Mike Tatich and his wife Serena started TMT Complete Auto Service Center in March of 1984 in Bremen, IN. Bremen is a small town of 4,600 people with 2 stoplights. The shop has undergone many evolutions since its tiny beginning as a tire store and body shop. Mike has become a John Maxwell Leadership Certified business coach. He has a story of letting go, a perfectionist control freak, a helicopter dad, and he needs to get busier doing other stuff. Find Mike’s other episodes HERE.
Key Talking Points:
Get any great advice that you still follow today?
- Being consistent
- Success leaves clues, failure also leaves clues
Ever had a mentor?
- Several mentors over the years, one of the first mentors were friends
- grandfather- told Mike to look at the man in the mirror and realize you’re your own problem and also your own solution to move forward.
What drives you?
- Thrill of putting things together- building businesses
What is the latest book you read? Big take-a-way?
- “Generosity Factor” “Keys to the Kingdom” “COVID Cows”
Do you still have the fire you had when you first started?
- Yes, but in different way- passion for growing what he currently has and passion for teaching others
How do you re-energize?
- Built new home, rides motorcycle and takes vacation trips
Any secrets to ‘time suck’?
- Map out day the night before, use calendars
A big secret to building a strong relationship with Customers?
- Customer service experience- how you make customers feel
Share a car count idea?
- Maximize each opportunity
Name something you tried that didn’t work?
- Expand retail space in shop, bought radio shack franchise to cross merchandise- failed and needed to focus on automotive repair only
Would your organization crumble if you stepped aside?
- No! Started a succession plan before 50 years old, continue to develop team
Top three most important needs to open a shop?
- People, people, people! Developing staff and team culture
The most recent update to your processes/system
- Accounting side of business
Are you paperless? When did you go?
- 95% paperless, DVI system several years ago, tech notes are electronic
How is consolidation in the industry going to impact you?
- Consolidation will be great for people that want to grow business and move forward
Ever made a major pivot in your business? If yes, what?
- Getting out of day to day operations within last 5 years, Pivoting from owner operator to owner investor
If you could send a message to yourself 10 years ago, what would you tell the younger YOU?
- Read more, network with more people/shop owners, sharing when things don’t go right
If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be?
- Getting better at people skills and growing team, have a vision
When in your life have you been so passionately focused on an activity that you lost track of time and what you were doing?
- Building service advisor training
Favorite vacation spot
- Hawaii for 25th anniversary
- Thanks to Mike Tatich for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast.
- Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers.
- Find every podcast episode HERE.
- Every episode segmented by Series HERE.
- Key Word Search HERE.
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This episode is brought to you by AAPEX, the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo. AAPEX represents the $740 billion global automotive aftermarket industry and has everything you need to stay ahead of the curve. With 2,500 exhibiting companies, you’ll see the latest products, parts, and technologies for your business. As a result, the event also offers advanced training for shop owners, technicians, warehouse distributors (WDs) and auto parts retailers, as well as networking opportunities to grow your business. AAPEX 2020 will take place Tuesday, Nov. 3 through Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020 at the Sands Expo in Las Vegas. Therefore, more than 48,000 targeted buyers are expected to attend, and approximately 162,000 automotive aftermarket professionals. They will be from 135 countries which are projected to be in Las Vegas during AAPEX 2020. For information, visit aapexshow.com