In this episode, Tara answers a question that has been swirling around the community lately. How do you create a roadmap or framework for B2B done-for-you services? This is the question and this episode will give you the answer.
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Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results.
I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business.
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Mentioned in this episode:
Hey, everybody, it's Tara Bryan, and you are
Tara Bryan:listening to the course building secrets® podcast. Whether you're
Tara Bryan:a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based
Tara Bryan:on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide
Tara Bryan:them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give
Tara Bryan:you practical real life tips that you can use today to build
Tara Bryan:your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.
Tara Bryan:Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people
Tara Bryan:without adding more time or team to your business? If you're
Tara Bryan:looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and
Tara Bryan:use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in. Hey,
Tara Bryan:everybody, welcome to today's episode of the course building
Tara Bryan:secrets podcast. I am so happy to be with you today. Hey, so
Tara Bryan:today's episode is really for service based businesses,
Tara Bryan:agencies, freelancers, anyone who's working in the b2b space
Tara Bryan:doing done for you services? So I got a question the other day
Tara Bryan:that I thought was super interesting, for those of you
Tara Bryan:who are kind of in this space, where you're used to giving one
Tara Bryan:on one attention or done for you services to a client base, and
Tara Bryan:you want to start pivoting into a productized offer, or create
Tara Bryan:an online program or course for your for kind of what you're
Tara Bryan:doing with your customers. And the question was like, so how do
Tara Bryan:I structure a roadmap or, you know, figure out what to teach
Tara Bryan:when we're doing done for your services? So sometimes we do the
Tara Bryan:work, sometimes the client does the work. So how does this? How
Tara Bryan:does it like end up in some sort of productized? Offer? So I want
Tara Bryan:to just spend a couple of minutes talking about that,
Tara Bryan:because it's such a great question. And it's really starts
Tara Bryan:to change your mentality as you're going from sort of the
Tara Bryan:approach of helping all of your customers in whatever it is that
Tara Bryan:they need to owning one solution that allows you to sort of step
Tara Bryan:into your role as the expert and help guide someone or your
Tara Bryan:clients down the path. So a lot of times when we start out and,
Tara Bryan:and I know this was for me when I left corporate and I started
Tara Bryan:my agency that I did work for hire. So it was like, you know,
Tara Bryan:I would come in and based on my expertise and my skill set, and
Tara Bryan:then I would be a part of a team or work on a particular part of
Tara Bryan:a project. And I didn't really own any of any of the the steps,
Tara Bryan:right, I didn't own the whole process, I just own the part
Tara Bryan:that I was working on. And then as I transitioned into the
Tara Bryan:agency, where we were done for you agency, meaning we did
Tara Bryan:everything top to bottom, we had, we had a methodology that
Tara Bryan:we went through with each one of our clients. And we needed to do
Tara Bryan:that because one, you can't really manage a project without
Tara Bryan:having kind of the at least the big buckets identified,
Tara Bryan:regardless of every time you're doing it's a little bit
Tara Bryan:different. And so our big buckets that we had, we had five
Tara Bryan:was just discovered, define, design, develop and deliver,
Tara Bryan:right. So those were the kind of the big buckets. Within each of
Tara Bryan:those, we could put specific activities and deliverables that
Tara Bryan:went with that particular bucket. So if you think about
Tara Bryan:like, you're kind of creating a project management plan, you
Tara Bryan:have the beginning, the middle and the end, right. And so if
Tara Bryan:you can identify what those bigger buckets are, then you can
Tara Bryan:structure to say here is how we work. And what we bring to the
Tara Bryan:table is our you know, six point delivery method or a six point
Tara Bryan:methodology for how we work, then what you can say to the
Tara Bryan:client is Okay, so here is how we go through that this process.
Tara Bryan:And here are all of the parts and pieces of what is involved
Tara Bryan:in that because most of the time, well, no, not 100% of the
Tara Bryan:time the client is hiring you because of your expertise.
Tara Bryan:They're hiring you for your ability to take whatever it is
Tara Bryan:that they're dealing with a problem or an assignment like
Tara Bryan:whatever it is, and they're hiring you to have your to apply
Tara Bryan:your expertise to what they're doing. So instead of coming in
Tara Bryan:as an order taker and saying, Okay, well tell me what you
Tara Bryan:want, and I'll go ahead and execute on that. They're hiring
Tara Bryan:you to actually own the process. Which means when you can lay out
Tara Bryan:a process for them, like here are the six big buckets and
Tara Bryan:here's what's in it. Who didn't each one, you can quantify it,
Tara Bryan:you can control it, and you can manage the scope and the process
Tara Bryan:for it. So that is the very first thing to do. And, and so
Tara Bryan:if you're not doing this yet inner agency or in your one on
Tara Bryan:one services, I encourage you to just take some time and sort of
Tara Bryan:figure out what the buckets are. And it will tell you in learning
Tara Bryan:and marketing in sales in, you know, whatever it is that you're
Tara Bryan:doing, there is actually an industry standard for what the
Tara Bryan:big buckets are, they're all called something a little bit
Tara Bryan:different. But basically, it's a, you know, sort of a
Tara Bryan:discovery, or, you know, uncovering what the need is,
Tara Bryan:then you have to define specifically what it is that
Tara Bryan:you're doing, then you start to do the design component of it,
Tara Bryan:right, whatever that looks like, and then you build it, then you
Tara Bryan:make it then then it there's an implementation piece to it. And
Tara Bryan:then and then you launch it right or you, you know, you give
Tara Bryan:it out to people. And so when you think about, you know, using
Tara Bryan:those buckets as your starting place, you can put the
Tara Bryan:activities then in the right buckets that you're doing, then
Tara Bryan:you're defining that. And then the next level is you can either
Tara Bryan:teach other people how to do each one of those buckets based
Tara Bryan:on the way that you interpret that it the way that you do it,
Tara Bryan:you can you can design some tools and templates to shortcut
Tara Bryan:that process, you can assign things to your customer to do so
Tara Bryan:you can actually keep moving down the path, or you have
Tara Bryan:particular tasks and activities that you do to push the thing
Tara Bryan:forward. So once you define that as an agency, then it can be
Tara Bryan:packaged, then you can teach other people how to create that
Tara Bryan:same system and sell it to their people, you can use it and
Tara Bryan:create it for your customers, you can front load your front
Tara Bryan:part of the whole process by having your customers do some of
Tara Bryan:the elements that need to be done before they kind of walking
Tara Bryan:in the methodology. So sky's the limit in terms of what you can
Tara Bryan:do once you smile once you productize or create your
Tara Bryan:proprietary system? Because then you can repeat it each time. So
Tara Bryan:hopefully this helps you, as you're thinking through like how
Tara Bryan:do I incorporate some sort of packaged process for my b2b
Tara Bryan:customers, when I'm doing one on one work? How do I start that
Tara Bryan:process? And it's really just looking at how to define the
Tara Bryan:consistent way in which you deliver your expertise, or your
Tara Bryan:deliverable, or whatever it is. So there you go. Hopefully that
Tara Bryan:helps. If you want to dive into this deeper if it's not coming
Tara Bryan:out for you like in your head, give me a shout. You can sign up
Tara Bryan:for a free call and we'll talk through it and figure out how
Tara Bryan:this looks specifically for your business. So there you go. Have