Corbie is the author of the book entitled “Clean Out Your Life Closet.”
Clean Out Your Life Closet encourages you as you search for your answers, create your toolbox, and realize that mending the old and making the new can be cheerful, joyous, and soul-satisfying.
In this episode, Corbie shared how she overcame all her adversities from her childhood to the time she had breast cancer, as well as skin cancer.
Corbie dances gracefully with the cancer dancer mentality. Instead of fighting back and being a survivor, she chose the goal of getting off the dance floor in one piece.
Along the way, Corbie learned to live the examined life. This means that problems will come no matter what, so the first thing you want to know is the lessons you can get from them and how your life can change for the better.
As an intuitive counselor, she asks people, regardless of their religion, if that is somebody up there that loves them, wants the best for them, and is willing to work with them.
Corbie Midleid talks to Dr. Brad about her book “ Clean Out Your Life Closet.” This book discusses the kind of thing that numerous people need to know. It teaches you that don't always look to somebody else to tell you what to do. Trust yourself; who knows you better than you.
Corbie Midleid’s story will guide you to trust yourself and examine the truth of what is the worth of your life. Have clarity in your mind and a clear vision of your goals to overcome every problem you encounter.
Episode 222 of The Beyond Adversity Podcast is a must-listen for anyone who wants to pursue the true value of their life, trust themselves, and get unstuck from adversities. To fulfill their goals and live their best life.
“The Beyond Adversity Podcast with Dr. Brad Miller is published weekly with the mission of helping people “Grow Through What They Go Through” as they navigate adversity and discover their promised life of peace, prosperity, and purpose.
Corbie Mitleid is our author, guest today she's the author of
Brad Miller::clean out your life closet. She has a fascinating story of overcoming some significant
Brad Miller::adversity in her life. And then she has something to teach us about how to have
Brad Miller::clarity in your life. So Kirby Welcome, welcome to Beyond adversity.
Corbie Mitleid::It's great to be here. Thank you for asking me.
Brad Miller::Indeed, thank you so, so much and in your life, you have you know, various
Brad Miller::experiences in your life, but I don't want to reveal them myself. I want you to share
Brad Miller::them, but you have had a number of challenges, have you not and I think they have
Brad Miller::helped form you to who you are today and what you do to show up share your life
Brad Miller::experiences with others. If you don't mind. Just take a moment to share a little
Brad Miller::bit about your life. Some of the challenges that you've had some of the adversities,
Brad Miller::start, wherever you'd like to start and help us in pivot to what
Brad Miller::you're what you're doing right now.
Corbie Mitleid::Well, I think the best way to look at it is going through life roller coaster, no brakes,
Corbie Mitleid::started with a very dysfunctional childhood mother, an alcoholic, cross addicted
Corbie Mitleid::with barbituates, who was physically abusive. I was the black sheep of the family.
Corbie Mitleid::They were all medical, I was a writer, I was a visionary. I was an actress. I could have
Corbie Mitleid::stood on the dining room table and recited Shakespeare, and they wouldn't have
Corbie Mitleid::seen me dropped out of Brown University after two and a half years. It Back in
Corbie Mitleid::those days, it was pass fail. You could take your eight courses and then do Swedish
Corbie Mitleid::in basket weaving. I was not equipped for that. But I went out to figure out who I
Corbie Mitleid::was, in the process. Two very short, bad marriages. First one less than a year, the
Corbie Mitleid::day he started hitting me I left second one less than two years he just decided he
Corbie Mitleid::didn't like being married and left. Third one has worked very well. We're at our
Corbie Mitleid::20th anniversary this year. However, before that, poverty, rape, abuse, always
Corbie Mitleid::thinking that my mother was right that I really was as worthless as she said, and I
Corbie Mitleid::was kind of going into the world proving I finally found the right guy I jokingly say
Corbie Mitleid::after marrying two bad biker boys, I married father Mulcahy from Mash. And if you
Corbie Mitleid::see a picture of my husband, he's a dead ringer for William Christopher. Great.
Corbie Mitleid::We had a great marriage after a year and a half. But then I got my third bout of
Corbie Mitleid::breast cancer. The first bout had been in 1989 when I was acting in New York, and
Corbie Mitleid::we started for for lumpectomy and radiation and thought we were done.
