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Ms. Rebecca Kersting President of CAP Logistics talking about the impact of COVID19 to logistics and supply chain
25th September 2020 • The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie • The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie
00:00:00 00:32:57

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In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Rebecca Kersting, President of CAP Logistics and Uptime Logistics about "The Impact of COVID19 on Logistics and Supply Chain and solutions for Success".  Get the answers to your "Logistics and Supply Chain" questions along with Rebecca's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview! You can find out more about Rebecca and the wonderful team at CAP Logistics by the links below. Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Why You Need To Podcast” for Greater Success in 2020. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!


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SUMMARY KEYWORDS logistics, industry, solutions, business, people, supply chain, uptime, manufacturing, strategy, sourcing, products, part, customers, industrial, day, transportation, important, agile SPEAKERS Rebecca Kersting, Scott MacKenzie 00:04 Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go Rebecca Kersting  00:22 Hey, welcome to the industrial talk podcast, absolute honor that you have joined the number one industrial and manufacturing related podcast in the universe. I'm not I'm not over selling that, am I over selling that? But it does, however, celebrate the women and men of manufacturing and industry. We celebrate you because you are bold, you are brave, you dare greatly. You're changing lives and you're changing the world. Why not celebrate you each and every day on this particular podcast? And I'm gonna tell you, again, you're gonna say, Scott, you always have great interviews. Damn right. I have good interviews. This one is no. I mean, she's amazing. Let's just put it this way. She brings definite logistik street cred. Her name is Rebecca Kersting. That's ke r s t. i n g, CAP logistics, and uptime logistics are the companies and she just happens to be the president. Let's get cracking with the interview. All right. Another great interview? Again, I'm not I'm not tired of having great interviews. That's exactly correct. Yeah. Take that one to the bank. All right. Now, you know, I've been talking a lot about collaboration, innovation, and education, with a sense of speed, purpose, focus each and every day. And I think you're going to have to get through this next normal with those components in mind. Okay, you can sit there and say, well, Scott, what about this? What about this? You know, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. So I tried to say, collaboration, innovation and education are keys. And they are, and you got to do it with a sense of speed. Now here is, you know, from, from my perspective, one of the biggest industries that got impacted, hammered, if, you know, drop kicked, was the logistics supply chain, sourcing, you know, industry as a whole. And they just got hammered. And with all of the changes that are taking place within this country on how to effectively and efficiently bring in products from outside sources, move it efficiently, and with a great competence, and has just been a real absolute challenge. And so, on the industrial talk podcast, I've been really focused in on solutions, strategies, specifically to the supply chain logistics, and sourcing, you know, opportunities now, because I not a professional, all I know is that this is important stuff. And you know, how I know it's important stuff. Well, outside of the fact that I've been in business for a lot of time, many years, is when I went to the Walmart, to pick up some groceries and realize that that product wasn't there, I realized how important the supply chain world is some to me to make my life better to make my life easy. And you know what? It just happened? pre virus, it just happened, didn't know anything about it, go to the store. There it is. I don't have to think through it. That's what it was all about. Now, with this next normal, what does that mean? Where are we going? What are the challenges? And And honestly, I don't have the answers. That's why collaboration is so important. That's why innovation is so important. Because people like Rebecca, her team at CAP logistics, that's what they they just, they excel at, they excel at solving problems. They excel at the opportunity to collaborate with companies who have really problems on solving important supply chain issues. And then they're always innovative, because it's because it's so fluid, because it has just, it's just constantly changes. You need a company, you need solutions that are innovative, and they never stop educating to see how it rolled out all in collaboration, innovation and education. And you know what? Yes, they do. They do it with a sense of frickin speed. And they're there to help you because they understand that their service is needed. So that you can maintain your uptime, you know, business, whatever that looks like manufacturing with uptime, and