In this final episode of Season 2 of The New Truth Podcast - Kate shares about the gifts that have come from going through this big transition, all the lessons that she's experienced from embracing the change - and the clear vision of what's to come in Season 3!! Stay tuned - exciting things to come!
About the Host:
Kate Harlow is the Owner & Creator of The Unscript'd Woman - a mission to liberate women all over the world to throw away the script and create a life that lights up their own soul. She mentors women to have a healthy, thriving relationship within themselves - so they can experience vibrant, expansive, growth-based relationships intheir lives. Kate has coached and mentored thousands of people for almost 15 years - facilitating life-changing love talks, workshops and retreats globally. She's fiercely committed to helping women break free from the old, outdated, fantasy-based paradigm of love - so they can experience real, liberated love in every facet of their lives.
The Immersion in Corfu, Greece
April 26- May 3, 2025
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You get to remember who you are, who you really are, not who you've been taught to be. You get to remember the parts of you you've forgotten. You get to remember what's possible for you. You get to remember how important it is to take full responsibility for your life and the creation of it, you and it's a co creation. You're not alone, right? You're co creating your life with the universe, if you want to call it the universe with life, with Planet Earth, right? We are part of this extraordinary planet that has so much in store for us, but most women are so busy following the script, pleasing everyone else, making sure everyone accepts them and likes them and approves of them, even though, meanwhile, all those people are also doing the same to everyone in their lives, right? Nobody's really living their own lives. This is an invitation, a portal, a sanctuary, for you to come back and remember all that's possible, which is really infinite. Hi, you're listening to Kate and Catherine, and we're going to show you how to find your Prince Charming so that you can finally live happily ever after, forever and ever No.
Catherine Danieli:We are definitely not gonna do that. We are sick of that story, and it's a lie. It is a lie. You're listening to the new truth a modern Woman's Guide to extraordinary love.
Kate Harlow:We are going to show you how the fairy tale, love story stops you from experiencing the love you truly desire.
Catherine Danieli:Listen to hear how to break free from sacrifice and struggle in relationship
Kate Harlow:and learn the new truth about love in a way that you've never heard it before. We're so
Catherine Danieli:happy you're here. Keep listening.
Kate Harlow:Hello, beautiful. Kate Harlow, here for the final episode of season two of the new truth podcast going solo, which is going to be happening a lot in the coming season. And this episode is an episode to inspire you, to spark your heart and to remind you that the new truth podcast will always be and it's just taking slightly different forms. So my intention today is to have a conversation with you about what's coming about, what is the evolution of the new truth podcast? I know that so many of you are feeling so sad that Catherine has left the podcast, and you know, also simultaneously from those that I've heard of or heard from, nobody's surprised. And so obviously, a couple of years ago, when Catherine had Madeline, her whole entire life, shifted upside down. And I think culturally, we have been raised in a patriarchy where there's no space for women to really honor the truth of this new season in their life, right? It's just like you keep forcing, you keep pushing, you keep going, you keep doing what you've always done, you keep being the woman you always were, and yet it's such a big time of death and rebirth, which Catherine and I, of course, have touched on over the last few weeks in the closing of season two.
