David is the author of two books, A Book About You and Pictures of Your Soul. He is also a composer, musician, inventor, teacher, and speaker.
In this episode, David shared how we can remove distractions in our life and develop soul awareness.
David talks about the principles in the bible that we can learn and apply to remove distraction. This means we must practice removing ourselves from daily routines, friends, environment, and social pressure.
David also talks about the five levels of the soul and how each level makes up our body. And understanding the anatomy of the soul will help us develop soul awareness.
David advises writing the five most important points of awareness and meditating and feeling them. Once done enough, it becomes a part of you. And you will live with that awareness.
David Green’s story is an inspirational story of one who walks on the path with a childish dream but ultimately pursues life towards happiness with God.
This episode of The Beyond Adversity Podcast is a must-listen for anyone who wants to find happiness—those who want to live and enjoy the life God has given us.
“The Beyond Adversity Podcast with Dr. Brad Miller is published weekly with the mission of helping people “Grow Through What They Go Through” as they navigate adversity and discover their promised life of peace, prosperity and purpose.
Dr. Brad Miller 0:00
Yeah, let's talk for a second about what you mean, specifically
Dr. Brad Miller 0:04
in terms of apical to other people, excluding the
Dr. Brad Miller 0:07
distraction, and digging for the gold, as you say here,
Dr. Brad Miller 0:11
it seems to me we're talking about clarity and focus,
Dr. Brad Miller 0:15
and disciplines of in helping these things to help get a
Dr. Brad Miller 0:21
separation between the distraction and to our inner life.
Dr. Brad Miller 0:24
So what are some of the, you know, practices and principles?
Dr. Brad Miller 0:28
So what are some of the habits that people can apply
Dr. Brad Miller 0:32
from your teaching that can help us to exclude the distraction
Dr. Brad Miller 0:36
and go for the gold as you say.
David Green 0:39
it's interesting, the first two words that were said to
David Green 0:43
the very first Jew is to Abraham, Lekh lekha, which means
David Green 0:49
go to yourself. Now, when the first time you hear a word
David Green 0:55
said to somebody in the Bible, it has tremendous significance.
David Green 0:59
It's, every word has significance. But the fact that those
David Green 1:02
were the first two words said to Abraham, he's telling us
David Green 1:06
a very important principle of life. And one is go, which
David Green 1:10
means remove yourself from the distraction of the home
David Green 1:16
he grew up with, which, which was a home of idol worship,
David Green 1:19
and he had to leave that environment. And then he had
David Green 1:22
to go to yourself, which is an inner process of discovering
David Green 1:27
who he was. So there's removal of distraction is something
David Green 1:31
that we need to practice, we need to move ourselves
David Green 1:36
away from where our friends, our environment, or social pressure,
David Green 1:41
if you have the opportunity to go to a different location
David Green 1:44
that's even greater, like when I went to Israel, I moved to a
David Green 1:48
different environment where the value system is different.
David Green 1:51
So removing yourself from their daily routine, and if it
David Green 1:55
means just having to go into your own room, and
David Green 1:58
close your eyes, and try to meditate on removing all the noise.
David Green 2:04
That ation is that is a process of the left, the Go removing
David Green 2:09
way that distraction. And, and people do that on a surface
David Green 2:13
level with mindfulness meditation, they become aware
David Green 2:17
of their breathing, they become more aware of their body.