they're going to also also make sure that they do it as efficiently and as rapidly as possible. Yep. They embody CAP logistics Rebecca's team at CAP logistics. They embody that collaboration spirit of class. The spirit of innovation and definitely the spirit of education because I'm telling you right now, I can't keep up with it. All right, about that. All right, let's get on with the interview. Once again, Rebecca Kersting KRSTING, President of CAP Logistics, as well as Uptime, and she talks about a little bit of the Uptime Logistics and why that's important to different business models to different focus, all geared toward success. Oh, that. Alright. Here's the interview. Enjoy. Rebecca, welcome to the industrial talk podcast. absolute honor, it is an honor. I'm telling you right now, it's an honor that you in your busy schedule, found time to get on the industrial talk podcast. How are you doing? I am doing great. You're so fun. This is gonna be a good time. Scott MacKenzie  05:48 And I'm ugly. And on bald? Yes, I'm a complete package Most definitely. Hey, listeners, we I've been very fortunate to be able to work with CAP logistics on a number of initiatives. And and Rebecca is the president of CAP logistics. And we're going to be talking a little bit about COVID, we're going to be talking about the impact of the logistics, supply chain sourcing, and everything in between. and Rebecca, Rebecca brings a tremendous amount of well, street cred to this particular conversation. Before we get into that now, Rebecca, give us a little 411 on who you are, and why you're such an incredible professional Rebecca Kersting  06:27 in the logistics world. Well, I am humbled by you saying that I have grown up in logistics. My father started our company when I was a year old. I've been in trucks, picking up freight moving it all over the country, I still remember going to the Denver International Airport. With him when I was little to pick up freights been out to mind sites in Wyoming. And so the business was started in our basement. The story goes that my mom would help answer the phones with me on my lap, and she would hang up and we would both cry. I've officially been with the company for 17 years and had a number of different roles. But I love what we do. It's exciting. And it's great to help companies be able to keep their operations running every day. Scott MacKenzie  07:30 Yeah, I gotta tell you, man, especially now, one of the biggest topics and I mean, I've interviewed a ton of people. And one of the biggest topics is that happened, pre virus, everything, all the supply chain, everything was just happening and just rolling and going and having a fantastic time. pandemic hits, two finger death punch COVID pops you in the head. Now all of a sudden that that supply chain gets disrupted, yet companies are still dependent on it. sort of give us a little background on, you know, the positives and negatives. Of course, we want the positives. But we got to touch on the negatives on where you know, the impact of COVID to your business happen going forward? Rebecca Kersting  08:11 Well, I think initially, the impact was just a slowdown of the economy. And and these key industries in the country. No one knew what a single day looked like. And so initially, I think the strategy for companies was to address their slowing of business while trying to protect their workers. There was already some tension with us trade. There was some things happening in oil and gas and mining. So there there was a culmination of complicating factors, where we saw a dive in our customers’ business and therefore our business. A lot of companies took the approach of of shutting things down or slowing them down. They looked for opportunities to save costs. So they stopped purchasing inventory. They stopped doing a lot of things that they would normally do to try to save costs, and things just slow down. Scott MacKenzie  09:23 Yeah, it was overnight. It was it was a flip of a switch, man. It's like, yeah, we're rocking What the hell? I know. I know. Rebecca Kersting  09:34 And everybody thought that it was this temporary thing. And if we all hunker down for three weeks, then we'll we'll all be free and it just didn't pan out in that way. Scott MacKenzie  09:46 No, and you know, what's interesting too, is in these conversations and it it's amazing how in being a manufacturer and being an industry, how resilient and flex Some of these companies were like, like, it hit. They had this morning time, like, Oh my gosh, what are we gonna do and then all of a sudden you just boom, and they were able to hit hate using the word pivot. I gotta use a pivot word, pivot, and and be able to try to succeed in this sort of this new normal, whatever it might look like. Where do you see how it's impacting your business? Where do you see this sort of new normal impacting your business in a positive way, not in a negative, we already understand the negative so? Rebecca Kersting  10:31 Well, there's, there were just so many changes that we didn't see coming. So obviously, there's this whole new gamut of product that people are trying to move in pp. So initially, we saw a lot of that, and you just never would have thought