Kate Harlow:And you know, when we make a change in our lives and we have the courage to follow our truth, it really creates a catalytic energy for everyone. So I think of how many people are afraid to make change, because they're afraid to hurt other people. They're afraid to let other people down. They're afraid that it's going to mess up somebody else's life experience. But the reality is, everything is divine. And the deeper you go into relationship with yourself, with your heart, with your truth and with your connection to your divinity, whatever you want to call it, to the universe, to God, you realize that it's all part of a greater orchestration. So if it's aligned for Catherine to leave the podcast that's actually in everyone's best interest, not just hers, not just mine and hers, but everyone's. And yet, I certainly didn't feel that when, when I first found out she was leaving, there was a little part of me that wanted to hold on so tight, you know, hang on by the ankles and and, and and, or like, have her hang on by my ankles and drag her around and bring her somewhere she didn't want to go. But that's not how I live my life. So even though I had the feelings come up of resistance, and the feelings come up of fear, and the feelings come up of sadness, and what ifs, and where is this going to go, and how's this going to impact the podcast and our and our listeners. I had all that stuff come up, right? All that shit came up because it always does, but I'm in relationship with. It, I'm in relationship with my feelings. So I sat with myself. I journaled. I let that part of me express. I felt it fully to the very bottom of the fear of being alone in the podcast. And then I come back to remembering, which is what I always share on the podcast, that we're never alone. We're not alone. We are so divinely supported in this life when we surrender and relinquish control. So if I kept trying to control Katherine being on the podcast, it wouldn't give room for the podcast to become what it's meant to become, and that's what I'm leaning into now. And it's so interesting to see the trajectory of how this journey has unfolded. At first I was in such fear about the experience. I was in such fear about what it would mean if Catherine, Catherine left, and that was just really the first couple days that we started to have this conversation, and I processed it, and I moved through it. And then as soon as I got back home, I was in Kenya when she announced it to me back in December. And as soon as I got back home, I could feel the frequency energy shift of how much is now opening up for the podcast to become what it's meant to become next, because the podcast is a life of its own right. The podcast, the new truth podcast, is its own entity, and it is a disservice to the podcast, for me to try and control where it's going, rather than for me to surrender. If you imagine the metaphor, Abraham Hicks often uses a metaphor, it's like when our saboteurs in charge, when our survival patterns are in charge, we're sitting in a boat and we're rowing upstream. We're going against the current. We're trying to control life. Everything feels so hard, everything's stressful. Everything's a struggle versus learning how to be present with life and how to be present with our hearts and our true desires and our real truths. Put our it's like turning the boat around, putting your oars in the boat and letting the stream carry you right. Sometimes the stream is choppy and bumpy and and fast and there's a strong current, and other times it's very slow and tranquil and peaceful. The stream changes. Sometimes it's curvy, sometimes it's straight. It's always changing, right? Let that is, that is life. Life around us is always going to be changing, but it's changing for our growth and evolution, right? And without change, there is no growth in evolution. So I'm sitting here it is. I'm recording this episode in January, although it's not coming out till early March or end of February, but I'm sitting here with the potency and the magnitude that I can feel of where this stream is going to carry all of us. And so, you know, I've been sitting in meditation. I've been writing a lot. I've been reflecting a lot on where is the new truth headed? What is the new truth stand for now? What is the new truth? Right? Catherine and I started in my tiny, little one bedroom apartment, as we shared on our anniversary episode. If you haven't heard it, go back five years. Five years later. Cannot believe it's five years later. We are now in the top 1.5% of podcasts in the world, and we've been doing this podcast every single week for five years, which is such a massive accomplishment. Both of us have coached and mentored and guided and and helped heal the hearts of I mean, hundreds of 1000s of women, if we include you our listeners, but also personally, hundreds of women inside of our businesses, inside of our programs. And so I think of like all the gifts that this podcast has brought me into my life and and it's becoming something new. So the new truth podcast, the energy that I can feel of the new truth podcast now is all about expanding. That's why we're here, and it's interesting that that's the word that's coming to me right now, because my coaching method, which those of you who've been here a long time, or those of you who've personally mentored with me at the immersion or inside of the reclamation, know my coaching method intimately, but you've probably heard of me talk about the saboteur and the heroine right, becoming the heroine of your own life, the leading lady, the main character of your own story, and untethering from your conditioned self, which I call your saboteur, and there's five different aspects of that saboteur archetypes that play out based on our survival patterns. Now I developed this coaching method 10 years ago, and it's called the expanded love method. So the expanded love method is all about up. It's all about expanding your capacity to love. Right when we're loving from our patterns, we are limiting ourselves constantly, when we are loving from our hearts and the truth of who we are, from our souls, from