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Welcome to this Week in Health It. My name's Bill Russell Healthcare, CIO, coach and creator of this Week in Health. It a set of podcasts, videos, and collaboration events dedicated to developing the next generation of health leaders. This episode and every episode since we started the C Ovid 19 series has been sponsored by Sirius Healthcare.
Now we are exiting the series, but Sirius has stepped up to be a weekly sponsor of the show through the end of the year. Special thanks to Sirius for supporting the show's efforts. During the crisis and beyond, uh, CliffNotes is available. CliffNotes is live. If you can't listen to every show, but you wanna know who was on the show and what was said.
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Uh, you can sign up on any page on the website. . Um, this week in health, or send a note to CliffNotes at this week in health and it will kick off an automated workflow to get you signed up. You know, our mission at this week in health, it is really twofold. To amplify great thinking, to propel healthcare forward, uh, is our core mission.
Uh, we also, uh, started off as and continue to really focus in on what we can do to dev to develop the next generation of health IT leaders. Uh, for the first 180 episodes we did the show with no outside financial support. Uh, that changed in the fall of last year. We made a conscious decision to find sponsors who shared our vision.
Uh, sponsors who would help fund the growth and development of the show, uh, with new offerings and content. Uh, we have a great group of founding channel sponsors and have since opened up individual show sponsors. This is where we go in depth with a company or a solution and ask questions as if I were sitting across the table with them as the CIO vetting their solution.
Uh, we only do these shows with organizations that I feel comfortable with. . Uh, once I've done an initial interview with them, uh, if you're wondering, we have turned down a couple following those initial conversations because I didn't really feel, um, . You know, all that comfortable recommending them to you.
So, uh, there is a vetting process for this. Uh, I have a few of these, uh, over the next couple of weeks where I have been looking for specific kinds of solutions that I think will be relevant to you and your organization, uh, during the current environment. I. Uh, of the pandemic and really post pandemic, uh, over the next, uh, year or so.
Uh, today shows with Pure Storage and Secra pacs. Uh, I've always been a fan of Pure Storage, and to be honest with you, that comes out a little bit in the interview. Uh, it's a, uh, they start off as ASSD, uh, solid state, uh, storage, uh, solution, but they're really software based and they've created what I think is a, a, an exceptional, uh, solution.
An exceptional business model. Uh, Sectra is a best in class PAC solution, seven years running. Uh, I'm impressed with both solutions and I think how they have creatively partnered together, uh, for, uh, a, a client university health systems out of Cleveland who have been on the show before. Uh, you know, they, they've done an exceptional job here of partnering and, uh, and we cover that a little bit in the show as well.
So here is a solution showcase episode. I hope you enjoy. . Today I'm joined by Mark Dobbs with Pure Storage and Tom Placenta with Sectra a best in class PAC solution, uh, for the last seven years. No small accomplishment. Good morning, gentlemen, and welcome to. Good morning, bill. Nice to be here. Bill. You know, I, I, I'm excited about this conversation.
I find that what you guys have done together to be really interesting, um, and we're gonna get to that, uh, towards the, the middle of the show. But, uh, I also find what you, you, the two organizations have done, uh, individually to be really fascinating as well. And I'm talking a lot on the show about platforms, about software defined, about the benefits that brings to the company, uh, to a healthcare organization.
Um. So that's really where I'd like to start. So, mark, I'm gonna, I'm gonna start with Pure and really I'd, I'd like to dig in a little bit on your solution, and then Tom, I'd like to dig in on the, the Sectra, uh, solution, the PAC solution, and then talk about how you guys creatively came together for a client and created what I think is a, uh.
Uh, a, a pretty, pretty neat win-win, actually win-win win, I guess for, for everybody. So, uh, mark, let's, let's start with Pure, uh, you know, back when I was CIO, pure was a up and coming SSD player, uh, but you guys have evolved away from a, a hardware company into a software company. Can you talk a little bit about why, uh, you know, pure defines themselves as a software company and how that benefits healthcare?
Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. It's a good place to start. And, and I've almost kinda reversed those. Bill. You know, we, we talked a little bit about the history of how Pure started and, um, you know, we are a storage company, so that is the vehicle in which we, you know, produce product, right. But we've built our platform in two main core pillars, right?
