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Podcast Success Blueprint Phase 3 - Time to Market
Episode 18515th February 2023 • Amplify YOU with Podcasting • Michelle Abraham
00:00:00 00:13:33

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Now it's time to market, launch your podcast and get it out into the world. This episode is about the Phase 3 of Podcast Success Blueprint. Michelle discusses the 4-week launch plan and some tips to successful social media marketing. 

Don’t miss:

  • Two different metrics that you want to watch for
  • Repurposing your content
  • Things you might want to consider on YouTube 
  • Your social content and content strategy 
  • Why you need a podcast management team
  • Amplifyou podcast management

About About the Host:

Michelle Abraham - Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.

Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were, she started a Vancouver based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years, She wants to launch YOURS in 2022!

14 years as an Entrepreneur and 8 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent online digital marketing business for the last 9 years. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 4 years!

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Amplifyou Intro/Outro:

This is Amplify You the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting it to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in, if you're looking for the best return on your time investment, to get your message out to the world in a bigger way, we're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcast today, the world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host, join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified.

Michelle Abraham:

All right, phase three. Phase three is the launch plan. So now you've got all the pieces together, you've thought about the messaging, you've put all the pieces together the making of it. Now it's time to market it in lunch and get it out there in the world. Okay, so here's kind of a working backwards launch plan. And so we kept this so that you could you know, you can create your own launch plan here. And high level this is what we do for weeks out is that you want to start getting together with your podcast coach and start getting together with the team that's going to help support you on the launch. Whether that's your internal team or your external team, you want to come up with the messaging, and the mission and the graphics, right? And then this is where you want to start sharing. Do you like this music? Or this music? Do you like this? Podcast? Oh, there's a podcast coming? Oh, look at me, I'm set up in my podcasting studio. So this is on social media, you start sharing this this content? Week three. Now we're starting to get into like the scripting of it. What do you think of this title? Or this title? What do you think about? You know, what are some of the things that you want to be doing is like your your titles, your descriptions, your kind of outline to your episodes, setting up your studio, those are all the things that you can start sharing the behind the scenes pictures of in week three, week two, now you're getting close to launching. So now you've interviewed some guests. So maybe you have some previews of some of the guests you've had, maybe you are now recording your solo shows recording your trailer, that's what you're doing. And then you're sharing maybe little pieces of it, maybe an audiogram a countdown to the launch stage, maybe you're introducing a contest, oftentimes, their claims will launch to the contest, because they will then be able to get a little bit more momentum and a little bit more. A little bit higher up in the rankings when you launch with a lot of people going into your show in the first 48 hours of it going live. And that's something you can recreate at any time. The there's two different metrics that you want to watch for. And the metric is like how long people listen for. And so shorter episodes are better for that. And then also, when people go to your site, how much traffic is going to your show within the first 48 hour period of a show releasing? So it doesn't have to be the first episode, it could be any episode. So if you want to boost yourself up some of the rankings, you just drive more people to your show over a short period of time. Okay, so those are all the things that you want to share week two, but when the launch date is, is there a contest? What's happening? How can people get involved? Week one, the idea of week one is that you're going to show you're going to be creating finalizing all your episodes, all your show notes, your writing or publishing your episode us connecting it to your website, you're getting it all ready to launch. Week one, what you're sharing on social media and sharing with your audiences. Maybe some struggles you've had podcasting or maybe some things that you've learned from your adventure so far. How can they support you further on this adventure? What are what when the episodes go live? You want to send people to like Episode One day One episode today to episode three, day three. So you're getting a lot of people there the first week, and then you can go into the weekly shows after that. Alright, so hopefully that was helpful. So now we're going to talk about repurposing for a second. So podcasting is a really, really interesting, interesting thing. So podcasting is in audio format, right? But 99% of our podcasts are is recorded video. And when you're recording your videos, because you're usually having a conversation with someone else, you're interviewing someone, so there's two people there. I would like I like seeing people when I'm talking to them, so why not use that video? Right so the video seems to be like an afterthought for most podcasters they go there wanting to do the audio content, but you might as well get the video card they don't like you're there too. If you record have media on Zoom. Luckily, most people record on Zoom or use an external recording studio like Riverside FM, or squad cast or something like that. But most other people around zoom, and zoom, you get the video recording. So you down after you're done recording, it downloads the video and the audio. So you can just send the video off to your team to edit. And as they're editing the video, they can also just extract the audio from the video. Yes, that's right. So Spotify now allows videos. We also uploaded a lot of the videos to YouTube. So mine is well YouTube did you know is the number three podcasting platform has nothing to do with podcasting, but it's the number three podcasting platform out there. So random, right, so minus logo where the people are, and put your things over on YouTube. One things, some things that you might want to consider on YouTube is those short little video grams and YouTube shorts those do really well on on it's a little pieces of your podcast. So thinking about your content strategy overall. So many people said to me over the years, I can't do podcasting, like that, or what are those social media things that I'm already doing Twitter and LinkedIn and everything? Well, that's fine, no problem. But think about your content in this way. What if you didn't have to do all those other things. And you just started with all the content for your podcast and say you sat down. So you sat down once a month, in recorded four episodes, you record two with guests, two by yourself. And then that's it, you send them off to your team to help you edit it and put it all together, you only think about your podcast once a month, I record 10 episodes in a day, once a month, because I have three podcasts. So that's how I do mine. And I wouldn't if you're going to do your editing yourself, I wouldn't also there then do all the editing and all the show notes and everything all in one day, I would do it in batches, right. So if you're going to do all the recording, try to do it in one day. The benefit of that is that you are in the flow of it. And you remember what you said last episode, because it was only a few minutes ago. So you can kind of inter twined your episodes together. You also are in the flow of it. So while you're doing repeated activity, instead of like going from a coaching call to a podcast episode to them a, you know going to, you know, take your kids pick your kids up from school kind of thing. So that's all interrupted. It's better if you do a batch of it together a long period of time. So that's why I pick once a month, I get all the content from there from that content, we create it on the podcast, we now can get videos for YouTube, we get audios for all the podcasting platforms, we get quotes from the guests we've had or things we've said on the show, we get audio, you can do video grounds or audio Graham's YouTube shorts, we can get all of our social media content, we can get tweets, we can get LinkedIn posts, all of that comes from all of it comes from the podcast. If you just did that, and say you took each podcast episode, and you created two or three things from each podcast episode that you put on social media each week, you've pretty much covered you know, your your episodes, your you know, that's almost like what, you know, once a day kind of publishing of social media content. So it's not hard to do this just thinking about your social content and your content strategy in a different way. And we have clients that take it to like this next level of like, they're seeming all their episodes or their, their theming. And all that way, one strategy I can share that I'm doing in the new year. Because I love I love recording episodes, but I find it so disruptive to do it. Like you know, when this they are to this day or three days, this day, I like to do it all together. I'm going to be doing it live. So once a month, it's going to be run like a kind of like a little mini live Summit, I'm gonna have six interviews. And it's going to be specifically around a theme. So perhaps in January, it might be around visibility. And I have six experts that come in and talk about visibility. We're gonna record it live. So it went from our community can come in Listen Live, it will be streamed live. And then after the recording that I'm going to press stop, and then invite people to come in do a q&a with that expert for a few minutes afterwards. And we're gonna run it like that all day long, once a month and then those episodes one and creating extra content for our members in our you know, platform, then we're also creating an experience for people they can come live and talk to the experts. And then also creating all of my podcasts interviews in one time for the whole month and they don't have to worry about it the rest of the month. So just wanted to give you that the inside scoop my content strategy is for 2023

