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193: Life Hacks To Overcome Conflict In Your Family and In Your Workplace With Dr. Jerry Fu
Episode 1937th April 2022 • Beyond Adversity with Dr. Brad Miller • Dr Brad Miller
00:00:00 00:41:19

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Dr. Jerry Fu is Dr. Brad Miller’s guest on Episode 193 of “The Beyond Adversity Podcast.”

He is a coach that focuses on conflict resolution and specializes in assisting Asian American leaders in dealing with issues in the business and in their personal lives.

Not only that, but he's also a pharmacist by profession. Although, his passion is focused on assisting people in resolving conflict in their lives and living a more rewarding existence in many ways. 

In this episode, Dr. Jerry shared with us his experience growing up in an Asian-American household and how he transformed into the leader he is today.

Being in a foreign country was a hard time for their family. They experienced racism, discrimination, and other unfair acts. However, their family chose to ignore all of these and just live their lives to the fullest.

Dr. Jerry had a lot of pressure growing up. Due to their family having a medical background, he is expected to take the same path as well. Initially, he was working as a pharmacist, but later on, he established Adapting Leaders which helps in dealing with both professional and personal issues.

He wasn’t born a leader. He only started taking up leadership roles right after his experience in a teaching position. This also helped him survive in the pharmacy industry.

This part of his life was also the reason why he established Adapting Leaders.

Episode 193 of The Beyond Adversity Podcast is a must-listen for those who are struggling in choosing what they want in life. This is also for those people who are looking for ways how to resolve conflicts in their professional and personal lives.

“The Beyond Adversity Podcast with Dr. Brad Miller is published weekly with the mission of helping people “Grow Through What They Go Through” as they navigate adversity and discover their promised life of peace, prosperity, and purpose. 




Dr. Brad Miller::

We have a great leader and coach with us today.

Dr. Brad Miller::

His name is Dr. Jerry Fu from

Dr. Brad Miller::

He is a conflict resolution coach, which helps people

Dr. Brad Miller::

with to deal with conflicts in the workplace, and in

Dr. Brad Miller::

their personal life with a special emphasis upon

Dr. Brad Miller::

Asian American leaders. Dr. Jerry Fu, welcome to Beyond Adversity.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Hi, Dr. Brad.

Dr. Brad Miller::

Awesome. So glad to have you with me today, Jerry.

Dr. Brad Miller::

You got really an interesting take an interesting

Dr. Brad Miller::

story to tell about your life. You come from an

Dr. Brad Miller::

Asian American background, and that really is

Dr. Brad Miller::

reflected in your story, especially at some of the

Dr. Brad Miller::

conflicts that you had resolved in your life.

Dr. Brad Miller::

When it comes to conflict resolution, coach in

Dr. Brad Miller::

your own right. Tell us a little bit about your

Dr. Brad Miller::

story. What led you to this line of work?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Yeah, absolutely. Um, yeah. So my parents

Dr. Jerry Fu::

came over to the US from Taiwan for grad

Dr. Jerry Fu::

school, and decided to chart their own course

Dr. Jerry Fu::

coming here. I grew up with a healthcare

Dr. Jerry Fu::

background. My grandpa was practicing in

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Taiwan as a physician for over 50 years and

Dr. Jerry Fu::

then uncles in health care. I grew up with two

Dr. Jerry Fu::

cousins nearby, who both went to Harvard and

Dr. Jerry Fu::

went to med schools. So well, you know, the bar

Dr. Jerry Fu::

was set pretty high for that. So between the career

Dr. Jerry Fu::

path in health care, which is kind of lined up for

Dr. Jerry Fu::

me, along with just being very conflict averse,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

and my family was just trying to mind their

Dr. Jerry Fu::

own business, right? They're trying to create

Dr. Jerry Fu::

a better life for themselves here. And despite

Dr. Jerry Fu::

whatever racism or discrimination or unfair

Dr. Jerry Fu::

circumstances, right, they just said, Hey, well,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

you know, it's just not worth it, to fight them

Dr. Jerry Fu::

back, we're just going to keep doing our best

Dr. Jerry Fu::

to build our own lives within our own means.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And so, I grew up in a in a conflict averse home.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

You know, my parents were always very gracious

Dr. Jerry Fu::

hosts, whenever guests came over in any frustrations,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

they had guests who were rude or inappropriate

Dr. Jerry Fu::

that was just handled in house, they never would

Dr. Jerry Fu::

have known better. And so this was what I saw

Dr. Jerry Fu::

as model for me is how to deal with conflict, right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

You resent them for not meeting your standard,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

even though you've never communicated that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

standard to them. And then, you know, you just h

Dr. Jerry Fu::

ope that you get over it, you know, with enough

Dr. Jerry Fu::

time, and so it doesn't make for a good formula,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

but you don't realize that until it's too late. All

Dr. Jerry Fu::

right. And so, I grew up with this idea in mind.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And so you know, I managed to go honor my

Dr. Jerry Fu::

parents desires for me to work hard and get

Dr. Jerry Fu::

good grades and get into a good school. And

Dr. Jerry Fu::

all of this was very short sighted for me,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

because this is the immigrant's vision for

Dr. Jerry Fu::

how to really establish yourself, right, get

Dr. Jerry Fu::

good grades, get a profitable skill set,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

where it doesn't matter what skin color

Dr. Jerry Fu::

you are, people have to call you, doctor, right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

That's credibility and money that they need.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And so the idea is that somehow this is enough, right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Hey, you know, get the job, get the credibility, get

Dr. Jerry Fu::

the money, get married, pass along your family

Dr. Jerry Fu::

name, this is the definition of success we want

Dr. Jerry Fu::

you to follow. And so my attempts to fulfill this

Dr. Jerry Fu::

plan took a hard right in college when I got to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

see inorganic chemistry.