Corbie Mitleid::2000 I had skin cancer from the radiation, more surgery. They were misshapen and
Corbie Mitleid::scarred, but they were still there. In 2004, the doctor said, Well, you have a second
Corbie Mitleid::primary turns the clock back to zero. But three strikes. You're out. We're taking the
Corbie Mitleid::rack, we're taking your ovaries and you're going from this Dolly Parton figure to
Corbie Mitleid::effect fireplug with permanent side effects, and we're going to damage you so
Corbie Mitleid::thoroughly inside you'll never have sex again. Suck it up. Oh, yeah.
Corbie Mitleid::Well, that's great.
Corbie Mitleid::For the first 24 hours, I went home and cried. Sure. Then I said to myself,
Corbie Mitleid::I know what I need to do. And I worked with lessons I learned at the option
Corbie Mitleid::Institute in Massachusetts many years before. And that was you got to find three
Corbie Mitleid::reasons to be okay with it, no matter how stupid they were. So number one, you
Corbie Mitleid::don't have them. You can't get cancer. They're number two. The rack is not going to
Corbie Mitleid::get slammed in the refrigerator door at the doctor's every year and every woman
Corbie Mitleid::listening knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Brad Miller::I love it. Go ahead.
Corbie Mitleid::Their implants. Cool. I'll be perfectly telling them 93 So after double mast, I was a 44
Corbie Mitleid::Triple D tiny waist times when I say Dolly Parton I mean it got out of Massachusetts
Corbie Mitleid::General Hospital after a double mastectomy and reconstruction three days.
Corbie Mitleid::shopped for a bathing suit and five. That was 2004. This is 2022 I'm 67 and clean.
Corbie Mitleid::And I've learned who I was without the looks. My husband prove what a hero he
Corbie Mitleid::was because he said am I gonna miss him? Oh, yeah, they were gorgeous.
Corbie Mitleid::But I marry you not? Is it the marriage? We expected it to be? No. Have we had to
Corbie Mitleid::work on it? Yes. But at year 20 We are more in love now than we were the day we
Corbie Mitleid::were married because of the work.
Brad Miller::What a cool story. I mean tragedy is involved in maths and all the emotion all the
Brad Miller::physical health issues and marital issues and body image stuff and all kinds of
Brad Miller::things going on there. And yet you're in a better place and that's what we'd love to
Brad Miller::talk about here. On are beyond that. We'd like to try to talk about going through the
Brad Miller::wilderness experience to come to your life of peace, prosperity and purpose.
Brad Miller::And you can't get there really, without having the journey. You know, you just you
Brad Miller::gotta have that painful journey there. And I love one of the images, you haven't
Brad Miller::seen the Detroit road read about you, you have this cancer dancer mentality.
Brad Miller::And I just love that.
Corbie Mitleid::That is so important. I want every one of your listeners, whether you've had cancer,
Corbie Mitleid::or you know someone dealing with it, listen to me carefully. You are not fighting
Corbie Mitleid::cancer, because what you fight fights back. And you are not going to be a survivor.
Corbie Mitleid::Because survivors hang on by teeth and toenails, you are going to be a cancer
Corbie Mitleid::dancer, you're going to find out how graceful you can be under pressure, you're
Corbie Mitleid::going to avoid getting your toes stepped on and you're going to get off the dance
Corbie Mitleid::floor in one piece. That's your goal.
Brad Miller::And that's about reframing. If we think it again about yes, your circumstances are
Brad Miller::your circumstances, but they don't have to define you. And that's, that's an
Brad Miller::awesome thing. But let's go go back a little bit and then take from where you were
Brad Miller::at that one time, because you said some significant things here Corby, and how
Brad Miller::you got from that point of devastation to where you're at now. But what do you
Brad Miller::think were some of the really key actions that you did back then and maybe even
Brad Miller::continually, if you narrow down just a few things that some of the things are real
Brad Miller::pivotal things that you did to take action?
Corbie Mitleid::I have learned along the way to live the examined life. Now what does that mean?