being in alignment within ourselves, we are experiencing love everywhere we go. Right? It's not limited. Love is not limited to you and some guy in a box forever, right? It's not just coming from your children and your husband. When you are really, truly living from the truth of who you are, you are expanding love into every facet of your life, right? There's a sensation of feeling satiated in your life, and I know that a lot of women I work with, that's what they experience. The more they come home to themselves, the more they feel grounded, calm, really, present with what is and satiated in their lives. Right? The devotion becomes we move away from being devoted to trying to get everyone else's approval, everyone else's Attention, everyone else's validation, and we learn how to become deeply rooted in devotion to ourselves, devotion to feeling good within ourselves, within our lives, devotion to being honest with ourselves. Right? Most of us have been people pleasing our way through life, lying to ourselves and everyone around us pretending we're okay, hanging by a thread, numbing ourselves with different, you know, medications or alcohol or food or whatever, whatever your vice is, the phone, we find all these ways to numb our pain, rather than actually just live from the truth of who who we are. You've probably heard me talk before about how I personally believe and I've coached, I've coached 1000s of women at this point in all the years of coaching I've done over the last almost 20 years, and I very strongly believe that depression is simply repression. Repression. Depression anxiety is we're going against our own truth. Anxiety is like an indicator relying to ourselves going in the wrong direction from what we would really desire and depression is repression. It's repression of our feelings, repression of our desires, repression of our expression, repression of our truths, repression of our yeses and nos, repression of our vulnerability, repression of our sensuality. Think of all the things we've repressed over our lives. We are always repressing ourselves. So of course, people feel depressed, and then they're staring at a screen all day, looking at other people's lives, comparing themselves to other people's mostly fake lives on Instagram, thinking, Oh, I should be more like that, or I should look more like that, or I should have that life, and then I'll be happy, right? And then we're constantly chasing something we never get to experience. This is the disease of the Western world. I believe so. Season Three of the new truth podcast is all about expanding, expanding your capacity within yourself, expanding your relationship within yourself, expanding your ability to love in your life, to live without guarding your heart doesn't ever need guarding. We think we need guarding. We think we need protection. We think we need, you know, in certain situations around certain energies, you know, I always hear people who are highly sensitive. This used to be me say, Oh, I have very sensitive energy, so I can't be around people like that, right? That's restricting ourselves. Now I have a guard around my heart. Rather than being so anchored in yourself that you can actually alchemize any situation with your heart, you can alchemize any shutdown person with your own heart when you're really rooted in yourself, you're really anchored in the present moment and your ability to and I'm not talking about pretending or faking it. This is like deep seated heart frequency energy, which is the truth of who you are. So season three is all about how to do exactly that. I'm going to be having really high level conversations with really expanded people. Some will be people who are already making a massive impact in the world, like mama Gina, she's going to be on the show at some point soon, but it's like people who are already making a massive impact in the world, who are already inspiring and changing lives, and we're going to bring them in here, and we're going to have a conversation with you on how to exactly do that in your life, in your relationships, in your dating life, in your womanhood. And I'm also going to be bringing on guests who are living unscripted, extraordinary lives that you wouldn't otherwise have found. If I didn't have them on the new truth podcast, the chances of you finding them would be highly unlikely, because they might not be on Instagram, they might not have a big following, but they are living an off the beaten path, unscripted life, creating a life that lights up their soul. And one day, my goal is to turn that into a documentary, or Docu series of of interviewing really extraordinary women all over the world, unscripted women. And for now, I'm going to bring them here to my community, to this, this beautiful sanctuary, where you get to remember every single week who you are. You get to remember who you are, who you really are, not who you've been taught to be. You get to remember the parts of you you've forgotten. You get to remember. What's possible for you, you get to remember how important it is to take full responsibility for your life and the creation of it. You and it's a co creation. You're not alone, right? You're co creating your life with the universe, if you want to call it, the universe with life, with Planet Earth, right? We are part of this extraordinary planet that has so much in store for us, but most women are so busy following the script, pleasing everyone else, making sure everyone accepts them and likes them and approves of them, even though, meanwhile, all those people are also doing the same to everyone in their lives, right? Nobody's really living their own lives. This is an invitation, a portal, a sanctuary, for you to come back and remember all that's possible, which is really infinite, for you to go on a treasure hunt, to get to knowing your own soul, your own uniqueness, your own heart, your gifts, your to show you how to experience love in a in a unbridled, wild, free, beautiful, incredibly fulfilling way. To learn how to have more intimacy in all of your relationships. To learn how to turn any challenging situation in your