Dr. Brad Miller::

That became a big deal, apparently, right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Oh, yeah. I didn't know what to do with myself, right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Because I, you know, I graduated top 10 in my high

Dr. Jerry Fu::

school, and so I wasn't used to failure. And the few

Dr. Jerry Fu::

failures that I did experience, like, he just felt so

Dr. Jerry Fu::

embarrassed about him and just said, okay,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

let this happen again. It wasn't failure, it wasn't

Dr. Jerry Fu::

framed as an opportunity to learn and really

Dr. Jerry Fu::

grow and improve in a way that you would

Dr. Jerry Fu::

want to yourself. Rather, it was just something

Dr. Jerry Fu::

as seen as a sign of incompetence, and just

Dr. Jerry Fu::

brought embarrassment, right on your name

Dr. Jerry Fu::

and your reputation and the family's name.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And so you had to pick a path that almost

Dr. Jerry Fu::

would avoid this kind of embarrassment.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

So for me getting waitlisted rejected from

Dr. Jerry Fu::

med school, after all the expectations I

Dr. Jerry Fu::

said, coming out of high school seemed

Dr. Jerry Fu::

insurmountable to me, right? When you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

don't know any better, you're just afraid

Dr. Jerry Fu::

of embarrassment and shame. And so I

Dr. Jerry Fu::

said, well, I need to pivot. I want to do

Dr. Jerry Fu::

something in healthcare, but what else

Dr. Jerry Fu::

is available to me? And so I said, Well,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

pharmacy seems pretty reasonable. Let

Dr. Jerry Fu::

me pursue a degree in pharmacy and a

Dr. Jerry Fu::

career in pharmacy. And so I convinced

Dr. Jerry Fu::

pharmacy school that I would make a

Dr. Jerry Fu::

good pharmacist. And next thing you know,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I am starting my pharmacy school journey.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I get through that without a lot of hitches, thankfully.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

But, you know, I came to another crossroads

Dr. Jerry Fu::

when I was about to graduate because my

Dr. Jerry Fu::

mom was very particular about me working

Dr. Jerry Fu::

for a company that she really liked. Even

Dr. Jerry Fu::

though she'd never worked a day in her life

Dr. Jerry Fu::

in pharmacy. See Moms always know best, right?

Dr. Brad Miller::

Of course, of course.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

So you know, this on top of the fact that I was

Dr. Jerry Fu::

very now is even more conflict averse than ever,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

because I just wasn't in the mood to deal with it

Dr. Jerry Fu::

at all. Every time someone leaned in to be upset

Dr. Jerry Fu::

with me, I would just take the path of least resistance.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And so in this case with my mom, I just wasn't in

Dr. Jerry Fu::

the mood. I didn't have the energy to deal with

Dr. Jerry Fu::

her insistence on the past, she felt it was best for

Dr. Jerry Fu::

me. So I ended up taking this job, regretted it

Dr. Jerry Fu::

within the first two or three months of really

Dr. Jerry Fu::

starting with them. And you know, she also

Dr. Jerry Fu::

had a girl lined up and tried to push me

Dr. Jerry Fu::

toward her. And so

Dr. Brad Miller::

Oh, really? So she lined up your job

Dr. Brad Miller::

and your girlfriend is that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Yeah, absolutely. Right.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

This is how this is how they want to rescue

Dr. Jerry Fu::

us, right? Because it's like, well, if life isn't going,

Dr. Brad Miller::

Just culturally, is this pretty common in Asian

Dr. Brad Miller::

American experience? I'm just asking.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, parents are always

Dr. Jerry Fu::

going to be your parents, right? And so the

Dr. Jerry Fu::

ones who understand hey, like, it's not

Dr. Jerry Fu::

typical for parents to just say, Okay, you're 18.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Stand on your two feet. Good luck, right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

They don't do that. It's like, they want to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

take care of you, but it's like, there's strings

Dr. Jerry Fu::

attached pretty much on everything that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

they give you. And so, yeah, you know, so

Dr. Jerry Fu::

yeah, had the girl lined up had the job that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

she thought I should be more grateful for

Dr. Jerry Fu::

and more concerned with. And I, one point

Dr. Jerry Fu::

actually was okay with job. Actually, the girl

Dr. Jerry Fu::

moved on, because she just realized that I

Dr. Jerry Fu::

wasn't going to move forward. And I'm

Dr. Jerry Fu::

thankful that she didn't wait too long for

Dr. Jerry Fu::

me to realize that this wasn't. But the job,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

at one point, actually had a job that gave

Dr. Jerry Fu::

me flexible scheduling and the quality of

Dr. Jerry Fu::

life that I was looking for. And so I got

Dr. Jerry Fu::

complacent because I knew number one,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

how rare this was. So I was afraid to leave

Dr. Jerry Fu::

it. Because I was like, Well, you know, in

Dr. Jerry Fu::

chain pharmacy, you don't get a lot of

Dr. Jerry Fu::

good pharmacy jobs that would be long

Dr. Jerry Fu::

term. So I better hang on to this and make

Dr. Jerry Fu::

the most of this. Wish I made sleep, I mainly

Dr. Jerry Fu::

did, I was living at home. I used the money,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I didn't have to pay rent. So I just use the money

Dr. Jerry Fu::

on trips and things like that. That was nice for a

Dr. Jerry Fu::

while. But when that went away, when I

Dr. Jerry Fu::

transferred stores, I was unhappy again,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

because I didn't have the flexibility in scheduling

Dr. Jerry Fu::

to do what I wanted. And so after a customer

Dr. Jerry Fu::

service incident that just really left me reeling.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I did my best to put out the fire with someone

Dr. Jerry Fu::

who's very upset, you know, ran out of nice

Dr. Jerry Fu::

things to say. And then even worse, my

Dr. Jerry Fu::

partner gives me the stink eye because

Dr. Jerry Fu::

she felt like I didn't handle it nearly as

Dr. Jerry Fu::

professionally as she thought it could have.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And I just said, oh my goodness, I have to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

do something else. Like I have to get out

Dr. Jerry Fu::

of this job. Like it didn't matter. They just

Dr. Jerry Fu::

earned a third week of vacation. I just

Dr. Jerry Fu::

needed to get out. And so I wanted to get

Dr. Jerry Fu::

into teaching pharmacy students but

Dr. Jerry Fu::

didn't have a PhD, didn't have a

Dr. Jerry Fu::

residency for a conventional academic job.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

