Online to Offline seeks to provide service in creating sustainable and scalable business development teams. They could help scale their business and increase their revenues and profits. However, their primary mission is to create jobs for vulnerable youth and women.
In this episode, Mat shared how he uses his business to drive his passion for helping other people, especially youth and women who are abused and deprived of their human rights.
He talks about his feelings of emptiness that people don’t need his expertise.
However, as he immersed himself in the stories and what he saw in Thailand, he started to feel how grateful people were. That there is more to life and money.
Seeing the big problem in Thailand, his heart was touched by God, and he just could stand by idly. And so he started helping youths and women, eventually solving it by providing jobs to these people.
Mat Boyle talks to Dr. Brad about how he shifts his perspective on measuring success by the amount of money into measuring success by the number of jobs they create. And that mindset made him change everything he knew from the business point of view.
Episode 225 of The Beyond Adversity Podcast is a must-listen for anyone who wants to change, fight human rights abuse, and give opportunities to those in need, for you to realize that there is more in life and money and the feeling of joy and fulfillment in changing other people’s lives.
“The Beyond Adversity Podcast with Dr. Brad Miller is published weekly with the mission of helping people “Grow Through What They Go Through” as they navigate adversity and discover their promised life of peace, prosperity, and purpose.
If that's the case of our guest today, Matt Boyle is his name. His company is online
Brad Miller::to, from Australia, and he's going to talk a little bit about his business
Brad Miller::today. But moreover, we're going to talk about why he seeks to have a successful
Brad Miller::business. This helps to serve folks who he has his heart has been broken for. And
Brad Miller::we're going to talk a lot about that here on our podcast today. In other episodes,
Brad Miller::we're talking about having a calling bigger than the self. So today, Matt Boyle,
Brad Miller::welcome to Beyond diversity.
Mat Boyle::Right. It's a pleasure to be here. Thanks for having us.
Brad Miller::It is awesome to have you on beyond the adversity. You have quite a story to tell.
Brad Miller::And this has come from the perspective that you are. We're a successful
Brad Miller::businessman in another field in Australia. And you're in a different field now. But
Brad Miller::you've had an interesting shift in your priorities and life. So I don't want to say too
Brad Miller::much because I want you to unpack the story. So tell us, what is the story of what
Brad Miller::got you here to this podcast today to share the story of something that you are very
Brad Miller::passionate about?
Mat Boyle::Look, it's it all sort of started way back in 2007, where I was probably one of the first
Mat Boyle::people to see the internet, changing how people were making buying decisions. So
Mat Boyle::I immersed myself in that world and became very good at helping, you know,
Mat Boyle::figuring out that online sales sales process. So by the time businesses started
Mat Boyle::asking the questions, I happen to be the one that had all the answers, I was able to
Mat Boyle::grow that into quite a large consulting business, we had offices around Australia,
Mat Boyle::we had about 70 businesses that worked with as most of them with the automotive
Mat Boyle::industry. And from a financial point of view, the business was was incredibly
Mat Boyle::profitable, we grew very rapidly, had had a big team and, you know, we're
Mat Boyle::booked out well in advance. So that was kind of the beginning, the catalyst
Mat Boyle::happened to be I met someone that was involved in doing some work over in
Mat Boyle::Thailand. And the more I got talking to him about what he was doing over there,
Mat Boyle::and the life that he was impacting, and he was he was involved very heavily in
Mat Boyle::rescuing women out of brothels, and kids out of brothels and looking at the
Mat Boyle::travesty, which is sexual slavery and, and human exploitation. And the more he
Mat Boyle::kept sort of talking and sharing the stories, the more it started to impact me of
Mat Boyle::going, I can't not be I can't not be involved. I've got six kids at the time. They're my
Mat Boyle::kids were all sort of very young. And the story is just kept impacting. So after about
Mat Boyle::six months worth of sort of me, pestering him, he took me over to Thailand, and I
Mat Boyle::spent three weeks with him, seeing what he sees doing what he does, and we were
Mat Boyle::rescuing, little rescuing women will rescue and kids then there was a massive
Mat Boyle::amount of sort of change there. But I spoke to all of these women, and all of them
Mat Boyle::had the same story that they needed money. And they got caught up in this life
Mat Boyle::because they needed money. And they were taken advantage of one way, one way
Mat Boyle::shape or form. And it got back in again, I just could not let that go. So I got back to
Mat Boyle::Australia. And I was sitting one day in this this boardroom and I had a group of
Mat Boyle::sales, you know, salespeople that I was training and they're all sitting there crossed
Mat Boyle::arms and not interested and I'm working there and sort of calculated in my head
Mat Boyle::that this day cost the company $25,000 For me to be there. And then for the wages
Mat Boyle::for their sales teams and everything it was, it cost him $25,000 And not one of those
Mat Boyle::salesperson would be doing what I trained him to do within 30 days that that
Mat Boyle::money was gone. And as I'm listening to that, I'm hearing and remembering the
Mat Boyle::stories that you know, we were buying women's freedom, we're not going up to
Mat Boyle::traffickers and buying them for 1500.
