Success goes beyond strategy—it’s about alignment. When you lead, market, and make decisions in a way that aligns with your natural strengths, success feels expansive instead of exhausting. In this episode, leadership expert Candy Barone shares how Human Design serves as the ultimate leadership blueprint, helping you build a business that works with you, not against you.
Candy breaks down how understanding your unique design can help you overcome imposter syndrome, avoid burnout, and create a business that actually works for you—not the other way around. No more forcing strategies that don’t fit. Instead, we’re talking about a more aligned, effortless way to lead and grow.
If you’re ready to stop pushing and start flowing, this conversation with Candy is packed with insights to help you lead with confidence and ease. You’ll walk away with practical takeaways to make decisions that feel right, attract the right opportunities, and create momentum in your business—without the constant struggle. Don’t miss it!
Key Takeaways in this Episode:
"We are not here to be logical. We are here to follow our truth. Human Design is not telling you who you are. You are a spiritual being having a human experience who always has free will.” - Candy Barone
About our Guest:
Candy Barone is known as a tree shaker and a catalyst for revolutionary leadership, guiding visionary changemakers to break free from outdated paradigms and step into radical alignment. She is a master in leadership development, strategic frameworks, and a Level 4 Certified Quantum Human Design Specialist. Candy helps high-achievers shift from success that drains them to success that sustains them.
As an international speaker, author, and podcast host, Candy is known for delivering bold, truth-infused guidance that disrupts the status quo while creating deep, meaningful transformation.
Her mission? To awaken leaders to their highest potential and create a movement of impact-driven, aligned leadership.
Aligned As F*ck: A Human (Design) Experiment Podcast
Gift - FREE Human Design Chart + Foundational Summary Report
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Hello everyone, and welcome to this week's edition of The Marketing, Media Money podcast. And I am so excited that you're here with me today, because, man, this is going to be a powerhouse conversation today. So I want to kind of warn you right up front, right? So get ready, because if you think that I am a powerhouse when I talk way to you meet my guests. So let me kind of tell you, so what if there was a way to lead market and make decisions that align with your natural strengths? So success felt expansive instead of exhausting, because the Leadership isn't just about strategy, it's about alignment, and that's exactly what we're going to dive into today. So my guest and I, we're going to go deep into human design as the ultimate leadership blueprint, because it's a game changer for how you operate, how you overcome imposter syndrome and burnout and build a business that works with you, not against you. And our guest today is a powerhouse. So get ready for a perspective shift that I'm going to tell you is going to redefine how you approach success and leadership. So it's never going to be the same for you after today's conversation. So get ready. So let me tell you a little bit about her. So first of all, I want to say that candy burrow is somebody that I have known for literally, like, 15 years, so I am excited about sharing her with you, but she's known as being a tree shaker and a catalyst for revolutionary leadership, guiding visionary change makers to break free from outdated paradigms and to step into radical alignment. She's a master in leadership development, strategic frameworks and a level four certified quantum Human Design Specialist candy helps high achievers shift from success that drains them to success that sustains them. And as an international speaker, author and podcast host, she's known for delivering bold, truth infused guidance that disrupts the status quo while creating deep, meaningful transformation and herition to awaken leaders to their highest potential and create a movement of impact, driven, aligned leadership. So candy. Thank you so much for being here with me today.
Candy Barone:Oh, thank you so much for having me patty. You know I adore you, and I am excited and absolutely honored to be in this conversation with you today.
Patty Farmer:Awesome. Thank you so much. So let's just dive right in. You know, I mean, you and design. It's often been described as a blueprint for how we operate best, right? But I think a lot of times people don't really understand it. So can you break it down in a way that helps leaders, entrepreneurs and business owners, see how it can actually influence their day to day decisions. Absolutely.
Candy Barone:And I love the fact that you chose the word blueprint, because I think one of the myths about human design is a lot of people put it in the assessment category and say it's another assessment. And I would offer that assessments are very subjective. There are a series of questions. They all depend on your mood, whether you had your coffee, what traffic was like. You know, all the things Human Design is an energetic blueprint. It is a snapshot of the moment you were born. So it takes into account your time of birth, date of birth, location of birth, and what happens then is it creates a roadmap or a blueprint, to use your word that is truly an operating plan for how you do everything in alignment. It's not who you are, it's not a personality assessment, it's not any of that. It is an operating plan. So say you're the the once in a lifetime prototype, which you are, that was put in the world. It says, Do you need to be, say you're this prototype car? Do you need to be filled with gas? Or are you an electric car? Or are you hybrid? And it lays out that operating plan that says, This is what optimal performance, alignment and how you step into what you brought into the world, how you activate that in a way that's most meaningful and impactful for those you're here to serve.
Patty Farmer:What I really love about that is because there's no change about it. This is the time you were born. Here's where you were, and here's the date. And to what you said about assessments, that's so true, because I feel like what I have noticed is that when people fill out assessments, so they answer the questions, they tend to answer the questions on what they want to be, or what they wish they were, not what they are, right? You know, they're like, Oh no, that I I want that, right? And so, like I said, depending upon what's going on, they could take it, like, three different times a month apart, and they won't be the same. So what I love about human design is what is, is right, you know? And so that I can see how that would affect you and how you can make day to day decisions. Because it doesn't lie like it is right there. So it's like, dig in, learn about it and figure out how you're going to leverage it. Because that's what it's really all about, is, how am I going to leverage. That, and then it isn't about, oh, well, what if I do this? Is this going to change it? Oh, what if I learn about this? Is that going to change it? It's not going to change it. It is. What matters is, how does it align? And from every conversation I've had with you, it's like, where you get to go deeper, and how you're going to apply it and integrate it into your business. But it's not going to change. If you're a generator, you're a generator if you're you know that, and so I really like that, because I think that we've been conditioned to believe that success comes from following certain proven strategies, right? But what if they don't align with how we're wired, right? You know? Because sometimes they don't. But how does human design help those leaders and US entrepreneurs break free from the one size fits all approach and create success on our terms, because that's important to me, but in a way that feels natural, sustainable and effective, right? So
Candy Barone:I love that, and I'm going to offer a caveat before I answer that question directly. One is that your human design will not change how you experience. Your human design will. And I think that's a very important thing, because you used a word that I think is very important as we talk about human design and breaking apart what lives inside of this system or this tool is the fact that we have been conditioned, and so as you de condition, or as you step into greater radical alignment authenticity and truth of who you are designed to be and how you activate the gifts that you brought into the world, your experience of your human design will change, because everything in human design, whether it's defined or open, lives on a spectrum. And so there's a low vibration energy that we can carry in what shows up in our chart and a higher vibration. And part of our soul curriculum is learning how to move from some of this program, condition imprinting, things we've brought in from generational like lineage, and how do we then take ownership, to move into a space where we're living in the authentic expression, the full expression of those gifts at the higher vibration. And so I think it's important to offer that caveat, because you will experience different things as you recognize and remember who you are through that process. And to talk about, then, how do you use it as a way that you get out of that one size fits all. A lot of it is bringing you back into your body. We know we were already equipped. I like to tell people on the most simple, simplistic level, if you've ever seen the movie, the Pixar movie, soul with Jamie Foxx, you know, there's the scene where he signs his soul contract in the air, and then he waits in line, and then the portal opens and he becomes a jazz musician. Essentially, human design is just that. There is a design date where we inherently sign our soul contract and say, This is my piece of the puzzle. I am bringing into the world, and this is what I'm here to activate my purpose. Then there's 88 astrological degrees. We wait in that line, and then the portal opens and we come in as a projector or a generator, and all the nuances that make us that unique piece of the puzzle, when we can bring ourselves back to remembering that sole contract, we then make decisions from a place of alignment, rather than shooting shaming. This is what everybody else does, and for most of us, especially being on the planet at this time, right now, especially when we talk about leadership, we're not here to do things the way they've been done. We're actually here to disrupt and create new which means we can't look back or look at what's already in play. We need to get comfortable. And this year is going to push us on that get comfortable in standing in a new level of courage that says I'm about to rock the boat and I'm about to shape things up. And that means how I do that is going to look different as well. And so some of it's giving ourselves permission to do that. The other thing is recognizing that your roadmap, like it's literally your internal compass, that's your due north, is already laid out for you. It's a matter of coming back and understanding what that map is trying to show you, which
Patty Farmer:I really love, because one of the things that I love when you use words because they're like, they're my favorite words. I love words like disrupt, right and radical and alignment, like those just like, oh, that just gives me goosebumps, stuff, though. But what I also love is that while these things, like you said, the vibration, and I love that the power is with me to for the choices that I choose to make right and like most things, the more you learn, the more you lean in right, and the more you step into who you were meant to be, the better it's going to be. But you still have choice. Yes, and so I love that, right? I love that. You say all the time that leadership is ultimately a choice, right? It's a function of how we serve and how we show up and how we take personal responsibility, which I think is so important. So can you break that down for us? Like, how does embracing this perspective shift the way that we operate and create impact. Because for most of us, that's what we want, right? You know, if you're a leader, you want to create impact. Sometimes we're not. People aren't quite there yet. They haven't leaned in and stepped into that. That's okay, wherever you are on the spectrum. But we do decide how do we want to show up and how do we want to serve, right?