Which is the software side of the house, and then obviously the hardware. Um, they've, they've got to be kind of interconnected in a way that whatever we do on the software layer doesn't impact hardware and vice versa. So Pier actually, you know, if you think about it and you peel back the layers of the onion, you'll, you'll see that we are a software company under the hood.
As, as you mentioned, we started that way. Um, that was the vision. You know, we knew that there were unreliable things and we knew that there were things in the market that people. Maybe just grew to accept in in the storage, you know, realm. And we decided to do things better. And that started with software.
So that's kind of how Pure started is we built a different user interface and took control of your everyday off the shelf solid state drives, right? And we turned that into an experience which trips away all the complexity there. As we evolved over time, we actually then also decided to. That completely compliments our software.
So we, so now we take control of the full en entire storage, you know, environment. Uh, our own products now have our own software, our own hardware. The net result for that bill is, you know, a really, really solid product that gives it a great customer experience. Yeah, I, but I'll tell you, as A-C-I-O-I just remember I had a, a team of people sitting over there.
We had, you know, three or four different, uh, storage solutions. They each were very complex, had their own interfaces. Uh, you know, we had to take, uh, periodic outages in order to do updates. This is what fascinated me about. About, uh, a platform like Pure and how you guys have evolved is the, you know, you guys have that whole concept of experience.
So the, the interface, it starts with the interface, right? The, the installation instructions are easy, non-disruptive updates. I mean, all that stuff is sort of built into the experience from the core, isn't it? It's kind of funny, you know, as a consumer, IWI, you know, and maybe this is a, a we'll link to the future of where peers going to our CEO, but if we as a consumer could buy pure storage for everything we do in life, I think everybody'd be happier in general because the experience, like you said, is that this is really the last investment in storage you ever need to buy.
And people probably don't think of storage as a thing to enable, you know, future innovation. And something that people would kind of turn to, to help, you know, bring a technology discussion to light. But you're absolutely right, bill. You know, we, we basically have flipped the script on how the market was built.
We've disrupted the market, the storage industry, to the point where now everybody is looking to chase that same business model that we've developed. And so, you know, it's, it's the experience that if you and I could buy a phone and for once, just have it generationally upgrade in the middle of a phone call and we've got the latest and greatest, that's the kind of pure experience that our customers see.
So you're never a laggard, you're never rebuying things ever again. And for us in healthcare, a lot of the value our customers are seeing, bill comes by way of. The innovation on the software and hardware side, right? As we talked about earlier, they're, they're seeing things like no downtime. And when we do upgrades on physical hardware, it's, there's no downtime, right?
And that's a clutch thing that we need to deliver to healthcare because we can't afford downtime. In the healthcare space, especially in my domain of imaging that Tom and I, you know, play in. Yeah, I, I mean that's, that's an amazing thing to me. I mean, non-disruptive updates. You talk about this evergreen business model, and I, I went in and researched it a little bit, uh, last night.
Essentially, uh, you know, this, the integration of the software and hardware and give you the ability to do that essentially. Um, you know, it's, it's, it's one investment. But you were telling me the story, uh, yesterday as we were preparing for this. You know, you guys did an update to the software and all of a sudden people ended up with more storage and then people called and said, Hey, you know what's wrong with my system?
I ended up with more storage. All of a sudden it's like, well, we enhanced the software. You know, here, here's a gift. More storage for you. Yeah, you're right. Exactly. A storage company that gave customers back more storage. You know, um, it's a really cool story, but it's true. You know, we, we designed back to the software compliment, right?
Our software was enhanced. We released a non-disruptive upgrade. Our customers pull it down, uh, like you said, bill, and overnight the average customer sees back another 20, 25% capacity back, which kind of.
And no, actually you, you bought just the right storage solution. So we're actually just trying to help you and, and squeeze more, um, you know, blood from, from a turnip there. So it's, it's really cool. That's part of the reasons why I came here, right, is just as a customer, I would love that. And, and so we deliver stuff like that frequently to our customers on both.