Corbie Mitleid::That means this is happening, sucks. I don't want it, but it's going to happen. So the
Corbie Mitleid::first thing you need to ask yourself is what's the lesson in it? And not a lesson like a
Corbie Mitleid::finger shaking in your face? But how can my life change for the better with it? What
Corbie Mitleid::do I need to learn? Because of my natural bent? My next question is, how can I
Corbie Mitleid::teach with it? And the next word is next, do not stay stuck in your story. Look, I
Corbie Mitleid::know women that had stomach cancer 12 years ago, and they introduce
Corbie Mitleid::themselves. Hi, my name is Mary Jane, and I'm a cancer survivor. I do not introduce
Corbie Mitleid::myself as Hi, I'm Corby. I was the 1973 Betty Crocker homemaker of tomorrow from
Corbie Mitleid::New Jersey. I was but I'm not that person now, right? Who will you be now? Stop
Corbie Mitleid::being stuck in the pity party the pain.
Dr. Brad Miller::and so many people do get stuck there whatever adversity happens it happens to
Dr. Brad Miller::all of us. A friend of mine who two or three days after he retired I just returned a
Dr. Brad Miller::month ago but he retired two years ago, few about three days after he retired he
Dr. Brad Miller::dropped over dead. And his wife and he had plants literally he died the day his his
Dr. Brad Miller::died that he died a few days after he retired. And the very day his wife retired, of
Dr. Brad Miller::course, he had all these plans and so on so forth, to travel on what have you, but
Dr. Brad Miller::life happens and now you know, she's good. Okay, but still in the gray for
Dr. Brad Miller::several years now. Yes. And so you choose whether you stay stuck or not, you have
Dr. Brad Miller::to deal with the reality you know, the of the circumstances you got you got to have
Dr. Brad Miller::your proper amount of grief or whatever it is,
Corbie Mitleid::you are entitled to mourn. Absolutely.
Dr. Brad Miller::But you choose then if you're going to stay stuck or not. And you're given us some
Dr. Brad Miller::lessons here on not being stuck and so many people get stuck. And they have the I
Dr. Brad Miller::call it the malaise of mediocrity or the malaise of of this type of life. So you've given
Dr. Brad Miller::us some great, great things there. Tell us tell about I'm a really big believer of
Dr. Brad Miller::Corbie that we have to come to this better place through a process and part of that
Dr. Brad Miller::process is taking action thing. I also believe in what you said a minute ago about the
Dr. Brad Miller::examined life, the inner life and tell me about any kind of a sensitivity you had
Dr. Brad Miller::about connecting to something greater than self. I call it what you will call it spiritual
Dr. Brad Miller::spirituality call it whatever. But how did because I'm connected to something
Dr. Brad Miller::greater than itself. Part become part of your process.
Corbie Mitleid::Well, number one, I am an intuitive counselor, but I tell people, I do not care if you
Corbie Mitleid::are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, pagan or believe in Ralph the Wonder Dog.
Corbie Mitleid::I really don't. All I ask is that you know that somebody up that loves you, wants the
Corbie Mitleid::best for you and is willing to work with you? Because I'm sorry. I do not believe that.
Corbie Mitleid::I handle this cancer, all of my little onesies. I know that I am meant to teach. I am
Corbie Mitleid::meant to heal Corby. Midnight is a chosen name. Midlife is German for compassion.
Corbie Mitleid::It reminds me why I do the work I do. Okay. And as far as I know, is, you know
Corbie Mitleid::angels guides whoever said look, we have been trying to get you out of this head
Corbie Mitleid::about I'm only worth what I looked like, for a long time. That's why the cancer has
Corbie Mitleid::been breast cancer. We need you down there to teach. So we're going to remove
Corbie Mitleid::the problem. That's why it was a second primary hadn't gone anywhere. What it's
Corbie Mitleid::Banelings yet nothing. So that the danger clock went back to zero, where the
Corbie Mitleid::doctors felt the person I was had to be trashed, which is why I had to stop living the
Corbie Mitleid::story of who I was, and find out who I was going to be sure.
Dr. Brad Miller::Well, then the story you describe was pretty brutal of how your was described how
Dr. Brad Miller::the doctors described your body situation, they would have brutalized almost
Dr. Brad Miller::anybody, let alone someone who had some sensitivity about their identity being
Dr. Brad Miller::somehow connected to their physicality.