Candy Barone:Yeah, and I love that word choice so much. Obviously I talk about my whole thing I've built my entire platform on is leadership is a choice. It's a function of how you choose to show up, how you choose to serve and how you choose to take personal responsibility. Because accountability is an internal game. No one can hold you accountable. Accountability is your choice to take ownership of how and what you're putting into the world. And when I think about the opportunity in human design, first of all, it's interesting because, you know, there's, there's different nuances, one of them being where you're defined, which means it's colored in on your chart, and you have consistent access to that energy. It creates the vibe of you, so to speak. Then there's an openness that says, I'm bringing in that energy from the world around me, and I'm amplifying it with a responsibility in both I hear too many people are like, that's who I am. You need to suck it up. And I'm like, that's not how that works. That is, I know, and I'll give you an example. My Chart is very defined. I and you know this about me, I'm a freaking vibe. I can walk in a room and I had a leader before me once. Tell me candy, you can walk in a room and you can lift it up like a congregation, or you can shut it down, and you don't even need to say a word. I need to know that about my energy, and I need to take personal responsibility for the fact that my energy walks in a room before I do. I have a freaking vibe that is this, like magnetic frequency that like, if I'm showing up and I'm in some like, pissy, burnt out, just whatever energy and I show up, I am affecting, especially those with openness in that environment, I have an opportunity to recognize that that's what my Energy does, and then take personal responsibility to make sure I've got my energy aligned so that I am not indirectly or inadvertently harming, hurting or shutting down other people because my energy can't so when I talk about that responsibility, we have a responsibility to know what our wiring is. We have a responsibility also to know what we're taking in and stop playing victim of, Oh, I'm just emotional, or oh I'm an empath, or oh I'm whatever I am, and recognize I take in other people's emotions. Therefore, I have a responsibility to create energetic boundaries so that I'm not getting caught up in somebody else's three ring circus. And so choice is, this is the thing that I love most about human design. When you understand it two things. One, I would say it's as much about unlearning as it is about learning. I think sometimes our learning is what gets in our way, because we stay in a very logical, linear this is the way black and white. This is the way things have to be. I'm going to tell you that when you really start to drop into alignment with your design, it's not logical, and that, in and of itself, is a whole spiral for some people, especially if they've got a lot of definition in that linear way of thinking. We are not here to be logical. We are here to follow our truth. The other piece of that is really around when we understand our human design, Human Design. Again, I'm going to stress this is not telling you who you are. You are a spiritual being having a human experience, who always has free will. You are choosing, even if you're like I'm not, you're choosing unconsciously. You're choosing in every moment. And part of what human design does is it brings us back into our personal power and our sovereignty. And I think with everything that's going on right now, there's never been a time that we need to, as leaders, drop into our personal power and our sovereignty in a way that has us taking a higher level of personal responsibility and accountability. And that, to me, is why human design gets me so fired up.
Patty Farmer:I love that on so many levels, because I think, you know, I even see leaders do it, although not as much, right? But sometimes it is so easy to just be like, Oh well, that's who I am, or that's just what's happening, or that's happening because of what's happening in the world right now, or any of those things. Like I just, I think I have always, without realizing it, until I started learning about human design, I always made a choice to say. No, I'm not going to do that. And before I knew about human design, I remember I used to think about triggers, right, you know, and and when you shared this with me about the personal responsibility, like I was calling it something different, but oh, it just really hit me, because I remember that because of personal things that have happened in my life, there are things that trigger me right? And I thought that there was a time that I thought when I hired someone, or when I was working with somebody, I would share that I would say, you know, just so you know, this kind of triggers me, and I don't do well when people say, you know, you need to, where you should? I do much better when people say, Have you ever thought of or or like whatever? And so I felt like, Oh, I'm sharing. I'm letting them know. And then sometimes they wouldn't do it, and it would piss me off, or I would it would trigger me, and I would react. And I used to before I knew better. Used to think that that was their responsibility, because I had shared with them, that that was a trigger for me, and then I had to learn that, while that's great, that I shared, that it's not their responsibility, it is my responsibility, right? And once I learned that, I feel like I was set free. I mean, it was like everything, right? Because all of a sudden, when you learn personal responsibility, and you really lean into that. And that's what I love about human design, because some of that, yes, some of the things that happen to us are because of the things that have happened to us. But again, you get to decide. And I really, really love that. And so, you know, you have this expertise, you know, level four, right? I mean, like, that's one thing about candy, is she never does, never dabbles, that nobody could ever say she's a dabbler. She never does anything that way. If she goes, she's all in, like all in, that's who she is. But I love that, because every conversation that you have with her, that's why it's always so dynamic and juicy and compelling, because she knows what she's talking about, and she lives her truth. And I love that. So your expertise combines leadership strategy and energetics. So I really love that. So how do you see those elements like I get leadership, I get strategy, obviously, as a strategist, how do you see those elements working together to help leaders show up more powerfully and authentically.
