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351 : Eric Martindale – Your business bleeds inefficiency and waste between tasks
29th October 2018 • eCommerce Momentum Podcast • eCommerce Momentum Podcast
00:00:00 01:11:30

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Such a profound statement from Eric. Every task you can reduce, outsource or eliminate will make your business stronger. So stop, review all you are doing, and make changes. Changes to move you forward. Changes to get you more in line with what part of this business you love. After all you need to love what you do!


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Gaye’s Million Dollar Arbitrage List


Scope from Sellerlabs

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Transcript: (note- this is a new tool I am trying out so it is not perfect- it does seem to be getting better)

Eric:                                        [00:00:00]               EIs for me, it’s going to be a finance game. Um, I’m not at the point anymore where I can, where I can finance this out of my own pocket. Uh, initially you can do that. You get to a point where that doesn’t make sense anymore. It’s, it’s or you know, you’re going to leverage yourself at some point in some way where you cannot cover, um, you know, if you, if you do have that, that failure and we all have them at times, um, you know, getting to the point where I can’t just cover them with, from my own savings.

Cool voice guy:                  [00:00:32]               Welcome to the ECOMMERCE guys. Will we focus on the people, the products and the process of ecommerce cylinder to your host, Stephen Peterson.

Stephen:                             [00:00:46]               He wanted to talk a few moments about some sponsors scope from seller labs. Um, when’s the last time you created a listing? Right? And when you create that listing, you’ve got to come up with the keywords, right? It’s all key word dependent. I don’t care if it’s a private label or wholesale. You’ve got to get it right. Well, what’s the best way to get it right? And if you’re selling a similar product that’s really successful, you go and you take and use their keywords, and that’s what scope does for you. It’s a phenomenal tool brought to you again by seller labs. The leaders in technology when it comes to Amazon, right now, they are just crushing it with all their products, but scope allows you to get that listing right. Get ranked for those key words as fast as possible. Therefore you get the sales.

Stephen:                             [00:01:30]               So go to seller, forward slash scope. Use the code word momentum, save a little bit of money, get some free key words to test, try it out and see if you see an improvement. If you don’t adjust, what’s cool about what I love about a seller labs is that you then message and say, Hey, I didn’t get this right, tyler. Hey Jeff, this isn’t working right. What am I doing wrong? I boom, you’re going to get the help you need and that’s what you’re going to get from solar lamps. And, and it’s a very special group. Had been very. I’ve been very fortunate to be connected with them. And again, I look over time they delivered every single time, you know, same thing I can say for Karen from solutions for ecommerce. I mean, she’s been carrying my account for a couple years now, um, and our account, my wife and I, and she really does handle things for us.

Stephen:                             [00:02:16]               Um, I mentioned, uh, just last week we created a new listing with, I forget how many variations, but again, all the flat files uploaded done as I needed. I pop in, so she’ll send me a template, I pop in some information and then boom, it’s handled, await. These pictures weren’t done right, blah, blah, blah. This UPC, Nita poom modified, adjusted. And again, the communication been phenomenal too. I get an email back saying, hey, this was done or this, you’re missing this, Steve. Hey, you got to do this. So, you know, we have those challenges too. And that’s why I like working with somebody who’s been doing it. I’ve been doing it for a long time to do, you know Karen also does listings for Ebay. Yep. Lots of them. So if you want to build out that channel, which of course you should, it’s q four, you should be selling everywhere you can, um, Karen can help you with that too.

Stephen:                             [00:03:02]               So you gotTa tell her I’ve sent you. So you’re going to go to solutions four ecommerce forward slash momentum. You’re going to save 50 bucks every single month. You’ve got to save that $50. But more importantly, you’re going to get an inventory health report. Um, did you just get hit with monthly longterm storage fees? Well guess what? If you haven’t, they’re coming. You want them to get that inventory right and she can help you with that. You’ve got to tell her I sent you again, solutions, the number for ecommerce forward slash momentum will get you into that. Save the 50 bucks. Get that inventory health report though. That’s really, really important. Get that going right away. And I don’t want to miss my coach when it comes to retail arb or online or when I have a question. And I do. Not that we don’t, we don’t really do much of it anymore, but when I do have a question, I go to Gaye Lisby because why?

Stephen:                             [00:03:45]               Because she’s really, she is a coach. I mean, she’s really phenomenal, but you also puts out a daily list and you’re going to get that list five days a week. You’re going to get tons of leads, the number of, uh, agreed to amount that you’re supposed to get at least usually gets to those in the four days. And then the fifth day seems to be a bonus most of the time. Phenomenal group, small amount of a buyers where this list is going to. And the best thing is the nuggets that you learn. Hey, why is the red one better than the blue? One? Gaye can help you with those questions. I saw, hey, I got, um, I got to the dreaded letter about a brand. Here’s the, here’s the way you approach it. Hey, receipts, um, how do you, what’s the best practice? I saw her leading instructions, teaching me the accountant how to do a better job with it.

Stephen:                             [00:04:30]               And it’s phenomenal. So it’s Gaye Lisby made a million dollars selling. Um, I’ll have the link in here. You’ve got to use, um, the, my, my link and it does help me, I don’t want to say it that way, but it’s part of amazing freedom with Andy, slam inslee, Ron Hirsch, corn, and nate’s lamins. So you know, you can trust. Okay, so come back to the website, take a look at it, and you will get a savings and you can get two weeks free right now only through my link. You get two weeks free. Try it. You don’t like it? I get it back off. But right now is the time to make money. Get cash flow going right now. And so join you. Get two weeks free. The only way you’re going to get the two weeks for if you use my link, it’s on this episode.