But a friend of mine who work for a

Dr. Jerry Fu::

consulting company here in Houston,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

pharmacy consulting company said, hey,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

my previous teaching position is open

Dr. Jerry Fu::

says I got promoted. Would you like to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

apply for it? I said, Absolutely. So now

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I am interviewing for this job. I convinced

Dr. Jerry Fu::

them at work taking the chance on so now

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I'm leaving a full time job with benefits to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

take on a part time job. You know, moving

Dr. Jerry Fu::

from Tennessee, where I was living at

Dr. Jerry Fu::

the time to Houston to take on this new

Dr. Jerry Fu::

challenge. And of course, my mom, just

Dr. Jerry Fu::

all of a sudden, she doesn't know anything

Dr. Jerry Fu::

about this new company. She doesn't know

Dr. Jerry Fu::

anything about living setup, anything like that.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I'm not under her watchful eye.

Dr. Brad Miller::

And so you're moving away from home as well.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Exactly. Yeah, like now I'm now I'm a plane

Dr. Jerry Fu::

flight away, right. And so, initially, I thought

Dr. Jerry Fu::

okay, right in my short sightedness, oh, just

Dr. Jerry Fu::

get into college. Okay, just get into pharmacy

Dr. Jerry Fu::

school. Okay, just get another job, right. And

Dr. Jerry Fu::

initially, the first couple of months were great.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Novelty was there I was more excited, I felt

Dr. Jerry Fu::

more alive in my job. But 11 months later, I got fired.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And that was like, was really tough for me. It was

Dr. Jerry Fu::

one of the best things that ever happened to me,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

but I didn't appreciate it at the time. And I'll be

Dr. Jerry Fu::

happy to elaborate on that later. But, you know,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

What do I do with myself, right? I'm just used to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

the shame of failure. I'm used to saying, Oh, my

Dr. Jerry Fu::

goodness, like all my friends are gonna have all

Dr. Jerry Fu::

these questions about why I lost this job with this

Dr. Jerry Fu::

great company that they all envied me for so long.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And now, you know, I can't even move back home,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

the job market has become much more saturated.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I can't even move home to take on my previous

Dr. Jerry Fu::

position it feels. So that's when the roller coaster

Dr. Jerry Fu::

continue to take some really weird turns. I ended

Dr. Jerry Fu::

up at a independent pharmacy where for my

Dr. Jerry Fu::

paychecks, bouts filling for crooked doctors,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

so I was jeopardizing my license, and this guy was paying for it.

Dr. Brad Miller::

So you had some family stuff going on your

Dr. Brad Miller::

work related stuff, and you end up with some

Dr. Brad Miller::

financial related stuff if your paychecks were

Dr. Brad Miller::

bouncing. Yeah, that's right. And several

Dr. Brad Miller::

things were happening here.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Yeah. And what do I do with this conflict?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Right. And the other wrinkle it talks about

Dr. Jerry Fu::

conflict aversion and just how toxic it is right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I didn't even have a local bank account,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

like I just was mailing checks home. And so

Dr. Jerry Fu::

when the first check bounced, you know, my

Dr. Jerry Fu::

boss actually called me and told me Hey,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

sorry about this something happened. But

Dr. Jerry Fu::

we'll make it up. And I said, Okay, that's fine.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

You know, things happen fine once. Sure.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Then the second, third and fourth checks

Dr. Jerry Fu::

bounced, but I had no idea because I was

Dr. Jerry Fu::

mailing him home. And my mom was too

Dr. Jerry Fu::

afraid to tell me that this was happening. And

Dr. Jerry Fu::

it's like, Mom, this is not good, right? I'm

Dr. Jerry Fu::

tithing, right with money. I don't actually

Dr. Jerry Fu::

have right, this is a problem. And I don't

Dr. Jerry Fu::

know that I don't have this unless you tell

Dr. Jerry Fu::

me bad news. Right? Yeah. You can't be

Dr. Jerry Fu::

scared to say things.

Dr. Brad Miller::

Protecting you from yourself, so to speak, right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

In a way, yeah. And so, you know that was

Dr. Jerry Fu::

the wake up call, just hey, you know, there's

Dr. Jerry Fu::

some pretty harsh people out there. Not

Dr. Jerry Fu::

everybody is harsh, but you got to look out

Dr. Jerry Fu::

for the ones you have to have some better

Dr. Jerry Fu::

warning signs, right. So in my misguided view

Dr. Jerry Fu::

of Grace, I'm just like, well, you know, I'm

Dr. Jerry Fu::

going to honor my part, even if he doesn't.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And everyone's telling me, you need to leave.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

You can't even pay your bills, unless he pays you.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

So after nine months of that unproductive cycle,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

my friends, get me on with another company,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

that's more legit. But money is tight, and they

Dr. Jerry Fu::

can't pay me more than eight hours a week.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

So I moved out to Austin to get more hours

Dr. Jerry Fu::

at another store. And you know, this is two

Dr. Jerry Fu::

and a half hours away from Houston, it

Dr. Jerry Fu::

could end up in worse places. But, you know,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

it just wasn't home. And I had no idea what

Dr. Jerry Fu::

my life was, like at this point. And so that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

summer was key, because some friends of

Dr. Jerry Fu::

mine who run a pharmacy leadership

Dr. Jerry Fu::

nonprofit, said, Hey, we have a facilitative

Dr. Jerry Fu::

position that opened up. And we know

Dr. Jerry Fu::

you've been facilitating workshops on the

Dr. Jerry Fu::

fraternity side, but would you like to step in

Dr. Jerry Fu::

for leadership teaching role? Absolutely.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And so teaching leadership kind of helped