Brad Miller::Really, we're talking about humans, human sexual slavery,
Brad Miller::is that really what we're talking about? Yeah.
Mat Boyle::That's what we, you know, that's what we're there that you know, to rescue, rescue
Mat Boyle::a woman it cost $1,500 to pay off her debts and to buy her freedom.
Brad Miller::So you're kind of doing calculus in your head Weren't you in a sense of the value of
Brad Miller::human life compared to the value of you know, the bottom line with your
Brad Miller::company? Is that part of what was going on there?
Mat Boyle::Absolutely. And it was just, you know, it dawned on me that have gone well, if there
Mat Boyle::was a way that I could automate and outsource and create systems around the
Mat Boyle::sales process Instead of businesses paying me to train their team, for their team
Mat Boyle::not to actually do the work that's going to impact their bottom line, I could actually
Mat Boyle::manage these systems, and then I could go give these women jobs to prevent them
Mat Boyle::from being put in, prevent them from being put in this these circumstances.
Mat Boyle::So yeah, that's, that kind of dawned on me. And I tried to keep your motivation like
Mat Boyle::that. Yeah, I tried to kind of let that story go, you know, disappear and go back to
Mat Boyle::business as usual, and go back to making money, but I just couldn't, you know, the
Mat Boyle::some of the women that we'd rescued, and that that just kept, kept coming and
Mat Boyle::going, well, I can't, you know, if human life is so cheap over there, and
Brad Miller::you are changing businesses, like every change, man sounds like and, but also, oh, I
Brad Miller::also want to come and ask you about this in order to change, sometimes we
Brad Miller::sometimes change out of pain or pleasure or just needing a different routine.
Brad Miller::In your case, even though you had success in your business, in the automotive
Brad Miller::business, you must have had some sense of discontent, or lack of fulfillment in the
Brad Miller::first place, I'm assuming here, but I want you to tell me more about it, in order for
Brad Miller::you to even seek out something like this in the first place. So talk a little bit about
Brad Miller::that sense of emptiness or lack of fulfillment, that you may have a
Mat Boyle::look, it was on the outside world, from a financial point of view, it was, you know,
Mat Boyle::massively successful on the inside world. I was spending my days with people that
Mat Boyle::didn't want my help. And that was that empty, empty feeling that, you know, time is
Mat Boyle::precious money is infinite, that there's always plenty of money out there. But
Mat Boyle::there's only a limited amount of time. And I literally just felt that I was wasting my
Mat Boyle::time. Because the people that I was spending spending it with, didn't actually want
Mat Boyle::me to be there. They didn't want my expertise. They didn't want the solutions that I
Mat Boyle::provided, even though they desperately needed it. So that that feeling was empty.
Mat Boyle::And as, as I kind of was getting immersed in the, you know, in Thailand and all the
Mat Boyle::stories there and seen how, how grateful people were. And so it started to kind of
Mat Boyle::dawned on me that there's more to life and money, there's that, you know,
Mat Boyle::there's more to business and money. And if I could spend my time with people that
Mat Boyle::were so grateful, so starved or starved of opportunities.