Candy Barone:Yeah, and I love that. And I would say that there, I can show you the pathway as to why I am all in all balls to the wall or I am not. I have a very strong root, I have a couple key markers, and I'm aligned to which means I like to go very deep in whatever it is, and it's a very integrated way that I learn, and so there that even looking at my design, I can tell you exactly why that's aligned for me. And I will tell you I struggled for a long time. And this is going to bring me to your question, I struggled for a long time, especially because I may six two emotional manifesting generator with a lot of definition. Like I said, I got a freaking vibe. I've got a lot of power energy. I've got a lot of leadership energy, and I have switches that are either on or off. I was told for a really long time I was too much, because I get intense when I go deep in things. And one of the things that I have learned in looking at leadership strategy and bringing in the dynamics and element of energetics is I get to give myself permission to be all of me. I am here to be a lot. And one of the things that I've learned through that process is, instead of trying to shrink myself down, which I spent 20 years in my corporate career, at times shrinking myself down because I got so many times too transparent, too big of a thinker, too passionate, too candy, are just too much. And when you get lit up, oh my god, it's like you light up five cities and blah, blah, blah. And thing is, is I used to shame myself. This is a great space where imposter syndrome kicked my butt. It's where shaming came in. It was only when I got to see and really see and understand and integrate. I'm here to be a big force, which means my new mantra has become, if you think I'm too much, go find less, because I have work, and that is setting me on fire that now because I understand my design and so this is why it's so important. Strategy, leadership and strategy are only one piece of the equation. We are complete, holistic individuals. We are first, energetic beings. Everything in this world is energy. And I love I mean, I'm a mechanical engineer by background. So I get when people are like, candy, this is a lot of woo, woo. You're throwing it out, and I'm like, No, it's science. It's actually physics. It's quantum physics, it's quantum mechanics, it's epigenetics. It is energy. Everything in this world starts from energy, meaning we are also beings of energy, and when we don't understand how energy plays in. Into leadership and strategy. I think we're being irresponsible. I think we're being irresponsible because then we are just throwing stuff out there and not taking responsibility. It's the big part of what you see going on right now that there isn't this holistic, comprehensive, full ownership of our entire beingness coming to play, and we either shrink back because we've been told we're too much, or we hide because we don't think we're enough. And it's only when we understand the dynamics in our own energetic nuances that we can start to fully embrace and learn to love ourselves first. Because here's the thing, leadership does not happen out leadership starts here, and it's only when you learn to lead yourself first that you actually effectively can lead anyone else. And problem is is too many people are like, I'm gonna lead them and I'm gonna tell them how they need to be, but I'm not going to do my own stuff to take care of how
Patty Farmer:I'm leading. And inner work always has to come first law.
Candy Barone:And the energetic piece doesn't give them a cop out. The energetic piece says uh huh, and right. And, and for me, and anyone that knows me, they get tired of my and which is the ultimate way I can hold people accountability. I hear all this and your victim consciousness and your martyrdom, and you're puffing up your chest and your ego and how let's look at this piece, because I'm gonna give you a whole different like,
Patty Farmer:candy. Like, I totally get it, though, because I remember, like, growing up. I remember growing up. Yeah, my nickname was chatty Patty from my family, and I remember my parents just said, Patty, if you could be quiet for 30 minutes, we'll give you $5 and I never got the $5 not one time ever. Numbs wise, there I had a lot to say. But as I grew up, like hearing that, I just, I think it really I didn't have a voice because I thought I was always supposed to be quiet, right, you know. And my mom had already passed away. And I remember one time driving home when I wanted to say, Mom, like they're paying me now to talk. People are paying me to talk because they want to hear what I have to say, you know. And I think one time somebody said to me once, and it almost wiped me out, but not quite. And I was like, Nope, I don't accept that. And this is what she said to me. She said, Now I'm a talker, the speaker, right? And I know that I say more words, you know, I like to paint the trees. I want to get the whole picture. And she said to me, are you ready? She said, how do you I want you to know that it's disrespectful for you to take 10 minutes to say something you should have been able to say and buy. Literally almost wiped me out. Like. I was like, wow, right, you know. But then after I thought about it, I was like, that's your issue. That's not my issue. It's kind of like when people say, How do you talk so fast? Yep. And to me, I always want to say, although I don't always say it out loud, well then you just need to learn to listen faster. You just need to learn to listen faster. I have a lot to say, like, I listen to everything at 1.5 or 2.0
Candy Barone:Right? You know what you're saying, right there? I think is a really important point. Because here's the thing, this is where understanding your human design comes into play. Because when you see like you and I are both storytellers in different ways, and I draw people in when I can share and paint that picture for them. I don't do well when it's just there are times when that short and that space hits, but I create a space where people want to feel like they're in this big hug and they want to have that conversation that's not aligned for somebody else. So this goes back to that initial question that you asked, which is, when we look at creating that cookie cutter strategy that everybody else is out there talking about this or doing this, it may not be aligned for you. You might be somebody that just needs to get in, get out and be quick, and that's your magic, and that's what magnetizes you as a lighthouse, because each of us can has the opportunity to become a lighthouse, which a lighthouse has two functions. A lighthouse, when it's dialed in with that beautiful light of it, it calls in the ships that need safe harbor in its in its bay, or whatever you want to call that harbor, but it also repels and sends those ships that are like, that's not where I want to dock Oh, wait, and it's only when we get so dialed into our energetics with that responsibility. Because we're not we need to let go of this notion that in any way, shape or form, we are for everybody. I don't care what you do. You are not for everybody. And there are, I love that last you being aligned in your energy. And by the way, some of you are designed I am. There are people that like I tell people, you're either in camp candy or camp content. I don't care. It's none of my business. And I'm a love on Camp candy. I'm gonna wish you well over here, but I'm not gonna waste my time and energy trying to convince someone who is. Very obviously not my person to come play in my space. Because I will tell you I know when my client goes candy, I don't know if you're my coach, you kind of scare me. I'm like, then I'm not your coach, because I guarantee I'm not going to coddle you. And when I can be really clear and have a point of view, my people call me and go, I don't know what you're offering the answer, I just Yes. I need you. It's one of the reasons I call myself the V fib paddles, right? People call me just because they want that energy. They don't care what the package looks like. They want me. And when I say that, that's the opportunity that each of us have is to refine that light so much that we're not in a sea of 2 billion people on Facebook going, womp, womp, womp, womp, womp, sound like the Charlie Brown teacher. We're some candy Barone. This is what I stand for. I'm Patty farmer. This is what I stand for. And I'm calling my boats. To me, it becomes a magnetic that really creates an attraction field, which is beingness, not us pushing and grinding and doing and all this stuff.
Patty Farmer:That's where the freedom comes, and that's also where the responsibility comes. Like I love it when I'm really clear on who are my people and who are not my people. But I also love I think it's probably one of I am a storyteller, and I do love to hug and all that. It's my love language. But I have to say that one of the things that makes me so happy, probably the best compliment I've ever had, is when people come to me and they say, I don't know how I'm going to work with you. I just know I want to work with you. And I'm like, but I haven't even told you what it costs yet, and they're like, I don't care what it costs. They feel like, you know what I mean, when people know what you stand for and you're not wishy washy and you're clear, they're either drawn to you like a beacon, like you said, or they're not. And I think that's great, and that happens in a lot of things. I hear people sometimes get so, I mean, this is just a mining point, but I think it's one that my audience will recognize, that sometimes people get all caught up with people unsubscribe from their email and I'm like, Really, I love it. If you don't want if this isn't aligning with you, great. Please. Get unsubscribed. Don't hit delete, hit unsubscribe. We pay for people to be on our email list, right? You know? I mean, there's a tier. The more people that are on your email list, the more it's costing you and stuff. If they're not the people, it's kind of like the algorithm only so many people. If I don't align with you, please unfriend me. That's just making it so that there's a space for somebody else. So I think that a lot of times people get caught up in this and whatever, and I love that. So there is a responsibility, but there's such a freedom and choice of being so clear. And I, I think that comes back to the decision making thing, right? You know, where's your decision so you say all the time, decision making is at the core of effective leadership. But just like what you've just said, so many leaders struggle with doubt and motor analysis, you know? So how does human design reveal, really the most aligned way for each person to make decisions so they get clarity and confidence.