Corbie Mitleid::Yeah, but you know, when you're at a teaching hospital, very often, you're meeting
Corbie Mitleid::a diagnosis. Luckily. I mean, I had two surgeons, one who the oncology surgeon
Corbie Mitleid::who did the stuff. And then there was my plastic surgeon who in our house we call
Corbie Mitleid::Madame artiste and Doc miracle because she isn't she made them. But, you know,
Corbie Mitleid::I don't look like I did. I still don't look 67. But I attribute that to no kids takes 10
Corbie Mitleid::years off your looks right there. But it is. It's who I am. I am obviously not Assize to
Corbie Mitleid::blonde with a trust fund. So when I say you can get through stuff, people believe
Corbie Mitleid::me. They hear my story. And they realize, I'm not going to judge them for having to
Corbie Mitleid::gone through, go through what they did. Everybody stumbles. Everybody wants to
Corbie Mitleid::heal. And so that's why I give them the tools I had.
Dr. Brad Miller::Corbie Tell me a little bit about what you do. Now we've talked a bit about the
Dr. Brad Miller::actions that you took and a little bit about going to the inner life, the examined life
Dr. Brad Miller::that you talked about. Let's talk about kind of you how you live your life. Now. I call
Dr. Brad Miller::it to you how you think and act with disciplines. Now, what are some of the ways
Dr. Brad Miller::you live life? Now? What are the ways you teach others? What are the ways that
Dr. Brad Miller::you practices that you may have either with your husband or with your life that
Dr. Brad Miller::give you fulfillment now?
Corbie Mitleid::Well, I work six days a week, 14 hours a day, you cannot get me on Wednesdays.
Corbie Mitleid::I am an intuitive counselor. Some people will call it a psychic medium. But I'm also a
Corbie Mitleid::reverend, because a lot of what I do is spiritual counseling, pastoral counseling.
Corbie Mitleid::I am not a madam hoo ha, who is going to give you a magic spell or remover code
Corbie Mitleid::that is so not me. My whole point is here, your opportunities and how to grab them.
Corbie Mitleid::Here's the tough stuff. Here's how to get through it or rent it. Here's your toolbox.
Corbie Mitleid::Go rock and roll. So I teach people to ask empowering questions. I show them what
Corbie Mitleid::their options are. But remind them life is freewill. I may hand you the toolbox, but I
Corbie Mitleid::am not the repairman. And it's the reason that I wrote the book clean out your life
Corbie Mitleid::closet, because too many of them think that they're not in control. They read self
Corbie Mitleid::help books, and they think I have to do everything that was in the book, which is so
Corbie Mitleid::wrong. I mean, my first self help book when I was 1319 68. I remember the first
Corbie Mitleid::paragraph. Judy has a groovy wardrobe. She has fab hair on her makeup as far out.
Corbie Mitleid::But nobody likes Judy, because Judy is fat. Right there in the first paragraph, a 13
Corbie Mitleid::year old is told you are worthless except what you look like. And we all bought it.
Corbie Mitleid::So when someone says, Well, I bought this self help book, and she says that I have
Corbie Mitleid::to avoid food with leptin. And I have to get up every morning before dawn and do
Corbie Mitleid::yoga. And this is a woman from Milwaukee who's a single mom with two kids, it is
Corbie Mitleid::not going to happen. So I wrote my book, clarity, adaptability, simplicity and
Corbie Mitleid::making friends with stress. But at the end of each chapter, or the adventure pages,
Corbie Mitleid::where you get questions posed that you have to answer from your own life, you
Corbie Mitleid::can't turn to page 84 and figure it out. If you do all those questions at the end of the
Corbie Mitleid::book, this becomes your personal
Dr. Brad Miller::so it's called the book is clean out your life closet. And I go with that metaphor a
Dr. Brad Miller::little bit. And also, I'm interested in to this interact with this interactive nature of
Dr. Brad Miller::your book. It sounds like at the end of each chapter, each section, people will have
Dr. Brad Miller::to work with you in order to write their own story. Is that somewhat accurate of
Dr. Brad Miller::what you're about?
Corbie Mitleid::That is completely accurate. Let's take the chapter life is a tiny house. I give you
Corbie Mitleid::three questions. Okay. How do you view stuff? How do you view your stuff in
Corbie Mitleid::particular How does your stuff serve you? Is there stuff that now merely gets in the
Corbie Mitleid::way? If so, what specific stuff? Is it? And how does it hinder you? Which of the six
Corbie Mitleid::questions about stuff gave you the most insight on your stuff situation? So notice,
Corbie Mitleid::they have to look at their own lives. And when they do that, they understand they
Corbie Mitleid::have their own answers. I can help as a guide, but they're the ones who make the
Corbie Mitleid::magic. And this is the kind of thing that so many people need to know. Don't always
Corbie Mitleid::look at somebody else to tell you what to do.
