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350 : Kelly Zinzo – Outsource and Delegate to get past the plateaus
25th October 2018 • eCommerce Momentum Podcast • eCommerce Momentum Podcast
00:00:00 01:06:49

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When do you stop learning? (Answer is never) When should you stop learning? (Answer is still never) Great conversation with tons of nuggets that will help you understand what it takes to build up and out a successful Amazon and now Ebay and Jet businesses. Kelly clearly has figured the key to growth- hire really well and let them do their job.




Gaye’s Million Dollar Arbitrage List


Scope from Sellerlabs

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Transcript: (note- this is a new tool I am trying out so it is not perfect- it does seem to be getting better)

Kelly:                                     [00:00:00]               Takes time to train somebody to do that. It takes a lot of time. So for me, that’s more, once you get to the point where you know, you need help doing it yourself or you know, you have enough of the other staff that, you know, it’s time to delegate it. When people ask me how do I grow, you know, if, if you want to, not everybody wants to, but if you want to grow, I, the biggest thing is delegating. You have to give tasks to other people and what those tasks are, um, is really kind of what you don’t want to do or you’re not.

Cool voice guy:                  [00:00:34]               Welcome to the ECOMMERCE momentum. Apologize. We focus on the people, the products and the process of income are selling today. Here’s your host, Steven Peterson.

Stephen:                             [00:00:48]               He wanted to talk a few moments about some sponsors scope from seller labs. Um, when’s the last time you created a listing? Right? And when you create that listing, you’ve got to come up with the keywords, right? It’s all key word dependent. I don’t care if it’s a private label or wholesale. You’ve got to get it right. Well, what’s the best way to get it right? If you’re selling a similar product that’s really successful, you go and you take and use their keywords and that’s what sculpt does for you, so phenomenal tool brought to you again by seller labs. The leaders in technology when it comes to Amazon, right now, they are just crushing it with all their products, but scope allows you to get that listing right. Get ranked for those key words as fast as possible. Therefore you get the sales, so go to, forward slash scope.

Stephen:                             [00:01:37]               Use the code word momentum. Save a little bit of money, get some free key words to test, try it out and see if you see an improvement. If you don’t adjust, what’s cool about what I love about a seller labs is that you then message and say, Hey, I didn’t get this right, tyler. Hey Jeff, this isn’t working right. What am I doing wrong? And Boom, you’re going to get the help you need and that’s what you’re going to get from solar lamps, and it’s a very special group. Had been very. I’ve been very fortunate to be connected with them and again, I look over time they’ve delivered every single time, you know, same thing I can say for Karen from solutions for ecommerce. I mean she’s been carrying my account for a couple years now and our account, my wife and I, and she really does handle things for us.

Stephen:                             [00:02:18]               Um, I mentioned, uh, just last week we created a new listing with, I forget how many variations, but again, all the flat files uploaded done as I needed. I pop in, so she’ll send me a template, I pop in some information and then boom, it’s handled, await. These pictures weren’t done right, blah, blah blah. This UPC, Nita poom modified adjusted and again, the communication’s been phenomenal too. I get an email back saying, hey, this was done or this, you’re missing this Steve. Hey, you got to do this. So, you know, we had those challenges too and that’s why I like working with somebody who’s been doing it. I’ve been doing it for a long time. Did you know Karen also does listings for Ebay? Yup. Lots of them. So if you want to build out that, which of course you should skew for, you should be selling everywhere.

Stephen:                             [00:03:02]               You can, um, Karen can help you with that too. So you gotTa tell her I’ve sent you. So you’re going to go to solutions four ecommerce forward slash momentum. You’re going to save 50 bucks every single month. You got to save that $50. But more importantly you’re going to get an inventory health report. Um, did you just get hit with monthly longterm storage fees? Well guess what? If you haven’t, they’re coming. You want to get that inventory right and she can help you with that. You gotta tell her I sent you again solutions the number for ecommerce forward slash momentum will get you into that. Save the 50 bucks. Get that inventory health report though. That’s really, really important. Get that going right away. And I don’t want to miss my coach when it comes to retail arbor online or when I have a question. And I do.

Stephen:                             [00:03:42]               Not that we don’t, we don’t really do much of it anymore, but when I do have a question, I go to Gaye Lisby because why? Because she’s really, she is a coach. I mean, she’s really phenomenal, but she also puts out a daily list and you’re going to get that list five days a week. You’re going to get tons of leads, the number of, uh, agreed to amount that you’re supposed to get. She at least she usually gets to those in the four days. And then the fifth day seems to be a bonus most of the time. Phenomenal Group, small amount of buyers where this list is going to. And the best thing is the nuggets that you learn. Hey, why is the red one better than the blue? One? Gaye can help you with those questions. I saw, hey, I got, um, I got to the dreaded letter about a brand.

Stephen:                             [00:04:21]               Here’s the, here’s the way you approach it. Hey, receipts, how do you, what’s the best practice? I saw her leaving instructions, teaching me the accountant how to do a better job with it. And it’s phenomenal. So it’s Gaye Lisby. Um, made a million dollars selling, um, I’ll have the link in here, you’ve got to use the, my, my link and it does help me, I don’t want to say it that way, but um, it’s part of amazing freedom with Andy Slamming Lee, Ron Hirsch, corn, and nate’s lamins. So you know, you can trust. Okay, so come back to the website, take a look at it, and you will get a savings and you can get two weeks free right now. Only through my link. You get two weeks free. Try it. You don’t like it? I get it back off. But right now is the time to make money. Get cashflow going right now.