Candy Barone:Yeah, that's a beautiful question, because we are you want to talk about where we're conditioned most it's in how we make decisions. We draw all of our energy from a logical, analytical mind perspective, and not one person on this planet is designed to make decisions from their mind. We are designed to make decisions based on a wiring within our own body. And so I'll give you an example. I'm a manifesting generator who's also an emotional authority, meaning I have no power in the now. So when you look at the strategy, there's five archetypes, right? There's a manifester, generator, manifesting generator, projector and reflector. Each one has a strategy for how it makes decisions best, and then you layer on the authority, which creates a nuance or a flavor to how you make that strategy. So for example, as a manifesting generator, my first like decision point in making aligned decisions is I need to wait to respond to the things that get my sacral humming and go, Oh. Like, it's like, it's juicy, like this friction. It's not language. It's actually not if I'm already languaging, I'm already pulling myself out of my body. So it's this very juicy, like, oh, right in the, like, CORE Center of who you are. And it's a vibe, vibration, and it and it oftentimes has a sound the gutter rule. And I think about how many of us were programmed growing out stop grunting and use your voice. You know, many adults and leaders I have to work with to get back into their grunt because they're gruntless. It's that like something's happening. That's the first piece for me as a manifesting generator. The second one is, then I get to envision, oh, now that that just lit up. Oh, let me see all the possibilities and all the magic. Then I need to inform, because, again, as a manifesting. Got an air worth a lot of energy. It's one of those spaces where I need to and if you've ever seen the movie Mary Poppins, I always say manifesters and manifesting generators. You can relate to this, the scene where the admiral, whatever his name was, Admiral Boone, or whatever his name was, on top of the house at six o'clock would be like, everybody in the house would be like, It's six o'clock yourself, and they would like hold the piano on the things that went flying. That's any jet or a manifesting or a manifester, that when they're ready to take action, they need that step to inform so that anyone that's going to be affected by it can brace themselves because stuff's about to go flying or go take cover, because they're going to light up four cities in a blink, and do, like, four months of work in four hours, and like, it's gonna get really big, warm, and then they take action. What happens is a lot of manifesting generators. Think they're manifestors, so they take action right away. They don't respond to what lights them up. They think they're making things happen and they're pushing, and they oftentimes forget to inform. And so all of that creates resistance and a bottleneck, and this exhaustion, because we're pushing against our natural alignment, a projector needs to be recognized for the wisdom that they're there to share, and then be invited to share that, otherwise people can't hear that. And so when you understand that dynamic, there's that layer, then there's the authority. My emotional authority says, Great, your your sacral can be all lit up, but I have no power in the now, which has been one of the hardest lessons for me to learn, because I move fast. I like to make decisions in the moment. I get shiny squirrel syndrome. I'm like, Go, and it's bit me in the butt every single time. Because what I have to do is ride an emotional wave, so that when I get really high in my emotions and passionate, I also need to be in the I don't really want to do this energy and wait until it levels out in a baseline, so that then I can make a decision where I can actually commit and I will fizzle out, because for people that make decisions that are not aligned for them, it's where they create burnout, it's where they get exhausted. It's where then they go, Oh my God, I don't want to do this. And then it's the shaming and the shooting and the the layers of crap they put on themselves. We each have an internal compass that says this is how you make decisions. And it's a function of understanding your strategy for your type, and then looking at what nuance or flavor your emotional your authority adds to that, and making decisions from that place.
Patty Farmer:It's really interesting. And I know that the people who are listening, I know I could actually hear you through the thing right here, that you're like, but Patty, what are you like? I know that they're thinking that, but like, yes, yes, yes, but what are you, Patty? We want to know. So I remember when we had our first conversation, and, you know, a lot of times, and this is what people can do with an assessment. This is another difference, right? You can pretty much look at all the choices and almost guess what you are, right? You know, and I did that with you in design too. I'm like, Oh, I'm a manifester. Like I was so sure that perhaps a manifester, but I kind of thought I was a generator too, so that I'm a manifesting generator, and that's what I thought. And when people would say, what are you I'm like, Well, I don't know for sure, because at that time, remember, I didn't know exactly what time I was born, and so I was like, No, I think that's what I am. But then when I found out what time I was born, I found out I'm actually a generator. I was like, Really, and, you know, and I'm a five one emotional and so I don't know I haven't done deep enough. That's kind of where you and I are in our journey right now is for me to really go even deeper than that. But that was really kind of eye opening for me now. I was really kind of surprised by that, and then the emotional thing, all of that and stuff. And I find that as I am learning more about it, I think the most interesting thing for me that I would say, is how validating it is. It is probably the most validating thing. It's like, oh, well, that explains why I like that.
Candy Barone:Well, can I use you for an example for a minute, as a five funnel generator, right? So first of all, just inside of that, you already have some what we would call conundrums or challenges, that you are a generator, which means you're here to wait to respond to those things that get that, like juiciness before you do anything. But you also, because you're a five one, you have projected energy. That five is a projector, which means you're a visionary leader. You're here to offer guidance and wisdom, and you need to wait for the invitation, oftentimes, to do that in a way where and talk about a provoking energy. The five energy is the energy that often feels like it's burned at the stake and has a little bit of a witch wound, because it's like it's here to transform potential through what it sees and like offer that wisdom and most people aren't ready for it, then we would look at nuances in your chart that may actually show you why it feels like you're a manifester as well. This is what's so interesting about human design. Is, if you only isolate one piece, it's a fragment of this story of who you are and how you operate best. There are, I am a manifesting generator with a lot of projected energy in my chart. So there are things that, even though I'm a manifesting generator with lots of power, I need to wait to be drawn out.
Patty Farmer:Now that's so hard for me or waiting
Candy Barone:That because, by the way, patience is not something we're good at. And especially when you can see potential, and you see solutions, like Patty, you as a five, you have the solutions, and part of the biggest challenge is you having patience to let other people arrive at that solution. I'm trying to score them right?
Patty Farmer:And it's so true. Sometimes I feel like I listen to them for five minutes and they're still talking. And while I don't say this out loud, in my mind, I'm thinking, you can stop talking now. I decided I had to make you a million dollars, and then you have to wait for them that it is so hard sometimes,
Candy Barone:Right? Because they need to learn. That's the biggest challenge for a five line energy is learning how to help people solve their own problems and only solve the problems that really light you up and are for you, because you do see the solution, not a solution. You see the path. You see the solution, and you want to offer that, and when you offer it to somebody, and they didn't ask, it creates a boatload of resistance, that then creates this like conflict and energy. And soon as they realize that what you said was magical, they're like, Patty. Tell me that again, you say the same thing, and now you're a magical unicorn. That's also the interesting part is understanding human design impacts the dynamics in our relationships, and I will tell you we could resolve that conflict if we understood our design and the people that are closest to us.