life into an incredible opportunity to grow. That's my commitment to you this season in the new truth podcast. So yes, with change comes grief, right? I have felt a lot of grief in the transition of saying bye to Catherine and letting the podcast become its next iteration of itself, right? It's its own living, breathing thing. The podcast has a life of her own. She has from the very beginning, and I'm calling her a girl because she feels like a woman. She's so powerful, she's cyclical. Just like we launched Season Two last year, Catherine and I had changed so much over the first four years of the podcast. Originally, we never planned on having seasons, but after four seasons of the new truth being kind of the same, you know, dating relationships, dating relationships, we realized it was no longer aligned with the woman women we had become. Right because, of course, as always alongside you on this journey, we're walking it too. We might be a few steps ahead of you, maybe, maybe not, but we may have been on the journey for longer, the journey of self actualization, self realization, discovering the beauty of our and magic of our own souls. But we're on it too, and Catherine and I are always on it. We're always practicing and implementing everything that we share with you on this podcast. We're always learning from the guests we have on we're learning from new teachers. We're investing in ourselves. That is always happening so we can keep growing alongside you. And that's the exciting thing about life, like you know, the saboteur just wants to get to the destination, right? We've all been taught that all that matters is results, results, results. But the reality is, the saboteur never lets us actually celebrate or enjoy any destination, because as soon as we get close to the destination, your saboteur sets a new bar, right? Your mind wants something else. There's something else you need to have to feel better about yourself, to feel better about your life, to feel like you are enough and you're here, to remember that you're already enough. And I'm going to show you all the ways to operate from that part of yourself that knows that you're enough, that that is to operate from the part of you that is whole, right? You're going to learn how to operate from your wholeness so you can start to have relationships that are juicy and amazing, that feel good, that are deep and intimate, vulnerable and real, where you don't have to guard your heart, you don't have to run away from people. You don't have to hide yourself or from other people of the world. You get to keep deepening in relationship with yourself when you're around other people, right? So it's not about a destination, it's about deepening in to you, and the quest is only lifelong, and the beauty of that is there's endless corners of yourself you have yet to discover. I will give you an example for me. Now, you might be sick and tired of hearing me talk about Africa, my current my current love of my life, but I think it's so cool. It's been such a cool experience for me, because if you had told me, you know, five years ago, Kate, you're going to be living in Greece first, I wouldn't have believed that. And you're going to be invited to go on a trip and take some women to Kenya, and you're going to fall in love with it, and you're going to go back again in the same year, and then you're going to go back again. And. Been 1/3 of the last year in Africa living in a tent. Okay, it's a glamping tents. Very nice, very nice tent. If you follow me on Instagram, if you don't follow me on Instagram, follow me unscripted woman, Kate Harlow, and you can also follow me on the new truth podcast, because we are starting a YouTube channel and an Instagram this season. So there is a new truth podcast Instagram as well. That's just getting started, so go follow it. But you know, it's a totally different experience that I never even craved, right? So many women are like, I just want to know who I am. And let me tell you, you don't need to know who you are, because who you are is a blank canvas. Every day, every day, you get to meet new parts of yourself. You get to explore new corners of yourself. And who I am is such a question of the head of the mind. We are frequencies, right? And what we're doing with the new truth podcast season three is we're changing channels so you can live on the frequency of the heart, which is magnetic, easeful, transformational. You will become a magnet to high quality love, to high quality relationships. When you are living in that frequency within yourself, and you are, you are having a healthy relationship with all of you, including all of your feelings, all of the parts of you. That's what it's about. Because there's a future self that you haven't met yet that you right now from who you are and where you're sitting inside of yourself right now, you couldn't even imagine that would be you. I couldn't imagine that way. I'm people call me like, kind of high maintenance. I'm not like, really, really high maintenance. But my friends, you know, whenever we rent an Airbnb, it's been the joke in our friend group the last 15 years that I get the most comfiest bed because I have Princess and the pee syndrome and so, like, the the idea of living in a tent in Africa was like, definitely not on my radar. And I'm there and I'm like, How do I buy one of these? How do I build my own? Can't giant canvas tent with a king size bed. Like, I want one. I want to live in Africa. I want to experience this, which is communal living, which is living in nature, which is being connected to people who are so present and grounded in in their hearts, which is connecting to the majesty of the land and these wild animals that are so incredibly inspiring and beautiful and really life changing to witness in in the in the world, in the wild. So that's a part of myself I didn't even know existed. And that's the beauty is that the more deeper you go into relationship with yourself, the deeper you go, and the more there is to discover. And from that place, you will attract people in your life, experiences, opportunities that you otherwise would have never met if you were just staying in your comfort zone, which I actually call the discomfort zone or the uncomfort zone, because there's nothing comfortable with the comfort zone, right? It's incredibly miserable, boring, painful, painful,