Brad Miller::And there are these moments, there's these pivotal moments, some people call
Brad Miller::them aha moments. Some people, you know, call them enlightenment, this type of
Brad Miller::thing. But what do you think it was for you? Or maybe what was it that influenced
Brad Miller::you from your friend, your cohort that you mentioned, who influenced you, that
Brad Miller::kind of flipped a switch for you to even want to do this because I think that's what
Brad Miller::you're trying to teach people now that the value of this
Mat Boyle::look, the moment came when we got back from Thailand that the guy that I'd be
Mat Boyle::working with, and the guy that introduced me, to this ended up stealing about
Mat Boyle::$30,000 off. And, and through the pain of that I was talking with our pastor at
Mat Boyle::church, and he introduced me to someone that is doing something similar over in
Mat Boyle::
South Sudan and had a life of, you know, that he found God and found his
Mat Boyle::mission and was able to make an impact. And they set us up for coffee. And, you
Mat Boyle::know, Sam just said these words, and to me, guys, some people can be a martyr to
Mat Boyle::their cause. Others can be a servant. And in kind of thinking through that, and sort
Mat Boyle::of, you know, letting that pass, the reason that this guy had had ended up stealing
Mat Boyle::money from us wasn't because he was a bad person. It was because he has
Mat Boyle::become a martyr to his problem. And he's so traumatized by all the things he's
Mat Boyle::seen and you know, the lossy saves, but also the lossy hasn't been able to save that,
Mat Boyle::in his mind, stealing from stealing from someone like me, because we, on the
Mat Boyle::outside world had had lots of money. As long as he was using that money for good
Mat Boyle::it wasn't actually that
Brad Miller::Sort of a thought process. Yeah.
Mat Boyle::Exactly. And then in looking at that gone, well, his ability to impact and actually have
Mat Boyle::an impact has been greatly diminished. Because, you know, he's given everything to
Mat Boyle::this cause, and he's, he's lost his family. You know, he's lost his wife, he's lost all his
Mat Boyle::money, and he's now resorting to, you know, stealing to sort of help make this
Mat Boyle::impact. And when I was talking with Pastor Sam, and it was, You know, how can you
Mat Boyle::be a servant of the cause? How can you actually, you know, take these lessons and
Mat Boyle::actually, you know, take this experience and actually grow from it, that's when it
Mat Boyle::kind of started, the idea started to formulate around, I can actually build a business,
Mat Boyle::that creates jobs, because that's the biggest cause of the problem so.
Brad Miller::You've mentioned jobs, economic, the economic situation that these women found
Brad Miller::themselves in, and you obviously, were in a much different economic circumstance.
Brad Miller::So the magnitude of your opportunity to serve out of your, out of your
Brad Miller::your wealth and so on, was there probably wasn't a huge deal for you to get on a
Brad Miller::plane to go to Thailand, you know, just use that. Whereas it had been a huge deal
Brad Miller::for somebody out there to try to go to Australia to do anything, right. So,
Mat Boyle::absolutely.
Brad Miller::So what I want to get with you now is matters that you've mentioned some of the
Brad Miller::actions that you took, and even though some of them were motivated, by, you
Brad Miller::know, your, your colleague who took advantage of you, but still you took the action
Brad Miller::to do, what a lot of people wouldn't do is even people have means, even if they
Brad Miller::have their moment of some of enlightenment, or some of the aha moment, like,
Brad Miller::Oh, that's terrible, what's going on there. But not everybody gets on the airplane
Brad Miller::and goes, he's gonna I'm saying, So you took the action to go. And then you took
Brad Miller::the action to build a business to help serve this. But I'm also interested, you've
Brad Miller::mentioned a couple of times you're mad about inner life, or about what was on the
Brad Miller::inside compared to what was the outside? So let's go there for just just a second,
Brad Miller::what do you think is the value? Or what is the transformation on a inner life level a
Brad Miller::connection to a higher power, a spiritual transformation? What is the how does that
Brad Miller::part come into play here with you in terms of the your motivation? You're talking
Brad Miller::about spiritual enlightenment here?