And same with the hardware, right? We're always leading the edge for like what new technology is in the storage market. Instead of it being like this. Top shelf thing that we don't want to budget for, we just give it to our customers, right? So if you started with Pure, you're gonna stay innovative the entire, you know, length of your relationship with us.
Alright, Tom, I, I want to kick it over to Secra and I, I, I'll be honest, I'm not as familiar when we were. When I was at St. Joe's in Orange County, we, we, uh, utilized many, many PAC systems, which is kind of painful. Um, but, uh, sector wasn't one of 'em. So help me to understand, you guys are, are best in class for the last seven years.
Uh, you know, how, how do you do that? What, what makes you guys, what's, what's the distinction? Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, thanks Bill. So, uh, so yeah, Secra for a lot of people wasn't, uh, very familiar. Uh, so, uh, you know, just real briefly, the background of Secra is we're a Swedish company, uh, based in a small college town, a couple hours from Stockholm.
, et cetera. And then in, uh,:Uh. A small company, but that had some nice installations through Phillips. So, uh, so sector has grown really since then. And, uh, I would say a few things, bill, as far as the key to our success since then. 'cause uh, at the time in oh five, there wasn't really any guarantee that, you know, we were gonna be successful after that split.
But, uh, but we've been, as you you say, we've won the class award for seven years. We've really, uh, picked up some, uh, some great. Academic medical centers and institutions. Some of the most prestigious, uh, hospitals in the US now have moved over to Sectra. And what we focus in on really is the customer. They say customer obsession.
And the key to that, I think is first and foremost having good software, software that's stable, software that's reliable and that performs, and most of our customers say the downtime that they've had from sec. It's almost negligible. I mean, the, the, the system really does stay up and we focus in on that.
In addition to that, uh, kind of a key thing and something that we're very proud of is that, uh, we describe ourselves as future proof and taking our customers. Uh, into the future without making them, uh, change platforms. You know, a lot of these companies over the years, and you could name ge, Phillips Carestream, whomever, have, uh, moved from one software platform to the next, you know, and that really, uh, is basically a forklift upgrade, uh, upgrade for the customer.
You know, with Sectra, we've started our customers on version two. Now we're up to version 22.1 without a platform change, without data migration. Uh, so, uh, so the customers really appreciate that, that we keep them current without, uh, disruption, uh, providing them really, uh, excellent performance with solid reliability.
And then we listen to these customers, uh, oftentimes they have unique situations. Uh, the call for creative solutions. Uh, we've got some great engineers. Uh, and uh, really it's, it, it's kind of a fun place to work because, uh, you have these good, happy customers. We listen to them, uh, move them forward, and, uh, it's been a great experience, uh, over the years for me.
And that's, that's where we're gonna end up. But I, I want to ask you a few more. This is, you know, the CIO kicking in in me. So do you guys have the full suite? Right. So it's, it's, uh, cardiology, radiology, all the way through VNA. I mean, do you have the, the, the full suite of, of solution? Yeah, that would, that would be true, bill.
And, and then, um, and then one, uh, uh, big, uh, thing that's kind of up and coming is, uh, we now have an FDA approved digital pathology system. So not only do we offer radiology, VNA, uh, uh, PAC Solutions, but we also have digital pathology, uh, that's also integrated into radiology. So we can, uh, first for instance, built for tumor board.
We can display, uh, the radiology images side by side with the pathology images, which, uh, there's, there's, there's a lot of value to it. We really see digital pathology as a market that's growing as well. You know, so you guys have two solid solutions, a PAC solution and a a, a state-of-art storage solution.
But one of the things that fascinated me, and the reason I I wanted to talk with you guys is, um, I, I'm, I'm talking, I, I coach CIOs and we have, uh, you know, we have a lot of listeners. Are saying, you know, what, what, what does it look like over the next year? And we're talking a lot about, uh, creative partnerships with your vendors.
We're talking a lot about, uh, ROI models that make sense. We're talking a lot about platforms that you don't have to continue to upgrade and you don't get into this vicious cycle. Uh, and, and you guys, you guys really had a lot of, of all of that. So, um, but specifically, we're, we're gonna talk about one of your clients.
So one of your clients came to you with a. With a request that, that you guys creatively came together to try to solve. So I don't know who wants to take this question, but, you know, give us a little background on the request and, and how this thing sort of came, came about, and, and then we'll get into what you guys did to solve the problem.
