Parenthood. One of the most rewarding and challenging roles on planet earth. Then add to the mix that your child reveals they are non-binary, or a lesbian, or both, but both meaning that two of your 3 children are now expressing they are not gendered or identifying in the sexuality that you would have thought. What do you do? You grow, you learn, you then take the family out for ice cream. Zach Selch helps to kick off the pre-PRIDE shows with this candid conversation where he shares his journey as a Father of a non-binary individual and a lesbian daughter. It didn't stop how he loves and it shouldn't stop how anyone loves their child. Happy pre-pride and don't forget - we are who we are...yes it is that simple.
About Zach
At 11 he was living in a 29 foot trailer on cinder blocks behind a gas station in rural Pennsylvania. At 15 he was fending for himself. At 19 he was a paratrooper scout sergeant leading men into combat. Zach has breakfasted with the Dalai Lama, run the original course marathon in Greece, was in Germany when the wall came down, Jordan when the peace treaty with Israel was signed, and been in a surprising number of right places at the right time. Zach has sold to more than 100 governments as well as to some of the biggest corporations in the biggest economies in the world. Zach has spent time at War College, a world class business school, and at the University of North Carolina BBQ pitmaster certification school.
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