Mat Boyle::Yeah, well, it's, I think Jim Rohn had the quote, of the two most important days in a
Mat Boyle::man's life is the day he was born. And the day of the day, he figured out why the
Mat Boyle::journey that I'd been through, I got married young, I had kids young, we had six kids
Mat Boyle::in eight years, my wife and I, without having to have any twins, you know, so we had
Mat Boyle::had all this thing, and I was kind of focused on my little world, as far as going, right?
Mat Boyle::How can I be the best husband that I can be? How can I be the best father? How can
Mat Boyle::I provide for my kid I provide for my family and make sure that these six little
Mat Boyle::human beings are gonna grow up to be amazing people. And then, as I was sort of
Mat Boyle::talking to Thailand, and you know, was looking at all the stories and looking at these
Mat Boyle::other kids that didn't have this opportunity, and, you know, kids, that parents had
Mat Boyle::sold them into slavery because they needed money and put them all that through,
Mat Boyle::it was just, it just touched me and just touched my heart of God, I have to, I have to
Mat Boyle::do something, I have to make a, you know, make a stand and, and do it.
Mat Boyle::And, you know, the problem is so big and so, so enormous that it was in that, that
Mat Boyle::that kind of the evolution, as far as how do I solve that problem started from that
Mat Boyle::He just donate money. And then I kind of just kept going well, that's not
Mat Boyle::like, internally, that's not solving the problem. So I kind of just kept
Mat Boyle::having a sort of sit with it and pray on it and meditate on it, and, you know, there
Mat Boyle::and then when it kind of dawned on me of going well, you can actually impact these
Mat Boyle::lives by giving them a job. As soon as I kind of started doing that, when we went and
Mat Boyle::looked at hiring our first first agent and all that stuff, be able to watch the
Mat Boyle::transformation in their life, you know, in the gratitude that they operated with, just
Mat Boyle::filled that cup of just going, you know, I became addicted to that feeling and
Mat Boyle::addicted to helping those people because they don't have opportunities and
Mat Boyle::the more opportunities you create from there so grateful for and they, they
Mat Boyle::embrace it with open arms, they, you know, share that and they then you know, be
Mat Boyle::able to kind of just, they'll work and do so go above and beyond what anyone else
Brad Miller::You we're obviously passionate about it now and you've had this transformation
Brad Miller::you've had this you know, the physical transformation meaning that you saw with
Brad Miller::your own eyes, what was going on, you experience the emotions and the visual and
Brad Miller::the smells and the ugliness and the bartering and the depravity that all took place.
Brad Miller::And I'm because I'm putting words in your mouth, but I don't think they're too far
Brad Miller::off where you have been because I've seen my share of this myself. And did you
Brad Miller::have the kind of spiritual transformation that inner life happened there? Now
Brad Miller::let's talk for a minute about what you did cognitively or how you change
Brad Miller::behavior. You've mentioned a little bit about your financial peace piece here. But
Brad Miller::how you change behavior yourself, and even how that shifted the trajectory in your
Brad Miller::business life, to move from, you know, basic kind of a corporate bottom line to the
Brad Miller::business you have now is designed in some form or another to serve the needs of
Brad Miller::the folks that you're heartbroken for. I'm talking now about what their
Brad Miller::practices, habits, things that you do now, differently than you did before.
Mat Boyle::Yeah, so the biggest thing is that the shifted philosophy where I measured my
Mat Boyle::success, by the amount of money by the amount of money we made, where now, I
Mat Boyle::actually measure my success by the amount of jobs we create. So it was it's a
Mat Boyle::fundamental shift in philosophy that, that I made, you know, I made around that as
Mat Boyle::going, I want to, I want to make an impact, I want to change lives, I want to improve
Mat Boyle::life. So that's how I'm gonna measure success and how that then translated
Mat Boyle::through to activities into tasks into, you know, everything that I do is that, you
Mat Boyle::know, it's that one decision that changes everything, because now if you're looking
Mat Boyle::at a business, and you go, Well, how are you measuring success. And you're
Mat Boyle::measuring it by jobs, all of a sudden, now, I'm looking at different strategies, I'm
Mat Boyle::looking at, you know, creating opportunities to create more jobs. So that here has
Mat Boyle::shifted everything, you know, everything that I do in the in from a business point of
Mat Boyle::view, to you know, in order to be able to kind of serve in order to be able to serve it.