Stephen:                             [00:05:09]               Come on out and give it a try. You will not be disappointed again. You’re going to see me in there. So reach out if I can help you too. Let’s get into the podcast and welcome back to the ECOMMERCE momentum podcast. This is episode 351, Eric Martin, Dale, I’m man, if you want it, a great story of somebody who’s learned some great life lessons and didn’t start from the highest point of the peak, but yet has been able to climb over it and not may not climb over, climb over that one and the next one and the next one because he learned something along the way. And I think that you, if you’re in this world, you have other skills and traits from other businesses, other, uh, uh, education and other experiences that you need to apply to this business. And again, if you could figure out the parts of this business, those skills and traits marry up with you will 10 x everybody else in those areas.

Stephen:                             [00:06:03]               Then you just hired. This is Eric’s advice. You just hire around those other areas. And Man, it just, it’s just such a great place. He dropped so many golden nuggets. One is you believe waste and inefficiency between tasks. Is that you? It’s me. One hundred percent that this happens to me all the time. So I think there’s so much to be learned from such a great guy. I just think what a great story and just no doubt why he’s successful now and continues to be successful. Just a great story. Let’s get into the podcast. Alright, welcome back to the ECOMMERCE momentum podcasts. I’m very, very excited about today’s guest because I’ve been watching him. We met, I guess we met twice, I want to say I’m definitely once but um, it might be twice but we spoken and we shared a whole bunch of things in common.

Stephen:                             [00:06:54]               I’m just a terrific, terrific guy. Great Dad. That’s how I measure people. Again. I’m Eric Martin. Dale, welcome. Eric. Steven. Hey, sorry. I mumbled a little bit there, but it’s true. I mean I sit back and I watch people, you know, the way they are with kids and the way they are at with their family and the number one thing. And it was kind of our precall conversation. The one thing I take away as I watch people, the way they treat their family and you’ve got a big family and that’s like your number one thing, isn’t it?

Eric:                                        [00:07:24]               Yeah. It is, I always say that everything is kind of built around, um, you know, the time that I have structured for my kids. So I’m, I am divorced, I have my kids part time and everything, you know, when I don’t have my kids, I’ll work 18 hours a day, but when I have my kids, everything is sort of ancillary, everyday

Stephen:                             [00:07:45]               stomps. Yeah, dude, that’s so cool though. I mean, think about that. I mean, think about the time that you’re investing in them and I understand it’s messy, right? I can’t be easy but now, but that’s so powerful. Anyway, I, I noticed that immediately and I just love that about you and to me you’re the dad that I have always wanted. So anyway. Very cool. So let’s talk about Eric Martindale. Eric’s a very large cellar having you’re more than doubling your business this year from last year. Um, and you’re figuring it out. Now. You don’t figure it out. Here’s another thing I like about it, or you’re not figuring it out on your own. You’re asking for help. You’re asking the right questions. You’re probing right to figure it out. I think this comes from your military experience, but I’m interested to hear about your college experience too. So take us back. Uh, what, what were you going to do when you were in high school? What was gonna Happen?

Eric:                                        [00:08:48]               Honestly, when I was in high school, um, I, I can’t say that I didn’t have a good path. Um, I, I didn’t have a w I wasn’t raised in one of those homes were I knew what I was going to do. I knew I was going to, you know, go to college or take over a business. Uh, we’re, we’re pretty poor, so it was a little bit muddy back then and um, I’m. The only thing I knew is my dad was a marine when he was younger and that was something always kind of in the back of my mind. I just didn’t, I didn’t really have any confidence back then. When you say that

Stephen:                             [00:09:31]               because I think this is important. When you looked at him, was he an, I know you’re only going. My memories and the way he talked and the way your mom talked about it, but when he was a marine, was he, was that him and his best? Is that what you remember?

Eric:                                        [00:09:46]               Yeah, I, I think um, you know, he was the kind of guy that would always kind of point back to that time. And he only, he only did I think four years, but he would kind of always point back to that. And um, he, he wasn’t much of a storyteller, but if you did hear stories, it was about, you know, as time in the marine corps, it was late, late sixties, early seventies. So, uh, you know, really interesting time to be in the military in general. And it was just something that always. He always said, I don’t want my kids to do that, but it was always in the back of my mind. So I think I always had a little bit of a place holder there for, for the Marine Corps.

Stephen:                             [00:10:26]               When. So as you’re growing up in high school and you’ve got all these conflicting feelings about what you’re going to do, you’re not sure. Like you said, you’re not getting a lot of direction, like, Hey, this is your path. You should be a lawyer. This should be. How did you, I mean, did you enlist as soon as you got out of high school or did you think you were going to go be an accountant? You know, one of my favorite things

Eric:                                        [00:10:48]               I wish I had, I wish I thought I was going to go be an accountant instead. I went to work for a small construction company for $7 an hour and I did that for almost three years. He was treated very poorly, made very little money. I didn’t have the confidence to really go and do anything else. I didn’t think I was, I was ever going to do anything. Um, you know, really beyond that. Um, I, I, there was a part of me that always had a hope and always was, was always looking for that thing. Like, there must be something out there, but that was never seeded into me. I was never told, hey, you’re going to, you’re going to do great things. You’re going to go to x or you’re going to go do y. It was more like, I’ve got to figure something out because I don’t want to make $7 an hour for the rest of my life.

Stephen:                             [00:11:36]               So you had to figure it out on your own. How different is that for you and your kids? I mean, you got five kids. I mean you got, you got a lot of responsibility there. Do you, do you look back on that as something that since it wasn’t reinforced to you, is that like for me, I’m in the same boat. Am I probably around? So my boys know. I tell them every...





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