Yeah, mark, maybe, uh, you can take that. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I'll start Tom. And, you know. Bill, to your point, it's, uh, so the customer we're talking about is actually in, in the hometown where, uh, where Tom lives or nearby, you know, it's, uh, health, um, very large operation, high growth, and they're a customer that's kind of al already been on the cutting edge.
They've been a peer customer for a long time. They work with our local partner for a long time, which has been a great experience and there was an opportunity. That came up where we can extend the same good peer experience they've had into the, the sector environment, right? So what, what Tom had just talked about.
And so the opportunity there, uh, blossomed into, hey, how do we kind of cookie cutter and have the same kind of clinical impact we've, we've experienced with our other systems running on pure? How can we deliver that same experience into the sector environment and complement sectra. And so we have, uh, yeah, we, we've taken over the short term storage and, and soon, um, we're working on going after the rest of the entire storage there to basically like, like Tom said, you know, prevent any future, you know, uh, upgrades on the sector side.
Their focus on, you know, customer obsessions. Bill, you know, something you heard Tom say. We love that phrase, you know, that's an important, and so we don't want to ever be a laggard in the. Chain of workflow. Uh, so that sec, so that, uh, couldn't take one of those upgrades that sector delivers, right? Or Tom had mentioned digital pathology, right?
So if they're gonna step into different workloads, which they're already doing, then let's enable them to do that and take away the boring PDS task of planning for storage, you know, to serve those new needs. And so, uh, has, has started their journey where they're now doing their, you know, full imaging.
Starting with the short-term cash and the, the important stuff, right? The hot dis that affects clinical care, um, that's gonna be mounted on pure storage. Uh, and thank thankfully, you know, working alongside Tom and his team at Sectra and our partner, we, we made sure that it was a sound solution for the customer, right?
So the net net is, it's a win-win win, as you mentioned earlier, bill. Yeah. So re reliability and high performance were the driver. But the client's also looking for, uh, for the two of you, two distinct companies to sort of represent the solution as a single solution. One phone call, you know, one , one throat to choke as they, as they say, I mean, because that's their experience.
When things go down and you have different companies and, and, and I, I had this experience as well. You have somebody pointing over there saying, Hey, it's the storage. Somebody pointing over there saying, Hey, it's the network. Somebody pointing over there and saying, no, no. It's the, it's the tax software.
You guys have, have really come together to say, no, no. We're gonna act as one organization that's gonna listen and respond appropriately to the, to the challenge. Yep. And, uh, uh, the key I, I guess for us is listening to the customer in where they want to go, and then being accommodating to try and deliver the right solution to them.
So University hospitals came to us and just said, Hey. You guys were very interested in going with Pure Storage to support Sectra. Uh, we did some actual testing with Pure to validate the performance, uh, with, uh, low times, what have you, uh, to make sure, uh, that for the customer we felt comfortable and recommending it and, uh, implementing it with the system.
And, uh, uh, it, uh, you know, performed, uh. You know very well. And, uh, again, it's, uh, kind of a thing where the key is listening to your customer and delivering a solution that that makes the most sense for them. And that's, that's the type of partnership that we have, uh, with, uh, pure at. Uh, so, so what advice would you give a, so C-I-O-C-T-O, uh, even chief Medical Officer, so somebody who's looking to do this.
They're saying, well, gosh, I have a storage provider and I have a PACS provider. Uh, you know, what, what kind of things would you coach them and say, Hey, you know, this is what you're looking for, to bring these two organizations together. Um, and one of the things that struck me is you guys both have, and, and it's really evident on your websites, both have a company culture of aggressively listening.
To your clients and responding to their needs. Um, and that almost brings your cultures together. But I think that would be one of the things I'm looking for from ACIO. It's one thing for two companies to come together and say, yeah, we'll, we'll put something on a, on the same piece of paper so you can finance it this way or whatever.
But it's another, when the system goes down or there's a challenge, are the two organizations gonna be. Uh, compatible to be able to respond the way we want them to respond. Um, what are some things you would say to ACIO, Hey, this is what you're looking for in these kinds of creative partnerships? Yeah.