Dr. Jerry Fu::

me change my thinking around leadership,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

because before I just said, wow, leadership

Dr. Jerry Fu::

is hard and haven't been good at it. So I

Dr. Jerry Fu::

don't know if I'll ever be good at it. And

Dr. Jerry Fu::

just this very pessimistic view. And again,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I don't want to

Dr. Brad Miller::

so your friends help you make a shift

Dr. Brad Miller::

then to teaching as a pivot point from

Dr. Brad Miller::

being working at the store, just kind of

Dr. Brad Miller::

just a regular pharmacist dispensing

Dr. Brad Miller::

pharmaceutical goods, I assume, and

Dr. Brad Miller::

then to now teaching leadership.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

This was yeah, that was that was a plant.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Yeah, this is the seeds were planted, like

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I still needed pharmacy work, because

Dr. Jerry Fu::

you know, that was was immediately

Dr. Jerry Fu::

available to, you know, teaching leadership.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Yeah, gave me the confidence to start asking

Dr. Jerry Fu::

myself, well, what if I could be a good leader?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

You know what, I love that possibility. And you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

know, how I carry myself, I'll work with that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

involved. So when a full time position in

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Houston opened up later that fall, I said,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I'm not going to stay scared. I can't afford

Dr. Jerry Fu::

to miss this opportunity. So I want to come home.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Let me do let me do this. Yeah, proceed to get

Dr. Jerry Fu::

written up the following year, because I had

Dr. Jerry Fu::

problematic technicians, I was not disciplining

Dr. Jerry Fu::

or firing. And so management says, Okay, that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

is a problem. And you're passivity is also a

Dr. Jerry Fu::

problem. And so as I'm in the middle of my

Dr. Jerry Fu::

probationary period, the company has their

Dr. Jerry Fu::

funding pulled. And so I'm just wondering,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

well, what do I do next?

Dr. Brad Miller::

That does mean your teaching position

Dr. Brad Miller::

went away as well?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Well, the consulting job was already

Dr. Jerry Fu::

gone for a while. The teaching seminar

Dr. Jerry Fu::

was just for the summer. It wasn't a full time job. So

Dr. Brad Miller::


Dr. Jerry Fu::

Yeah, but it was a good opportunity,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

because that's what planted the seed

Dr. Jerry Fu::

to save my pharmacy career. Because

Dr. Jerry Fu::

the only reason I had pharmacy jobs after

Dr. Jerry Fu::

that was that I took on more positions that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

involve leadership. And so the jobs were

Dr. Jerry Fu::

more plentiful, but they also were temporary.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

The business models weren't sustainable for

Dr. Jerry Fu::

the jobs that I was landing. And so after my

Dr. Jerry Fu::

previous job went under four years ago, I said,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Well, you know, I'm tired of chasing scripts

Dr. Jerry Fu::

and tired of fighting insurance companies

Dr. Jerry Fu::

for reimbursements. But I love teaching

Dr. Jerry Fu::

leadership workshops, you know, which

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I consistently done every other summer

Dr. Jerry Fu::

since the first time. And I said, What if I

Dr. Jerry Fu::

had a career in coaching? What if I had

Dr. Jerry Fu::

career facilitating workshops like this?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Because I know how much I loved

Dr. Brad Miller::

That led you eventually to creating

Dr. Brad Miller::

your company,

Dr. Brad Miller::

which is leadership training and coaching?

Dr. Brad Miller::

Is that correct?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Basically, yeah, it took a while because I

Dr. Jerry Fu::

declared myself as a coach in 2017. But

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I didn't start my LLC until 2020. Because

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I was still so afraid of failure and rejection.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And you know, when the pandemic hit, so

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I tell people, it's like a pandemic for me to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

wake up and say, Okay, how much longer can I put this off?

Dr. Brad Miller::


Dr. Jerry Fu::

And so yeah, it's still try circle fail.

Dr. Brad Miller::

So you've heard these, what I'm trying

Dr. Brad Miller::

to get at here with your, you've had

Dr. Brad Miller::

these crisis moments. You've had crisis

Dr. Brad Miller::

moments in your family.

Dr. Jerry Fu::


Dr. Brad Miller::

Whether you may have even

Dr. Brad Miller::

acknowledged him as crises at

Dr. Brad Miller::

the time but they were you in

Dr. Brad Miller::

crisis moments in your career.

Dr. Brad Miller::

You have crisis moments in your finances.

Dr. Brad Miller::

Your pivotal or crisis moments in your

Dr. Brad Miller::

living arrangements. You moving here to

Dr. Brad Miller::

there, and then, but the big crisis, that

Dr. Brad Miller::

kind of major changes sound like was

Dr. Brad Miller::

the pandemic and that's kind of been

Dr. Brad Miller::

a pivotal point for you. So let's talk about

Dr. Brad Miller::

some of the pivotal points to cause you

Dr. Brad Miller::

then to do something about it. You had

Dr. Brad Miller::

these pain all along, but you did something

Dr. Brad Miller::

about it. So what are some of the actions

Dr. Brad Miller::

that you took and maybe you advocate

Dr. Brad Miller::

others take to begin to, you know, do

Dr. Brad Miller::

something about to resolve these conflicts

Dr. Brad Miller::

that you had? What are you gonna do

Dr. Brad Miller::

about it? So what did you do about it?