Corbie Mitleid::Trust yourself, who knows you better than you.
Dr. Brad Miller::Just sounds like you're helping people to guide them towards identifying the truth,
Dr. Brad Miller::what is truly valuable in their life, what truly brings meaning in life? I'm, I'm a real
Dr. Brad Miller::believer that there's almost an epidemic of meaninglessness in our world right
Dr. Brad Miller::now and their real craving for meaning fullness. And sometimes people do ascribe
Dr. Brad Miller::it to stuff, don't they, you know, they say, Okay, I got this outfit, or this car, or
Dr. Brad Miller::whatever it is. And they ascribe a new value to that. And know who's helped me.
Dr. Brad Miller::I'm gonna go for a slight tangent. Who's the woman who does the put value?
Corbie Mitleid::Marie Kondo
Dr. Brad Miller::Marie Kondo. That's it? That's what reminded me of what you're
Dr. Brad Miller::talking about here. Using a kind of metaphor, but it's real life, too.
Dr. Brad Miller::People do need to get rid of stuff, you know.
Corbie Mitleid::Yeah, in fact, one of the people who reviewed the book referred to me as the Marie
Corbie Mitleid::Kondo the heart and soul, which I love. That was terrific.
Dr. Brad Miller::well, that's that that is awesome. So people, and so clean out your life closet has to
Dr. Brad Miller::do with is identifying. And it sounds to me, it's kind of like a deal with situation.
Dr. Brad Miller::You know, that's what I used to tell my kids when they would want me to solve their
Dr. Brad Miller::might. My kids are all adults now. And I got grandkids now. But they would come to
Dr. Brad Miller::with some issue want me to kind of solve it for him. And I would often say, you
Dr. Brad Miller::know, DWI deal with it. And they didn't like that still don't. But it sounds like what
Dr. Brad Miller::you're helping people to do that but give us some guidance and directions toward
Dr. Brad Miller::towards that. So that the
Corbie Mitleid::First thing I tell people, three most important questions you can ask yourself in any
Corbie Mitleid::situation. What am I x about? X is angry, depressed, sad, whatever. Why am I x
Corbie Mitleid::about that? And the question, we never ask ourselves, what do I think would
Corbie Mitleid::happen if I stopped being x, about stimulus belief response?
Dr. Brad Miller::And one of the things you talk about the four parts of your book is simplicity.
Dr. Brad Miller::And, you know, we'll do tend to live in what we believe is a complex world and there
Dr. Brad Miller::certainly are things we you got to deal with. But what is what is one way what is
Dr. Brad Miller::one strategy that you that you may have a core be about taking what you may still
Dr. Brad Miller::feel as complex or a strategy to simplify life, give us something to go with hear?
Corbie Mitleid::Well, I always tell people carry experiences, not things, okay. And what does that
Corbie Mitleid::mean? That means there are people who collect stuff, whether it's disney pins,
Corbie Mitleid::depression, glass, whatever. There are people who collect people in the book,
Corbie Mitleid::I refer to it as Rolodex people. And I really have to change that if I ever rewrite it
Dr. Brad Miller::Yeah, because nobody knows what a Rolodex as far as
Corbie Mitleid::I know, but but the idea that as many people as you can get in your life, that's great.
Corbie Mitleid::They're the been that done there. And people they're the ones who always go to a
Corbie Mitleid::restaurant, on the first day, or opening night of theater, or they've always attended
Corbie Mitleid::every Dead concert there ever was. But then there are the experience people and
Corbie Mitleid::the example I use is they go to help out at a food kitchen. It's not a see what I did.
