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Make $$ After Freelancing or Consulting
Episode 32229th March 2024 • Course Building Secrets® Podcast • Tara Bryan
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This week's episode answers the question that I often get when I am speaking to freelancers/consultants and service providers doing 1:1 work. 

Most often, the conversations are from people who have a great depth of experience in their field and are trying to figure out how to leverage what they do without always taking on new hourly gigs or projects. And build an alternative to continuously starting over with new projects and assignments.

And let's talk about Legacy. It is never too early to build an asset that will allow you to cash flow your second act. To be able to leave a legacy and impact (and continue to provide income when no longer interested in actively 'working'. Learn the strategies to deploy to continue to make an impact, share expertise, and step into a bigger game -- while not being chained to your computer. 

The great news is that there is a way to easily transition your work to be scalable and separate what you know from the time you spend doing it. This episode will explore why now is the right time, how to get started, and ultimately the potential that it can bring to your life. 

About Me:

Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results. 

I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business. 

Join us each week as we dive into different strategies, tactics and tips you can apply immediately to your business.

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1. Want to package or pivot your business? Download our free Step-by-Step guide to get the exact steps you need to create and grow an online business.

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Tara Bryan:

Hey, everybody, welcome to today's episode of

Tara Bryan:

the course building secrets podcast, I am thrilled that

Tara Bryan:

you're here. Hey, in this episode, I want to talk about

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something that I don't talk about a lot. But But I think

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it's a great conversation, especially some of the

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conversations I've been having lately have led me to want to do

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this episode. And the question becomes, what is the income and

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impact driver that you're using long term to build your

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business? Now, let me explain what that means. Because that's

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a mouthful, is that like, you know, if you're a freelancer, a

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consultant, a service provider, doing one on one work a coach,

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whoever you are, doesn't really matter. In one way, shape or

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form, you're probably doing one on one services with your with

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your customers. And my question is always around like, okay, so

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what happens when you either are maxed out working with those one

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on one customers, or you get to a point where you're like, huh,

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something isn't working, right, like you're on the revenue,

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roller coaster, you are, you sell and then you get get

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customers, and then you're working with the customers and

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then something changes, and then you have to sell again, right?

Tara Bryan:

Like you're just just constantly in this wheel, you don't own

Tara Bryan:

your time, you don't own your impact. And or if you're a

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freelancer or consultant, you're taking projects, right, you're

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you're constantly working in an hourly capacity, helping other

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businesses do whatever it is that you do, or consumers do

Tara Bryan:

whatever it is that you do, or you're doing a project for them

Tara Bryan:

or whatever, but it's a it's a, you know, specific time based,

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you know, gig that you're doing. And what hap starts to happen

Tara Bryan:

after time, is, you know, you're either growing the capacity and

Tara Bryan:

you can't handle it all yourself. Or you are trying to

Tara Bryan:

stay doing it yourself, and you just constantly kind of get in

Tara Bryan:

this this place of starting over, right? And so one day, you

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wake up and you go, Okay, wait a minute, like I literally am

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doing the same thing that I've been doing for 20 years. And,

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and why is that and, and I feel like I am, you know, bound to do

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something different, or I'm ready to stop working quite so

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hard, right? Like, these are questions that you may be asking

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yourself at this point, or kind of down the road, when you think

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about your future. It's like, well, wait a minute, like what

Tara Bryan:

happens when I don't want to be, you know, on a project or, you

Tara Bryan:

know, have somebody else dictating my time. And, and so I

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want to talk about that today, because I think that there's you

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know, kind of three different buckets of of, of phases that

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you go through as you start your business. And so I want to just

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kind of reflect on that and share a little bit of my story

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around this. And then the transition forward, like what is

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the opportunity that's out there for you to look at what you're

Tara Bryan:

doing a little bit differently. So if you're a freelancer or a

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coach or consultant, a service provider, anyone who's doing one