Patty Farmer:When you know I love that, because you know from everything that I'm learning, I really realize that human design influences everything, like how we work, rest, engage with the world, right? All of those things. So, you know, kind of expanding on what we're talking about right now. Can you share how understanding our own design can help us get structure our day, relationships, and even prevent that anxiety and the burnout that we actually get?
Candy Barone:Yeah, 100% so I'll give you two things that are examples. One, Each type has, what has, what I will call the bookends. Their bookends look very different the way a generator, type, generator and manifesting generator, they both started to start their day and end their day looks very different than a manifester and a projector or reflector. Non sacral types look very different in how they replenish themselves, how they recharge and how they work. They are not here to work at a steady pace, often the way generator types are here to work, although some manifesting generators depending like me, I have a lot of switches. I'm either on or off. I when I'm on, I can work for days and not sleep when I'm off. It's like moving through quicksand, but I gotta understand that about myself, because me thinking I'm gonna work like a generator who just wakes up, the switch goes on, and they're like, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, and they've got a cadence that doesn't even work for me. And so when you understand that a projector oftentimes, for example, works best in a two, three hour blast and then needs a substantial time to rest. They work, to rest work, to rest work, to rest, to rest, to work, work, rest, or whatever you want to look at it manifester. Oftentimes they get a download. They can work in a really big chunk. And then they need really deep pockets of rest afterwards, reflectors a whole nother animal. And so when you know that, you then align how you start your day with a way that feels connected and aligned and is a congruent with your energy. You then end your day the same way projectors, I want to tell you all need to, like, unplug at least an hour before bed. No technology, no extraneous conversations, no in fact, honestly, you should probably lay flat and just like discharge the buildup of energy. And I mean, that's like lot of projectors, I tell them, take 30 minutes and lay down and just let that energy come out of your body. Because for projectors, the way you end your day is more important than how you start your day, because your rest is everything. You can't start your day if you didn't get the right rest. So that's an example of differences in communications. A sacral type is driven by yes, no questions, rapid fire, yes, no, when you need to make a decision that gets you in that sacral and lit it up. I can do a five minute sacral session with somebody and get them out of their head and dropped into what is actually their truth that works for a sacral type, which is a generator and manifesting generator. Non sacral types, yes, no. Questions paralyze them. They need open ended questions that for a projector, they need a place to hear themselves think. They need to hear their language for a manifester. Not even a question. You're kind of probing. Hey, I'm curious your thoughts on because manifesters and Manny gens hate being told what to do. But when you understand that I have actually worked with couples and business partners, who I'm in a moment changed the whole way they communicated because I taught them how to ask each other's questions. I have a couple. There are a generator and a projector. The generator kept asking questions the way she needed questions and the projector and they were stuck.
Patty Farmer:That's me and my husband. I'm a generator. He's a projector,
Candy Barone:Right? So when you slow down to say, oh my god, I gotta think about how to position this as an open ended question, instead of firing off, do you want to do this? Do you want to do this? Do you want to do this? Do you want to do this? Do you want to this? The projector is like, oh, but the same thing for the projector. Who's like, so maybe you want to go to dinner, and you're like, Aha, and then he goes, where do you want to go? And you're like, I don't know, because don't ask a generator an open ended question, thinking they're going to get you an answer. They're going to be like, I don't this is the biggest thing I see. Is I'll give you a really funny example. So to that point, you've got a projector. Husband asks his generator. Wife, do you want to go to dinner immediately? Uh huh, where do you want to go? Generator? Wife's like, I don't know. I don't care. It doesn't matter. So she's like, I don't care. So then husband goes, Great, let's go get Italian. No, I don't want
Patty Farmer:Italian story.
Candy Barone:That's time, like every weekend, you don't care until you know what the options are. So the best thing that your husband can do is say, do you want? To tell you, do you want Mexican or what is does this place appeal to you? Like you need to literally, they
Patty Farmer:Candy, because I have to tell you, that is the story. My husband says that we should open a restaurant saying, Oh, I don't care, right, you know, because it would be so good, but, but on the flip side of that, one of the things that I've learned, and I don't know where in my chart, this is, I just know that this is me wired, for sure is that I process out loud, and I can be literally every single weekend my husband, I love that we've married 28 years, and we can still have coffee for three hours and never run out of things to say. And we'll sit there and talk, and I'll be telling him something, and I'll just literally go on and, like, share the whole thing. And then he'll say, when I take a breath, he'll say, so do you want me to weigh in on that? And I'm like, No, I actually got the answer. Now, I just needed to hear myself say it went out loud, e5, line, by the way,
Candy Barone:without even looking at the rest of your chart. Part of that comes from the five line because you are a projector in that five line energy. It's a projected energy, which means you need your own projection field, so that anyone that has that kind of projector energy does very well to hear I speak out loud. I'm aligned, too. That's also a projected energy. There are things I need to bounce that I don't need. And so your husband does that right by asking you a yes, no. Do you want me to weigh in? But he felt like a safe space for you to bounce. And anyone that's a projector. I don't care what your authority is. That serves you very well to create that projection field for yourself with someone that you deeply trust, that can hold that sacred space without trying to fix it, without giving you advice, without coaching you that can just be a sounding board. You can do that nature and with animals as well, but that is a great example of where you and your husband are in alignment, in your energy
Patty Farmer:And, yeah, one of the things that I think is really interesting thing is because one of the things that I've always done and thought I was weird for doing it was sometimes about every quarter I have like, I mean, I do VIP days for my clients, right? And about once a quarter, I do one for myself. And I literally put up my chart, and I'll stand up like, I'm Patty farmer coach, consultant, whatever, right? And I'll, you know, write on the board, and then I sit down on the chair and I look at it, and then I'm like, Patty farmer client. And I would literally be both people. And I will literally stand up and then stand down. And then what's really weird about it is when I don't know if anybody else talks to themselves, I don't know how many other people do it, I do it. And sometimes it looks like this, Patty farmer, you just need to give yourself grace. And I don't know why I always say Patty farmer, and not just Patty Patty farmer. You just need to give yourself grace on that. And then I'm standing up and I'm like, but
Patty Farmer:you know, whatever. And I like, I'll do that. And I get so much done when I do it. I get such clarity. I I can see it. And I'm like, I wonder why I do that. And when I tell people like, I've never heard of anybody doing that, I'm like, I know what. I've done it forever, but I have to tell you, I get such clarity and I get validated. And I know that I know. And every time I have one of those sessions with myself, it like works for me so well. I don't know what it is in me that that works for me, but it does,
Candy Barone:Again, with not seeing the rest of your chart, a lot of that comes from that five line. And I will say I can share the space that when I talk to myself, it is candy, Barone, it is not candy. So. Once in a while when I need to, like, really kick myself in the butt. It's Barone. Come on, Barone, get your head out of your butt. But it usually it's candy Barone. It's always both names I discussed
Patty Farmer:The only other person that I have ever met that doesn't when I tell people that they're like, really, I'm like, Yes,
Candy Barone:Well I think it gives us some distance, right? Because it doesn't. It takes the personal and the emo, because we are emotional creatures. You and I are both defined emotions, for sure, it allows us to remove a little bit from the emotion. And when I can call myself candy Barone, I feel like a different entity. And so it pulls me away from Oh candy, because I associate and identify with candy, and Barone is when I need the kick in the butt, but candy Barone is when I can kind of be the witness to myself, because I'm I'm giving myself my more formal Actually, I'll be like Candace Barone, which, you know, then it's serious, my formal name in
Patty Farmer:But if I said, Well, Trisha, I'd really scare myself. And I totally get it. That is so funny candy, so high achievers, right? Struggle to balance that ambition with our well being, right? You know, so how can human design help entrepreneurs and leaders shift from success? Yep, that drains them to success that sustains them. That is such a great line. When I saw that line on your website. I'm like, oh, no, we're definitely talking about that. What a great line, success that drays them to success that sustains them. I love that, and I want to talk about that.
