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Soil Sista Saturday Episode #5 | September 18, 2021 | Where the seedlings are -
4th October 2021 • GREEN Organic Garden Podcast • Jackie Marie Beyer
00:00:00 00:34:55

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Hey everyone. This is JackieMarie Beyer. Your hosts here to help inspire you on your journey to create, grow, and enjoy a green, organic oasis. So let's get growing.

3m 58s


Welcome to the GREEN Organic Garden. It is Saturday, September 18th, 2021. And I am back on the line with my cohost Aileen Catrone our golden listener of 2020, who inspires all of us and just is so amazing. And welcome to the show Aileen!

4m 22s


Jackie, thank you.

4m 24s


You're going to come up with like a special intro for just for our Soil Sistas Saturday. How's it going in New Jersey today? We're going to get rain. What are you guys getting?

4m 34s


Oh, listen, this rain has to go away. It's been nothing but rain here. Very Misty, very humid. It's it's been terrible. It's terrible for the garden because I'm totally, my challenge, this couple of weeks has been powdery, mildew and blight all over the place. So I've been trying to keep up with it, take the leaves off, destroyed them. But Yes, it's on the squash. It's on the cucumber that I have this mosaic. I mean, things that I've read about and seen, I think I have every kind of fungus and I'm just hoping it's not bacteria.

5m 21s


A lot of things. I mean, I think blight might be a bedtime, not a hundred percent, but it's really taken a toll on this garden because it has been so wet, so humid and so windy at times. So it just spreads like wildfire through the garden. So I'm going to have to turn over some things cause they can put the fall vegetables and all the things I've been growing in this mess, you know? So I'm going to have to do some overhauling, so we'll have to get, that's definitely going to be my challenge in the next couple of weeks.

5m 57s


And how about you over there? We have had just the most beautiful weather and then it's going to rain today. But rain for us usually means it's cleaning everything. Plus we had our first frost yesterday, almost 32 the other day. And then it got down to 30. So what does it say Saturday? So Friday, Thursday night, Friday morning, it got down to 30, but we had gone and put row cover down. So that saved pretty much everything. And we are just in harvest central. I mean, Mike has canned 30 something quarts of pickles.

6m 40s


Plus we still have two comers coming at our kazoo. We gave him money to my Mike stepson and his wife to can like a whole five gallon bucket full I just like five gallon bucket full of our own. Now I think he did say pretty much the cucumbers are done. Like he's gotten everything that's down there, but I don't know. Every time I go down, like I think there's no more because I planted a couple of cucumbers for that lady that I was doing that landscaping kind of garden job for in they're planted in my house. Cause she's still not into her property. And I thought I had gotten all the slicing cucumbers off. The one point I go down there the other day and they're six inches long, beautiful, perfect slicing cucumbers that I never saw grow.

7m 26s


Never saw them start. And all of a sudden I'm harvesting them such as her. Those yesterday took her a bunch of celery, which has been fun to grow like fresh homegirl and celery is a completely different thing from the store. Now my stocks aren't getting as big as they could be, but that's probably more me not tending and not picking them enough. I think if I was harvesting more along the lines, they would be doing good, but I brought her a bunch of celery, my kale, you know, how he covered the kale with the row cover finally. So I wouldn't get the bugs in there growing. And somehow some bugs got in there. Like I think I lifted it off one night and then I covered it and the bugs were in there.

8m 9s


And so Mike Hill is like the worst it's ever been. Like I could barely pick her 12 pieces of kale yesterday that did not have bug bites in it. And especially she wants the curly kale, which I don't need at all. And I could only find like two leaves that weren't just covered. And I didn't want to bring her that. Cause even though I'll eat them with the bow, I don't care. But I think she, I didn't want to bring her those, but I brought her like, we have so many pepper I'm going to make salsa today. I started cutting up the tomatoes. I made three, I mean two giant batches of tomato sauce this week, which came out to two court size, canning jars and two smaller ones that made a court because I was at a court charge.

8m 50s


And then they ended up making that into the zucchini, lasagna and used it all, any frozen, but I still have tons of tomatoes and a majority of my harvest has not turned red yet. And I'm so worried. Cause I have these, I have like these monster Roma tomatoes, like you've never the, the Roman tomatoes I grew last year, but like the size of my, like a fat pinky, these ones are like the size of my fist. They are just huge. And there's so many of them and they're just starting to turn red and I'm like, oh, please don't let it frost and kill them. But

9m 25s


Yeah. Did you cut the tops off that Susan Susan's in the garden if you've ever heard of her, Susan's in the garden. She's out in Washington state. I think she said like, if you wanted your tomatoes to ripe in quicker, like cut off all of the growth above the tomatoes so that the plant will put all the energy into the tomato to ripen it.