Mat Boyle::So, it's really hard to define that shift. Well, let me just, you know, in I do this
Mat Boyle::different and this different, because everything has changed because of it.
Brad Miller::So let me reflect with you a little bit about that. It sounds to me like you've had this
Brad Miller::shift that you've gone kind of from a serve me type of thing, or serve the bottom
Brad Miller::line to serve us to others. And that tells me, the whole serve aspect has really
Brad Miller::entered into things here now, especially serving others with love, and with
Brad Miller::compassion and care, rather than just kind of any selfish interest in that type of
Brad Miller::thing. And so let's, let's go with that for a minute. Right now, the business we have
Brad Miller::is kind of a, an outsourcing type business helps provide jobs in one form or another
Brad Miller::for people who, you know, may have difficulties finding a good paying job. And you
Brad Miller::can say more about that if you wish. But I'd also like for you to go for how you've
Brad Miller::seen lives changed either in your business, or in your outreach out of some of the
Brad Miller::actions and efforts that you've taken. Can you just go with that for a second?
Brad Miller::How lives have been changed?
Mat Boyle::Yes, so. So there was one, one very sort of striking moment when we're over there,
Mat Boyle::that it was about four o'clock in the morning. And we're walking through this red
Mat Boyle::light district, and we've just, we've been observing the movements and some of the
Mat Boyle::patterns and we saw this girl there that was looking down. hair covering her face
Mat Boyle::just could not look up. And the guy that will the guy that we're with there, just said,
Mat Boyle::I've got to go and talk to her. And if you picture the street, it's like the strip in Las
Mat Boyle::Vegas, there's neon lights everywhere. There's people everywhere, you know, and
Mat Boyle::you know, the streets full of prostitutes and sex and exploitation everywhere. It's
Mat Boyle::just like candy, you know, in a kid's store and this is wheeling there that can't even
Mat Boyle::look up yet. Okay, it's just so ashamed. So you know, just embarrassed and, and
Mat Boyle::that and I watched this guy go up and sort of go to greeter and as he went to greet
Mat Boyle::her, this other guy had kind of approached from the same angle
Mat Boyle::and they kind of stood off against each other for about you know,
Mat Boyle::what seemed like ages but was probably about 10
Brad Miller::It was 12 to kind of confront one another that square it off like to five or six
Mat Boyle::Its confronted against each other as far as God Yeah. Now, I both want to talk to
Mat Boyle::this girl, okay. It seemed like forever, but it's probably about 10 seconds before he
Mat Boyle::moved on and went on to to another girl up there, up straight. And I watched this
Mat Boyle::girl it was it was like she was been reborn. You know, through that as he was talking
Mat Boyle::to her, like her face lit up and illuminated. And it was just, you know, it was
Mat Boyle::transformation on he brought us brought over and introduced us to us and gave
Mat Boyle::her part gave us part of her story that you know, that she's down here. She owes
Mat Boyle::the guy that owned this club money and she was paying it off through you
Mat Boyle::know, through prostitution. And we were going to we were going to help her and
Mat Boyle::you know, say she was like so grateful and it was just amazing and went,
Mat Boyle::you know, we walked home and went to bed will buzzing you know, just with that
Mat Boyle::excitement and just like, like, wow. Now the next morning, the story takes a bit of a
Mat Boyle::turn that works out, okay. But we were led to believe that she had been murdered
Mat Boyle::overnight. And she hadn't been. But for about eight hours, we were under the
Mat Boyle::impression that she was dead. And we, you know, it was it was a Sunday morning.
Mat Boyle::So we're sitting in the back of this church. And there's these three big guys in his tie
Mat Boyle::church with, you know, there that were bawling her eyes out over this prostitute we
Mat Boyle::met in the street a few hours earlier. And, you know, we go through the whole data
Mat Boyle::set, it's about eight hours that were under the impression that she had been, you
Mat Boyle::know, that she had been murdered. And at the time was supposed to meet her.
