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Big Tech Doesn't Care About Your Podcast
Episode 527th April 2022 • Podcast Pontifications • Evo Terra
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Evo Terra:

Big tech provided podcasting's first shot in the arm in the early days.

Evo Terra:

In fact, big tech often provided the catalyst for several

Evo Terra:

inflection points in podcasting.

Evo Terra:

But that was then.

Evo Terra:

Things have changed.

Evo Terra:

Hello, and welcome to another Podcast Pontifications with me, Evo Terra.

Evo Terra:

Big tech doesn't care about your podcasting goals or

Evo Terra:

your podcasting objectives.

Evo Terra:

No, seriously.

Evo Terra:

They do not.

Evo Terra:

Worse, big tech, for the most part, doesn't really care about podcasting.

Evo Terra:

At least not the way that you and I care about podcasting.

Evo Terra:

And yeah, I'm lumping all big tech into this blanket statement.

Evo Terra:

Yes, even the ones who have a vested interest or a leadership

Evo Terra:

position in podcasting.

Evo Terra:

They do not care the way we care about podcasting.

Evo Terra:

Remember just a few weeks ago, when we were eagerly analyzing the hidden

Evo Terra:

Twitter code someone found in Twitter?

Evo Terra:

And we thought these are going to be their big podcasting plans.

Evo Terra:

We followed that up with some breathless speculation about

Evo Terra:

what all of that might mean.

Evo Terra:

A combination of Twitter spaces and podcasting maybe?

Evo Terra:

Would we be able to actually upload an MP3 file finally?

Evo Terra:

Could people subscribe to podcasts with Twitter?

Evo Terra:

Well, that's a pretty safe bet that those plans are all out the window

Evo Terra:

as Twitter tries to figure out what its priorities actually are now

Evo Terra:

that there's a new sheriff in town.

Evo Terra:

And I can't imagine that "integrate podcasting" is high on Elon's list

Evo Terra:

of ways to earn back $44 billion.

Evo Terra:

And remember a few months ago when Facebook gave us the ability to finally

Evo Terra:

link our RSS feeds to our Facebook pages?

Evo Terra:

And all the suggestions from pundents, like myself, we had about the need

Evo Terra:

to follow up with that while we speculated on what might be the

Evo Terra:

next steps on what podcasting will happen like inside of Facebook?

Evo Terra:

You know, this platform that has reach we can only dream of in podcasting and

Evo Terra:

how great it was going to be now that we could finally have just audio playing

Evo Terra:

on Facebook for the entire world to see?

Evo Terra:

Yeah, well that fizzled out, didn't it?

Evo Terra:

As did Facebook's attention on podcasting, right?

Evo Terra:

Cause it's now Metaverse or bust.

Evo Terra:

And audio first?

Evo Terra:

It's kind of going in the opposite direction of the immersive 3D world

Evo Terra:

that Zuckerberg is betting his entire fortune and your dog photos on.

Evo Terra:

And remember how disappointed we were by YouTube's nothing burger event

Evo Terra:

at Podcast Evolutions last month?

Evo Terra:

Only then to be reenergized a few days later by a leaked slide deck

Evo Terra:

that was detailing Youtube's plans to really utter podcast domination?

Evo Terra:

As if we all conveniently forgot about all the times that Google disappointed

Evo Terra:

podcasters since, well, since every time they made a podcast announcement.

Evo Terra:

But maybe we won't be disappointed this time, maybe.

Evo Terra:

I'm not betting on it.

Evo Terra:

Past performance remains the best predictor of future behavior.

Evo Terra:

And it's the same for podcast specific big tech, too.

Evo Terra:

Apple and Spotify both have monetization opportunities for

Evo Terra:

podcasts through their subscriptions.

Evo Terra:

And I'm sure some podcasts are making really good money from those programs.

Evo Terra:

But are most?

Evo Terra:

And let me get more specific than that, how's that working out for your show?

Evo Terra:

Are you even using those options?

Evo Terra:

And if you are, do you rely on them?

Evo Terra:

Can you rely on them?

Evo Terra:

Or, for podcast adjacent, audio-specific technology like smart speakers

Evo Terra:

and social or drop-in audio?

Evo Terra:

And I mean, yeah, sure, a few podcasts are still on those trying out things,

Evo Terra:

but the attrition rate and declining user rates on those services is appauling.

Evo Terra:

Spotify is pulling back their efforts and I expect Twitter to fully do the same.

Evo Terra:

And I don't know that the standalone apps like Clubhouse, Wisdom, and Fireside can

Evo Terra:

really exist for all that much longer.

Evo Terra:

Fun while it lasted, I guess.

Evo Terra:

All of this reinforces my comment that big tech does not care about podcasting.

Evo Terra:

At least not the way that you and I care about podcasting.

Evo Terra:

So what do we do about it?

Evo Terra:

Well, I have two ideas.

Evo Terra:

So here's what you can do.

