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FINALE- Dragons
Episode 1027th January 2025 • Unraveling the Unknown • HVSPN
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Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network 

Show Name:  Unraveling the Unknown

Episode Title: Finale- Dragons

Hello curious people and welcome to a world of mystery, 

You are listening to Unraveling the Unknown with your hosts Lily and Tessa.

In this episode of Unraveling the Unknown, the Podcast we will discuss: Dragons. 

Segment 1: Storytime

In ancient Mesopotamia, dark forests spread wide across the hilly landscape, dipped in the moonlit glow from far above. A great warrior roamed the land. Looking for adventure and glory in times of peace. The warrior walked along the edges of the forest,

As he spotted a small gold coin gleaming in the moonlight. He picked it up and looked further into the darkness of the moon-crested forest, spotting an extravagant necklace of gold and jewels. Traveling further in, he followed the trail of misplaced gold, leading to a huge carved-out opening in the side of the mountain. 

The warrior had found it! Treasure! Something good for his tribe he could bring back to them. 

Soon the warrior noticed something- a ginormous winged beast splayed out on a mountain of gold the warrior thought could encompass the ocean. A dragon. It was sleeping but far less soundly than a few minutes prior, it's breathing was less smooth and slow, becoming jagged like the walls of the cave.

The warrior dropped down and grabbed whatever gold was within grasp, scooping it up and then rushing as quietly as possible back home. 

The next morning, the warrior woke up to the sounds of screaming and terror. Outside, people ran for their lives and cried in pain and disbelief as a dragon- the likes of which most had only heard stories- spit tsunamis of flame over the kingdom. 

Most were destroyed and many were killed, although some were able to find refuge in the dark lapses of the surrounding forest. 

No one had defeated a dragon and learned to tell the tale- not even in legends-

So, the kingdom abandoned their home, fleeing to the woods and other settlements, never to see their home or their lost loved ones again. 

Segment 2:  Origin 

  • Next, we will discuss the origins of a dragon. Dragons have appeared in mythology throughout every Country. The main theory of Dragons is derived from the discovery of dinosaur bones. The first dragon myths appear with the Sumerian(soo-meh-ree-uhn) legends of the god-mother Tiamat. Dragons appear in Chinese and Indian Legends in about 2700 B.C. 
  • In 1335, a huge skull was found in Australia in Claren Fort. It was known to be the skull of an old water dragon Legend. This dragon was known to flood the town with water. Then, in 1590, they created a statue for the Capital Corinthia based on this skull. This Dragon statue represents a dragon that spouts water out of its mouth.
  • During the 1600s, an Englishman named Robert Plot found a huge bone, thinking it was part of a giant something. This fossil turned out to be from the Meglosaurus bucki (meg-la-sore-us buck-eye). 
  • The dragon symbolizes power, good fortune, and strength and is associated with intelligence. Chinese emperors consider themselves descendants of dragons. Dragons are also thought of as evil and satanic in some places of the world. Serpents are often associated with the devil/ evil. Sometimes dragons are thought of as protective, and sometimes harmful and dangerous.
  • Often, dragons are guardians of something either gold and treasure or of a town
  • Many believe dragons could have originated from a fear of snakes. - mesopotamian art and drawings. 

Segment 3:  Discussion 

Let's discuss. 

From a scale of 1-10, 10 being absolutely real, 1 being completely fake, how believable do you think dragons are? 

-How to Train Your Dragon- movies

-toothless and Hiccup

-Avatar-are those dragons? 

            -The third Avatar movie coming of in December 2025- about fire people, and the avatars are red and live in volcanic regions 

-Avatar the Last Airbender- dragons and culture in Avatar are based on East Asian culture, mostly Japanese and Chinese in the Fire Nation. Dragons Ran and Shaw, Sun Warriors tech fire bending. Fire Festival in Fire Nation with dragon dance and costume

Dragons are seen in a positive light- hunting them is bad. wise

-Harry potter

  • Basilisk and hydra types of dragons

Hey Curiosos! If you enjoyed listening to this weeks podcast or have been tuning in every week, we would love it you could leave a review and follow us on Apple Podcasts.  Thank you for being part of our inquisitive community!

Thank you for tuning into this week's episode about Dragons! 

This will be the last and final episode of our podcast, Unraveling the Unknown. Thank you for listening!


Let curiosity be your compass.

Music Credits:   

  • Missing Persons by Jeremy Blake
  • Dead Wrong by Jeremy Blake
  • Devil’s Organ by Jimena Contreras
  • Frightmare by Jimena Contreras

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