Mat Boyle::We just went, look, let's just go there, just in case, we don't know, for certain,
Mat Boyle::let's just go. And we went to the meeting spot, and lo and behold, she walked
Mat Boyle::through the door. So we found out as we're going through, you know, as we're kind
Mat Boyle::of going through this, that the guy that owned the club saw us talking to her and
Mat Boyle::recognized one of the guys as someone that is, you know, paid off debts in the past.
Mat Boyle::So he put the story out there that she had been executed to make sure that we
Mat Boyle::actually came back and paid off the debt because ultimately,
Mat Boyle::he wanted his money he see.
Brad Miller::Okay, so in a way, your group was played by kind of turned out to the better in the set. For
Mat Boyle::Absolutely, we're gonna do it. We're gonna do it anyway. He just wanted to make
Mat Boyle::sure he got his money. What a phenomenal so story
Brad Miller::gonna story. Yeah. Well, well, it gets Oh, I'm sorry. I thought
Mat Boyle::We paid our debts off. No, no, no, this this the best part. And the part that really
Mat Boyle::changed me came after we we paid off a debt. So we bought a freedom. And as
Mat Boyle::soon as she realized that we didn't want anything from it, that we weren't there for
Mat Boyle::sex, we just wanted to help her. And all that kind of stuff. She, you know, she
Mat Boyle::opened up and we were we took her out for dinner before we sort of, you know,
Mat Boyle::brought her to one of the sort of the centers that kind of helped do all the medical
Mat Boyle::checks and, and all that kind of stuff. And she found out we'll go into this
Mat Boyle::orphanage the next day, and she grabbed me by the hand and says, So Matt, you
Mat Boyle::need to take me to give food to these kids, because they're not as lucky as I am. Oh,
Mat Boyle::my goodness, I've got this photo of her in a supermarket. 30 hours after she
Mat Boyle::couldn't look a man in the eye. 24 hours after we thought she had been been
Mat Boyle::murdered 15 hours after she'd been rescued in a supermarket with this trolley full
Mat Boyle::of food, a grin from ear to ear. And then I watched her for two hours give this food
Mat Boyle::out to these kids in the orphanage with the most the biggest grin on her face.
Mat Boyle::So much joy, so much happiness comes up to me and she had never thanked me
Mat Boyle::for rescuing her. But she came up and she thanked me and said, I thank you so
Mat Boyle::much for letting me you know, give those food to those kids. Those kids really need
Mat Boyle::it. They're not as lucky as I am. I'm so grateful for that. And then she went and, you
Mat Boyle::know, fell asleep on a couch and, you know, slept so peacefully safe, she felt safe.
Mat Boyle::And she felt safe. And you know, that instant transformation? Like that was 24
Mat Boyle::hours from 24-30 hours from her from her point of view. But the her willingness to
Mat Boyle::help others in the appreciation of allowing her to help others.
Brad Miller::What a great, great story because it says just last time, your generosity was then
Brad Miller::passed on, you know, the generosity has passed on and how sometimes it doesn't
Brad Miller::even take. I mean, it takes a lot in one way regard. But how it can multiply here.
Brad Miller::And that gives us the sensitivity of what can be and you've done
Brad Miller::some amazing things. And what I'd love to see in part of what I'm
Brad Miller::about what I'm about in my ministry in my life has seen life transformation.
Brad Miller::And I certainly see that in you, Matt, and how you are a person
Brad Miller::who's passionate about this, and now you've developed your business to
Brad Miller::be to help in this area. And I'm not sure are you a part of any kind of a ministry
Brad Miller::or nonprofit or anything along this line that does this type of
Brad Miller::thing as well. I'm just curious,
Mat Boyle::We made the intentional choice of running this as a for profit business. We looked
Mat Boyle::at and I spent ages looking at all the different scenarios and looking at the different
Mat Boyle::ministries and the the NGOs and the not for profits that were out there. And I
Mat Boyle::decided that the the most effective way to have an impact is to actually put a
Mat Boyle::entrepreneurial framework around it that we're not relying on donations. So all of
Mat Boyle::Our clients, you know, we actually give value for the services. So they pay us money
Mat Boyle::in return for services, and we help them grow their business. So it's a commercial.
Brad Miller::And I assume that people know, the people you do business with know that this is
Brad Miller::kind of part of your DNA part of who your company is, right?