Evo Terra:

You can recognize that fact and start doing things to put you in

Evo Terra:

the driver's seat, not big tech.

Evo Terra:

That means understanding that podcasting apps and directories, including but not

Evo Terra:

limited to, to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Amazon, Pandora, name them all.

Evo Terra:

Understanding that having your podcasts listed there is not enough.

Evo Terra:

Here's a litmus test for you.

Evo Terra:

Google the name of your show and if one of those platforms, the link to one of

Evo Terra:

those platforms, comes up before a link you actually control - I mean, your

Evo Terra:

website - then big tech is beating you.

Evo Terra:

And that's the first move you should start working on.

Evo Terra:

Build a web presence that you own that outranks every other listing.

Evo Terra:

Now, if your network owns your show's website, well, that's

Evo Terra:

going to be a problem for you.

Evo Terra:

But make it a problem for them.

Evo Terra:

Change it if you can.

Evo Terra:

Renegotiate so that you can build your own web presence, or at least

Evo Terra:

make sure that whatever you're getting out of the deal is enough so that

Evo Terra:

it sits well with you because you can't control your show's presence.

Evo Terra:

Look, I highly doubt you're going to get there by just letting

Evo Terra:

your RSS feed populate a website.

Evo Terra:

But sure, you can try that.

Evo Terra:

But again, I have my doubts.

Evo Terra:

I've seen time and time again where an actual website for a podcast with

Evo Terra:

built out episode pages and lots of other information outranks even

Evo Terra:

powerhouses like Apple Podcast listings.

Evo Terra:

Now, no, it's not going to happen overnight.

Evo Terra:

It might take several months, and, yes, it is going to require you

Evo Terra:

to post more than just a paragraph and some links per episode.

Evo Terra:

Look, you don't have to know a damn thing about SEO to do this.

Evo Terra:

Just write good content, make a good onpage experience and share those

Evo Terra:

links every time you're sharing, rather than a link to your directory listing.

Evo Terra:

Don't link to a Linktree or anything else.

Evo Terra:

Stick with that domain you own.

Evo Terra:

The second thing you can do, which I think you should do at the exact

Evo Terra:

same time, is start owning the relationship with your audience.

Evo Terra:

That means more than just asking them to subscribe to your show

Evo Terra:

in their preferred listening app.

Evo Terra:

Look, they already do that.

Evo Terra:

And it also means more than just getting them to follow you on social

Evo Terra:

media, join a Discord server or some other community that you built.

Evo Terra:

I mean get their email addresses, which means you have to give them a reason

Evo Terra:

to give you their email addresses.

Evo Terra:

And no, sending out a monthly roundup of your episodes probably isn't enough.

Evo Terra:

Nor is emailing them random recipes because you feel like you need to

Evo Terra:

give them some content from you.

Evo Terra:

Look, it requires you to figure out what you can create that's worthy of

Evo Terra:

getting them to sign up and also getting them to look forward to receiving this

Evo Terra:

stuff in their inbox in a regular basis.

Evo Terra:

Whatever you're producing, make it mission critical to their

Evo Terra:

success if at all possible.

Evo Terra:

Make it something more than they can get just by listening to your episodes.

Evo Terra:

You have to make it valuable for them.

Evo Terra:

Because once you have that direct communication line with

Evo Terra:

your audience, that email, it can't be taken away from you.

Evo Terra:

Well, I guess they could change your email address or you could have

Evo Terra:

the privilege revoked if, you know, by them reporting to spam, if you

Evo Terra:

are, you know, doing wrong things.

Evo Terra:

So be smart.

Evo Terra:

I've seen other podcasters actually do this with text messages.

Evo Terra:

And that works.

Evo Terra:

Um, but then again, I'm not the kind of guy that oftentimes answers my text

Evo Terra:

messages, so I'm not qualified to talk about the success of those or not.

Evo Terra:

But that does actually count as a direct line of communication, so if

Evo Terra:

you're inclined to do that, sure, sure.

Evo Terra:

Yeah, go for it.

Evo Terra:

That's just two things, two things you can start working on right away to keep

Evo Terra:

you from being at the whims of changing priorities, tantrums, governmental

Evo Terra:

overreach, or anything else these big tech companies are going to do.

Evo Terra:

Two things you can do to keep you in control of your podcast success.

Evo Terra:

Because big tech isn't going to do it for you.

Evo Terra:

With that, I shall be back next week with yet another Podcast Pontifications.

Evo Terra:


Evo Terra:

Podcast Pontifications is written and narrated by Evo Terra.

Evo Terra:

He's on a mission to make podcasting better.

Evo Terra:

Links to everything mentioned in today's episode are in the notes

Evo Terra:

section of your podcast listening app.

Evo Terra:

A written-to-be-read article based on today's episode is available at

Evo Terra: where you'll also find a video version and a corrected

Evo Terra:

transcript, both created by Allie Press.

Evo Terra:

Podcast Pontifications is a production of Simpler Media.



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