David Green 2:20
That's the first level, but the soul has five levels to it. And
David Green 2:28
when when God created man, He breathed five levels
David Green 2:33
of the soul into man. And the first level, which which starts
David Green 2:38
with the word, "he", the letter "he" which is the fifth letter
David Green 2:38
of the Jewish alphabet, the Hebrew alphabet, and it
David Green 2:45
makes the sound like the breathing sound, okay,
David Green 2:49
so when God, God breathed the five levels of the soul into
David Green 2:53
man, he made the sound, which is the five levels going into
David Green 3:00
man, he, is the fifth letter of the of the Hebrew alphabet
David Green 3:04
which represents those five levels, the lowest level is
David Green 3:08
called the nephesh. And that's the first thing to tune into it,
David Green 3:12
which is removing the distraction and tuning into the
David Green 3:16
nephesh level of the Soul. And the nephesh, that level of the
David Green 3:19
soul resides within the blood. And that means that's why
David Green 3:23
you feel your soul all around your body. Even though the soul
David Green 3:26
wants to rise up like a like a wick and a flame. It stays
David Green 3:31
connected to the wick, as it says in Proverbs, that the soul
David Green 3:35
of man is like the candle of God, the the soul is in you,
David Green 3:40
it's within your body. But at the same time, it's always trying
David Green 3:43
to rise and reconnect to its source to our Father in heaven.
David Green 3:47
So person tunes in to the soul, especially starting with the
David Green 3:52
nephesh level, which is connected to the body, we can start
David Green 3:55
to remove the distractions and tune in to the basic
David Green 4:01
functionality of or awareness of the soul, then what
David Green 4:06
we do is move to the next level, which is called the roof,
David Green 4:09
the roof is the spirits level of the Soul, which is somewhat
David Green 4:14
of a scary place to go because it's connected to infinity.
David Green 4:19
So when I move into there, it's called, I call that the empty
David Green 4:22
spaces, which is the title of my second album. And if you
David Green 4:25
listen to empty spaces, you'll see it's a meditation that takes
David Green 4:29
you into a place, which is empty, which is infinite. And you
David Green 4:34
have to surrender and go into a place of what
David Green 4:37
seems like total darkness.
Dr. Brad Miller 4:40
For me, the cat could keep up with you here. Now the first
Dr. Brad Miller 4:43
level is to kind of connect with the body, the blood and the
Dr. Brad Miller 4:45
breath and so on. And the second level is basically to empty self
Dr. Brad Miller 4:50
in order to be at I'm assuming maybe we're going to move
Dr. Brad Miller 4:52
towards reception here. But am I tracking
Dr. Brad Miller 4:54
with you here David?
David Green 4:57
The first first level is that you It's not, it's the part of the
David Green 5:01
soul that connects to the body, and still as a spiritual thing.
David Green 5:06
But in the Bible in a number of places, it says that damn,
David Green 5:10
who had nephesh, that blood is the nephesh, it doesn't mean
David Green 5:13
that it is the soul, it means that's the first level of the Soul.
David Green 5:17
So that's why as your blood moves all around the body, right,
David Green 5:21
that's also the nephesh, moving all around the body,
David Green 5:24
in my book, pictures of your soul, I actually have illustrations
David Green 5:27
of what happens from the right ventricle of the heart to the
David Green 5:30
left ventricle of heart, how that goes to the brain. It's a complex
David Green 5:33
process, but people by learning that it actually heightens your
David Green 5:37
awareness of the soul. But the soul is connected to the blood,
David Green 5:43
but it's a separate entity, but that's how it moves through the
David Green 5:47
body through the blood. And that's it feel this, that how could
David Green 5:51
this spiritual thing this soul be held in a body? Which is a
David Green 5:56
physical thing? That's a contradiction, a spiritual thing within
David Green 6:00
a physical space? And yes, yes, the answer is yes, it is within
David Green 6:04
the physical space, because it's connected to the blood, then
David Green 6:09
when you move to the next level to the roof, now you're
David Green 6:12
above the blood blood, you're above the body, it's still connected
David Green 6:16
to the nephesh. And that's why it's still within us. But it's
David Green 6:21
connected to the next level, which is the the nephesh is connected,
David Green 6:25
almost like, like a chain like a link to the next level. And each
David Green 6:30
level of the soul is connected like a chain up to the highest levels.
David Green 6:34
The the there's the next level is called the neshamah, which is,
David Green 6:40
resides within the brain, which is why the brain has so
David Green 6:43
much of the central part of the navigation of a human being.