Mat Boyle::Absolutely. And that kind of they, they, they firstly, understand the fact that we
Mat Boyle::have world class systems and the value of what we do as far as how it impacts their
Mat Boyle::business. Because I was kind of looking going, well, if I'm going to be responsible for
Mat Boyle::these people's lives in these communities, I don't want to be relying on donations
Mat Boyle::that are sure. And that I want to make sure that I'm on that side. So we lead with
Mat Boyle::value and lead with it from the commercials of going well, well, if you spend X with
Mat Boyle::us, we're gonna get, you're gonna get x plus.
Brad Miller::There's a lot of business people with hearts out there. And not everybody
Brad Miller::has to be in ministry, or NGO and things like that. And there's a need to resource all
Brad Miller::these types of efforts. So just take a moment to speak to entrepreneurial types or
Brad Miller::business men or women out there who may be thinking, okay, what can I do? What
Brad Miller::can I do legitimately, and still keep my company going? And things like this?
Brad Miller::What can I do to make an impact in some area that may or may not be sexual
Brad Miller::slavery and Thailand, but it might be, you know, providing prom dresses for
Brad Miller::underprivileged girls in the inner city somewhere, any number of things,
Brad Miller::but speak to that entrepreneur or that business man or woman who may think,
Brad Miller::okay, what can I do?
Mat Boyle::That the decision that you've got to make the order of the decisions is, you know,
Mat Boyle::firstly, what is the, you know, what's the area that's touching your heart?
Mat Boyle::So what do we want to impact? You know, from from that? And then the next
Mat Boyle::question that I always look at is, apart from donation, you know, sending money
Mat Boyle::away, what is the best way we can impact? You know, what is the best way that we
Mat Boyle::can impact that, that, you know, education is key in any in any opportunity,
Mat Boyle::you know, creating opportunity for people to, you know, help themselves and that,
Mat Boyle::you know, that different type of give a man a fish feeding for a day, Teach a man to
Mat Boyle::fish, feeding for a lifestyle and look at what is the best way to actually have have an
Mat Boyle::impact without worrying about the commercial side of it? And then once you've
Mat Boyle::got that, once you kind of have that clarity over? Well, this is the way that's going to
Mat Boyle::make the best impact, then start looking at right, how can we commercially
Mat Boyle::make that? You know, how can we turn that into a product or a service or into,
Mat Boyle::you know, some revenue opportunity to go from that, so, but one of
Mat Boyle::the things I talk with a lot of people about specific to my business is, you know,
Mat Boyle::right, if you you're looking at making an impact, I want to create some jobs, let's
Mat Boyle::look at the opportunities in your business, let's look at where we can help you grow
Mat Boyle::your revenue, how we can help you improve your customer service,
Mat Boyle::retain your customers and create a better experience for your customers.
Mat Boyle::How can we do that? First, then how can we build a system around it? And then
Mat Boyle::finally, how can we go and have someone in the Philippines or in Thailand, perform
Mat Boyle::these tasks to do them in a way that's valuable to the company and adding, creating
Mat Boyle::income saving money and being a genuine improvement of the bottom line?
Mat Boyle::As well as then making the impact? So there's, there's plenty of opportunities,
Brad Miller::you know, these are what your
Mat Boyle::to do it, it just takes that different thing
Brad Miller::
Which I'm talking about here is really kind of creative partnerships, that will help the
Brad Miller::greater good help everyone out if you do that. And, and a lot of people sometimes
Brad Miller::and people in the business world think, well, if I give away stuff, I'm just taken away
Brad Miller::from my own bottom line, or whatever. I think too, you know, even from a faith
Brad Miller::based perspective, and I think in practicality, and you help me out here, if it's if I'm
Brad Miller::right or wrong, then when people start to be generous and give that stuff away.
Brad Miller::Ultimately, it doesn't hurt them it you know, it enhances them. May man maybe not
Brad Miller::always financially, but certainly in terms of their fulfillment. Would you agree?
