In the world of the customer, do they know what DVI stands for or what an inspection really is? Have you thought about calling it a “Vehicle Health Check?” My panel discusses the importance of transparency with your customer and why you might want to change the term ‘DVI.’
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Clint White,
Service Advisor Coach & Shop Consultant with CWI. Listen to Clint’s previous episodes
Ryan von Steinen, General Manager,
JB Import Automotive Repair, St. Petersburg, FL
Adam Liu,
Essential Auto Care, Middle Village, NY
Key Talking Points
- Inspection vs Vehicle Health Reports. With a digital format available that delivers much more transparency and value, we need an UPGRADED term for our in-depth process that we present to each customer
- The value in GREAT and Personable Vehicle Health Reports to technicians, advisors, and the facility.
- In states such as NY, any kind of "inspection" usually resonates with State Inspection.
- In-depth Vehicle Health & Safety Evaluation
- IN-DEPTH – An extremely high-value, thorough & extensive process that focuses on knowing actual conditions, measurements & facts.
- If it can be known it WILL be known; and if it is known then it WILL be shown – C. White
- VEHICLE HEALTH – Just like the human body, a vehicle can be in a poor state of well-being, leading to unreliability, poor fuel economy, and inconvenient break-downs.
- SAFETY – Equally as important as Vehicle Health, Vehicle Safety or the lack thereof directly impacts the consumer’s peace-of-mind
- EVALUATION – A physical assessment (including test drive) of the entire vehicle performed by an expert technician in which the condition of every accessible system in the vehicle is scrutinized, documented, and reported to the customer in an easily understandable format.
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