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312 : Trevor Morris – Step out and help others and you will get 10X back- step out even when it is uncomfortable!
14th June 2018 • eCommerce Momentum Podcast • eCommerce Momentum Podcast
00:00:00 01:12:39

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Trevor is a little on the shy side. He is quiet, composed and very uncomfortable in front of a group of people. Until he isn’t. Yes it comes out of you when you connect with others, when you help others with NO expectation. Magically you get 10 fold. So should you help others…of course. Should you help others with expecting nothing in return… OF COURSE! Think of the others that have helped you, that answered that question. When you asked “What can I do for you in return for your help?” and they answer: “Just do YOUR best!” Your best is just yours. Go and help others and see what happens in your life.


Amazing Freedom

Trevor’s FB contact


Gaye’s Million Dollar Arbitrage List


Scope from Sellerlabs



Transcript: (note- this is a new tool I am trying out so it is not perfect- it does seem to be getting better)

Stephen:                             [00:00:00]               I’m excited to talk about my sponsors today, Gaye Lisbey’s million dollar arbitrage group. Amazing, amazing group. This is a teacher. This is Gaye, she was a teacher. She is a teacher. Still. You need to learn. This is the type of environment you want to be in because she’s going to help you understand why, and I think that’s the hardest part of this business is understanding why. Why is the red one popular when the green one isn’t? Well, there’s usually a reason and what gay does is probably parse that better than anybody and she’ll explain the reasons for those things. I think that’s really powerful. Yes, she puts out a list. You’re going to get a good use of that list if you get in the group. Now here’s the deal. The group isn’t always open, right? So you get on the waiting list and you can join the waiting list through my link.

Stephen:                             [00:00:46]               I’m doesn’t cost anything to get on a waiting list and if you like her service, which I find that most people do that, that’s why there’s not so many openings. Um, you’ll be with her for a long time. And so it’s amazing She’s part of Andy Slam. It’s group, amazing Forward slash momentum. And you’re going to get in the waiting list. That’s all I can get you on right now. You can use my name and see if that gets you anywhere. But what I like about in the uh, what I like about what they teach in that group or the things that are going on, you know, the current things. I’ve seen a lot of stuff going on about stores going out of business. Well here’s where an opportunity is, here’s why you want to do this. Hey, be cautious about this, you know, with toys r US coming out, you’ve got to think about this and that’s the learning that you need to do.

Stephen:                             [00:01:30]               And Gay is better than anybody else I’ve seen. So I’m amazing. Freedom Dot com. Forward slash momentum will get you to the waiting list. Then hopefully he can get you in the group and then you’re going to see me in there. And uh, we can chat anytime you’re ready. Karen lockers. Group solutions, the number for ecommerce solutions, four, forward slash momentum. It’s going to save you 50 bucks. Karen’s our account manager. We recommend her to everyone because she’s done so well for us. I mean that’s quite frankly the reason we’ve been paying her for last few years, but she’s become an important part of our team. Her and her team are so involved in our account. I just see the emails coming back and forth, hey, we did this for you. I just saw two listings today. I’m like, wait a second. Why did they show up?

Stephen:                             [00:02:09]               I didn’t put any listings up. They got a. They got a set off to the side by Amazon and they reactivate them for me. You know what I mean? That’s the stuff that just happens when you have a strong team and I can’t recommend Karen enough if you use my code. Momentum. Karen pays me. I don’t want to hide that. Of course we all know that, but you’re going to save $50 and it’s a great opportunity to really, really build out your team with somebody you can trust. That’s why I recommend them. So solutions, four ecommerce solutions, the number four e-commerce dot com, forward slash momentum. It’s going to save you $50. Oh, and by the way, she’s going to do an inventory health report. Why is that important? Well, guess what fees are going up. Is your inventory health number declining like ours is?

Stephen:                             [00:02:57]               Well, here’s why and what they can do. What I like is I get a spreadsheet from them and it says, Hey, here’s a bunch of inventory. Here’s what we recommend. And I’m like, Yep, read refund. I mean delete a return to us, blah blah blah, whatever it is and it’s or destroy and it just happens. That’s what I like. The other thing that I have Karen helped me with a lot is creating new listings. You know, we do a lot of the research ourselves. We upload our images and then boom, magically the listing goes live and I don’t have to worry about it. Those are the services that Karen offers. Can’t recommend her enough solutions. Four forward slash momentum. Save 50 bucks. Use My code. You save $50 a month every single month and it’s a great service. Plus you get that free inventory health report.

Stephen:                             [00:03:43]               I think it’s a really powerful way, so I can’t. I’m so excited how many people have been joining her because I see it and I’m excited because the messages I get from people saying, hey, this is great. I finally feel like I can focus on something else because Karen and her team are watching this for me and you know, I highly recommend her. Next up is scale lambs and scope and we’ll set it wrong. It’s, it’s amazing. I mean, it really is amazing when you sit back and think about, hey, I want to get this product up and it similar to this product and that’s, that product does well. Well therefore, if that product does well, they have the right keywords, they’ve chosen things correctly, so guess what? You scope and you could see all that stuff and that’s what the most powerful thing in the world is to copy somebody who’s done it right.