Candy Barone:So, yeah, that's the essence of everything I do, right? Because I, I mean, going back to my own story, I ended up in the hospital at 35 because my corporate job was killing me and manifested a mass in my chest because of the high achieving, high performing and I will tell you, this is also a myth I want to dispel. A lot of people think imposter syndrome is for those that don't have confidence. Imposter Syndrome only shows up for high performers. It shows up because we constantly think somehow we're not enough, or somehow we're going to be found out, or somehow we're trying to juggle all these balls and something's gonna fall and someone's gonna see our fallacies as a human being like or we're comparing ourselves to someone we think's got better game than we've got, which that's a whole other entity, right? Because what we see and what's going on really is one of the reasons why I call people kind of the aligned AF ducks, because we're all that space of we can show up. Most of us have learned how to poise ourselves. If you are a high achieving, high performing leader in the current and traditional sense of leadership and success, you look the part. You look like you got your stuff together and your legs are going a mile a minute under the surface, because you're like, holy crap. All someone needs to see is I'm not that put together. And there's this real fear for us in that space. And I say us, because, God knows, I've lived that, and I'm been through another cycle of it recently. So it shows up that that sense of ambition, I'm going to say, I can speak to this really big this lives in my conscious Earth. This is one of my big energies. I got a gate 54 which is all about driving ambition, and it is one of the things that really propels me to go big when things light up. But it also is where I caused myself a ton of burnout, because one of our opportunities, and this is the magic of where projectors really offer guidance. We are in a really interesting point in time right now that we are undergoing a shift in humanity and a shift in consciousness, whether people want to believe it or not, everything is imploding. Systems are blowing up. Things are being burned to the ground. February 2027 we are moving into a whole new era for humanity and consciousness, which is why there needs to be a new leadership paradigm. Part of the energy of that is helping us redefine success from one of material gain and material position into one of well being. And I think about, I do a lot of study in the Tao, the Ching that and the essence of the Tao, says, when we learn to govern ourselves, there's not need for governance. It's again bringing ourselves back to our sovereignty. But it also says, When I take care of me, hard stop, all is taken care of. And so we are being asked to come back to a space of individual contribution that serves the larger collective, and we look at that in terms of energetic exchange and reciprocity, and coming back to that energy of tribe, where every single member of the tribe had something they contributed to. The whole there was no competition. There was no it wasn't about material gain. You're going to see more energetic traits between people. But it's that opportunity to know that ambition serves when it's connected to something meaningful and something I actually wanted to say at the beginning that now has come full circle for me. One of the other things I really talk about with people is the sense of legacy. We talk about legacy a lot of times as being this thing we leave, when we leave the earth and we die and we perish and go on to whatever is next in. Instead of recognizing that legacy is a living, dynamic, breathing thing that happens in every moment and every interaction, in every way we make choice, conscious or unconscious, which means in every freaking moment, and not to sound like the police song, it's every breath you take. So what I want you to understand is when we look at ambition, or we look at drive as a high performer. It's, How do I redefine that for myself, from a place of drive when it's meaningful, and when it comes from a place of How may I serve? Then what you do is you realize you're intentionally living you're leading your living legacy, instead of letting your living, living legacy lead you. And what happens is, more times than not, and I'll use someone like Steve Jobs, innovator, got things going and had such regret at the end because of how he treated people, and that his overzealous, low vibration energy of ambition cost him the thing that was most valuable to him, which was the relationships and the people he cared most about. He didn't get a do over on his deathbed, he he left with a ton of regret. And so I offer to you, how do you create work, meaningful work that is of service, tapping into the fullness of your expression and your gifts, and let that be what drives you forward, instead of driving simply to get more and simply to be more and for some prestige and status and power over which is not a thing, as soon as we realize how sovereign we are, all of that goes away. But right now, we're in this wobble where we've got one foot steeped in the old, and for most of us that are high performing, visionary, revolutionary leaders, we've got one foot pushing us forward. This year in particular is going to push us to step into our brave Can I step into a new definition of leadership? Success, achievement, ambition, my work, how I serve that's where, when you understand what ambition really offers us, it's a game changer.
Patty Farmer:You know? I really like that we're talking about this, because sometimes we have things that happen in our life that change their trajectory, right? And I know that based on this thing that you're talking about, and something you said a little while ago, to tie it back, is, I remember several years ago, we were talking about, you're talking about the grunts and the noises and whatever, and I remember I was struggling with sleep. I was really having a hard time sleeping, and I couldn't shake it out. So I hired somebody to kind of help me do the inner work. Like, why am I only sleeping for like, four hours a night. So when we did the work, one of the things we found out was that what I was doing is every day, when I would end my day, I would look at my calendar for what my day looked like the next day. So when I would go to bed, I was working in my sleep, right, you know? And so we realized that, so one of the things that she told me to do was that I was to not look at my calendar like I wasn't to look at my calendar to the next morning, when I got up, I sit down and have coffee, and then I could look at it. Now, that solved my sleeping problem. But what it also did, which is going to kind of lead to what you were saying, serendipity happened. And when I did that, what I noticed is that when I woke up in the morning, when I first did it, I would look at my calendar and I would see what my day was. And I started noticing that sometimes I would look at my calendar and I'd be like, and sometimes I would look at my calendar and I'd be like, oh, and I'd be all excited, right? And I thought, wow, like, I had never noticed that before. And the serendipitous part of that was that I realized that I didn't ever want to, ever work with somebody, whether it was somebody I hired or somebody that hired me, that made me go, uh, right, you know? And so that day that I realized that it was like a light bulb moment for me. I changed it, and I said, You know what? And this is what I say all the time now has become my mission is really, is that I will only do things that bring me joy and feed my soul. If it doesn't bring me joy and feed myself, I don't care how much they're willing to pay me. I don't care what any of all those extraneous things are. If it doesn't bring me joy or feed my soul, I'm not going to do it, and I love it. And you said something about this earlier too, that sometimes when you have a conversation, and it may look different for other people, for me, when I'm talking to somebody, and the hair on my arms kind of goes up and up, oh my gosh. I want to work with them. I can't wait to roll up my sleeves. I want to get, you know what I mean, like, you get so excited because you just know that as somebody you're meant to work with. It's like we're not always aware of those things. Like I didn't notice any of those things till I hired somebody who pointed them out to me. But it was a game changer, and it changed my business, and, more importantly, it changed my life and stuff so and so, I have to say, I think that sometimes all these things are going on until you hire somebody like you, that you really get to know who you. Are, and then you get to make those decisions and those choices that we were talking about, right? And I think it's a game changer, an absolute tour.