Corbie Mitleid::It's not a meat the people there it is. Bless the food handed to the person who's
Corbie Mitleid::hungry, connect eyes, meat eyes, bless them while you're giving it to them realize
Corbie Mitleid::you are helping to heal a life. To me that's worth more than any flat screen TV, any
Corbie Mitleid::restaurant attendance and any person I've ever known
Dr. Brad Miller::with going back to what we said earlier about fulfillment more often than not
Dr. Brad Miller::people get more fulfillment out of those types of moments. Then whatever buying
Dr. Brad Miller::the new thing that gives him a you know, kind of a burst of energy or you know,
Dr. Brad Miller::jump for joy for a day or two, but doesn't last everything you know, will rust and go
Dr. Brad Miller::away eventually everything will experience as a part of who who we are. And I think
Dr. Brad Miller::a lot of people also would you talk about simplifying life. Would you agree with me
Dr. Brad Miller::that a lot of people take what should be simple and complicated, you know, they
Dr. Brad Miller::make their life more stressful than it has to be
Corbie Mitleid::Those are double fingers. Yeah. And you know, when you're always trying to well,
Corbie Mitleid::if I do this, then they'll do that. But if they do that, oh, yeah, so very often I'll say to
Corbie Mitleid::one of my clients, how old are you? 36? No, you're 72. What do you mean? It's
Corbie Mitleid::because first you live outside, and then you do the same thing in your head,
Corbie Mitleid::and you're twice as old as you are stuck. And they go, Oh, yeah.
Dr. Brad Miller::Yeah, I call that overthinking. And my people in my life who overthink it, what if,
Dr. Brad Miller::what if, what if, what if this as they go, Okay, we don't know any of that until you do
Dr. Brad Miller::it. You know, that kind of thing. So Well, tell me about in your book and immune
Dr. Brad Miller::your teaching and what you're about about people who you've touched, or you've
Dr. Brad Miller::seen come through what either reading your book or something you teach about,
Dr. Brad Miller::who you've seen, had some sort of a transformation that they've had something
Dr. Brad Miller::happen there. And it's been a good thing. Tell us a story.
Corbie Mitleid::Well, I always consider it an honor, that I've been able to help them. But I remind
Corbie Mitleid::them that I am just the tube that the information comes through. It ain't me.
Corbie Mitleid::And the example I give is a hammer does not strat around on the back deck and go
Corbie Mitleid::look at this to Deb I guess I don't know. I'm sorry. You hit your head against a nail
Corbie Mitleid::and somebody was wielding the hammer. The Hammer did not do it. So I am if you
Corbie Mitleid::will kind of like that hammer. I teach people about being a Martian detective. Quick.
Dr. Brad Miller::I'm sorry. You say that again, please. What was that phrase you just use?
Corbie Mitleid::Happy Martian detective
Dr. Brad Miller::Happy Martian detective. That's what I thought you said. I just wanna make sure I've got it. Right.
Corbie Mitleid::Yeah
Dr. Brad Miller::Okay
Corbie Mitleid::If you were sitting across from me, and you had water coming out of your eyes,
Corbie Mitleid::I might say, Hey, Brad, why are you crying? But I could be wrong. Yeah. gleeful the
Corbie Mitleid::Martian who has been assigned to come and take a look at humanity gets out of his
Corbie Mitleid::little spaceship. And he's all excited. And he wanders over to you, and why is there
Corbie Mitleid::water coming from your eyes? And you might get a better answer, because maybe
Corbie Mitleid::there's an emotional basis. But maybe contact lenses are bugging you, or maybe
Corbie Mitleid::they're allergies. So the story example I give is there was a guy, married, had a kid,
Corbie Mitleid::he was in a very bad car accident. His face kind of looked like spin art when they
Corbie Mitleid::repaired it. It's always very embarrassed by how he looked. But he's still married,
Corbie Mitleid::had a kid when it was putting his daughter to bed and she grabs his face and
Corbie Mitleid::pushes it next to hers and says, This would be a great picture, but it would be
Corbie Mitleid::better if mommy space were in the picture. Old him would have said even my
Corbie Mitleid::daughter thinks I'm hideous. Can Can you imagine that PTSD for decades? Instead,
Corbie Mitleid::he knew how to be a Martian detective. Why would it be a better picture of
Corbie Mitleid::mommy's face? Where in the picture? kid looks at him and says, because mommy
Corbie Mitleid::can't hold the camera stolen? You took the pictures?
Dr. Brad Miller::Oh, they're bad. Because just transform the whole thing.
Dr. Brad Miller::Didn't you know the whole thing?