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on one work, this episode is for you. Okay, so the very first

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kind of aspect of this is really understanding how much of your

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time you can you control. So if you're already you know, you're

Tara Bryan:

you know, well into, you know, running your business, whatever

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that whatever that is, you understand sort of the time

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money. conundrum, right, is that when you're an employee at a

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company, you are trading your time for a paycheck, right? So

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they're controlling your time they're controlling when you're

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there when you're not there. That's the definition of a an

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employee versus a contractor right like your employer can

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tell you what your hours or they can tell you where you need to

Tara Bryan:

work and how you need to work. So it's pretty clear when you're

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an employee who was actually like controlling your time. Now,

Tara Bryan:

a lot of times when people leave their, their job or their career

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in wherever they are, they're looking for more freedom, more

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time, freedom, more financial freedom, more impact, feed,

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freedom, whatever that looks like. And so, you know, you go

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out and you do your own thing, maybe you go out and you are a

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contractor, or freelancer or consultant, kind of when you

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first get started to learn how your expertise translates into,

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you know, more project based work, or hourly work or

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whatever, that's kind of a common path that people take.

Tara Bryan:

And, and the, the challenge with that is that you're still not

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actually controlling your time, right. So you're either coming

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into that company as an extra pair of hands, or you're coming

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in, and, you know, kind of running them through a

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methodology so that they can get the result that they're looking

Tara Bryan:

for. But you're really still, you know, your time and your

Tara Bryan:

income is really still tied together, right? Like, you get a

Tara Bryan:

project you're working on the project. And, and your, your

Tara Bryan:

output is not separate from the, the financial rewards you're

Tara Bryan:

getting for that right. And so, this is what happened to me,

Tara Bryan:

when I started my agency is when I first went out on my own, I

Tara Bryan:

was contracting. And so I took a six month project as my sort of

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bridge from my, my very, you know, safe corporate job to

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started my own business. And, and then did that kind of work

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for a while and realize, oh, wait a minute, like, I actually

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don't control my time, this is just, I'm actually working a lot

Tara Bryan:

more hours a lot harder on and doing the same thing that I was

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doing in, in a job right, in a J, OB. And, and so you start to

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go from there, go Okay, so now how do I start to buy my time

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back. And and that's where then you know, you can hire a team or

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you can put together systems, you can do all the different

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things. But if you're keeping them one on one model, you're

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keeping kind of the project based model, where you are

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delivering on a service. You never actually like leapfrog

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past that time money challenge, even if you add other people to

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the business. And so and so that was sort of the the next phase

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that I went into is okay, so how do I scale this beyond me? How

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do I help people? How do I get help for the capacity challenges

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that I was having? Right, like, I had too much work, I didn't

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have enough time in my day to do it. So then I would hire other

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people to take it on. But I was still managing the work I was

Tara Bryan:

still involved in, in the process. And, and so as we got

Tara Bryan:

more projects than the expenses went up, in the same way, right?

Tara Bryan:

So the company grew, but it was growing in a, you know, in the

Tara Bryan:

same with the same things, right? Like revenue was growing

Tara Bryan:

expenses were growing, we never quite could leapfrog past that

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to increase profitability. And to make it into something that

Tara Bryan:

was a viable solution. Even if I wasn't actively there right now,

Tara Bryan:

like, I could take vacations. I could I could check out for a

Tara Bryan:

while. But, but the business ultimately did not run without

Tara Bryan:

me. So that was the next sort of phase that I got through as I

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was like, okay, so what does this look like? Then I kind of

Tara Bryan:

got to a point where I was like, okay, so this is this is great,

Tara Bryan:

but what, what's gonna happen when I don't want to actively be

Tara Bryan:

doing this anymore, or I want to step away, now I could sell the

Tara Bryan:

business, that would have been an option. But I still had this

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desire to create an impact, create an income outside of, you

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know, kind of the work that I was doing, and have something

