Today, in episode 25, I want to extend this notion of Truth that I asked Pastor Will Davis Jr, about in our last episode.
In episode 24 one of the questions I asked Will Davis Jr was…
“Why should someone trust the Bible?”
This is a question that I think people are asking….. Often.
Sometimes they are asking it in their own head and at other times they are asking it out loud.
I think it’s one of those questions that you need to ask.
If the answer to this question is important to you, you need to seek it out.
So, let me ask you the same question, “Why should you trust the Bible?”
– Why does the answer to this question… Increase, Fortify, & Prepare?
– What is the correlation to Prayer life, community, and reading the Bible?
– How does investing in yourself, pave the way for finding the Truth of God’s word?
– What is the most controversial book of all time?
– What is the best-selling book in history?
– Does Archaeological, Historical, & Scientific findings, support or disprove the Bible?
– What is so special about the book of Isaiah found in the Dead Sea Scrolls?
– What does the 66 books of the Bible have to do with the 66 chapters of Isaiah?
Could more than 300 prophecies be a mere coincidence? Let’s look at just a few prophecies claimed in the Old Testament that were fulfilled in the New Testament.
– Isaiah 7:14
– Matthew 1:18-25
And this one….
– Isaiah 35:5-6
– Matthew 11:4-5
Just one more….
– Isaiah 53:5-6
– John 10:11
– What does silver dollars and the state of Texas have to do with prophecy?
– Is God weaving a majestic tapestry of the past to the future, or are we just on a random roller coaster?
-What impact has the Bible made on the lives of those who believe it?
– How can the ‘charge’ of 1 Peter 3:15 increase your faith and bless your life?