Steam School with Jade Parkinson-Hill. LF005
5th October 2018 • Learning on Fire - Education from sharing wisdom not testing • Mark Taylor
00:00:00 00:37:44

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Jade Parkinson-Hill joins me on the Learning on Fire podcast and explores the most important learning and educational moments that shaped her life.


Our guest Jade Parkinson-Hill


Steam School was founded by former school leader, Jade Parkinson-Hill. For the past 12 years Jade has been involved in launching and leading new schools across the North West. Most notably, in 2015, Jade was named one of the ‘top 100 women in video games’ in recognition of her role in establishing the UK’s first ‘geek’ school in Liverpool.

Jade has been interviewed on TV, radio and the press, including the BBC, Radio 4 and The Times Education Supplement talking about her passions of tech and entrepreneurship, in particular, motivating and supporting young entrepreneurs.

After leaving school leadership in 2016, Jade supported STEM schools in England as a consultant. It was at this time that the idea for Steam School was born.

Steam School hosts a weekly live broadcast with innovators from the world of science, tech & digital media for #TALKTECHTHURSDAYS.  By showcasing the stories of young innovators, and discussing tech trends and scientific breakthroughs, Steam School inspires students to raise their aspirations and to develop a new awareness about how rapid technological change is transforming the world in which we live.  At the end of each broadcast, students are invited to complete a weekly mini challenge using their innate creativity and problem solving skills in a real world context.

Launched at the beginning of January 2018, Steam School has introduced schools to a wide variety of STEAM role models including US based Astronaut Abby, Craig Fenton, Director for Strategy and Operations at Google UK & Ireland, Pepper the Companion Robot, Rob Bennett, Chief Inspirer at BLOODHOUND SSC and digital entrepreneur,  Hannah Anderson, co-founder of Social Chain.

Questions asked on the Learning on Fire Podcast Interview

  1. Who are you?
  2. What does your life look like now and how is it different from when you were growing up?
  3. What was valuable about your school experience?
  4. Which teachers do you remember and why?
  5. Who did you admire when you were young?
  6. What was it about that person that had such an impact?
  7. What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given and who gave it to you?
  8. What advice would you give your younger self?
  9. What does your future look like?
  10. What podcast, book, video, film, song or other resource has had the biggest impact on your life and why?


Resources Mentioned

Smart Passive Income Podcast – Pat Flynn

Recode Decode Podcast

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks


Contact Information

Steam School



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