In this episode, Tara gives tips on how to make sure you are doing the right activities in your business at the right time. Are you doing activities that don't match where you are in your business growth cycle? Too early & you will waste time and money - too late & you are dead in the water. Learn more in today's episode.
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Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results.
I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business.
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Mentioned in this episode:
Alright, in today's episode, I want to talk about the
Speaker:difference between when you're getting started. And when you
Speaker:are established. So often people will start with the wrong
Speaker:activities, and and be doing things in kind of the wrong
Speaker:order. So I wanted to just discuss that today. Because this
Speaker:may help you out as you are growing, starting and growing
Speaker:your business. Okay, so there's the testing phase. And there's
Speaker:the scaling phase. When you are first getting started, you are
Speaker:in test mode, everything that you're doing is all about
Speaker:testing, you're testing your idea you're testing the market,
Speaker:you're testing, how things are working, are you able to get
Speaker:people a transformation? Are you able to get them a result? Are
Speaker:you able to get people through your funnel? Right? Are you able
Speaker:to bring them into your world and convert them into buyers?
Speaker:Are you able to give them an experience? What is all this
Speaker:look like? Right? So what you're in and when you first get
Speaker:started is that kind of the startup or test phase, you don't
Speaker:actually know how everything is gonna work. It's a super
Speaker:exciting time. But it's not the time to do scaling activities.
Speaker:And so I think that one of the biggest challenges that people
Speaker:have when they get started is if you're not paying attention to
Speaker:the right people, you're trying to build a business, the same
Speaker:way that somebody is growing their business. So when you're
Speaker:looking for mentors, when you're looking for people to follow,
Speaker:when you're trying to find out information about how to do
Speaker:this, what you're going to do is you want to start with the
Speaker:testing phase. And then after you're established, you have a
Speaker:proven sort of engine that's running, then you move into the
Speaker:scaling phase. So let me give you an example. So often, when I
Speaker:have people who are first starting out, they're worried
Speaker:about ads, and they're worried about like, going out and paying
Speaker:to bring people into their world. Now if you think about
Speaker:it, are you ready to bring people bring like the masses in
Speaker:right, so so if you're spending money on ads, essentially, your
Speaker:goal is that you want to bring a lot of people through your
Speaker:funnel, and try and convert them into buyers. Or if you're doing
Speaker:an awareness and awareness campaign, like I mentioned last
Speaker:time, your goal is to get people aware of you so they can find
Speaker:you, they can start to get to know you. And then eventually
Speaker:you convert them into buyers. But that's a volume play, right?
Speaker:That's like looking at how do you bring in lots of cold, a lot
Speaker:of cold people, people who don't know you yet, and drive them
Speaker:through your process. I don't know about you, but it's much
Speaker:easier to just start with the people who are already in your
Speaker:world who are more of a warm or hot audience. So we've talked
Speaker:about that before that there's three different types of people
Speaker:that will come into your world, right one is somebody who
Speaker:doesn't know you at all, they're cold. Some that know you, they
Speaker:just don't know if this is what they need at this point. And
Speaker:then a hot audience is like they're ready to go right? Like
Speaker:they want to buy from you and they know that you're the right
Speaker:person. And so an ad strategy is bringing in people who don't
Speaker:know you yet, right? Like they're totally a cold audience.