Candy Barone:And I mean, think about it, none of us can see the label for the jar that we're in. We can't see the forest for the trees, right? Whatever analogy you want to use, I don't care how I'm I will, I will be very clear. It's taken me a long time to be able to say that I'm a really good coach and I'm a really good strategist, and I can't do that for myself ever even playing I can do it to an extent, but I can't see I can look at someone else's human design chart and instantly see things that are getting in their way and whatever, and it's the same things I'd see in my chart, and I'm blocked because I've got a filter. I have a condition way that I approach things that you can't see things for yourself. Oftentimes you need assistance to give you that peripheral view or to even and again, it goes back to either that sounding word session or that sacral session, giving you a way to ask questions because I can't ask myself. Yes, no questions. And then drop into my sacral and feel my sacral and feel my sacral, because I'm already in my head asking the question, right, right, ding and can and sort of affecting how I answer. I need someone that can ask me random questions and throw in the bombs when I'm not expecting it, to see how I react. Because, to your point, even when you said that, I just got delicious chills around that alignment piece, right? We know our our body knows we are equipped with everything we need to lead. When we lead, I will say that what's going on in the traditional definitional leadership has actually been a far cry from real leadership, and we are, we are really being called to step into a truth around what leadership really looks like and what we need to do. And again, there's some risk to that, and we need to be courageous. And all the things that like we've kicked our dug our heels and been like, I don't want to do that, universe is like, buckle up buttercup, because it's Gosh, it's not a big be and I really get this time to understand your design than when the universe is kind of kicking us. Any of you that, any of the anyone that's listening, that knows that feels that call, that they're here for something beyond the hamster wheel that goes nowhere, you know you're being asked to step up in a way that goes against the grain of everything. We've been conditioned, because we've all been taught to be the same.
Patty Farmer:And sometimes people want to tell you too, because I've had people like, several times, like in the last year, I've had people say, You know what Patty, I think that you're called to do this. I think you've been called to do that. And I have been so clear. I just told a very good friend of mine the other day, I said, I believe that God gives us gifts, and he didn't give them to us to stay in the living room. And I believe that I have been called to serve women in business. That is my calling. I know it is like, you know? And she's like, Oh, okay, you know, it was just kind of funny. She said, Oh no, that's true. That's true, right? It was just kind of funny. She's like, a path. You're just like, so, like, you're put your flag in the sand there. I'm like, No, I know that. I know that. I know Yep, and that is being true to myself, yep. But now I want to kind of take us back to marketing. This is right. Let's talk about marketing for Saturday. So marketing is a critical piece of any business, right, but not every strategy works for everyone, right, right? So how can entrepreneurs use human design to craft marketing strategies that feel good and actually work for them? So where does human design come into play when you're talking about marketing and strategy, I'm a marketing strategist, so let's, I'd love to talk about this, yeah,
Candy Barone:so a couple things. One, I will say, I'm going to give you the sort of generic, not generic, more simplified version of an answer, and know that there are multiple layers that that are required question, because, again, it's based on some of the initial things in your chart and then all of the nuances. So that being said, I will say that first by type, we have a way that we are here to message and communicate based on our type. For example, a generator type will do very well in their marketing when they are eliciting a response from their audience, when they do polls and quizzes, and when they're asking yes, no questions, because that is their energetic dynamics. A projector, on the other hand, would do very well to stand in and share their truth from an understanding that anyone that's following them or their audience, they've already created an invitation for them. So they're guiding, they're sharing advice. They're sharing wisdom. A Manifesto is going to go out like shock. They're going to drop some bold statements. They're going to kick you in your butt. They're going to light a fire. They're not going to really sit in the I'm waiting for a response, kind of thing. They're going to tell you the way it is. So that's just a basic that's like not even looking at the. Nuances when you look at your profile. So the fraction you see in your chart that also plays. I'm a six two, for example, and you're a five one. How I show up? I either, and if you know me, I'm either out, I'm on stage, I'm doing what I'm doing right now, and I'm full of fire and energy and like, I'm here to serve. On a global level, my two line is like, I really don't write people, and I want to go hide away, and it's when I do my writing, or it's when I get offline. I should not be online every day, something I had to learn. I having consistency. My consistency doesn't look like Patty's consistency. I shouldn't be showing up. I need to create pockets in my two line where my audience misses me, because there's a magnetic aura that goes candy up to something. So when I was deep in my study for my certification for quantum human design, when I then all of a sudden, these calls would come in, or someone would want to do something, because they could feel I was up to something. I was integrating new information, and they wanted to be in the forefront. There's a magnetic frequency that comes off when you're in your alignment. And to that our definition, in our centers, or our openness, you lead from the superpowers in your definition. That's your vibe I speak from, but I speak to the openness, which then draws in those that understand that need. So say, I have an open ego. I talk about people's value. I talk about bringing them back to their own personal power. So you combine your superpowers with how you speak to your clients. Then there's markers in your chart where you can see actually who you speak to. And then when you look at your G center, your heart center in the middle, which calibrates and your throat, you have a way you magnetize. It's your law of a law of attraction point. You have a way you draw people in based on the the way you show up in love. Are you talking about self, love? Are you talking about higher consciousness love? Are you talking about leadership? Mine is leadership energy. So it's one of the reasons I talk about leadership alignment, because that's my magnetic frequency of how I draw people in, influence, collaboration, partnerships, leadership. That's a big energy for me, as well as vitality and feeling vibrating life. Those are my two energies. My throat then gives me the flavor on how I message. I tell stories. I have an energy that is the fine artist. I have energy that talks about adventures. So a lot of what I share is through my own experiences and what I've integrated. And I show up when it feels aligned, I don't show up because other people want me to show up, and that, all that whole equation then plays into how I create my marketing strategy. And my marketing strategy is specific to me someone else's, because even inside your chart, especially then, when you pull in gene keys and you look at the language, this is that we each have our own unique leadership. Love Language. When you use the language that lives in your definition, you automatically create that frequency in your lighthouse that draws your people to you when you speak, and depending on where it lives in your chart, the position of it. When you take that and I've helped people rebrand their whole business or create marketing for their business, that has been a game changer, because all we did was look at their chart. They've used a marketing strategist like Patty to help them do the strategy. But what we did is we took what lives in their human design, and I give it to a marketing strategy that's brilliant. And then there's a synergy that says, oh, because there are even in my like tag and my signature, it says, With deep love and reverence, reverence is a really big energy that shows up in my and I for a long time, I was like, I don't really say reverence. And I was like, what would happen if I said reverence? And I could feel a whole vibrational frequency drop into my body because reverences, it actually makes my eyes water right now. It really hits me here. So when I talk about reverence, I draw my people to me. That's just one example of one piece of language that now drops into my copy and my messaging
Patty Farmer:now that then that actually does make the whole system right
Candy Barone:Now. It's actually making me very emotional right now, because there's, I know what that means at the core level of my being, and I know
Patty Farmer:That goes back to responsibility again, though, right? I mean, when you're thinking about that, that does go back to responsibility. And I do see that, you're sure, because
Candy Barone:I feel that responsibility, that when I redefine leadership, it comes first from a place of reverence for all beings in all life that we and so when I look at the world and I'm like, Whoa, wow, I get why I'm doing what I'm doing, it's people out of this success that's, you know, burning them out. Now to the success that allows them to expand and be sustainable, and right? And, wow, that really hit me,
Patty Farmer:But that's an example you should think like sharing it and being vulnerable. I love that, but I have to ask a question now. So when we were talking about marketing strategy, because I'm a strategy, so I haven't missed it, so I get that the where the five thing, like, I'm really clear of the five. Uh huh. What's the one?