Kate Harlow:painful, pardon me, painful, mundane, right, depressing, anxiety provoking the comfort Zone's not comfortable at all, actually, but most people are so afraid, and they're so used to listening to the survival patterns, listening to the saboteur voice, listening to the voice of conditioning that says, no, no, No, don't leave this property. You're going to get electrocuted, you're going to die, you're going to lose everything. You're going to people are going to judge you right? Don't leave. You gotta stay on your little leash and stay where you are in this place that you know, but the unknown world is where you get to meet your soul. It's where you get to meet your heart. It's where you get to feel yourself so deeply. And you get to feel that everything you've been searching for your whole entire life is inside of you, right? The I love referring to the the Wizard of Oz, that line from what's her name, Glenda, the Good Witch, the power was within you all along, my dear, it is so true, right? We go searching over there, looking for the wizard, looking for the doctor who has the answers, looking for the healer that can fix us, looking for the boyfriend who can rescue us and choose us and tell us We'll live happily ever after, looking for the ring and the wedding and the perfect life and the picket fence and the kids, and then this and that and the other. And how many of us wake up crying in our fucking closets one day, not connected to any of it, longing for something we don't even know what we're longing for, thinking maybe it's that guy at work we have a crush on, or thinking it's the it's the, you know, maybe another job or a different company or different city. But the reality is, what you're longing for is you. You're longing to belong to yourself, and once you belong to yourself, you will fit in. Inside of every room. You will belong. Everywhere you go, you will belong. That's what happens when your patterns are no. Longer in charge, and then life just gets juicier and sweeter and more beautiful and more profound and more exciting. But it doesn't mean it comes without pain, right? Of course, we're gonna experience like that's the human experience. We're gonna be blindsided by tragedies. We're gonna be hurt. We're going to be redirected. We're going to be we're going to perceive we're being rejected, when we're actually we're being redirected over and over and over again, from friendships, from from relationships, from dating, from jobs, right? Life is always redirecting you because there's somewhere else for you to go, just like what's happening with the podcast, Catherine's being redirected to go deeper into fully owning, being a mother, and what will come of that, we'll see, right? She's going to create, I'm sure. She is a teacher. She is a preacher. She has so much to share, but motherhood has redirected her, and so but her to stay here would be capping herself, which means she won't be fully, fully showing up in her fullest expression if she's capping herself and she's trying to control what she's doing, rather than really listening to those whispers or those nudges of the heart. So season three is all about expanding our capacity to live, expanding our capacity to live lives that we're excited by, that we're proud of, that we're that we're inspired by, expanding our capacity to deepen our relationships, to have more fulfilling, meaningful friendships, expanding community, expanding our capacity to be creative and to let let ourselves Express whatever's in our hearts through all the ways that feel feel inspiring to us, right? We are creative beings. That's the feminine the women are so shut down, expanding our capacity to feel life, right? I had, if you haven't listened to the episode with Megan tiara, my one of my beautiful heroin clients who I had the absolute privilege of working with over the last year and a half, she did an episode right before Christmas, and one of my favorite moments in the conversation was about how happy she is, that she's feeling now, even her sadness, even her rage, like she went from living a life where she was numb to everything, which means not feeling joy, that means not feeling turn on or pleasure or relaxation, she was just numb to life, which so many people are numb to life and just getting by. That is not why you are on Planet Earth. You can choose that path? For sure, that's an option. But I imagine, as you plug in and listen to the new truth podcast that that's not the path for you, because you're here, and we're gonna go places, and we're gonna expand beyond what you know to be true and possible right now, which is why I'm so committed to having guests on who are living crazy, extraordinary lives, doing off the beaten path things, and standing for something else that's possible, right? As women, we've taught to we've been taught to be mothers, to be wives, to be good friends, to be good girls, to be sugar and spice and everything nice, to be everything to everybody but ourselves. And this journey of expanding into every corner of you is about reclaiming your life, your path for you that is the if you are a woman with children, the greatest gift you can give your children is to devote your life to yourself and to to following your heart and to listening to your soul and to saying no when it's a no and to being really deeply honest with the life that you desire and how you want to feel and what you want to experience, that is the greatest gift you can give to everyone in your life. You were not put on planet Earth to be something for everybody else. That is not why you're here. While it might be how you've been behaving, that is not why you're here. You are on planet Earth to experience the magic of you, and this human vehicle that you are given, and this beautiful heart that you are given, and this soul that has desires, there is a reason why my soul desires and your soul does soul