Speaker:They're coming in from the world into your environment. And, and
Speaker:your your goal is to nurture them, get them interested in the
Speaker:problem that you're solving and help them solve the problem,
Speaker:right? But that's a scaling activity, right? That's when you
Speaker:have everything dialed in, you know your process, you know that
Speaker:things are working, things are already built and running. And
Speaker:now you just need more people in the engine so it starts to run
Speaker:faster. That's why you use ads. So when people are first
Speaker:launching, so you're doing a proof of concept basically is
Speaker:what you're doing when you're first starting out, is your goal
Speaker:should be to get enough people in to help you test to make sure
Speaker:that your your offer your program. All the things are
Speaker:viable and they're going So it's not to get as many people in as
Speaker:possible. So you can get as many sales as possible. It's not that
Speaker:time yet, right? And so when you're thinking about who do you
Speaker:hire, where do you put your limited resources that you have
Speaker:right now as a startup, unless for some reason, you've got lots
Speaker:of investors and lots of cash, then go for it, do what what you
Speaker:want to do scale very quickly. But for the majority of people,
Speaker:the goal is just just get in the game and start testing your
Speaker:offer, then you gain momentum, then you are you know, you're
Speaker:working on your warm and your hot people, if you can't convert
Speaker:people who are already in your world, who already know you,
Speaker:you're not going to convert people who don't know you yet.
Speaker:Right? Like, does that make sense, you're not going to bring
Speaker:people into your world and have them pay for what you have to
Speaker:offer, if you can't even do it for the people who know you, or
Speaker:are kind of already in your orbit. So start there, test your
Speaker:offer, get some of the under your belt, one of the things I
Speaker:always say is you just need like five to 10 superstars to help
Speaker:you test what you're doing. If you get your first 10 customers,
Speaker:you'll learn so many things about how to put the process
Speaker:together, what's working, what's not working, what kinds of
Speaker:things you need to have in place, get all of the sort of
Speaker:the bugs and mechanics worked out before you go and start
Speaker:scaling. So it's sort of like when you have, you know, go to a
Speaker:buffet, right? And you feel like, Oh, I'm going to eat all
Speaker:these things. And so you Your eyes are bigger than your
Speaker:stomach, right? So all of a sudden, you're super full, and
Speaker:you're like, oh my gosh, why did I think I could eat all of that,
Speaker:right? It's the same concept is you want to start out small, and
Speaker:then grow in scale, you don't want to scale without the
Speaker:systems in place. Without the, you know, having the testing of
Speaker:the offer, testing over what you're doing, and all those
Speaker:different things. Because it's very expensive, right? It's
Speaker:expensive to bring cold people who you don't even know if
Speaker:they're a qualified leads, because you don't even know what
Speaker:you need yet. Right? You don't have all of those things dialed
Speaker:in. So I don't believe that belabor the point. But there's a
Speaker:testing phase and a scaling phase. Once you've tested once
Speaker:you have that beta, that viable, minimum viable product,
Speaker:everything is starting to work, and people are coming in and
Speaker:expressing interest, then you know that it's time to start
Speaker:thinking about the next step, which is how do you scale it.
Speaker:And once the engine is built, once you have proven, proven
Speaker:concept, do you have you know, five to 10 people that you've
Speaker:helped, now it's time to go out and start thinking about how you
Speaker:can create a more consistent approach to getting people in,
Speaker:so you can convert them into buyers, it's time to start
Speaker:thinking that direction. But do it too early, and you're going
Speaker:to spend your limited resources, it's not going to be successful,
Speaker:and you're gonna get frustrated because people aren't buying. So
Speaker:that's my advice for you today is really start in that, like
Speaker:the exploration that that testing that startup phase is a
Speaker:great place to be in, it allows you to do what you need to do to
Speaker:make things work, how you want them to work, but don't over
Speaker:engineer the process and start going out to a market. That's
Speaker:not your that you're not ready for yet. And you'll get there
Speaker:and you'll get there faster if you do your testing ahead of
Speaker:time. And it's less stressful because you have some things in
Speaker:place already. Right? It's not gonna be perfect. And that's not
Speaker:what I'm saying. Don't wait until it's perfect. Done is
Speaker:better than perfect 100% of the time, but make sure you know
Speaker:which phase you're in. Are you in the testing phase or are you
Speaker:in the scaling phase? Two different activities, two
Speaker:different things that you need to focus on. And, and, and, you
Speaker:know, two different approaches to how will you start getting
Speaker:customers. There you go. That is my course building secret for today.