Candy Barone:Oh, you're one. So this is your one feeds your five line. Well, I'm just bawling right now. Your one feeds your five line, and your one for you Patty, when you are interested in something, when your curiosity peaks in that little you need to you have a deep need to go deep in your mastery to understand that. So you seek information. It's a very foundational energy. You seek information. You seek research. You seek the data. So you're even though you have the solutions and you have a very intuitive way that you are guided, you also are driven by having the facts that back it up. The one thing you've got to you have opportunity to be careful of is that you don't over correct or allow that to paralyze you, either from a place of perfection and needing to have all your T's crossed and I's dotted, or that you think you need to prepare more before you can teach from where you're at. You're here to be a teacher and a guide in the work that you do. But that one line oftentimes can go, we don't quite we're not quite ready. I'm not expert enough, and you need to trust that your visionary leadership comes and activates in that five when you trust that you can teach from where you're at.
Patty Farmer:I love that, and it's so right on.
Candy Barone:But that would be an example of what you would use in your marketing. You would actually, while you're giving this guidance, and can share the potential for what's possible in that pipeline. You will ground yourself in data when you talk, or can that creates a better magnetic for you, because that is very aligned for you. Create foundations for people, you know I love you wonder why
Patty Farmer:I love that is because one of the things I'm working on, that I've been working on is really in the world of AI right now, which I'm an AI expert, that we have data, but I believe it's really also about behavior, right? So it's data plus behavior plus relationships, right? So for me, it's like, data plus behavior plus relationships, and so all of those things go together. So I really love that. So for those of you that are listening that are like, Oh my gosh, like, you guys are talking about all that stuff, and like, I want mine, right? I want mine, right? So here's what I want to say, Candy has a gift, of course, of course. And she's going to tell us about it, and then I'm going to ask her, when she gives you a gift, that if somebody is completely new to human design, or maybe you've kind of heard about it, you've dabbled a little, but really haven't embraced it, what's the first thing they should look at in their chart start integrating it in their leadership, marketing and business. So tell them about the gift, and they kind of tell them, like, if they haven't done anything yet, or it's kind of new, what's the first thing they should do?
Candy Barone:Yeah, I love that. The gift is that you, first of all, you can run your chart anywhere I would offer that you choose to run your chart from my website, because you also can download an almost 20 page report that will give you the exact answer to what Patty's asking around, where, what do you start to look at first. And so if you go to candy backslash HD dash chart, you can get your free chart. You just put in your time of birth, date of birth and location of birth. And then just below on the left hand side, there is a button that says, Click to download your FREE foundational Summary Report, net report that will give you what I consider to be the five core foundational pieces to start with. I get there's a lot of things that feel and look sexy in the chart, and there's a foundational piece you need before any of that makes any sets, and that is understanding which of the five archetypes you are, understanding the strategy for that archetype, understanding your authority, that's the flavor, and all of that is how you make decisions that are best for you, your profile. So what do those two numbers mean? That are the fraction and then your nine centers where you have definition, versus where you are open, because that will show you where you have natural superpowers and you have energy you're putting into the world. And it will show you where you're susceptible for imposter syndrome and burnout, because you're taking that energy in from others and amplify. And that report gives you some deep insights of those five core pieces, I highly recommend that you spend some time sitting and contemplating that, and then, if you feel called, do all the stuff that feels fun and exciting and sexy, although I will say the foundational pieces in my mind are quite sexy. We all learn live just that love world would be different if we all could just learn those five things.
Patty Farmer:I think that is so true. So I'm going to tell you. So for those of you that are watching or listening, the button is white blood so before, because I know then people will jump before I tell you all how to connect with candy, because obviously, I know you're all going to want to I have one final question. Okay, looking ahead, right? Looking ahead, how do you see the future of leadership evolving, and how can understanding human design help leaders stay ahead of the curve in this ever changing business world? Because you have talked about what's coming and all these changes at 2027 and what's happening now in 2025 So looking ahead, how do you see the future of leadership, and how can understanding our human design help us stay ahead of the curve?
Candy Barone:Oh, what a great question. And I may end up crying again, because this is really what is my due north, and why I do what I do. I'm going to take a little bit from my vision statement, which is together, because it is not about even though each of us has the opportunity to lead ourselves, and we need to learn what that looks like from a place of our own, well being first, and learning that our cup is for us and that we only pour from the overflow on the saucer that is The first piece. But together, we are creating a legacy of connection that is allowing us to truly lead from love with love, and we are showing up from a deep place of service for those we are here to serve. And so for me, when I think about what's possible as we move into this next level of consciousness, which is not going to happen overnight, and because humans have decided that we need to struggle, we're going to have some struggle through it when we can remember that that is the due north that's got our guiding light. I always say My My vision is that it's our it's a combination of a new version of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, and it's the new Care Bear stair. So if you ever watch the cartoony Care Bears, and they all had their special light that just activates love into the world, we just need to align the right care bears together so that we can create a higher frequency and vibration of where we all get to be unified in the gifts that we brought to share with each other. I mean, that is the human experience. The meaning of life is very simple, in my opinion. It's to sing the song you came here to sing, and it's to activate the gifts and service for those who need and want your piece of the puzzle in order to activate their gifts as well. So that's, that's my vision. I just see we have such an opportunity when we get out of our own ego in our own way and this polarization that we're in. So
Patty Farmer:thank you so much for sharing that candy. So we always have all these ways that we can have people connect with us. But here's what I'm going to say, she has a book. She has a podcast. I mean, like so I'm going to tell you, listen to our podcast. It is phenomenal. No, I need her book, right? There's so many different ways to be able to really connect with her, really however, she already told you that her website is right? And we have all the buttons below for everything, her podcast, her book, like every way to connect with it. However, we all know that. We all have our preferred place. So candy, what is the best way, your preferred way for people to connect with you?
Candy Barone:Well, that's great. I would say, truthfully, it's either directly through my website or it's on LinkedIn. I do a lot and share a lot, and you can find all of those pieces, my writing, my podcast, all of that is, is there as well.
Patty Farmer:That is awesome. So Candy. Thank you so much for being here with me. I mean, like, man, like you just showed up, you leaned in. I mean, I have to tell you, you were strong, you cried, you shared. You were vulnerable. You were like you were all the feels, all the things, and that means so much to me. I mean, like I said to everybody, I've known you for a long time, but I have to tell you, she is a powerhouse, and I think we delivered what I said in the beginning, that strap in and be ready. I hope you enjoyed the conversation. I know I certainly did. I'll be listening to it again. So thank you so much candy. Ah, thank you.
Candy Barone:Are you kidding? My cup is overflowing. And like I said at the beginning, I adore you, and you create such a beautiful safe space to just be seen and to share from a place of love. And you definitely walk that talk around the future of what I envision leadership to be. So I just love you and thank you for having me be on the show.
Patty Farmer:Thank you so much. Okay, so for everybody, thank you so much for showing up and being here and leaning into the conversation. I know that you enjoyed it. I absolutely know you did. So make sure that you like, share, review it. And make sure you come back next week. Until then, have a phenomenal week. Top six.