Tara Bryan:

that was sort of a legacy builder for me, right? Like,

Tara Bryan:

what was it that I was able to,

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to sort of leave or our impact with all of this expertise and

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knowledge and, and growth that I had done in my lifetime and one

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of my biggest things is, I have a high desire to continuously be

Tara Bryan:

learning all the time. So like, what what was eventually going

Tara Bryan:

to happen with that? And and so because of that, I moved into

Tara Bryan:

phase three, which is like how do I package and productize my

Tara Bryan:

service my expertise, so that people can learn from me and I

Tara Bryan:

can help people build their in this case builder businesses so

Tara Bryan:

that I'm able to help make an impact based on my experience,

Tara Bryan:

right? So how do I shorten the learning curve for people? How

Tara Bryan:

do I help people get over obstacles and hurdles that

Tara Bryan:

they're going to run into as they're going through this

Tara Bryan:

process that I went through? And and how do I build? Build a

Tara Bryan:

business that allows for it to grow, even if I am not feeding

Tara Bryan:

it, right, even if my time is not involved in it. So how do I

Tara Bryan:

create something once, and then sell it over and over and over

Tara Bryan:

again, and have it expand, regardless of the amount of time

Tara Bryan:

I'm putting into it? So that was phase three. So I got to that

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place where I was like, okay, great, like, like, I'm going to

Tara Bryan:

package my expertise, I'm going to productize my service. And

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therefore, then I can deliver that, because I own my own

Tara Bryan:

intellectual property, I own my own signature framework, I can

Tara Bryan:

deliver that in an infinite number of ways, right, I could

Tara Bryan:

write a book, I could do signature talks, I can have a,

Tara Bryan:

an online or automated program that allows people to come in

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and learn what they need and get the tools and techniques and all

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the things, I could have a coaching program, I could I

Tara Bryan:

could do a retreat, I could do a mastermind I could do all sorts

Tara Bryan:

of things, right? Because I was able to package what I had

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learned and what I had done in a way that was scalable, that

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could survive and grow without me and my involvement. And that

Tara Bryan:

was the turning point where I really started to realize that

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not only was I had, I kind of recruited myself into a job, but

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I also wasn't offering my highest level of service, either

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because I was just, you know, in one company helping them out or

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in, you know, 10, or 15, or 20, companies working on

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implementing our proprietary framework, versus being able to

Tara Bryan:

impact at a greater level. And started having conversations

Tara Bryan:

after I had started this, I started having conversations

Tara Bryan:

with a lot of my colleagues, freelancers, consultants, other

Tara Bryan:

people who were in various, sort of degrees of business, when

Tara Bryan:

they went out on their own outside of their job. And one of

Tara Bryan:

the biggest questions that I always got, or kind of the

Tara Bryan:

conversation points that that always happened was, like, what

Tara Bryan:

happens when I don't want to take on projects anymore? Like,

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what's next? Do I move into a job? Do I try and find a

Tara Bryan:

leadership role? Do I go and do something totally different?

Tara Bryan:

Like, one person was like, well, maybe I should just like, open a

Tara Bryan:

coffee shop or do something completely different. And so

Tara Bryan:

that was where the conversation started to go. And, and they

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felt really trapped. And so I don't know, maybe you feel like

Tara Bryan:

this, maybe you don't at this point. But like, they were just

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like, well, I just don't know what else to do. Right? It

Tara Bryan:

doesn't feel like I can do anything else. So I should just

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keep taking on projects. Or I'm so busy, I can't possibly do

Tara Bryan:

anything else. But I want to, I want to take a break, I want to

Tara Bryan:

spend more time with my family, I want to be able to do other

Tara Bryan:

things, and not just constantly be working at new companies all

Tara Bryan:

the time doing projects. The other conversation that came up

Tara Bryan:

quite a bit was like what happens when I no longer want to

Tara Bryan:

be doing this? Right? Like so when you want to retire? Right?

