In this episode, Tara describes the type of online program that is selling in today's marketplace. Did you know that 80% of the content in your program can/should be cut out of your program? This episode breaks down what the path is to create a transformation for your learners.
About Me:
Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results.
I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business.
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Hey, everybody, it's Tara Bryan, and you are
Unknown:listening to the course building secrets® podcast. Whether you're
Unknown:a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based
Unknown:on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide
Unknown:them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give
Unknown:you practical real life tips that you can use today to build
Unknown:your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.
Unknown:Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people
Unknown:without adding more time or team to your business? If you're
Unknown:looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and
Unknown:use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in. Hey,
Unknown:everybody, welcome to today's episode of the course building
Unknown:secrets podcast. Alright, so one of the things that I want to
Unknown:talk about today is the difference between information
Unknown:and transformation. So so often, when people are starting to
Unknown:create an online program,
Unknown:they really are focused on their focus on two things. One is how
Unknown:can you make money, which I'm not going to talk about today,
Unknown:but is,
Unknown:is the result of how you're serving and how much
Unknown:transformation you get for people, right? But, but I want
Unknown:to talk about specifically about
Unknown:the second thing, which is how do I create something out of my
Unknown:expertise that helps people and the number one way you can do
Unknown:that is to focus on a problem that's in the market that you
Unknown:can solve. So you look at your expertise as a whole. And you're
Unknown:like, Okay, so this is what I'm passionate about. This is what I
Unknown:know the most about, this is what I have experience in. And
Unknown:then you need to go one level deeper, right? You can't just
Unknown:say, Okay, I'm going to just teach, you know, somebody my
Unknown:topic, and and hope that they get something out of it. Because
Unknown:in this day and age, that doesn't work, right, we all have
Unknown:the Google we have all of the things to go and find answers to
Unknown:basic informational questions, that's not actually going to
Unknown:transform anyone that's not going to grow your business in
Unknown:the way that you want it to grow. And ultimately, at the end
Unknown:of the day, you may be able to sell somebody into an
Unknown:information based course. But they're not going to stay,
Unknown:they're not going to continue to buy your programs, and they're
Unknown:certainly not going to tell their friends and other people
Unknown:about your program. And I'm not going to go down a deep dive out
Unknown:of that. But here's the thing is that it costs a lot of money to
Unknown:acquire a customer, you want to keep them as long as possible.
Unknown:And, and you want them to be your ambassadors out in the
Unknown:world telling people that your program is awesome, and that
Unknown:they need to come into it. So if you don't have that dialed in
Unknown:yet, or you're first starting out in this game, that is
Unknown:actually what's going to create exponential growth, way more
Unknown:than cold traffic. So again, not the focus of today's
Unknown:conversation. But it is interesting, as you kind of
Unknown:look at the bigger picture, that the only way that your program
Unknown:is going to succeed is if you're focused on a specific problem.
Unknown:And and it has to be a problem that people want to solve right
Unknown:can't be just a random problem. So a problem that people want to
Unknown:solve and focus on the result or transformation that you can get
Unknown:them when they solve that problem. So those are the two
Unknown:sort of pillars to start with is what problem are you solving.
Unknown:And again, it's not the problem you want to solve. It's the
Unknown:problem that people have out there in the market that they
Unknown:cannot seem to solve on their own right? Like, it's a big,
Unknown:juicy problem that that that you can that would draw people to
Unknown:you. Because you have the solution to that problem, then
Unknown:you need to define that solution and has to be measurable. And
Unknown:you have to be able to quantify it. And so
Unknown:what is that tangible result that you're giving someone? So
Unknown:if you're focused on a problem, that the result is the solution
Unknown:to the problem, right? Like you're getting them out of that
Unknown:problem, that pain that the questioning whatever it is that
Unknown:there's that is their problem. If you do not have that, do not
Unknown:move forward.
Unknown:It's just plain as simple, right? Like so. I was in a
Unknown:conversation with somebody who is writing about their topic and
Unknown:they want to help people gain confidence.
Unknown:So the problem is, is that the person or people that that he
Unknown:wants to work with have a confidence problem. Okay?