Stephen:                             [00:05:06]               And so join you. Get two weeks free. The only way you’re gonna get the two weeks for these. If you use my link, it’s on this episode. Come on out and give it a try. You will not be disappointed. Again, you’re going to see me in there. So reach out if I can help you too. Let’s get into the podcast. Welcome back to the ECOMMERCE momentum podcast. This is episode three, hundred and 50. Yes. Three hundred and 50 Kelly’s Enzo. Um, I was fortunate enough to get to meet Kelly face to face. It probably might not be their first time, but get to spend some time, you know, listening and talking with her and man, Oh man, what a, what a terrific person. And she didn’t disappoint in this interview. Um, tremendous amount of pro tips for somebody who really grew their business the way you want or the way you would think it would be ra.

Stephen:                             [00:05:51]               Oh, a wholesale. Um, and guess what she’s done at all, still does a little bit it and a little bit of all of it, but has really grown a successful business and she explains kind of how, and you listen in there for the nuggets as she calls them. Um, and you will find many of them from Kelly and she’s so humble, she doesn’t realize she drops, you know, sometimes she talks for two minutes and you’re like, well, I can’t get that note fast enough. It’s phenomenal. I’m just a great success story and somebody who runs into the same issues that you and I run it to every single day. Same challenges at whatever, but she’s able to push past it. What’s cool is she brought some experience from retail and she brought some of those skills forward, some that I had not thought about, some knowledge base that I had not thought about that comes from that.

Stephen:                             [00:06:38]               So if you were in that world, don’t sell yourself short. You’ve got some knowledge that most of us don’t have and it’s very applicable to this business. Let’s get into the podcast. Alright, welcome back to the ECOMMERCE momentum podcast. I’m very excited about today’s guest, um, because I think there’s going to be a lot we can learn. I think. Um, she’s very humble. She’s very modest, however, she’s clearly figured something out and I’m assuming she’s going to tell her she’s figured it out by watching others and learning from others. Some of that, but some of it comes from somewhere else and I’m really interested to find out where Kelly’s Enzo. Welcome Kelly.

Kelly:                                     [00:07:13]               Uh, hi Steven. Thank you very much. Thanks for having me.

Stephen:                             [00:07:16]               Well, I appreciate you coming out and I don’t mean to embarrass you right off, right out in the beginning of the conversation, but it’s true. I mean, you know, in a pre call we were talking a little bit about it, you know, I get it, we all downplay what we do, but you’ve accomplished a lot and it’s very cool to see and you are very, very humble about it. I mean it’s, it’s, it’s a cool place to be mentally.

Kelly:                                     [00:07:37]               You agree? Uh, yeah. Thank you. Um, I, I, I don’t know, I just, sometimes I’m not quite sure how I got to where I am and I have to really think about it to figure out how I got to where I am. But I am, I am. I’m very grateful. I’m very great.

Stephen:                             [00:07:54]               Yeah. And that might be a big piece of it. What I see for the outliers, I call them, right? The mega sellers like yourself, use that term. My term, some people don’t like it too bad. It’s my term, um, but, but what I see with a lot of outliers that gratefulness is a huge piece of the formula. It’s, it’s just being thankful to everyone being willing to give to others with zero expectation and then magically stuff comes your way. I mean, do you remember back when you first started the people that have helped you, you know, you don’t have to name them by name, but I mean people gave you some information.

Kelly:                                     [00:08:29]               Yeah, absolutely. Uh, you know, of course a lot online I’m getting in the facebook groups and being able to ask a question and having someone come on and answer you. So certainly, yeah, very grateful for that

Stephen:                             [00:08:43]               and they didn’t try to sell not, not everyone and I’m sure there were some that did, so I don’t want to say there aren’t some of those but, and, and I don’t have a problem with them because that’s their business, but most of the time, at least in my experience, none of it cost anything other than you. No, thank you. Right?

Kelly:                                     [00:09:00]               Yeah. Yeah. I mean I’m not saying I bought some courses along the way, um, to kind of help me along and, and get the information that I needed. But yeah, a lot of it also just came from individual people being able to ask questions and get them answered

Stephen:                             [00:09:15]               what you and I were just together this past week, um, in, in Chicago, at Econ Chicago. I find them. Um, let me see what your experience is. A, I love the conference because I love the location. It’s convenient for me because it’s in Chicago. Pretty easy flight. Um, the venue is great. I think the environment is great. It’s so easy to get up and talk to people, talk to vendors and stuff like that. The hotel right next door. I mean, you really don’t have to go a lot of places. However, the intimacy, the conversations you can have, I think it’s them. Maybe Rocky Mountain would be another good one. Same type of venue where you could really get down, you have no choice but to hang out together and have conversation because everything so far. I mean relatively. Would you agree?

Kelly:                                     [00:09:58]               Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that was one of the great things is everybody just kinda hangs around and goes to dinner together and um, yeah, you’re, whether you want to or not, you get to know everybody kind of on a personal level for good or bad. There is good and bad. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. No, it’s great. It’s great. You always meet new people, learn new stories and you always get golden nuggets. The last night when the conference was over, a big group of us went to dinner and I’m taking notes on my phone because I’m getting more tidbits. I’m thinking, isn’t this great?

Stephen:                             [00:10:31]               Wait, no, wait, wait, hold on. You’re a very successful seller. You’re supposed to know it all, but you can’t learn and please don’t tell me these are new sellers teaching you anything because that would just blow my whole theory

Kelly:                                     [00:10:42]               life. It was, it was...





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