
Jaz:And if you learned something today, leave us a review. To
Jaz:learn more. Find us at the business We'd love to
Jaz:hear from you. Until next time, keep you Business well trained