David Green 6:47
And then there's levels above that called Hyah, and Yoshida
David Green 6:51
which are well beyond our comprehension but sometimes
Dr. Brad Miller 6:54
So we've gotten body to the emptiness, the and the soul,
Dr. Brad Miller 6:58
and then the brain into these higher levels of consciousness.
Dr. Brad Miller 7:02
And can you talk a little bit in your in your work about
Dr. Brad Miller 7:05
achieving our unique personalities and become a, how this
Dr. Brad Miller 7:09
helps us find our mission and our place in the world?
Dr. Brad Miller 7:11
Is that part about actually that?
David Green 7:16
The what I've been describing is more the anatomy of the soul.
David Green 7:20
And if that's very important for a person to develop soul awareness,
David Green 7:27
and my book picture, your soul, that's the whole idea of it is
David Green 7:30
that it's just a number of questions where people would think
David Green 7:34
you can't answer them because there's sounds like, like a
David Green 7:38
ontradiction. But in fact, we we learn about what the soul is
David Green 7:43
from the ideas that this book is written based on what's
David Green 7:46
called the Tanya, which is a Hasidic masterpiece. So
David Green 7:51
the book is more of a meditative process of becoming aware
David Green 7:55
of the different levels of your soul, and how to deal with
David Green 7:58
various struggles and things like that. My other book
David Green 8:01
is called a book about you, which is about individuality
David Green 8:04
and knowing your purpose in life. Different focus.
Dr. Brad Miller 8:09
So what you're teaching her hair is teaching us here is to
Dr. Brad Miller 8:13
understand our soul, understand the physiological, spiritual,
Dr. Brad Miller 8:20
almost metaphysical, if you will, aspects of everything here
Dr. Brad Miller 8:24
that we're talking about here. And how that then helps form
Dr. Brad Miller 8:27
us, our personalities, and us as people as beings that are
Dr. Brad Miller 8:34
spiritual and physical at the same time, then helps lead us to
Dr. Brad Miller 8:37
some direction of meaningfulness in life. And so what I'm getting
Dr. Brad Miller 8:40
at here, David is so many people have a sense of meaning
Dr. Brad Miller 8:43
less Thus, in life. You've mentioned some of the people we
Dr. Brad Miller 8:47
work with students, you had your own moments of depression,
Dr. Brad Miller 8:49
and so on and searching for meaningfulness. I certainly
Dr. Brad Miller 8:52
have had that many of our listeners have had that situation.
Dr. Brad Miller 8:55
You're I call it the malaise of mediocrity, you kind of feel like
Dr. Brad Miller 8:57
you're just stuck. So how can we use what you're teaching
Dr. Brad Miller 9:01
here to help people get unstuck, to get onto something that is
Dr. Brad Miller 9:05
meaningful and purposeful in their life? I'm talking about some
Dr. Brad Miller 9:08
practical applications here of what you're teaching it.
Dr. Brad Miller 9:11
Don't get me wrong, what you're teaching is wonderful and
Dr. Brad Miller 9:14
practical. But I'm talking about some some day to day
Dr. Brad Miller 9:17
disciplines, some people might be able to fly.
David Green 9:20
Well, I think that one of the things that we have to deal
David Green 9:26
with is the fact that our emotional and spiritual memory is
David Green 9:32
very short. Which means that inspiration is not meant to be
David Green 9:38
something that that you get and you walk away with
David Green 9:43
and it's you can hold on to it. Even the Jews on Mount
David Green 9:46
Sinai experienced the giving of the Bible of the 10 commandments
David Green 9:51
and then committed the goal of the golden calf soon after.
David Green 9:56
So spiritual spiritual inspiration is something that But you
David Green:can't just expect to stay with you. And therefore, it should
David Green:function more as, as a glimpse of where you want to go.
David Green:We need to be inspired. But we can't walk away from inspiration
David Green:expecting that to be what's going to hold us up, it's only
David Green:there as a preview of where you're supposed to climb to.
David Green:So what to do is, every day, a person should go through the
David Green:process of reminding themselves of what was inspirational,
David Green:or find the inspiration to then use as a vision to strive towards.