Dr. Brad Miller::

And maybe what are some of the lists

Dr. Brad Miller::

some transferable principles?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Yeah, great question. My problems are not new.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

They are unique to me and yet they are not new, right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

There's people that are a little further along in the

Dr. Jerry Fu::

leadership path that have probably seen the problem.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

So that dealt with. And so the first thing is

Dr. Jerry Fu::

just to ask for help, right? Whether you find

Dr. Jerry Fu::

the book on Amazon, like the four conversations,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

which helps with dealing with conflicts and

Dr. Jerry Fu::

broken expectations in organizations, that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

was a book that a friend had pointed out

Dr. Jerry Fu::

to me, in terms of, you know, what are

Dr. Jerry Fu::

some resources out there? Right. And

Dr. Jerry Fu::

so when you're able to study success, that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

you haven't been able to picture for

Dr. Jerry Fu::

yourself? And you say, Okay, how did they

Dr. Jerry Fu::

do it? Right? That was one step. Right? The

Dr. Jerry Fu::

first is just to go out there and learn

Dr. Jerry Fu::

something from either a book or a person

Dr. Jerry Fu::

you respect, right, that has experienced that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

you're looking for? Yes. And then the second,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

though, is to put yourself in situations where

Dr. Jerry Fu::

you have no choice but to apply these principles.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And because you could do it one of two ways.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

One is just to ask your friends to hold you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

accountable. Hey, you know, I'm about

Dr. Jerry Fu::

to take on this challenge. Can you be sure

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I actually follow through with what I'm

Dr. Jerry Fu::

going to do? You know, that's helpful.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

But I'll give one situation quick where,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

you know, yeah, I had no choice but to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

gauge. At one point, I served as a church

Dr. Jerry Fu::

class director at a church I was going to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

here in Houston. And my second day, as

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Director, I find out that a newer guy

Dr. Jerry Fu::

in the class was sexually harassing

Dr. Jerry Fu::

women in the class. And they tell

Dr. Jerry Fu::

me, Hey, Jerry, you're director, you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

got to handle it. It's like, he didn't

Dr. Jerry Fu::

give me a manual. They're just like,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

just handle it. Just figure it out. It's like,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

okay, well, I gotta run toward the gunfire.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And so when I, when I know that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

avoidance is unacceptable, in this

Dr. Jerry Fu::

case, you know, if I didn't do anything,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

he was probably just gonna keep doing

Dr. Jerry Fu::

what he's doing. Right? Because no one's

Dr. Jerry Fu::

calling him out on it. So yeah, the second

Dr. Jerry Fu::

is just kind of take on challenges like this.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And whether it's at work or personal take

Dr. Jerry Fu::

on challenges where you realize, hey, this

Dr. Jerry Fu::

is we're gonna work on.

Dr. Brad Miller::

Sometimes I've heard that phrase.

Dr. Brad Miller::

And you may forget the how the story

Dr. Brad Miller::

goes, but about the explorers who

Dr. Brad Miller::

came to America and the Explorer,

Dr. Brad Miller::

burned the ships behind him. So that

Dr. Brad Miller::

the, they couldn't get back to Europe

Dr. Brad Miller::

or whatever, you know, brass ships,

Dr. Brad Miller::

because you hadn't had to deal with

Dr. Brad Miller::

the situation at hand. So good. But good.

Dr. Brad Miller::

Go on, please. So you, you asked for help. You put

Dr. Brad Miller::

yourself in these. You had no choice but to

Dr. Brad Miller::

deal with the conflict. See, like, there's one

Dr. Brad Miller::

more thing you at least want to say about that?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Yeah, yeah, sure. I mean, the key is afterward, right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

It's one thing to just charge ahead. It's another to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

like you didn't even did you even evaluate the situation?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Right? Because if you didn't, right, like, how much

Dr. Jerry Fu::

value is that to you? Right, John Maxwell?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

The grandfather of all leadership gurus, right.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

He said, you know, experience is not enough

Dr. Jerry Fu::

evaluating experience is, you know, is the key

Dr. Jerry Fu::

to really growing right, Hey, what did I take

Dr. Jerry Fu::

away from this? You know, when I dealt

Dr. Jerry Fu::

with this guy, you know, what did I?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

How would I change my approach

Dr. Jerry Fu::

afterward? Right? How would I adjust things,

Dr. Brad Miller::

That's awesome. So now you've got some

Dr. Brad Miller::

tools to work with. You got some tools to

Dr. Brad Miller::

work with and conflict resolution, you know,

Dr. Brad Miller::

ask for help learn, gather information, and

Dr. Brad Miller::

you apply it by putting yourself into those

Dr. Brad Miller::

positions. Or sometimes we find ourselves

Dr. Brad Miller::

in those positions, once we have become

Dr. Brad Miller::

aware, but this we've stopped the avoidance

Dr. Brad Miller::

of yes situations in order to deal with the

Dr. Brad Miller::

present pain upfront, rather than to have

Dr. Brad Miller::

some benefit on the back end, and then

Dr. Brad Miller::

evaluate in order to do something about it.

Dr. Brad Miller::

And so that's what I like to think about top

Dr. Brad Miller::

is how we need to kind of physically, in a

Dr. Brad Miller::

way, change our posture on how we deal

Dr. Brad Miller::

with adversity. And that's part of what

Dr. Brad Miller::

we're about here. And a lot of people have

Dr. Brad Miller::

had that the last year or two with the pandemic

Dr. Brad Miller::

has forced people to change their posture, their

Dr. Brad Miller::

pivot, and you do what you got to do you know,

Dr. Brad Miller::

that those that those those points, you know,

Dr. Brad Miller::

we've heard about the you've heard the term

Dr. Brad Miller::

the great resignation, I'm sure. People then

Dr. Brad Miller::

have found that once they changed, it was

Dr. Brad Miller::

one quite so bad. They kind of liked it, that

Dr. Brad Miller::

type of thing. Let's go to the inner life a

Dr. Brad Miller::

little bit. You touched on it just a little bit

Dr. Brad Miller::

and you said you're involved with the

Dr. Brad Miller::

church and some things like that. I'm

Dr. Brad Miller::

interested now Jerry, is any part that played

Dr. Brad Miller::

in your transformation, your personal

Dr. Brad Miller::

transformation, would you teach others

Dr. Brad Miller::

that has to do with the inner life. I'm talking

Dr. Brad Miller::

