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Linda Jerome – True Inspirational Runner!
Episode 715th February 2019 • Feel Good Running | For the Everyday Runner! • Jim Lynch
00:00:00 01:09:42

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Hello "Feel Good" Runners!

How are you? And how is your running going so far in 2019? Good I hope! Well each and every day it is staying lighter longer and in just a few short weeks, the time will change and eventually spring will be in the air! From my neck of the woods, Maui, it appears this winter has been quite rough in many areas of the USA. Heck, we even had snow on our island. Yes, snow on Maui! So, hang tough a little longer!

Linda Jerome is an everyday runner. She has not set a running world record, won a marathon, been featured on the cover of Runners World magazine or has 100,000 social media followers. However, just like most of us everyday runners, she loves running and is winning in her daily life. She did not start running until a few years ago when she turned 60! It’s stories like Linda’s that inspire me and motivates me to keep moving mile after mile.

I am honored to have Linda as my guest for this episode and we had a wonderful conversation. Though it was recorded in early 2018 when I was first developing the Feel Good Running podcast, it is very relevant and Linda continues on her running journey here on Maui day after day, mile after mile and step-by-step. She inspires many of us just by who she is and what she has accomplished and you will know exactly why when you hear our conversation. We all love her here on the island and so will you! And after you listen, click on Linda's Facebook Page and leave her a word of encouragement.

If you have been listening, you know I love inspirational running stories. We all have our reasons why we run and our personal story is unique to ourselves. Since the show is growing, some of you have sent me your story and appreciate each of them. If you have a story you would like to share, go to the main page of There is a place for you to share your story. Who knows, I may read it in a future episode and maybe even have you on as a guest. That said in this episode I read a very moving story from Katie Brotten from Seattle.

Blown away is all I can say! There was incredible response received from Episode #6 and the subject of female running safety. With spring around the corner, this is such an important subject and your comments really touched me. Just on Maui this has already resulted in the organization of a women’s self defense class specifically focused on female running safety.

Powerhouse Gym in Kihei, Maui will host a female self defense and running safety tips session on March 30th and will be taught by Tasha Ina Church, a certified self-defense instructor. And mark your calendar; I will have Tasha on as my guest in Episode #9 to be released on March 15, 2019.

So listeners, I challenge you to organize a woman’s self defense class with running safety tips in your area. The prevention of just one attack or saving the life of one woman’s life as a result is more than worth it. Let’s get this started! And send me a note it you do set one up in your area! I would like to hear how it goes.

During this episode I also reach out to you about my lack of experience with social media and the frustrations I am having trying to figure it out. Instagram seems to be the flavor of the month and I have no idea how to use it. So I am reaching out to you listeners for tips, suggestions and help on how I can learn and become proficient or at least pretend like I am. Can’t say I am the smartest tool in the toolbox when it comes to this stuff! Send me a Email to with any HELP!

There is much more including our running news segment. So enjoy this episode and share on social media and with all your running friends!

Be sure you get on the Email list for our periodic newsletter! I appreciate each and every one of you that listen to my podcast! I really enjoying bring it to you hope I am making a difference in your running world!

And as always...remember to just show up and always, ALWAYS feel good about YOUR running!



Jim's Opening

Tasha Ina ChurchSelf Defense Instructor 

Jim’s direct Email to for tips on Social Media! HELP! -

Contact - Feel Good Running to get on the list for the periodic Newsletter!


News Segment

Boston Bulldogs- Runners World Article - (credit writer Ali Nolan) - Boston Bulldogs Website - Mike Ferullo, a former heroin addict, started the Boston Bulldogs running group to help recovering addicts to find purpose and motivation by running.

Running Group Catching a ThiefPhilly.Com Article - (credit writer Stephanie Farr) - Annenberg (Lunchtime) Running Group in Philadelphia catches a robber!

Khemjira Klongsanun - Article (credit writer Jane McGuire) - Khemjira carries a abandoned puppy 19 miles of a marathon, adopts it and names it Chombueng after the marathon. - Video - Khemjiri carrying Chombueng the puppy during the race!



Linda Jerome

Linda’s Facebook PagePlease take a few minutes and leave Linda a nice encouraging message on her Facebook Page!

Maui Marathon

Honolulu Marathon


Linda Jerome at Costume Run

Linda Jerome models her half marathon finisher medal at the 2018 Maui Marathon!


Inspirational Running Quote

“Nothing, not even pain, lasts forever. If I can just keep putting one foot in front of the other, I will eventually get to the end.” —Kim Cowart


So Feel Good runners...keep putting one foot in front of the other! You WILL eventually reach the end!


Thanks for listening. Be sure to subscribe to the Feel Good Running on Apple Podcasts and please give us a nice rating and if you feel really motivated leave a review! Oh we are now on Spotify!

The post FGR #7 | Linda Jerome – True Inspirational Runner! appeared first on Feel Good Running Podcast.




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