like, there was this business of masks and hand sanitizer, and all of these things that we just never thought of as, as key critical items that people were going to be desperate to move. And then as things began to normalize, we we saw some other industries come back online, and a lot of demand on you know, paper products, or in edrick, salutely. Scott MacKenzie  11:17 forgot about that. You're right. I did forgot about the paper product one. And I remember, just FYI, I'm leaving Walmart, whatever it might be. And I'm seeing people just stacking up on paper products. And, and I'm telling you, I'm sitting there going, what am I missing? What news? Am I missing that I've got? I do I have to run back and get it? There's no paper products, and I never could understand it. I survived. I'm still old and ugly. So Rebecca Kersting  11:42 we all do. And I'm bet there's a lot of people who have an insane amount of toilet paper, hoard it away somewhere. Know how long it's gonna take for them to get rid of. Yeah, Scott MacKenzie  11:54 I know, I hear you. And boy, I'll tell you this. It was really an interesting, the other item, or the observation that I I've seen is that the pre virus, we just took things for granted. And I'm when I'd go to the store, boom, it's on the shelf. I know it's on the shelf, and they had it all nailed down. Right? And and this is just me, humble little guy going to the store, and then all of a sudden, the the virus hits and then bam, I'm thinking to myself, why isn't that on the shelf? And then I realized that the the supply chain is disrupted, it might this one right here might work just fine. But then this one broke down. And then this one, can't you it just I didn't realize how sensitive the supply chain is. Rebecca Kersting  12:42 Yeah, it is. It is. Scott MacKenzie  12:46 So let's, let's talk a look. Where do you see it going? I mean, come on. Let's let's put on a little future hat here. Where do you see it going? Okay, we've been past the paper push. And we've been past all the other stuff. And I think I think you're better at this. I think industry is starting to come back up. They're starting to just get a little bit more on out there a little bit more understanding the demands of the market understanding it what this next normal, do you see that in your business? Rebecca Kersting  13:15 So I am very hesitant to try to predict anything, because Could you be wrong, because I will be wrong. But I have my hopes. And I am seeing some trends that I that I think are in a positive direction. So during the initial part of the pandemic, we really saw a lot of customers and a lot of industries start to look at where they could control cost. And inventories were big item that that people began to cut in with that the transportation of these components, key supplies, things that they were able to put off. So if it was a manufacturing line, or a refinery, they the backups for key components. They put those those orders by the wayside. Now that things are picking up, and they don't have those industries, we are seeing an influx in in the critical need of these parts that are necessary to keep these companies up and running. Scott MacKenzie  14:28 Yeah, I think you bring up a good point. And I think that as these assets were idle, as you mentioned that I'm going to save money. And I think that everybody's sort of in that beginning saving money mode, and now they've got to figure out how to make money. And a key component to making money is being able to get your products, either from where their manufacturing to destination or their feedstock, into their manufacturing process, and wherever that might be. And I think That I see a shift, I think, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna be. Don't bet on me anybody out there, please don't. But I think that there, it's starting to ease up a little bit. And I think that people are starting to recognize this next normal, but a key component, you will never ever, ever get away from that logistics that supply chain component. And that's where CAP shines just shines, because you're able to do that in a way that that makes sense. Because for me, if I was a company got my company hat on, I have different needs, I have different demands, I have different insights into what my market needs, and what my business needs, and therefore my sourcing requirements. The other company, Acme, whatever, has completely different, it might be somewhat similar, but completely different. And that's what brings us to this point of being able to sort of customize those solutions. That's what you guys do. Rebecca Kersting  15:59 That is, and I think that's where we've really been able to help our customers through this time is we're very responsive, we're very agile, and the media are made of problem solvers. Our team is hired, trained, retained, evaluated based on their ability to, to solve problems, to be committed to the customers and their solutions to have a positive attitude and show up. Every time our phones ring or we get a request through our portal, or a text message or however our customer chooses to engage with us. We're there with our problem solving hat...



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