9m 55s


Oh, I'm going to go through that today.

9m 57s


Yeah. Susan, Susan, a garden or something that she's she's has a book out too on pest control, like natural. Yeah. So maybe that could help you. Cause if they're nice and green and big, oh they just need to write then on that bond.

10m 13s


I mean, some of them are, I go down and pick like five every day, but there's probably 150 tomatoes down there. I mean, they are just not like these plants produce. They're like, you know, knocking the cages over, they're falling over. And then Mike also planted those Oregon spring, slicing tomatoes and we've been picking them like crazy and they are huge. I mean, they're just huge. They're tasty. They're like, they're almost like overripe or you can't slice them because there's so much you, but I'm putting those in the shots. I mean, we eat a tomato sandwich every day, both of us and just, we are just like tomato production, the pepper production. So I'm going to make my salon. I finally went into town and bought cilantro last.

10m 54s


And when I went and got my car, I went and got cilantro. I cannot, I don't know, probably Should have put more. I should have tried more seeds, you know, like I probably planted seeds at one point. And then like, I think it grew when I harvested it and then I didn't grow more and I'm not like, yeah, I'm not on top of like the other groups. Like, was I telling you this? Or was I telling me mom? So that woman that I'm doing the landscaping project for, I finally brought her, oh, I was telling you I brought her to the food, but I also finally brought her, her herbs in her pots to put on her porch at her rental. And just like in the car yesterday, it smelled so good the time.

11m 36s


And the men, those herbs are like incredible. They are threat my, or all my other herbs except for the Santo or thriving, whether I put them for her or for me, my Rosemary and my Sage. I mean, we see just, just growing incredibly from these little itty-bitty plants that I bought there. See, I love shooting Mint. You know, when some pods for, you know, Bazell I did find it. It was funny when I dug the plants out, there was a mirror gold or some fennel or something in a pot. And when I pushed it back, there was this little beasel point in there and I'm surprised it didn't freeze.

12m 16s


The only thing I think that kept it from freezing. It did look like it might add some spots, but I keep my bees on the house. I was going to bring her one of my B-cells on my window sill. And I was like carrying it around the house and they put it on shelf and then I walked out of the house without it. But yeah, so, so that's where I'm at. I am just in the middle of like Sosa and to meet us, us, like getting these tomatoes process. And then I also like have picked all the plums. I got to do something with my poems. I have a huge basket of plums.

12m 48s


Oh, how nice plunge, what is it? Plum jam or maybe plum ice cream.

12m 52s


It's incredible plum salsa recipe last year on And I'm going to make that

12m 60s


You can grill plums too and put them on a salad. Like you do watermelon.

13m 5s


Really? That sounds good. What was I going to? There's this restaurant in town, a coal-fired slice pizza that puts they, they, what do they, what is it when you put, they put fish in balsamic vinegar, what's it called? Marinading or the summary, but anyway, and they are so good. And I was wondering, could I do that with the plunge?

13m 27s


Yes. Why not?

13m 29s


In balsamic vinegar, but let me tell you, they are so good. And on pizza beside you would think is weird, but there they meet this.

13m 38s


Well, what have you been cooking? So you've been canning and you haven't been making anything.

13m 43s


Oh, I leave the tomato sauce. So I'm putting that on everything. And I meet another, a couple of zucchini. Lasagna is to freeze, but then I just keep ending up eating them. Like when I make the tomato sauce, there's always like this extra, like the liquid, the broth. And then even when I make the lasagna, if there's like extra liquid broth, I like pour that in a jar. And then like, I'll make like what I'm making sheep or something bottom of the pan. And it's just so full of flavor and just put the spices in there. So that's what I'm looking. What have you been cooking?

14m 19s


What Rob has been cooking because we have a fig tree and we've been picking figs and he saw you saw some of the pictures I posted on Facebook on

14m 30s


Tree's doing great. She said, she's harvesting like 10 figs a day.

14m 34s


Yes. And Robbie makes, he slices them. He puts them with presumed on a flour tortilla with olive oil and you could throw some goat cheese on it. And you know, if you like onions, I like onion. So he throws red onions or whatever onions. And he puts it in the oven. All my goodness. Is it so delicious? It is out of this world, a little bit of salt and pepper and you're good to go. You don't even need the salt because the pre-suit has on salt, but it's delicious. And we eat that as soon as those big start, that's it. We start slicing, we eat them like we eat potato chips. So it's really

15m 13s


Easier for

15m 13s


You. I'll definitely, definitely. It's delicious. Just delicious. And what has he's made, you know, he'll make a kale, like, you know, if we have some leftover kale, Swiss chard, which is, you know, there's a little spots in the garden and obviously the Bazell, he puts it all together and he'll make a pesto and throw walnuts in there and make a nice pesto. So that's what we've been eating, like, you know, fake pizzas and pesto really good, really helped, you know, yummy, yummy, really healthy. Other than that, that's it?