David Green:And so the way we do that, in Jewish practice, is prayer.
David Green:Because prayer is divided up into the appreciation of different
David Green:categories of things in life that are very important to remember.
David Green:So if if a person were to sit down and write down, what are the
David Green:five most important principles that if they could walk around
David Green:with every day, that would transform their life, because they
David Green:would be able to live with that awareness. Write them down
David Green:and put them in your pocket, and take them out and read them
David Green:at least three times a day. Because although it may sound
David Green:simple, like, the fact is that if there truly are deep values that
David Green:they really believe in, if it's a type of awareness, they really
David Green:want to try to achieve, then you have to be honest with yourself,
David Green:that there's temptations around us that pull us away from those
David Green:things. There's depression that pulls us away from those things.
David Green:There's various challenges in life that are going to make it hard for
David Green:you to focus on those things. So treat yourself the way you would
David Green:teach somebody else. Give yourself an assignment of writing
David Green:down, what are the things that I think are the five most
David Green:important points of awareness, and then take it out and
David Green:meditate on it? Look at the think about them, try to feel them.
David Green:And if you do that enough, it then becomes a part of you.
David Green:And you live with that awareness.
Dr. Brad Miller:Yeah, I think what you're sharing here is really, a so good.
Dr. Brad Miller:This one's good to revisit this on a regular basis
Dr. Brad Miller:several times a day, you mentioned, praying several times
Dr. Brad Miller:a day, you mentioned writing some things down or
Dr. Brad Miller:rereading them. Like, it's important because you know,
Dr. Brad Miller:we have to have not only the inspiration and the motivation,
Dr. Brad Miller:but we have to have the discipline to keep doing that and keep
Dr. Brad Miller:going. I'm, I'm always inspired by the biblical story of Moses
Dr. Brad Miller:and the promised land, and the journey out of slavery
Dr. Brad Miller:through the wilderness, over 40 years to get to the promised
Dr. Brad Miller:land. Of course, Moses ever really gets to the promised land, it
Dr. Brad Miller:gets to see it. But the point is, is that, you know, they had all
Dr. Brad Miller:kinds of issues and troubles along the way, when they forgot
Dr. Brad Miller:their mission and their purpose and their vision. Along the
Dr. Brad Miller:way, because it's a hard road life is a hard road. And many
Dr. Brad Miller:difficult things come into mind as a distraction. But you have
Dr. Brad Miller:to have that vision of the promised land out there. And that's
Dr. Brad Miller:part of what you do. You're given us your.
David Green:Another another important point that's related to this is that
David Green:God really gave us two souls. He gave us what's called the
David Green:divine soul, which is pure, and is the Tanya, which I quoted
David Green:before, says that the divine soul is like a piece of God is we
David Green:have this piece of godliness with us. That's the thing that
David Green:I was saying, you have to dig for gold, that divine soul. And
David Green:it wants to do everything that God says is we should do in this
David Green:world. But then the animal soul is there, which is its basic
David Green:nature is like that of an animal. It it wants to breathe, eat,
David Green:it wants to satisfy its reproductive desires. It's, it's, it's looking
David Green:for, you know, for for animalistic pleasures, and we have
David Green:that within us. And, but it's a gift that we have that in us
David Green:but we have to know that when the animal's soul is speaking,
David Green:and when the divine soul is speaking, and that tiny describes
David Green:that really, they are both like battling over a city and the
David Green:city is your body. They both want a body. But even though
David Green:there seems to be at war with each other, the idea is to make
David Green:peace with them. And what happens is that the, the, it's like
David Green:a horse and a rider if the rider is using the horse properly. It
David Green:can take the person the rider to be able to achieve all kinds
David Green:of wonderful God The things, I can deliver food to the poor
David Green:using my horse, I can get there much faster if I use the physical
David Green:horse that's there. So the horse is the horse that the the animal
David Green:side of us is there to use to do good things with if we harness it
David Green:properly. But if the horse gets away on us, then we're going to
David Green:fall off that horse get dragged by the horse. And we'll be pulled
David Green:into all kinds of places we don't want to go. So it'sconsidered a gift.