about a connection to some sensibility that's

Dr. Brad Miller::

higher than yourself and I don't really mean

Dr. Brad Miller::

your mother here that you know, I mean, like

Dr. Brad Miller::

a spiritual thing or maybe meditative thing or

Dr. Brad Miller::

just a drive to, you know, to improve self. Tell

Dr. Brad Miller::

me about any connection to the inner life

Dr. Brad Miller::

that was a part of this transformation

Dr. Brad Miller::

process for you.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Yeah, sure. Um, I think, one path that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

really helped give me perspective

Dr. Jerry Fu::

anyway, on what this faith life was

Dr. Jerry Fu::

really about this when actually it

Dr. Jerry Fu::

was a late at a later stages of burnout

Dr. Jerry Fu::

while I was serving as director of this

Dr. Jerry Fu::

church class. And during that phase,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

where I was just discouraged, and I just

Dr. Jerry Fu::

said, Well, you know, I need a shot in the

Dr. Jerry Fu::

arm, you know, where do I go to kind of sit

Dr. Jerry Fu::

and receive and recharge, right? And so

Dr. Jerry Fu::

they happen to be a former missionary that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

started the fellowship at this church

Dr. Jerry Fu::

that can go into slits, like this internal

Dr. Jerry Fu::

supplements. And, you know, he was

Dr. Jerry Fu::

very good about asking questions about,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

you know, Bible, and just, you know, what

Dr. Jerry Fu::

it really means to live up faith. And so to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

have his perspective, and to make me

Dr. Jerry Fu::

curious, again, about what is this really

Dr. Jerry Fu::

about, and then I actually went to Beirut,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

with a nonprofit of Arabic Christian doctors,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

and see, see these practitioners do work in

Dr. Jerry Fu::

dangerous parts of the world, like damascus,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

or mozal. And to see just how patient and

Dr. Jerry Fu::

persistent and gentle they were, made

Dr. Jerry Fu::

me realize that all the problems that I

Dr. Jerry Fu::

was dealing with, as a director were not

Dr. Jerry Fu::

about me, there's just a much bigger

Dr. Jerry Fu::

picture, a much grander scheme at

Dr. Jerry Fu::

play, when it comes to building relationships

Dr. Jerry Fu::

and loving people who may not love you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

back the way you'd hoped.

Dr. Brad Miller::

And hopefully, that gave you a little deeper

Dr. Brad Miller::

motivation for change, then not based on

Dr. Brad Miller::

the present. situation, you know, having a

Dr. Brad Miller::

paycheck, pleasing mom, or, you know,

Dr. Brad Miller::

getting along and, you know, all that kind

Dr. Brad Miller::

of thing, you have a little bigger motivation

Dr. Brad Miller::

and motivation greater than itself. And

Dr. Brad Miller::

I'm just wondering, I really think Jerry, that's

Dr. Brad Miller::

important part of you're gonna have true

Dr. Brad Miller::

transformation. It's got to be physical, and it

Dr. Brad Miller::

also has to be spiritual. And in our life. I also

Dr. Brad Miller::

think it also has to be cognitive with,

Dr. Brad Miller::

you know, change our actual ways

Dr. Brad Miller::

change what we think, our mindset,

Dr. Brad Miller::

how we actually do things. And I'm

Dr. Brad Miller::

talking now about new habits or new

Dr. Brad Miller::

practices or new ways of doing life that

Dr. Brad Miller::

may be different than what you were

Dr. Brad Miller::

before. It seems like before you were

Dr. Brad Miller::

in the people pleasing thing and this type

Dr. Brad Miller::

of thing. And maybe you had some things

Dr. Brad Miller::

here, what are some things you do? Maybe

Dr. Brad Miller::

you do now? Or maybe teach now, that may

Dr. Brad Miller::

be different than what you had before? What

Dr. Brad Miller::

habits practices things like this?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Yeah, yeah. This one is pretty simple.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

But it's also very profound. And I'll give an example with it

Dr. Jerry Fu::

after I stated, one question to ask yourself is when an

Dr. Jerry Fu::

opportunity becomes up to to something like an

Dr. Jerry Fu::

activity on a Saturday afternoon or something

Dr. Jerry Fu::

like that, right, you ask yourself, well, what else

Dr. Jerry Fu::

could I do? What else could I be doing with this

Dr. Jerry Fu::

time? Right. And so I'll give a personal example,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

where at one point, I was volunteering to help

Dr. Jerry Fu::

out with an elementary school math competition.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And this was like, on a Saturday morning, and I

Dr. Jerry Fu::

had a lot of fun doing it. Right? It was it was

Dr. Jerry Fu::

meaningful, it was great. And, you know,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

after the next year rolled around, and

Dr. Jerry Fu::

they asked for people to volunteer again,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I had to ask myself, well, what else could

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I be doing with that time? You know, and I

Dr. Jerry Fu::

thought, well, I could be sleeping and you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

know, recovering from sleep, you know, get sleep,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I could be reading my book, that I you know,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

that it really wants to finish. And I realized

Dr. Jerry Fu::

that, you know, if I had to choose between

Dr. Jerry Fu::

the competition and reading a book, and

Dr. Jerry Fu::

recovering and just taking it take having a

Dr. Jerry Fu::

more restful morning, I realized that was

Dr. Jerry Fu::

the more important thing. And so, you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

know, it was tough to say no, right? To

Dr. Jerry Fu::

put something I enjoy so much. But

Dr. Jerry Fu::

then I realized that there's a bigger game

Dr. Jerry Fu::

that are bigger fish to fry, right? There's

Dr. Jerry Fu::

something more important at hand, and

Dr. Jerry Fu::

just feeling good about myself or volunteering missing kids.