Corbie Mitleid::Right. This is why it's better perspective. Questions are not signs of doubt.
Corbie Mitleid::They're, they help us crystallize what we know.
Dr. Brad Miller::Awesome. Awesome. And so you've had some folks who you've worked with and
Dr. Brad Miller::who you've seen these type of aha moments happen or these these transitions.
Dr. Brad Miller::And, and that's very gratifying, isn't it? When that happens, it is a privilege.
Dr. Brad Miller::It's a privilege.
Corbie Mitleid::It's humbling. Humbling, it's humbling. And it's good to know, maybe a little the
Corbie Mitleid::pain of the world I have managed to dissipate.
Dr. Brad Miller::Yeah. And your book, clean out your life closet is all about that just helping a little
Dr. Brad Miller::bit. It seems like it's a steps in the right direction to as you, as you say, gain clarity.
Dr. Brad Miller::And, you know, that's what I hear about clarity, you know, that says kind of the
Dr. Brad Miller::opposite of confusion. And there's a lot of confusion in the world. Adaptability
Dr. Brad Miller::because there's so much that is a rigid, you know, that we think is rigid and and not
Dr. Brad Miller::necessarily. And then you've we talked a little bit about simplicity. And then you
Dr. Brad Miller::also talk about stress. And stress is not always a bad thing, isn't it? It's just It can't
Dr. Brad Miller::be helpful to always get through
Corbie Mitleid::It yeah, there's use stress, which is what they call good stress and bad stress.
Corbie Mitleid::And you got to know the difference.
Dr. Brad Miller::sure. I'm just a believer that as we talked a little bit before door to get that to that
Dr. Brad Miller::good place, apply to call it the place the promise life of peace, prosperity and
Dr. Brad Miller::purpose. Because you know, when you have those things, you're in a good place
Dr. Brad Miller::like you've mentioned here about your marriage and things like that. But you don't
Dr. Brad Miller::get there instantaneously. You know, it's like I said, 40 years as a pastor and I
Dr. Brad Miller::probably have had 300 weddings in my life and have no idea how many lasted but
Dr. Brad Miller::not you know, not a high percentage lasted, but it was always said it's not about the
Dr. Brad Miller::wedding. It's about your life together. You know, and so many people are so
Dr. Brad Miller::focused on the wedding day you that that kind of stuff. So it's about having value in
Dr. Brad Miller::your life and love what you have to share here and what you're all about.
Dr. Brad Miller::And so the the your website tell us what tell us a bit about how people can get a
Dr. Brad Miller::hold of you find out more about what you're about maybe get hold of your book or
Dr. Brad Miller::more about what you're about. How can be people get connected, you Corby?
Corbie Mitleid::Oh Brad, they can't avoid me. It's that simple. Website is Corby mit If you
Corbie Mitleid::go into the first page, you'll see all three of my books and you can find clean out
Corbie Mitleid::your life closet. You can order the book on Amazon paperback, Kindle, or an audio
Corbie Mitleid::book and I'm the one who read the audio book for you. For the other YouTube,
Corbie Mitleid::medium, Patreon, Instagram, Twitter. It's all Colby midlife
Dr. Brad Miller::and Corbie Mitleid is spelled C O R B I E M I T L E I And we will we will put all
Dr. Brad Miller::those connections at at our website. Dr. Brad fascinating conversation
Dr. Brad Miller::here today. akorbi corbion midline and you got something good to offer people.
Dr. Brad Miller::I tell you what, this the whole metaphor, clean natural life a little bit. That's a big
Dr. Brad Miller::one. That's a big one a couple of years ago, a few years ago, when my father died
Dr. Brad Miller::and my mother had to move we know we had to clean out their house which had
Dr. Brad Miller::tons of stuff. And that was a huge emotional thing. But it's a huge deal with just to
Dr. Brad Miller::clean up their whole house. But it was a good good thing as well. Appreciate your
Dr. Brad Miller::good work, my friend and I got a feeling our audience is going to has gained great
Dr. Brad Miller::value from what you've shared, and we appreciate it again. Her name
Dr. Brad Miller::Corbie Mitleid, the author of clean out your closet. All about clarity add adaptability,
Dr. Brad Miller::simplicity and stress. We thank you for being our
Dr. Brad Miller::guest today on the beyond diversity podcast.