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Energy is the Real Currency of Success
Episode 25819th March 2025 • ReLaunch to a Rich Life • Hilary DeCesare
00:00:00 00:16:21

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What does a rich life really mean? It’s not just about money—it’s about alignment, fulfillment, and impact. Launching under a new podcast name but the same great content, I break down how to redefine success, build true wealth in all areas of life, and step into the highest version of yourself. Through the 3HQ method and six non-negotiable pillars, I’ll show you how to rewire your mind, elevate your energy, and relaunch your life with purpose.


00:00 - Introduction: Redefining a Rich Life

Success isn’t just about money—it’s about fulfillment, balance, and energy. This episode breaks down what it truly means to live a rich life.

02:15 - The Six Pillars of Wealth and Success

The key areas—health, relationships, purpose, finances, mindset, and legacy—that create long-term wealth and success.

05:00 - The Real Currency: Energy and Happiness

Why success isn’t just financial—your energy and emotional well-being are the foundation of true wealth.

08:10 - The Relaunch Effect: Small Changes, Big Shifts

How making small, intentional changes in one area of life can create a ripple effect that transforms everything.

11:30 - What’s Next: Unlocking Your Rich Life Roadmap

The first key to transformation: clarity. A preview of how defining your vision shapes your next breakthrough.

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Hilary DeCesare:

You gotta visualize your future success and feel it's already happened. This is the magic between taking it from the conscious brain to the subconscious brain. You gotta feel it. It's gotta be emotionally charged for your subconscious to wake up and say, Hey, take note. Take note, this is important.

Hilary DeCesare:

Let's get real. When I say rich life, what's the first thing that pops into your head? A number in your bank account, a bigger house? That's what we're taught. The rules were written before we even had a say in anything. But here's the truth, I'm throwing out all the rules because I met too many people who have everything they thought would actually make them happy. And guess what, they still feel empty, and others who don't fit the traditional success mold, but wake up every day feeling truly alive. I'm not saying money success and nice things aren't great. They are, but they need to be aligned with not just your outer world, but also your inner world. Otherwise, you're going to keep chasing something that never truly fulfills you, and that's why I'm here to redefine success, to shift your mindset and to give you the exact steps to relaunch into your version of a rich life. And that all starts with three HQ, your headquarters for success. Three. HQ stands for head. And that's all neuroscience, rewiring your brain for success and breaking free from limiting beliefs your heart. This is that modernized twist to self development, tapping into your emotions, passion and confidence and then highest self. This is where ancient wisdom meets up with your energy, aligning with your future self, and then stepping into the frequency of success. The Secret it's not about working harder. It's about shifting your frequencies so that success naturally flows to you. So let's dive into how do we make that happen with the six pillars?

Hilary DeCesare:

Well, we're breaking this down into six non negotiables, because wealth without balance is just another trap health and wellness, your body is the foundation. And you know this is true. One day you're fine, and then the next, you're hit with the flu or exhaustion, and suddenly your only focus is getting better. For me, health became my number one priority. When I heard those words, you have cancer, you've got melanoma, well, at that point, you can't enjoy success. If you have such a heavy, heavy burden on top of you, you can't enjoy success if you're exhausted, stressed or burned out, I got to tell you, this energy is everything. So here's a quick tip. The simplest, richest investment, you got to prioritize you sleep. You got to get your butt off the couch movement, and you got to fuel your body with what really counts. And you know it. You know when you feel good about what you eat and when you don't, it matters, and it matters a lot. So the real currency, the real currency, when you think about it, is around your happiness. And there is a study, in fact, it's the longest running study on happiness, prove that deep relationships, not money, determine a fulfilling life. Who you surround yourself with. You get it. It matters, make sure they elevate you and not drain you evaluate all connections, anything from your home to family to people you work with friends. Everyone can get either that Plus, they lay you up, a neutral sign or a minus. Yep, they drain you. It is super important to balance and make sure that you are investing in being with like energy people. This is something I would say hundreds, hundreds of times each month.

Hilary DeCesare:

So I got to tell you career and purpose. Is it's definitely more than a paycheck. So if you're only working for money right now, you're building a cage, not a career. The richest people aren't just making money. They're making impact both and so personal happiness and mindset, when you think about it, the secret ingredient to success doesn't create happiness. Happiness creates success when you tune in to what truly fulfills you. Everything shifts financial freedom, the small money shift money. Money is a tool, not a destination, and the way you think about it shapes the way you attract it. Hear that the way you think about money shapes the way you attract it. Wealth is not just about numbers. It's about options. And a rich life is about the richness that surrounds you. It allows you to have contribution and legacy, which is so critical, what you leave behind the richest people in the world, they don't just accumulate wealth. They build something bigger than themselves. So let me ask you this, what impact do you want to leave? So let's talk about the missing piece, relaunching into a rich life. Here's where most people get stuck. They actually focus on one of these pillars, and then they ignore the rest. That's why so many millionaires feel unfulfilled. Trust me, doing this 25 years as a coach, I spent my fair share with them, and they do feel much of the time unfulfilled, and then also why so many dreamers never create wealth. So again, here's the truth. You don't have to choose between money and fulfillment, success and happiness, impact and wealth, you can and I feel like I made a drum roll.