Maybe Tom, I can start and, and maybe you can layer on too, is, um, at the end of the day, I think for me, and if I was in a c-level position, CIO position. There's enough storage systems out there, bill, you can check the box and say, does this storage hold data? Yes. Right. There's enough pack systems out there where you can say, does it have the features and functions that'll at least give my radiologist the tools that they need.
Or cardiologists. Or pathologists, the tools they need to read. Yes. So that aside, if you kind of table set that right, those assumptions, the difference. In customer experience and customer support is where I would focus on, right? Like you said, the compliment between the two companies. I would say assuming the storage, there are storage vendors out there, assuming there are PAX vendors out there, what would I want to focus on as ACIO?
What is going to be my experience when I do have an issue? 'cause issues will pop up and when I get on the phone. I just gonna get a, a friendly voice and somebody that wants to help but can't help me. Am I or am I gonna get somebody which is going to just take this a. I'll hold your hand. I'm gonna pick you up.
We're gonna go all the way through the chain of workflow. If we identify an issue that maybe isn't even related to me, the person you're calling me, the company you're calling, we're not gonna just hand you off and say Good luck and go here to this website. We want to take your hand and go that next step and get on the next call and really vet out finding the, the, the problem and resolving it.
I think both of our companies and Tom, you know, feel free to hopefully add in. I think both of our companies take. Which is customer support. If anything, I would say that that would be why you should buy. And what you should measure on is not on features and bells and whistles and things like that. It's what is the customer support that's your best product and pure.
And, and I think Sectra as well, uh, do a good job of, of delivering it an amazing product in, in, in relation, right, is our customer support is probably one of our best attributes, uh, that we deliver. So, I don't know, Tom, if you. Agree or, yeah, yeah. No, no. Absolutely agree. I think, uh, I think from the, uh, CIO standpoint, I would look to a vendor who, uh, you, you know, takes ownership.
You know, if, uh, bill, there's a problem with our pacs, uh, and, uh, it say it's running slow or it's not coming up the way it should. Customers don't say, uh, hey, you know, I wonder if we're having a network problem or a storage problem. They say, Sectra is down, or We have a problem with Sectra. , right? So we at Sectra have to take ownership and uh, and you know, oftentimes it could be, you know, not necessarily anything to do with, uh, with the PAC software.
Maybe it is a network issue, but we know that we've got take ownership. We work in conjunction with the partners and the other participants, you know, with the hospital and networking to make sure we identify a problem or whatever we need to do to figure it out. That's what we'll do to take care of business.
Yeah. Can I tell you the other thing that, which strikes me about your two companies is, uh, you, your, your business models are, are compatible as well, right? So with some of the PAC systems that you mentioned, and I'm not gonna go into which ones, but it was forklift upgrades. It was big . Massive upgrades.
There was no concept of, Hey, we're just gonna keep upgrading the software and you know, we're gonna get to version 22 and, you know, this is the direction we're going. And, and, and Pure has that evergreen business model. It's sort of the same kind of concept, which is I. You know, we're coming into partnership with you.
We're gonna continue to, to give you the, the, the best solution that we can. A lot of it's software defined, uh, and we're gonna give you, you know, better clinical workflow, better, uh, uh, user experience, better administrative experience all through software. And uh, and I think that's another area where I look at it and go.
All right. I, I'm not looking at one company that's saying, Hey, this is how we're defined in another company that says, yeah, you know, in, in three years you're gonna have to swap all this stuff out and, and start over again. Which a lot of healthcare, legacy healthcare companies have as sort of their core business model.
And I, I think that's, that's the thing I like about the, the two organizations here. And maybe it's, it's about, you know, the time you started and, and the shift that was going on. But I think that's, that's, that's an opportunity. Somebody, something I would look at as ACIO is more systems that are that function this way that I get significant updates via software.
I get a non-disruptive updates. I get, uh, high reliability, high performance, one phone call. I mean, all those things are, are really appealing to me. I'm trying to reduce complexity and reduce costs, and I would think that, that that model really works. Uh, for your clients. I'm sort of setting you up with that question.