15m 53s


That powdery mildew. And what

15m 55s


Do you put in on postdoc

15m 58s


By the Knicks? Yeah. With macaroni. Yeah. Yes. That said, he'll just put it in macaroni. You know, he could stop tomatoes, but you know, you get stuffed peppers or tomato and I speak to Medo if you hollow it out a little bit and stuff, but with some pesto also put it in the oven. You go, you can put a piece of cheese on top and melt it. Delicious, delicious.

16m 22s


So what do you do? So like your fall step that you planted is in your greenhouse.

16m 27s


Yeah. It's in the sunroom. So I haven't planted any of them yet.

16m 32s


Are they grown? Are they

16m 33s


Like, oh my God, I'm going to post pictures after this. I'm going to post some pictures on the Facebook page. They are growing really nicely. So I'm very happy. I have a lot of sunflowers. I mean, not an abundance, not like I did, like last year, they know, I mean, in the first season now citizens in the spring and summer season, now it's going to be the fall and winter season. I did less. So just for the fall season, cabbage cauliflower, bok choy, tatsoi beets, Swiss, chard onions. I did a little bit more Bazell to keep in the house. Kale led this lettuces.

17m 14s


There's something called Celtis, which is a lettuce and a celery. So I'm excited to try that, you know, it's growing. So I'm hopefully survives, you know, when I put it out in the garden, but like I have to really vamp revamped the garden because of this powdery mildew and this

17m 33s


Not what's your plan for revamping the garden? Is it in the bales or it's in those buckets with the dirt or the things you mean?

17m 43s


Yeah, since it's, it's blowing on top like that powdery mildew, because it's been so humid, we're going to get a couple of cool days coming. I think fall's going to start probably by the end of the month, just get some cooler days here. I mean, there could always be a chance of that Indian summer that they say, but I'm going to turn over all those straw bales. I still have some, a plant growing, you know, I'll put some posts, some pictures

18m 9s


And eggplant the other day. And I haven't sitting in the kitchen and it's like, it's like thriving in the kitchen. It was double the egg points. They were like little mini there's, three, eight points on it. And they were like anybody mini and they're like six inches long already.

18m 23s


Oh my God, I love da clan too. Cleanse growing. I mean, I keep, I have like bleed Beatles, anything that you, that they earn those books about, or people talk about parody about blight, plead builders, mosaic just it's in my garden because we grow organically. Like we don't use any, like, I mean, I'm using like baking soda and peroxide and wa you know what I mean? Really a little dish. So peppermint oil, I mean, we're not using anything harsh that will harm, you know, harm our bodies. So it's really hard to manage, but you know, I'm managing it. How's that I'm managing it.

19m 4s



19m 4s


Right. Flip the straw bales

19m 6s


Over. Yes. I'm going to, I'm going to, that's what, that's the plan. So hopefully they don't pull apart. And if they do that, I'm just going to probably make some new beds and throw some new composted dirt and like mix it in there, you know, and then put the fall vegetables in there and make sure I have a nice sturdy like cage on top or a roll covers to hold up nicely because when it does get frosty, so I'm hoping, so let's see what, how it works out. I'll I'll definitely post pictures of it. I Def I have pumpkins. I have two pumpkin's growing, which is really nice. I have one or two. Yeah, this is really cool.

19m 46s


And I have one, one baby sugar, sugar, baby watermelon, one, all the watermelon seeds that I planted. But at least it's one, you know,

19m 60s


But it's getting big.

20m 1s


Well, no, it's, it's very tiny. It's like the size of my hand or something. So yeah. So we'll each get one little bite of it. What else was I shoot the one-on-one's the pumpkin's that's you know, just, oh, I have a cantaloupe. No, the one with the, with the, the outside of the fruit is like, looks like straw a little bit. Is that cantaloupe? It's got like Maney it feels like rough. Okay. I have one cantaloupe

20m 42s


Appointed a cantaloupe and watermelon and the plants like just didn't do anything wildly flowered, but then I don't, I don't think there's anything down. I'm pretty sure there's nothing down there. I guess I haven't really looked closely lately, man.

20m 56s


I got one cat, a little bit of all the cantaloupe seeds. So at least I got one though. And know what it looks like, how it grows, how it finishes growing, because now it just literally fell off the vine. So, which is cool because it's, you know, got brown and you know what I mean? It looks, and it's in both my hands. It's as big as both my hands together. So, which is nice. But at least That is too funny. It is funny. And I got some cucumbers. I'm not crazy about cucumbers, but we have some for salad, which is nice. That's fine. I mean, I, at least I got some I, whatever.

21m 37s




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