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Pathways to Purpose: My Ascension Journey - Part 3 Responsibility | EP107
Episode 1073rd December 2024 • FULFILLMENT IN FAITH • Shannan Kym
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Shannan Kym's Solo Podcast Series: Pathways to Purpose: My Ascension Journey

In this episode, I open up about my third ascension: responsibility. This step was monumental in my transformation, as I confronted the truth of my past and made the choice to stop the blame game. While my childhood wasn’t my fault, I realized that continuing to let fear, denial, and victimhood control my life was a choice—and one I was ready to change. By embracing responsibility, I began to set boundaries, take control of my emotions, and stop letting others define my worth. This shift allowed me to reclaim my power and start building the life I truly deserved.

I also share the pain of realizing how my actions had mirrored the behaviors I resented most from my upbringing, and how acknowledging this was key to my growth. Taking responsibility isn’t easy—it requires vulnerability, courage, and a willingness to face fear head-on. But through this process, I found freedom and self-respect. I hope my story inspires you to reflect on areas of your life where you can take responsibility, and I promise, the rewards of growth and healing are worth it.









When you have faith in yourself you will have fulfilment in all areas of your life!

See you next week and blessing to all!!! 


Shannan Kym:

Hello everyone. My name is Shannon Kym, and welcome to my podcast, fulfillment in faith. Today I'm going to continue with my levels of ascensions. So what I'm going to be talking about today is my level three, that the process that I went through, which is responsibility. I'm going to give you a little recap about how these levels of ascensions came up and how they came into fruition. For me, many people have asked me, Shannon, how was it that you went from where you were in full fledged in your addiction to where you are now? Because now I'm at the state where, yes, I've written a book, I'm an international best seller. I've got my own podcast. I've done my TED Talk in Las Vegas. I'm coaching, I'm helping people all over the world, and I'm sharing my story openly. People can see how much I've elevated, I've changed and looks. I've lost weight, I've become younger, and people are really curious, and for the longest time, I actually couldn't explain it to them. I knew the process that I was going through, but the words weren't there for me yet to express it to the world. So this is why I'm doing this series, and I'm going to continue on today, and I really, really hope that whoever is listening to this series that they take this seriously, because the ascensions that I've gone through everybody, and I mean, everybody can have these same ascensions if they want to have them in my life. So the first level of ascension that I went through was my spiritual awakening, and that was when I totally, completely decided I was going to quit drinking for the rest of my life. That was such a pivotal moment for me. But it was also at that time too, where I really looked back at my whole entire life and I came to the realizations of so many things. My second ascension was my moment of stillness that, to me, was the most beautiful process, because it made me just sit, look around, go deep within who I was, and really listen to what my inner soul was telling me. It gave me the chance to really look at my environment, the people that I was hanging out with, how people were talking to me, family, friends, relationships, everything. Now, the third one that I want to talk about is responsibility. Responsibility is absolutely huge, because I have to start taking responsibility for my life. I was no longer ready and willing to be, you know, doing the whole blame game. I do understand now that my childhood, I was not responsible for any of that bad things happen to me. I get that. I understand that. But there has to be a point in my life that I need to to start to take responsibility, and that was when I took responsibility, when I had my awakening. I would not be here where I am today if I didn't start taking responsibility for my life. And how I started to do that was I started looking back at my entire life, especially my 20s, my 30s, when I was really into the people pleasing process of things, I was the one that did that to myself. I was the one that became the people pleaser. I was the one that was the chameleon that was conforming to what everybody else wanted me to be. At any point in time, I could have stopped it, but I didn't. And why did I not do that? Because I was so afraid that people wouldn't like me. So that's a part of me that I need to take responsibility for. Another thing that I need to take responsibility for is the fact that I let people walk all over me. I had a choice. I had a choice to say no, but I did not. So that's all on me. I get that, and I want you all to look at your life. Where is it that you can start taking responsibility for your life? I know now that this is my life and my life alone, and I needed to start taking control of all my actions, my feelings and my emotions that is called taking responsibility. I have to start sticking up for myself. I have to start saying no, I have to start setting healthy boundaries, and yes, there are consequences for everything that I've done, which I also needed to take responsibility for what I. Be alone and find peace and find strength in that, or would I continue on to have all these people push me around and for me to continue to hurt myself even more by allowing these people to hurt me? I couldn't do that anymore. It's very sad how we can push ourselves into a corner and we don't see what's going on, because all we are is overshadowed by fear and we worry about being judged in what other people think. I had to stop that. I had to start taking responsibility for my life, and I had to start taking control of every area of my life, the blame game was no more. That's a really hard thing to do, because my whole entire life, I was in the state of victimhood. It's so much easier to blame others. God, do I get that? But if you don't start taking responsibility for your life, you're not willing to make the changes that you need to take within, to go forth and become that person that you are meant to be. It was my fault that I continued to let my husband walk all over me. That was me. That was because I was not willing to see everything that was right in front of me. It was so much easier just to live in denial. How many of you are living in denial out there? You don't want to face the truth because it really, really does hurt, but it's within that hurt and the pain that we go through that we grow. And I understand that now, and especially when it comes to fear. If I'm so fearful of something, that's when I know now that I need to push even further. I have to go through that fear, because that's where my growth happens. There are so many things that I'm so regretful to about, you know, like, Oh, I was a bully. I was a bully in my teenage years. I hurt others so it would make me feel better, so I would look better. But in the end, it only made me look like a complete asshole. And I'm very, very regretful for all of that, and I do take responsibility for that now. I take responsibility now for me emotionally abusing my children. For God's sakes I was somebody that was extremely addicted to alcohol, but that is no excuse. I did not protect my children. I was exactly like my mother. I turned into my brother. I take full responsibility for that as well. And when I came to the realizations of all of that, the pain kept so deep within me that I knew then that I had to take responsibility and I needed to make changes within my life. Responsibility is huge, and I will continue to take responsibility for all of my actions for the rest of my life, because I am the one in control of my life, where are you taking responsibility in your life? That's a big question. Now, when I talk with people or I, you know, share my vulnerability, responsibility is a huge part of it. Like I said, I would never, ever, ever be where I am today if I didn't take responsibility and I will continue for the rest of my life. Like I said, nobody's to blame for any of my actions, except for me, and I know that. So this is the end of this particular podcast. So like I said, my third ascension is me taking responsibility for everything. And I just hope that all of you that are listening to this, that are going through what you're going through right now, that you can look at that particular area in your life and see where you can start to take responsibility. Because once you do, it opens up so many doors for you, and it frees you in so many ways as well.

Shannan Kym:

So I want to thank you for listening to this podcast, and until next Tuesday, I'm going to be talking about my fourth ascension, which opened up so many doors as well too, and that ascension is forgiveness. So until then, everybody have a wonderful week. I absolutely love all of you for listening to my podcast, and if you know. Anybody that needs to listen to this that needs to start taking responsibility, please share it with them and subscribe and write a review as well. Blessings to you all. Bye, bye.




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