David Green:And what happens is, people tend to identify with their animal soul.
David Green:And that can be a terrible mistake, one because it'll make
David Green:them do all kinds of things that are below their dignity.
David Green:But the other is begins to cause you to label yourself as bad.
David Green:And if you label yourself as bad, then you will disconnect from
David Green:God because your depression is based on believing that
David Green:you're an animal. And believe you're an animal, then there's
David Green:very little spirit of spirituality for you available, because you're
David Green:only chasing after your loss. And you're, you're looking at yourself
David Green:as a failure all the time. And that depression is something
David Green:that makes people say I give up, right. But if they know
David Green:that it's theirs, there is an animal soul that's making that
David Green:speaking through their heart at that time, then they should
David Green:recognize that they do have the ability
David Green:to overcome it, that the divine says
Dr. Brad Miller:That maybe we make to go to these deeper places.
David Green:right, you can go from the lowest place, but know
David Green:that the reason why you fell there is because the
David Green:animal soul took over. And what you have to do is you
David Green:have to work your way back up to be the one in
David Green:control of the animal. So rather than let it control you,
David Green:it's sort of like a There's a story in the Talmud of a king
David Green:who wants to test the sun in order to give them strength
David Green:to withstand various desires. So he hires a prostitute to
David Green:try to seduce the son. It doesn't sound like a very nice
David Green:thing to do. But the prostitute is working for the king.
David Green:So the prostitute doesn't want the the son. But the Son,
David Green:enabling enabling him have the choice to get makes him
David Green:a dignified being. So too, we're given an animal Soul
Dr. Brad Miller:we're being tested. In this case, it was a test here and
Dr. Brad Miller:how we try and make comes into play.
David Green:Now. That's, that's an easier test to identify. Right?
David Green:Joseph, you know, was tested by the wife of both the fire.
David Green:And he's considered very righteous, because she was so
David Green:beautiful, and he was able to withstand the temptation.
David Green:Drugs and other abusive behavior are easy to identify as
David Green:being something that we don't want. But most theme and
David Green:depression are things that the animal soul can impose upon
David Green:a person, that you don't recognize that that's a negative
David Green:thing that you have to fight against. You identify too much
David Green:with it as being this as me. And as soon as you identify it as
David Green:being me, then that's it's one, the animal soul has one because
David Green:it densify yourself with the animal. So as if that. But in fact, if
David Green:you recognize that the essence of who you are, is the divine
David Green:soul, then you can reattach yourself to the beauty of that
David Green:jewel that's within you.
Dr. Brad Miller:Sometimes we tend to add something to the effect of,
Dr. Brad Miller:you know, some people think, you know, we are physical
Dr. Brad Miller:beings having a divine experience or a spiritual experience.
Dr. Brad Miller:But what you're here helping us understand is the phrase I
Dr. Brad Miller:heard and teach you, we're really we're spiritual beings
Dr. Brad Miller:having a human experience. And we need to understand that
Dr. Brad Miller:transition there. And so, David, I'd like you to speak for just
Dr. Brad Miller:a second about anybody who you've been able to be helpful
Dr. Brad Miller:to through your teaching your writing your music, you've
Dr. Brad Miller:seen some transitions in them, you know, really interested
Dr. Brad Miller:in how our teaching here today that you're given us some
Dr. Brad Miller:great things here giving you practical tips and people tell
Dr. Brad Miller:us a story about someone that's been touched by your work.