Tara Bryan:

What? What happens, like, what happens to my business? What

Tara Bryan:

happens to all of these things that I've been doing for the

Tara Bryan:

last 30 or 40 years? Like, where does that go? Is it? Do I just

Tara Bryan:

like, shut the door and walk away? Or is there something else

Tara Bryan:

that I can be doing and not really having clarity on what

Tara Bryan:

that looks like? And so, you know, for me, it's an easy

Tara Bryan:

conversation, right? Because it's like, well, we need to get

Tara Bryan:

your, your intellectual property packaged, so that you can

Tara Bryan:

continue to make an income and impact beyond your hours that

Tara Bryan:

you're working right beyond how many hours you're sitting at the

Tara Bryan:

computer. And, and so, you know, I was involved in those

Tara Bryan:

conversations. At the time, I was still building the agency

Tara Bryan:

and I was like, Yeah, you know what, I totally get that. I need

Tara Bryan:

to be thinking about that too. I had built you know, kind of

Tara Bryan:

these this online business, but still wasn't really in that

Tara Bryan:

place of like, what does this look like? Like what is The

Tara Bryan:

bigger picture. And and so, you know, this year I turned 51, I'm

Tara Bryan:

just gonna say that out loud. Most of the time I say I've

Tara Bryan:

turned 28 Like a number of times. But but when you turn 50

Tara Bryan:

or 51 in this case, like, there are some questions that you

Tara Bryan:

start asking yourself, right, like, what does this look like

Tara Bryan:

as we move into the future? And, you know, physically, I'm not

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really interested in sitting at my computer 16 hours a day is

Tara Bryan:

day anymore, nor can I. And so what does that look like? How do

Tara Bryan:

I continue to grow my income and my impact? And really step into

Tara Bryan:

my zone of genius? What does that look like? So asking myself

Tara Bryan:

those questions. And in having something infinitely scales

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beyond your ability, or need to feed, it is such a powerful

Tara Bryan:

position to be in because you're able to get time freedom,

Tara Bryan:

impact, freedom, income, freedom, and you have choice.

Tara Bryan:

And I think for me, that's the biggest thing is like, being

Tara Bryan:

able to have choice I have, I can take on any projects that I

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want to. But I don't need to because I have that income

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coming in, that allows me to not have that revenue rollercoaster

Tara Bryan:

not have that feast or famine, not have that fear of what's

Tara Bryan:

coming or what's not coming. And, and so if you're in that

Tara Bryan:

place, like I just encourage you to get curious about what it

Tara Bryan:

would be like to package your expertise, get it out there in a

Tara Bryan:

different way, so that you can deliver it and make it into an

Tara Bryan:

asset. Maybe it's a legacy asset that continues to serve you. As

Tara Bryan:

you move forward, as you move into being able to build your

Tara Bryan:

empire, being able to take on more things that are outside of

Tara Bryan:

maybe the hours for dollars that you were working before. So if

Tara Bryan:

you are interested in learning more about this, or if you need

Tara Bryan:

help, or if you're just not really sure where to get

Tara Bryan:

started. Definitely reach out to me we'd have a conversation. And

Tara Bryan:

and sometimes it's just about like, uncovering what it is that

Tara Bryan:

is your secret sauce, that, that that differentiates you from

Tara Bryan:

someone else. So there you go. Hopefully this episode is

Tara Bryan:

helpful. If you are in that place where you're thinking

Tara Bryan:

about legacy or you're thinking about like how on earth do I

Tara Bryan:

start to package what I'm doing so that I can make an income,

Tara Bryan:

either a full time income, or maybe it's just that that you

Tara Bryan:

know, that money that's coming in month after month. That just

Tara Bryan:

keeps you sort of in that choice zone. Give me a shout and I'm

Tara Bryan:

happy to help you through this and, and go as we move forward.

Tara Bryan:

Alright. Have a great day.



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