Unknown:That's that's fine, right? Like there's something in their lives
Unknown:that is causing them to not feel confident. Okay,
Unknown:But you cannot create an entire program, you cannot create an
Unknown:entire course you cannot create an entire coaching experience
Unknown:giving somebody confidence,
Unknown:you just can't. Because you have to define what that competence
Unknown:is gonna give them. Right. And so it could be unique for
Unknown:everyone, which is fine, harder to sell. Because that means that
Unknown:somebody has to pull out their, their credit card and say, Yes,
Unknown:I want you to give me confidence doesn't really work, right? Like
Unknown:it's a harder sale. But if it's confidence to get a promotion,
Unknown:confidence to start dating, again, confidence to lose weight
Unknown:confidence to like,
Unknown:there's something specific they need confidence to be able to
Unknown:do. And so you need to get to that level of specificity. To be
Unknown:able to say that this is the transformation you're gonna get
Unknown:at the end, it's very hard to quantify confidence, right? If
Unknown:you're like, you don't have confidence at the end of this
Unknown:program, and it gives you confidence. What does that mean
Unknown:confidence to do what confidence to, to like, just be more
Unknown:confident, it's not an outcome. And so this is the juicy work
Unknown:that needs to happen at the beginning? Because so often
Unknown:people will stop there and say, Well, I'm gonna give people
Unknown:confidence. And here's my five step, you know, five steps to
Unknown:how to become more confident? No, I don't know what they would
Unknown:be. But like, you know, Do this, do this, do this other thing, do
Unknown:this other thing. Great. Now you're confident? Well, somebody
Unknown:can Google that somebody can YouTube that and like, how do I
Unknown:become more confident? Great. Now I have to do this, do this
Unknown:another thing, right? So it's not enough to give somebody the
Unknown:result of confidence, because it's not measurable. So that's
Unknown:where you have to go one level deeper, and get more specific.
Unknown:And this is usually where people are, well, I don't want to get
Unknown:more specific, right, I can help everybody become more confident.
Unknown:Of course, you can write, of course you can. It's your
Unknown:expertise, you're awesome at it. But if you would like to create
Unknown:a business on it, you have to get more specific, because it
Unknown:has to be a measurable outcome. So what I would, what I would
Unknown:look at is start brainstorming the specific area of focus, you
Unknown:want to give them more confidence in and then start
Unknown:there, then what you can do is, is so say it's you want to give
Unknown:people more confidence to get a job promotion, right? So maybe
Unknown:that that's your area of expertise is helping people ask
Unknown:for more money or get that promotion they've always wanted
Unknown:or get a new job, right? So it's, it's in the confidence
Unknown:that the outcome has confidence. But the result is that they,
Unknown:they actually can get something else, right, something tangible.
Unknown:So they're gonna get a new job, they're gonna get a promotion,
Unknown:right? That's the outcome that they're looking for. That is a
Unknown:direct path that somebody would be like, yes, I would pay for
Unknown:Maybe it's in relation in the relationship space, like you
Unknown:like to help people gain more confidence in the relationship
Unknown:space, great, own that, that lane and do that. If in the
Unknown:future, you want to expand and say, excuse me, I have one
Unknown:program for relationships and one program for
Unknown:for jobs Great, then then you can build up multiple programs
Unknown:for each specific outcome. But it can't be all in all
Unknown:encompassing. And usually what I tell my clients, when they say,
Unknown:Well, yes, yes, I can help everyone.
Unknown:Other than the fact it's hard to sell, it's hard to deliver the
Unknown:result. Because you can do that when you have a group, say
Unknown:you're doing a group coaching program, if you have five
Unknown:people, sure, you can customize what you're helping each of
Unknown:those five people focus on because you're helping them
Unknown:define what they want to have confidence in, you're giving
Unknown:them a framework or methodology. And then each of them can get
Unknown:the outcome that they have defined at the beginning.
Unknown:But when five goes to 10, goes to 50. To go goes to 100 goes to
Unknown:200 goes to 1000. You cannot do that and get an end guarantee
Unknown:those results, right? Because you can't customize or do one on
Unknown:one or get as specific with someone to say, well, this is
Unknown:how it would work in your situation, or this is how you
Unknown:would you know actually apply this to what you're doing. So
Unknown:simplify it all down by getting more specific. So hopefully this
Unknown:serves you. It is literally one of the linchpin beginning
Unknown:moments that will define your success moving forward. I have a
Unknown:lot of clients who try and fight me on this and say, Well, you
Unknown:Mine isn't quantifiable. So I am just going to list some topics
Unknown:and teach the topics. And that's going to be my programming, it's
Unknown:going to be great. And you may get sales, but you will not get
Unknown:referrals, you will not get customers who stay with you
Unknown:because you're not giving them that specific transformation.
Unknown:And so when you look at the bigger picture,
Unknown:when you're trying to build your education or coaching empire,
Unknown:you have to look at the big picture and see how each step.
Unknown:Lead leads to that ultimate transformation. The other
Unknown:component of that, just as I'm explaining this is, sometimes
Unknown:it's like, well, the result is way off in the future. So bring
Unknown:it closer, bring the target closer, come up with a tangible
Unknown:result that they can have in a shorter period of time. And then
Unknown:they stay with you to keep going right? So you're solving that
Unknown:first problem, and then you're going to the next problem and
Unknown:going to the next problem, but each one has to have a
Unknown:measurable outcome. So really noodle on that figure out what
Unknown:that measurable outcome is to the problem that you're solving.
Unknown:That is the recipe for a solid foundation that helps you build
Unknown:the right solution to help people not only buy it for the
Unknown:first time, but stay with you and become your biggest fans and
Unknown:ambassadors. Okay, there you go. Have a great day.