David Green:There's a number of people who I found going on a path
David Green:that wasn't theirs. And what I was able to do was give them
David Green:the courage to assess who they really are. And they use my
David Green:teachings to do with different personality types that are based
David Green:on what's called crested GLORIA And Tiferet which are
David Green:kindness, restraint and harmony which is personified in
David Green:the Bible by Abraham. I Isaac and Jacob, each one of them,
David Green:repaired the world through the attribute, which was a godly
David Green:attribute that they personified. And each one of our souls is
David Green:rooted in one of those. Right? I may be a crescent personality
David Green:in that what my soul thrives on his love and kindness, and
David Green:you may be a guru or a personality, whose soul thrives on
David Green:achievement, and discipline and responsibility, right? By helping
David Green:a person discover what the root is of their soul, then they
David Green:can evaluate, Hey, am I living the life of me? Or am I living the
David Green:life of what my parents want me to be? Or that
David Green:society wants me to be. And by using this technique,
David Green:and tacked on my website, there's a personality test
David Green:that shows you the balance of each of these three things.
David Green:And by my book, a book about you, each chapter is about
David Green:one of these personalities with positive and the negative
David Green:traits that come with them. So people become accepting of
David Green:themselves. Like a facet personality is one who loves other
David Green:people, and is a people person, they're extroverted. But they
David Green:also tend to be very late for things because they get distracted
David Green:by people. So by accepting that negative that comes with the
David Green:positive, then the people come to love themselves much more.
David Green:And I feel that's the biggest problem I think
David Green:people face today is a lack of self.
Dr. Brad Miller:Yeah. lack self esteem and what your work here is going
Dr. Brad Miller:to help them to do that. And I love to hear all you shared
Dr. Brad Miller:about how people have been influenced by that. So
Dr. Brad Miller:David, how can people learn more about you, you've got a
Dr. Brad Miller:couple of books, you've got music, you've got a website.
Dr. Brad Miller:I know that some of our listeners are going to want to learn
Dr. Brad Miller:more about what you're about how can
Dr. Brad Miller:people learn more about about you?
David Green:Well, if you go to realyouproject.com That's real, you all,
David Green:spelled out realyouproject.com you will have links to
David Green:where you can buy my books, like on Amazon, or directly
David Green:from me. My music can be heard at David H. Green,
David Green:on Spotify, on Apple Music, you Amazon and all the other
David Green:streaming services. Or to get a taste of that you can hear
David Green:this into my songs on my website, there's links to them as well.
David Green:I have videos there. And previews of my books. On Instagram,
David Green:it's real dot u dot project. And all the links to everything is on
David Green:the website itself. So I highly encourage people to go to
David Green:real you project.com My book, a book about you is just
David Green:released by Morgan, James and publishers. So that's an
David Green:all the major retail outlets, bookstores and online.
David Green:Everything's on Amazon as well. And my new book pictures
David Green:of your soul is, is a, what I did was I besides the illustration
David Green:showing how the how the soul works in relationship to the body.
David Green:I found there's a photographer I've known for over 40 years,
David Green:who has been taking beautiful pictures of people praying at the
David Green:Western Wall, and fire prayer so that the whole book is interwoven
David Green:with those photographs to just to be as an inspiration to see
David Green:the soul. And that's why it's called pictures of your soul.
David Green:You can actually be the soul which people think is too
David Green:abstract. But yet it's very concrete. If you learn more
David Green:about it, be in touch with it. So I highly.
Dr. Brad Miller:that's awesome. And you know, I have a picture of myself
Dr. Brad Miller:at the wheeling Western Wall, as well. It reminded me
Dr. Brad Miller:of that PowerBooks transplant that I had, we're gonna put
Dr. Brad Miller:connections to all of this David and are the realyouproject.com
Dr. Brad Miller:At our website, Dr. Brad miller.com. And it's been a
Dr. Brad Miller:fascinating conversation heavier David, I'm sure we'll have
Dr. Brad Miller:more conversations as we go along. But his book, he's got a
Dr. Brad Miller:couple of books but pictures of your soul is his latest book.
Dr. Brad Miller:He also has a book about you. All this is about helping
Dr. Brad Miller:to discover your own personality and your mission in the
Dr. Brad Miller:world and your place in the world. By going into a soulful
Dr. Brad Miller:place and is really helpful to our audience here today.
Dr. Brad Miller:I'm gonna be on the adversity podcast, David Green,
Dr. Brad Miller:thank you for being our guest today on beyond diversity.