It’s tempting to think that we should always be moving forward, that we must forever be making progress, no matter how slowly. And there is a lot of truth in that. Our defence mechanisms can tempt us to avoid looking at our behaviour with the promise that by continuing to move forward we will get to the promised land – whatever that might look like for us.
In this episode I’ll be inviting you to consider what defence mechanisms might have come out to play for you over the festive period and what they might be telling you. Roland Rat, Tufty the Squirrel (remember him?!) and A1 all join us along the way. What’s not to enjoy?
Here are the highlights of this episode:
(1.22) No “new year, new me”
(3.00) How did you feel when the OOO went on?
(4.24) Denial
(7.54) Regression
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