Hilary DeCesare:

You can have it all, if so don't you, don't you hate when people do that, if you're willing to relaunch. We call it the relaunch effect, because when you think about the relaunch effect, it actually, when you focus on one thing, begins to actually focus in on the primary area, and then it affects the other areas. So those other areas change as well, and the relaunch in action is one of the fastest ways to have you do something called an energetic relaunch. It is absolutely mind bending, a process that we created to be able to help you do this. And it's called Tune in you can do it anywhere, anytime, and the more you do it, this I can, I can say for sure, the more success we have seen. So what is tune in? It is a four step process that instantly raises your energy in any of the areas that you want to focus on, if it's health, if it's wealth, if it's relationship, it rewires your brain and puts you in a peak performance, energetic mode. And guess what? That's where your goals are. That's where your happiness lies. So let me break it down. Step one, this is where you challenge or you put out the intention that you are trying to go for it is very head based of the three, HQ head you need to get crystal clear on what you truly want. I gotta say this too many people cannot really clearly define what they're going for. And so when you have to tune in and you have to simply state what's the challenge, you can't be vague. What's the intention. Don't be vague. So as we move into step two, I want you to think about a concept called change the channel. Change the channel is taking you from a low energy to a higher energy, where your success hangs out. If you think about three HQ, head, heart, highest self. Highest self is where we change the channel.

Hilary DeCesare:

So in order to. Do this. I'm a big music girl, and I also have done a ton of research on the power of song and the power of your power song, this actually will help you elevate your vibration. So think about a song that when you hear it, it lights you up. Light you up. What's your song? What is that song that you know? It's like Hillary when I hear it. And so I want you to know success lives at a higher frequency. So can I please help you get to that higher frequency? Let's move into step three. And that is the movie in your mind. And this is all heart based. I need you to visualize your future success. Remember your challenge, your intention. This is where you already know you've had the win. You already know it's happened. We're talking about like as clear as crystal. You are watching it on the big screen. It is 3d it is all around you. You gotta visualize your future success and feel it's already happened. This is the magic between taking it from the conscious brain to the subconscious brain. You gotta feel it. It's gotta be emotionally charged for your subconscious to wake up and say, Hey, take note. Take note. This is important. So now, as we go into step four, I call it the micro pop action. We're back to the head. I want you to take a small but powerful action tune back into your power song. Think of the chorus. Let it go from your head to your toes. Neuroscience states that in order to really have that change of channel happen, you got to do it for at least 20 seconds. And guess what? It doesn't have to be hearing it. It could be hearing it in your mind.

Hilary DeCesare:

So it doesn't matter if it's in reality or if it's an imagination, powerful action is what we're going for now, because success loves speed. I want you to think about what is one thing that you can actually do in order to make that mini movie in your mind one step closer. So I had to learn this the hard way. When my world completely fell apart. I thought I had it all. I had a husband, I had little kids, I had my health was great. I was jamming. I was doing everything I wanted. So yeah, on paper, perfect. When people looked at me, perfect. But down in the inner world, I felt completely lost, and all of a sudden, I got melanoma, I got a divorce. I like flat out on a bed when my mom handed me the book, The Secret, and said, you need to do something about this. So I had to rebuild. I had to relaunch. I had to redefine not what wealth was to others, but what was wealth, what was a lifestyle of success really meant to be to me, and that's exactly what I'm going to help you do in this second season of this podcast. So what's next? We're not just talking about this, and as I go through here, you're going to get to hear other people's stories. I'm going to share more of my own journey. I'm going to share more of my client's journey.

Hilary DeCesare:

So I'm going to come to you and do more solo podcasts. Thank you. I appreciate the people who said, Hillary, we want to hear more. So I'm going to do that. And in the next solo podcast, I'm actually going to give you the beginning of a roadmap. We're going to dive into the first key that I've created in the relaunch process, the relaunch effect. And this helps you get to that place where you're like, I got key 1234567899, keys. And imagine you get to hear about each and every one, where you get to incorporate it into your rich life. And so we're going to talk about the clarity key. Because if you don't know what you want, how can you build it?




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