desires might look very different, right? Because we're not the same. None of us are the same. Yet we live in a world that's constantly trying to have us be the same. Everyone's on antidepressants, everyone's numbing themselves with Botox, everyone's dressing the same, everyone's, you know, speaking the same, operating the same, living limiting each other, the same, right? If you are surrounded by people who are following the script. The chances are you are going to be following the script too, because it's seductive. And we have been brainwashed. We have been programmed from a very young age to be good girls and follow that script. It takes a lot of courage and support with women who are aligned with you and. Um, a lot of courage and and a lot of heart to be able to say, You know what? That's a no for me, actually, that's not who I am. This is who I am. This is what I desire. This is how I want to feel. This is what I want to experience. And let me tell you, speaking from experience, I changed my name. For those of you who don't know, go back to the very first episode. I changed my name 15 years more than 15 years ago, now, 17 years ago, and I, you know, moved to the other side of the world, and I am 43, years old, and I'm not married. I've never been engaged. I've never had kids. I do not follow the script at all. Did I want to when I was in my 20s? Yeah, in my early 30s, did I have a lot of shame about going a different direction? Yeah, of course I did. And I learned how to be in relationship with those feelings, rather than let, let the The stories about who I'm supposed to be limit me. So there's so much that's possible. And I've, I mean, I've done many other things in that. Those are just a few things that were scripted that I didn't follow. But you know, this life, this world, is your oyster. That might sound cliche, but it really is. And there is just so much here for you to experience. There's so much of Earth for you to play with and experience. So many souls you're meant to connect with, so many projects and creations and and opportunities just waiting for you. So this is my invitation. Join me in season three. Spread the word to all your gal pals, write a review that's so helpful for us to grow the podcast. My intention is to grow the podcast and really, really show up beyond this season, beyond what I ever have before. I'm stepping into a new level of myself. I'm writing my book right now, that most of you know, in Africa, in Kenya, that's why I'm spending so much time there. I'm about to head back there. So when this episode releases. I will be in Kenya, in the tent, writing my book, and just really excited to get this, this path, this invitation, this, I don't want to call it work. It's so hard not to, because it's been so ingrained to call it work. But to me, this isn't work. This is play. This is like releasing that idea that we are fucking human working machines here to work it's quite the opposite of that when you learn to live, not from your patterns. So my desire is to to get this message out to millions of women around the world, so we can all wake up together and all support each other on living a life that feels alive to us. I think now more than ever, that's what the planet needs, and that will be the most healing thing for men, too, is women who are empowered, who are creative, who are expressed, who are vulnerable, who are living from the truth of who they are, courageous and bold, not in fantasy, not in fear. That's what is available to us. So join me in season three of the new truth podcast next week, the episode is coming straight from Africa. I'm recording it in Kenya, and so excited to start this journey with you. I have some super amazing guests coming up that episodes coming up every other week. For the first couple months, I'll have some really amazing interviews introduce you to some new perspectives, some new teachers, some amazing, amazing practices, and, you know, opportunities out there to grow more into the truth of who you are. I'm launching a community. I'll just plant the seed right now. I'm launching a community in the spring all about learning how to fully live from your heroine. It's going to be a membership like way cheaper than a gym membership, but it's going to be a place for you to plug in and remember who you are and be in community with women who are conscious, who are following the truth of their own hearts, who support each other and celebrate each other. If you are lonely or longing for connection, this community is for you, and I will, of course, keep you posted on what's coming, but lots, obviously, lots of exciting things coming in 2025 I feel like this is true for so many people. There's big energy in the world right now, and it's time to really lean into it. So thank you for being on this journey with me. Thank you for all your love and support over the years. I love hearing from you. Please share the new truth podcast on your Instagram. Tag me in it the unscripted woman. There's no E in unscripted, so if you just look up Kate Harlow, you'll find me, but tag me in your posts. Tell your your community, how much the new truth podcast has impacted you. Share it in reviews, so that we can see and know the impact that this podcast has had on you, and you know if you have any questions or any desires of episodes for me to talk about, conversations to have, please just message me on Instagram or Facebook or in the private Facebook group the new truth movement. Love you so much. Thank you again, and I will see you next week for. Season Three of the new truth podcast.
Kate Harlow:Hi, it's Kate. Thanks so much for listening to the new truth podcast. For more of Katherine and I, come hang out with us in the new truth movement Facebook group. We are in there. That's where we're sharing all about our programs and our free workshops that we do. You can come join us there and ask as many questions as you want about the podcast episodes about dating relationships, any struggles you're having out there, we would love to support you. So come hang out with us in the new troop movement Facebook group, and we will see you soon. You.