'cause as ACIO I'm sort of trying to, trying to process why, why this partnership would work and why another one might not work. Yeah. I mean, you know, just to add to that, you know, you, you, you definitely served up a softball for us, but. Um, that kind of goes back to what I think Tom and I are both saying, right?
Is um, you can, you can set aside all the normal metrics of looking at product and if you kind of think enterprise by enterprise, but, but kind of shop as if you're a personal consumer, you're gonna think about things a little bit differently, right? Bill? Like, if, if you go in and you want to purchase something for yourself, then you may say, if it's at an enterprise scale, I want to, I want to, I want that same experience at the enterprise, right?
So both of our companies allow you to. At the end of the day, who's gonna take care of me? I don't know what the future's gonna look like 'cause nobody's got a crystal ball, but if there are different initiatives coming down that we have to pivot to as a healthcare organization and how can we pivot and respond to those quickly, right?
Do we have the right technology systems in place today? If not, how can we implement them? Pure and sectra vendors like that, you know, us in the market, will allow you to kind of safely have the building blocks to, to plan for and pivot to handling the unpredictable, right? Like we don't know what the future's gonna throw at us.
We don't know if we're gonna buy another hospital. If we do that, what does that mean from our prior purchasing behaviors, right? Did we buy the right solution? If people are looking to absolve some of those fears and did we buy the right thing and is it something I would buy myself? If you can kind of package all that up in a good user experience, uh, I think that's probably arguably what both of our companies have done.
Great. And it, and it helps protect, you know, it helps protect, um, your role, your position and, and the fundamental things that your organization is trying to focus on, which is patient care. Yeah. Well, gentlemen, I I, I'm sorry. Go ahead, Tom. I'll give you the last one. Yeah, yeah. No, just, just echo that. Uh, uh, the, the one thing, you know, you don't know, um, everything that's gonna happen in the future, but there's one thing you could probably bank on, is that the storage needs will continue to grow
There's gonna be more data coming from radiology. Uh, digital pathology is about eight to 10 times the volume. What radiology is doing. So, uh, so, uh, uh, storage is gonna be, uh, do nothing but grow over the next years. And having a solution that can grow with it without having to do these forklift upgrades, without having to rebuy storage, I think is just, uh, a smart way to operate.
And I can't imagine any healthcare system not wanting to move to a solution. Like pure, they can grow with their needs. So, you know, Tom, Tom, last question on pacs. I was, I'm just curious, you know, with, uh, with Covid, we had a lot of work from home type scenarios. Uh, were your, did you have clinic clinicians going into their homes?
Uh, radiologists, cardiologist, uh, trying to read images from their home? How did that, how'd that go? Yeah. So, um, uh, our radiologists really, for instance, at University hospitals in Cleveland, uh, I think the majority of these radiologists have setups at home, uh, already. So even before C Ovid 19, they were reading, uh, but, uh, certainly c Ovid 19.
Uh. Increase the usage, uh, from home. And, um, the nice thing is, is, you know, as long as they had a decent bandwidth, which most of the radiologists have through cable modem or whatever, um, they were able to operate fairly well through the, through the, uh, whole um, experience. Um, they've, uh, they've asked for additional collaboration tools to make it easier, you know, where they can share screens and, uh.
You know, we have, uh, we have those tools available. Uh, but uh, yeah, they were, they were able to, uh, to operate fine. And, and then we tracked the usage. And, and certainly pre c Ovid 19, you know, there's a definite dip, but, uh, but volume now is beginning to increase, uh, over the last month or two. And, uh, uh, hopefully, uh, gonna return back to what pre c Ovid 19 volume was fairly soon.
But they, they, they operate fairly well from home, uh, these guys. So, uh, yeah, that's, that's, uh, that's, that's fantastic. And next week we're actually gonna do do a show on, uh, SD wan and talk about accelerating those connections to the home. 'cause that's another thing that came up an awful lot in our, uh, field reports we did with, uh, health systems.
Is, uh, just the challenge. You know, we move people into these homes. We've never managed those home networks before and it's, yeah, you know, it's just a whole new, uh, whole new thing for us. So, hey guys, thank you very much for your time today. I really appreciate it. Uh, stay safe. Uh, that's all for this week.
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