Show Notes:
- Requires 40 hours of training a year from his techs, service advisors, and owners
- Bill provides private training that brings his classes to 6 students to one trainer
- The power of networking
- The team is picking their classes and they are getting ready to split the group to provide advanced classes.
- Their techs average tenure is 8 years. Bill believes they stay because of the training they can’t get anywhere else. Their training program is a long-term commitment.
- Works with other shops in the area to spread the cost
- Pays a bonus each December based on the actual number of hours trained. A make your own Christmas bonus.
- Keeps a resume on all training completed
- Displays a picture goal board for every team member
- Paperless operation
- A welcome board in the lobby with all customers who are coming in that day
- Key tags provide status to technicians
- 17 bays - 5 Technicians
- Green - Yellow - Red Light signifies the progress of workflow in the shop
- Eight loaner cars
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