Dr. Brad Miller::

So you did the volunteering piece,

Dr. Brad Miller::

but you then also choose the physical

Dr. Brad Miller::

health part of your rest, and you're so

Dr. Brad Miller::

you did some things to renew self, but

Dr. Brad Miller::

a part of renewing self. Some of it was

Dr. Brad Miller::

the volunteers and that type of thing

Dr. Brad Miller::

was also so it was the renewal of self

Dr. Brad Miller::

for what you were working on there.

Dr. Brad Miller::

So that's awesome. Another aspect I

Dr. Brad Miller::

believe Jerry of personal transformation.

Dr. Brad Miller::

You know, we talk a lot about that cognitive,

Dr. Brad Miller::

the mental health side of things, is the

Dr. Brad Miller::

emotional aspect that goes to relationships.

Dr. Brad Miller::

You've mentioned a little bit about some

Dr. Brad Miller::

people gave you some books and some

Dr. Brad Miller::

things like this are pointing in a different

Dr. Brad Miller::

direction. You mentioned some mentor

Dr. Brad Miller::

type folks. Tell me a little bit about emotional

Dr. Brad Miller::

relationships. You mentioned some ones that

Dr. Brad Miller::

were a little bit problematic, you know, your

Dr. Brad Miller::

family, that kind of thing. Tell me about some

Dr. Brad Miller::

emotional relations. Have some may have

Dr. Brad Miller::

been helpful to you moving forward in terms

Dr. Brad Miller::

of his transformation, you know, friendships,

Dr. Brad Miller::

mentors, family. Be part of that the emotional

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I think 1 person

Dr. Jerry Fu::

that was key in this leadership transformation

Dr. Jerry Fu::

is a pharmacist named Michael Negretti. And

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I will sing his praises till the day I die. Because

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I, when I first co facilitated the leadership

Dr. Jerry Fu::

material, he was the one I was paired up

Dr. Jerry Fu::

with now already liked him, you know, I

Dr. Jerry Fu::

knew him as a, you know, as a guy respected,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

but to work with him up close. And to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

see just how he brought out the best in me and

Dr. Jerry Fu::

training me up and equipping me and giving

Dr. Jerry Fu::

me the confidence to pull my weight and run

Dr. Jerry Fu::

through walls for him. I asked myself right

Dr. Jerry Fu::

after I worked with him, so you know, what

Dr. Jerry Fu::

exactly was it about his style or his personality

Dr. Jerry Fu::

that really motivated me? Well, because that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

was the first time in a long time that I felt like

Dr. Jerry Fu::

someone like joyfully motivated needed to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

move forward and do some. It was difficult

Dr. Jerry Fu::

work and yet, it was very rewarding. And

Dr. Jerry Fu::

so the things that came up with after, you know,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

thinking about this some more, whereas to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

number one, Mike is fun to be around. He's

Dr. Jerry Fu::

just a pleasant guy. He doesn't crack the

Dr. Jerry Fu::

whip. He's just fun to be around. Number two,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

he's fun to learn from. And you know, he's

Dr. Jerry Fu::

always reading some new book, he's always

Dr. Jerry Fu::

learning something interesting. And he just

Dr. Jerry Fu::

wants to see, well, Michael, you know, what

Dr. Jerry Fu::

are you learning now? Third, he's a relentless

Dr. Jerry Fu::

worker, he sets the tone, there's no question

Dr. Jerry Fu::

about how hard he works. Number four, he's

Dr. Jerry Fu::

always tinkering. Like, he's always thinking,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

How can this be better? How can this be

Dr. Jerry Fu::

better? How can we rearrange this? You

Dr. Jerry Fu::

know, what could What do you think?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Can we try with this? And then number five,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

he's very collaborative. He says, hey, you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

know, I reshuffled the lineup, what do you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

think of this, Jerry? And then I'd say, Well, you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

know, I think this and that are, you know, wow.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And I just want to keep up with what he was doing.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And so that's a relationship, it's we stopped a

Dr. Jerry Fu::

friendship to this day, you know, we're both

Dr. Jerry Fu::

busy with things. But every time there's an

Dr. Jerry Fu::

opportunity to work with them, I never turn

Dr. Jerry Fu::

it down. Because I know that I'm always going to,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I love giving and supporting to him. But also, I

Dr. Jerry Fu::

know that I'm also it's a mutualistic beneficiary of the

Dr. Brad Miller::

Sound like part of what you learned from him,

Dr. Brad Miller::

from your mentor here. From your friend has

Dr. Brad Miller::

been also a part of the process now that you

Dr. Brad Miller::

choose to try to be helpful to other people,

Dr. Brad Miller::

you've got a coaching program called

Dr. Brad Miller::

adapting leaders, and among the things

Dr. Brad Miller::

you talk about, is how to deal how people

Dr. Brad Miller::

deal with a temperamental boss or a stale

Dr. Brad Miller::

friendship, or family expectations. So things

Dr. Brad Miller::

we've touched on here. So you've been

Dr. Brad Miller::

motivated to create this coaching program,

Dr. Brad Miller::

and you have some interesting insights on

Dr. Brad Miller::

your website, at adapting leaders calm.

Dr. Brad Miller::

But tell me a little bit about what motivated

Dr. Brad Miller::

you to do this coaching program? And what

Dr. Brad Miller::

are people going to find If they go to your

Dr. Brad Miller::

website and want to learn more about what

Dr. Brad Miller::

they can find there and what do you offer?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Sure, sure. So the the main benefits, right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

So I'll take a client situation. One point, a

Dr. Jerry Fu::

client of mine, there was a girl at church

Dr. Jerry Fu::

that he thought was attractive, you want to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

ask her out? And so you know, he goes up to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

her, ask for a number she gives it to him, and

Dr. Jerry Fu::

then she doesn't, isn't that responsive to his

Dr. Jerry Fu::

calls. And then after he does a little more

Dr. Jerry Fu::

research on social media, he realizes that

Dr. Jerry Fu::

she already has a boyfriend. And so it's like,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

well, what's really going on here? Right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

