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EP127 - The Inside Out of Self Care
Episode 12723rd April 2024 • Journey to Grateful • Tim Bigonia
00:00:00 00:54:20

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Your thoughts wield significant influence, shaping your experiences and impacting your well-being. The quality of your internal dialogue holds substantial power, often evolving into beliefs that shape your outlook and actions. This influence can be constructive, driving self-motivation, or detrimental, fostering self-doubt. Just as the nutrients we consume affect our physical health, our thoughts profoundly affect our mental well-being. They can either bolster our resilience and positivity or lead us down paths of negativity and weakness. The reassuring truth is that we can steer the course of our thoughts, influencing our happiness and mental health, even amidst the challenges of grief. Let's take a moment to examine our inner thoughts closely and explore strategies to cultivate beneficial ones for our future well-being.





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