Mat Boyle::Yeah, it looks it's certainly the experience that I've I've had is when you put making
Mat Boyle::an impact first. You can go through this kind of evolution of thinking around the
Mat Boyle::fact of, you know, let's make more money so we can make more of an impact. And
Mat Boyle::then you can actually go into the philosophy of well, let's make more impact so we
Mat Boyle::can make more money. And so when you're putting that at the core of what you do,
Mat Boyle::and that as far as this is how I'm impacting the world. This is this is what's really
Mat Boyle::important to me, and having that holding that there and then surround that with a
Mat Boyle::business acumen and with a proper strategy and, and all that kind of stuff,
Mat Boyle::you can't help but make money and.
Brad Miller::So impact and influence, I guess in law are indeed tied to income there there is a
Brad Miller::relationship there, I guess, I would say
Mat Boyle::Absolutely. If you've, you know, if you surround that with the, and it doesn't
Mat Boyle::happen, just going, Hey, I want to go create jobs, you've got to have that kind of
Mat Boyle::business acumen and that business plan around it as far as well, this is how we're
Mat Boyle::going to pay for the jobs. And this is how we're going to fund it. So you've got to
Mat Boyle::have that structure and that system around it. And that's why we chose to go down
Mat Boyle::the, the the enterprise and the for profit, sure path, rather than going through, you
Mat Boyle::know, the missionary work or not for profit, you know, we're a charitable
Mat Boyle::foundation, we wanted to make it very sustainable from from that point of view?
Brad Miller::Well, I think there was,
Mat Boyle::and it just happened.
Brad Miller::I'm sorry, go ahead, finish your thought
Mat Boyle::I was just gonna say, just happens to be that now we've got through the
Mat Boyle::foundations, and it hasn't been an easy journey, there's a big start big piece of
Mat Boyle::the story between making that decision to make an impact starting the business
Mat Boyle::and getting it to where it is, you know, getting it to where it is now.
Mat Boyle::And there's a huge journey through through all of that. But now that we've got
Mat Boyle::through that journey, and now that we've went through that it just happens to be,
Mat Boyle::the more impact I make, the more income I make. So the more jobs I create,
Mat Boyle::the more profit to make, and the more profit I make, the more jobs I
Brad Miller::I think there's a wellness journey almost everybody has to go through from the time
Brad Miller::they make the decision. Just it's a biblical metaphor. Moses was in slavery, and were
Brad Miller::you the promised land, it took 40 years and go through the wilderness to to
Brad Miller::get there. We all have to go through the type of experiences and you certainly
Brad Miller::have had yours. And now you're making an impact on others. And you're
Brad Miller::getting the message out there through our podcasts and through other ways
Brad Miller::that there is a life out here and opportunity here. And so I just want you to share if
Brad Miller::you will, Matt help folks can learn more about you. If they want to be in contact
Brad Miller::with you, either through your website or your business or three, LinkedIn or others.
Brad Miller::How can people learn more about what you're about in case they
Brad Miller::want to be further influenced by your, by your passions?
Mat Boyle::Yeah, the the two best ways to connect with us is our website, which is
Mat Or to connect with me personally, the best place is
Mat Boyle::LinkedIn. And if you just look up Mathew spelt with one T. Boyle, B O
Mat Boyle::Y L E, you'll be able to find me on LinkedIn pretty pretty easily.
Brad Miller::And we'll put connections to all that links to both your website and your LinkedIn
Brad Miller::page at our website, Dr. Brad What a fascinating conversation. And I just
Brad Miller::want to say a word of thanks to you for making this effort. Not at many, not many
Brad Miller::people do this. I've spent time not in Thailand, but in South America and barrio
Brad Miller::situations and other pretty bad situations in Central and South America. And I've
Brad Miller::seen firsthand some of the similar things that you have mentioned here. And it's it
Brad Miller::takes some folks with a real sense of calling beyond themselves to do this. And I will
Brad Miller::say thank you for doing that and providing opportunities for folks and you got a
Brad Miller::way to go. So are our guests today on beyond adversity. He has some great things
Brad Miller::to share from his website is offline to offer online to His name is
Brad Miller::Mat Boyle. We thank you for being our guest today
Brad Miller::on the beyond diversity podcast with Dr. Brad Miller. Thank you