Stephen:                             [00:04:28]               That’s what you want to. You want to take advantage of that, right? I mean, it’s, it’s fair, uh, to see and so therefore you can take and apply it to your listing and immediately get that same benefit. That’s what scope does for me., forward slash momentum. It’s gonna save you $50 on the service. Oh, by the way, it’s free to try. So sign up, try it and say, oh, this is how it’s done. Boom. And then you’re going to, the light’s going to go on and you’re going to be like, man, I can get my products out there. I just can’t wait. Can’t wait. So are forward slash momentum? The other day I bought another domain. Yes, I bought her the other domain. It’s almost like a, I’m admitting guilt, but it’s because I had an idea and it was something that was a pretty good idea I think is going to go pretty far.

Stephen:                             [00:05:18]               And so what do I do? I go to try forward slash momentum and save 30 percent. So domains aren’t very expensive. You get a few services, it adds up a little bit. And I usually buy three years. I usually by privacy, by the way, I recommend that to buy that, you know, it’s not that much money, but when you can save 30 percent it makes it that much sweeter and it makes it easier when you’re buying domains and especially if you buy a bunch of domains. I am a domain collector and so I do tend to do that, but that 30 percent makes it a lot easier and I use go daddy because what I like is I can pop in and address I’m thinking and it’ll say nope, nope, could try this version or try this extension and then boom, there it is.

Stephen:                             [00:05:58]               Hey, you better hurry before it goes away and the right, you know, and so try, forward slash momentum save 30 percent. Also want to mention about grasshopper. Who was that? Just talking to somebody the other day and they were like, Oh yeah, use this company called grasshopper. I’m like, Dude, did you buy it through my link and save 30 percent? Hello? No, they missed that. So save 30 percent. It’s try Forward slash momentum. No surprise there, but you’re going to save 30 percent and what the real cool part about that is they’re using it for their private label business and it gives them virtually a second phone on their current phone without having to get another number. They can make up a vanity number. They don’t have to go and do all the grief and sign loan contracts. Pretty easy stuff, and so if you’re creating a brand that you want to identify, you want to look professional, you want to look like a real company. Grasshopper is a great tool. It’s an app you put on your existing phone and boom, you now have a customer service to. You now have a sales department. You’d have a manufacturing division. You could forward it to somebody else. You can have it go to different voicemails, different departments, and it’s all included. So try, forward slash momentum. Save 30 percent.

Cool voice guy:                  [00:07:13]               Welcome to the ecommerce momentum podcast where we focus on the people, the products, and the process of ecommerce selling. Today. Here’s your host, Steven Peterson.

Stephen:                             [00:07:27]               Welcome back to the ECOMMERCE momentum podcast. This is episode 312, Trevor Norris. You can hear in my voice. I’m very excited. I’m telling you what a great interview because you know, and I’m going to describe trevor and I can’t imagine it’ll get offended by it. He is just a fly below the radar. Put your head down, do the work type of guy. Uh, you know, well educated, smart, smart as a whip, just quiet, you know, if there’s a classroom, he’s not raising his hand every single time to show the smartest. He’s back there taking it all in and figuring it out. And to me, um, as I said in the, after him and I got off the call is, he’s pretty much most guys, you know, most ladies, um, we look to the outliers and thinking that, you know, we should be then we should be them. But I’m telling you after this call, my bet is you’re going to say, I wish I was him because let me tell you, he is one impressive individual. Just a just a wonderful person and a very kind soul and a pretty humble about his success and how that’s all. Those are all good formulas for longterm success. Let’s get into the podcast.

Stephen:                             [00:08:37]               All right. We’ll come back to the ECOMMERCE momentum podcast. Very excited about today’s guest because you know, again, I love my position in life because I get to watch people over time and to see this gentleman just figure it out and expand and expand with his head down real. He’s real calm, real and yet he’s

Stephen:                             [00:08:56]               been developing and developing and it’s just so cool to see them explode and very excited for all of us. Trevor Morris. Welcome Trevor.

Trevor:                                 [00:09:04]               Hi. Thanks for having me.

Stephen:                             [00:09:05]               Well, I think it’s fair. I don’t think that’s an unfair description. You generally, you know, you’re below the line. You don’t stick your head out very often, right? You kinda quiet, Kinda keep to yourself. Put your head down, do the work. Right. Is that fair? That’s fair. And yet, and yet you just got up on stage for the first time in your life. Was that the first time ever?

Trevor:                                 [00:09:28]               I believe so, yeah.

Stephen:                             [00:09:30]               Oh my goodness. All right. We’re going to get to that. So I remember meeting you and who was with you?

Trevor:                                 [00:09:39]               Uh, that was my uncle was about rocky mountain.

Stephen:                             [00:09:42]               Yeah. Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was your uncle and your uncle at that time had a massive, massive description, quantity of stuff to sell. Right. Is that kind of the story I remember?

Trevor:                                 [00:09:59]               Yeah, for the most part.

Stephen:                             [00:10:00]               And he was selling it I think on Ebay or locally or what was he doing at the time?

Trevor:                                 [00:10:05]               Yeah. Yeah. So he, he had several storage units full of stuff that he had bought when he did Ebay years ago. Um,

Stephen:                             [00:10:14]               and he just had it all set and he was looking for advice on how to grow it. How come you didn’t take the lead? Because I thought about that. I mean, do you have a perfect opportunity where you and him could have partnered? You could have done all these different things, but I got the vibe that, that wasn’t, you knew that’s not the direction you want to go. Is that fair? In my observation?

Trevor:                                 [00:10:34]               Yeah, that’s fair. Um, you know, I had taken some stuff when I was in college from him and listed it and uh, you know, for, for me and my business, you know, ea is great. Uh, but for me Amazon was better. Yeah. Got It. And so I just saw,...





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