Today: What do Market Drops mean for Investors and IPOs?
Episode 1201st June 2022 • This Week Health: Newsroom • This Week Health
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Today in health, it, what do market drops mean for investors in IPO's? My name is Bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week health. I said, have channels dedicated to keeping health it staff current and engaged. We want to thank our show sponsors who are investing in developing the next generation of health leaders.

Gordian dynamics, Quill health tau site nuance, Canaan, medical, and current health. Check them out at this week.

Alright. I have two stories here this morning. I have one from your I've expanded my feeds that are coming in that I'm reading. This one's interesting. Scoria capital Warren's founders have longer economic downturn market is in a crucible moment. And this story was interesting because it gives us an idea of the markets and where they're going. And the next one we'll talk about specifically IPOs and investments. Venture capital firms equate capital has sent out a 52 slide presentation to 250 founders.

Warning them that the current market situation presents a crucible moment for the world. They believe the geopolitical crisis in Europe, turbulent financial markets. And rising inflation are going to create a prolonged economic downturn in the presentation reviewed by the information Sequoia. Has warned founders that.

the onset of the pandemic in:

we can advise you on ways to prepare and get through to the other side, the VC firm partially attributed to the slower recovery to the fact that the governments all over the world used. They're emergency fiscal and monetary policy shocks to recover from the black Swan event of COVID 19 two years ago.

Like others such as Lightspeed venture partners in Y Combinator. Who have warned startups about the upcoming difficulty Sequoia suggests immediately cutting burn rates to stock up on cash reserves. For the coming months when funding may be harder to come by. Don't view cuts as negative, but as a way to conserve cash and run faster, said the presentation companies.

Who moved the quickest have the most runway. And most likely to avoid the death spiral. However, Sequoia also suggested that there might be some silver linings, particularly when it comes to tech hiring competition. That has engulfed the startup world recently with large it firms are freezing hiring for the foreseeable future. Sequoia's presentation said recruiting is about to get easier.

All right. So we have a lot going on in the markets. How's this going to affect the health tech startups that you're either bringing in or investing in or looking at? And for that, I actually ended up at his doc.

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and there's there are seven of these items on the list. So let's go ahead and run through them. A venture capital downturn lags, a stock market declined by three to six months. All right. So if the stock market decline started, I let's just say about three months ago. Then in the next three months, we're going to have a venture capital downturn.

That is going to follow the stock market. Number two, the lack of healthy IPO market means private companies. Can't go public and can exit only by selling out VCs. Take advantage of this situation by making low ball offers. All right. So this is a treacherous time for IPO's for startups. , as we enter this turbulent market.

Publicly traded potential acquirers pass on deals involving companies that will dilute their earnings per share, which includes most startups. Next cash. Heavy venture funds will hoard the best deals and lead down rounds. And investing at lower valuations damaging smaller capital poor funds that can't afford to meet term sheet requirements.

Of making ongoing investments. Next companies with less funding or less resource investors have to keep the company going to avoid downward spiral of lower valuations trading growth at all costs for cost reducing survival mode, where company fundamentals suddenly matter. , last two capital rich funds get to buy later. Stage companies had lower evaluations and finally angel investors head for the exits. When the drain is working faster than the tap.

All right. So that's what we're looking at in terms of markets. This seems to be a pretty common theme. That's coming. We have a shock to the system with COVID 19. We have inflation hitting us. Supply chain issues and other things. And those are taking its toll and now it's going to hit the health. It.

And the health tech investment. Markets. And so actions are going to look very different than they have over the last decade. , to us, if we're investors or if we're just buyers of the technology. So what's my, so what on this. I, so what is, you've been warned? The, , market gets kind of crazy during these times. If you live through, as I have, if you live through bust.

If you lived through the:

een a, it's been a long time,:

, what their growth plan is, how they plan to weather, a difficult financial market that could potentially last couple of years. And I'd really, I'd really stress the financial health of the company much more so than I would in , Previous years as I was evaluating these companies, I'd also look at the companies I've invested in and over the last five or six years.

That may be in this category. And just touch base with them on what is their plans to weather this downmarket? How they intend to fund their growth. , keep in mind that most of these companies fund through raising capital. These are going to be difficult times for raising capital and if they have to raise money at lower evaluations that begins the death spiral that everybody's talking about, that, , that leads these companies, , into the ground.

So I keep an eye on the things you invested in, in the last couple of years, keep an eye on the things that you are planning to invest in. Either invest as an investor or invest. As a company you're bringing their technology in both are critical to understand the financial health. Of the organizations that you're choosing to partner with.

All right. That's all for today. If you know someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note. They can subscribe on our website this week, or wherever you listen to podcasts, apple, Google, overcast, Spotify, Stitcher. You get the picture. We are everywhere. We want to thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders.

Gordian dynamics, Quill health house site nuance, Canon medical, and current health. Check them out at this week. Thanks for listening. That's all for now



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