Craig Van Batenburg, AMAM, is the CEO of Automotive Career Development Center [ACDC] and a former repair shop owner. Craig is engage
d full time in the understanding of the technology used in hybrid and electric cars. His 45 years of automotive experience serves him well. He travels throughout the world doing training on Hybrid and Electric Vehicles. Previous Episodes HERE.
Key Talking Points
- Abandon Flat-Rate
- It was a system that VW came up with in the 1950s to pay their dealers for warranty work.
- Never meant to pay techs.
- Supply Tools for Technicians
- License technicians like plumbers and electricians.
- We need a curriculum that makes sense for all high school and post-secondary for the entire country.
- College Universal for all States and earn a Bachelors in Automotive Technology and learn to ‘break things’ in the four-year program.
- Internship required to work for a shop.
- The shop buys old beaters and lets the intern work on them.
- You’ll find out if they have talent or not.
- After college a two-year apprenticeship. A binding contract. Cannot be fired.
- Can I hire this person for the rest of his/her life? You have two years to discover.
- You will discover is they have the value and will fit into your culture.
- Offer a job for life.
- Leave me an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one of them.
- Email Carm HERE.
- Books mentioned in the content library HERE
- A special thanks to Craig Van Batenburg for sharing his passion – For The Record.
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