But she's just being nice. She just didn't

Dr. Jerry Fu::

want to turn it down, even though she's

Dr. Jerry Fu::

already spoken for, like what's going on?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And so he's telling me all this, you know, like,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

what do I do, right? I can't, I can't just sit on

Dr. Jerry Fu::

this resentment. Right. So we talked about,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Hey, okay, let's script out. How do you want

Dr. Jerry Fu::

this conversation to go? Right. So I asked him

Dr. Jerry Fu::

this, you know, how do you want this to go?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Well, you know, I'd like an apology from her.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Like, if it's appropriate. It's like, okay, you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

know, what are some openers you could

Dr. Jerry Fu::

use to address the situation without

Dr. Jerry Fu::

antagonizing her? Right? Let's talk about

Dr. Jerry Fu::

some some phrases that you can play

Dr. Jerry Fu::

around with improv off of. And so, you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

know, let's and then to ask him, you know,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

how do you want to set this into motion?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Can you find 10 seconds of courage to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

just go up and ask her, hey, you know, can

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I borrow you for a couple minutes? I need to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

sort out a situation with you. You know, would

Dr. Jerry Fu::

that be? Is that okay? Is now a good time? Right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

And, you know, so the call I get from him later,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

saying, hey, you know, yeah, you know, I was able

Dr. Jerry Fu::

to address the situation with her. She apologized

Dr. Jerry Fu::

for, you know, leading me on because she just

Dr. Jerry Fu::

realized that she just didn't want admit that she

Dr. Jerry Fu::

was too afraid to say no, even though she

Dr. Jerry Fu::

already had a boyfriend, or she was interested

Dr. Jerry Fu::

in somebody else. You know, for him to say

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I you know, to hear him tell me just how

Dr. Jerry Fu::

grateful he was for my help. I'm so glad I did this.

Dr. Brad Miller::

Right, because you help coach to be

Dr. Brad Miller::

assertive to help rather than just stewing

Dr. Brad Miller::

about it. Yeah,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

yeah. Give them clear steps. Give them the

Dr. Jerry Fu::

confidence to do it. And then let them

Dr. Jerry Fu::

experience the closure. And once they get

Dr. Jerry Fu::

that first when they want more of it,

Dr. Brad Miller::

and do you have application to do it actually

Dr. Brad Miller::

take the action? That's awesome. That's a great,

Dr. Brad Miller::

a great story there. Well, no people go to your

Dr. Brad Miller::

website, tell me what people are going to

Dr. Brad Miller::

find there. I know you have a, a resource there

Dr. Brad Miller::

that you'd like people to be aware of. Tell us about that.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Oh, yeah. I want to give this away to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

as many people as I can. Because I believe

Dr. Jerry Fu::

in is valuable. Even it's helpful. Yeah, you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

can download a free guide on a Framework

Dr. Jerry Fu::

to Handle Difficult Conversations, whether

Dr. Jerry Fu::

it's personal or professional. This will give you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

five steps to increase your chances of success.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Because oftentimes, right what looks like

Dr. Jerry Fu::

complacency is actually confusion, right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

A lot of people know that they need to

Dr. Jerry Fu::

have a hard conversation. But if no one

Dr. Jerry Fu::

gives them a plan, right? Or gives them

Dr. Jerry Fu::

like some kind of lighted stairway to success, right?

Dr. Jerry Fu::

You know, they could find their way there.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

But it'll take a lot more time and energy.

Dr. Jerry Fu::

Sure, you probably need to, but other things

Dr. Jerry Fu::

on the website that are free, set up a

Dr. Jerry Fu::

complimentary 30 minute call. Yeah, tell me

Dr. Jerry Fu::

your situation, right gets in, share your story,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

share whatever you'd like. In that 30 minutes,

Dr. Jerry Fu::

I just want to add value, and, and help you

Dr. Jerry Fu::

through whatever you're dealing with. Or just

Dr. Jerry Fu::

check out the blog where I summarize useful

Dr. Jerry Fu::

and interesting leadership books and offer

Dr. Jerry Fu::

other life hacks. And that's all available for free

Dr. Brad Miller::

At your website, which is

Dr. Brad Miller::

So you can either go there directly, or you can

Dr. Brad Miller::

go to And we will have links

Dr. Brad Miller::

to website there. And you heard there was helpful

Dr. Brad Miller::

things about conflict resolution. So step by step

Dr. Brad Miller::

approach some things to be helpful to you.

Dr. Brad Miller::

And particularly if you have some of these

Dr. Brad Miller::

things that have happened in your life in the

Dr. Brad Miller::

workplace, or from Asian American culture,

Dr. Brad Miller::

which is one aspect here, and we didn't get

Dr. Brad Miller::

into some of the other stuff, you're into

Dr. Brad Miller::

ballroom dancing and salsa dancing

Dr. Brad Miller::

and things like that. And so maybe there are

Dr. Brad Miller::

some life lessons in that and how to have fun,

Dr. Brad Miller::

but you, you've got a fascinating story to tell

Dr. Brad Miller::

very helpful because people, everybody has

Dr. Brad Miller::

conflicts, everybody has conflicts, that so

Dr. Brad Miller::

many people submerge them and don't do

Dr. Brad Miller::

anything about that. And then it comes out.

Dr. Brad Miller::

Oftentimes the manifestation of conflict comes

Dr. Brad Miller::

out in other ways it could be health related or

Dr. Brad Miller::

some devastating result. We don't want that.

Dr. Brad Miller::

So helpful things to us here. His name is Dr. Jerry Fu:.

Dr. Brad Miller::

He's a pharmacist by profession, but his calling

Dr. Brad Miller::

and his energy has to do with helping folks like

Dr. Brad Miller::

you to resolve conflict in your life, and to have

Dr. Brad Miller::

a more fulfilling life in in many aspects.

Dr. Brad Miller::

So thank you, Dr. Jerry Fu, for being our guest

Dr. Brad Miller::

today on the Beyond Adversity podcast with Dr. Brad Miller.




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