Michelle Abraham:

All right, Jared, if you need to know where you find a good I can't see well, we're all here amplify you is. That's the thing that we do. We've launched over 300 shows, we manage anywhere between 50 and 75 shows a week. Our team is your experts. We have three or four people with each show that are doing everything for you. You have one dedicated podcast manager, that's your person, we have a completely done for you service. So you actually record and then our team will take it, we'll edit it will visually edit it, audio edit it, we'll put the interests and interests together, we will even write your show notes on some packages, we will publish your show, we'll give you back cover are designed with your guests on there will give you back your video ground that you can promote on social media. And some packages include us doing more social media stuff, and it's makes it super easy. So that all that you're required to do is record we've heard from our clients and I know from doing it myself to beginning to begin with about five hours of time is what it takes to published between recording Publishing and Editing a show each week and promoting it. If you take those five hours, and you times that by four, that's 20 hours a month of your time, our team can make you money, you pay our team to take over this 20 hours, you can make a heck a lot of more money in your business then you can do to pay us to do your podcasts for you. So we're just giving you back that time, so that you can focus on what you do best. As we like to say we like to keep our clients in the zone of genius, your zone of genius, I can tell you is probably not editing videos and audio. Probably not creating cover art by me. But even so you probably it's probably below your pay grade. If you're the CEO of your business, you're the entrepreneur, it's probably not worth your time to learn how to do all those things when you can just have a team do it for you. So that's why we started a podcast management. That's why we love podcast management because we can allow our clients to just do what they do best. And then we could do what we do best and help you get it out there. Here's our repurposing thing. So kind of play around with this, put your podcast content idea here, and then see how many different pieces of content you can get from your podcast episode. So how many different ways so we've got blog posts, audio grams, video, grams, social media posts, Coke cards, Treatibles, LinkedIn posts, we've got shorter videos 70 different ways that you could create that content and put it out there. Also, as an extension, think about what I was saying before. So what else can you do to make money from that content down the road? Maybe you ask that one question to every guest maybe it's you're turning that into a book or I need a training programs. So think about how many ways you can repurpose that content.



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