I am joined today by guests Philippe and Rudolphe of Rudolphe & Co Organic Hair Cosmetics, to discuss the benefits and innovations in natural hair care. Rudolphe introduces a patented hair protection technology using micronized keratin and highlights the antioxidative properties of dragon's blood, a tree extract from Kanai Island. Philippe discusses the growing demand for natural hair products in Canada and the challenges in finding effective natural hair solutions compared to skincare products.
The episode delves into the impact of chemical hair products on health, the environment, and the role of hair professionals in guiding clients towards safer options. Rudolphe shares his mission to contribute 1% of sales to buying a forest in Africa for environmental protection and presents various natural hair coloring lines, emphasizing the minimal chemical use and effectiveness.
Discover how:
Learn more about Rudophe & Co at https://rodolphe-co.com/en/
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Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening, wherever you are, thank you so much for joining us today I have some people that just got off the airplane. And I am so privileged to have Felipe here. And Rudolfinum. I call them Rudolph. But now I know better. And so, I don't know if you ever seen this company before. But this is going to be the future of products in the whole entire world. Because it's all natural. If you have the Yuka app, you would know that it's going to be either 100 at 100, or very close. And if you don't have the Yuka app, please get it. Because it's important. If you're into health and well being and you want to use more natural products, we're gonna be talking about that today. So I would love to know more about, well, why are we here? Who wants to go first.
Philippe:But basically, I think in Canada, we saw that there was a lot of demands for natural products. And I think you know, that for sure I'm gonna. And it's really tough. We were just discussing earlier that in the skincare industry, I think the movement is couple years ahead in terms of having natural product, both for the hair stylist industry, it's been tougher to find natural products, and my family's in the industry. And they got in contact with rebels, and months ago. And that's when I really realized we could find a natural hair product. But it's one thing to be natural, but it has to perform. And that's the problem, the performance wasn't there a couple of years back in terms of having a strong natural product. So rebels was able to develop a product that is extremely well performing. And we were amazed with the result. We inputted the line 10 months ago, more or less. And so far, we doubled the revenue, we've doubled the happiness of our customer, we've doubled the health of our customers, because it doesn't some some people don't realize, we were talking about the apps Yuka we scan the product, when we go to the grocery, we want to know what we're going to eat. But people, a lot of customer, they don't realize that once you put on your your skin and on your hair, you're going to absorb the product. So I think customers today are becoming more. What's the word for it? The more aware and more more well, yeah, exactly. And, and they know they're gonna solve these, these, these chemical products. That's why we're meeting today is to show this, this new technology, this new product. And we're really happy to be with you today. Beautiful.
Mona Lueng:Thank you so much for joining me right now. And so Philippe has a distributor in Montreal. So what that means is that say someone like me as a hairdresser would call him to order products. And where does these products come from the manufacturer and that's Rodolphe. That's his line. So tell me more,
Rudolphe:because you're from Paris, and Vancouver. So yeah, I'm very proud to be here. Because it's always, it's always important for me to see the different market, different culture of hairdressing because everywhere in the world, we can find different culture and strategy about products. And I know that in America is totally differently to compare with Europe. So the thing is, we know now 10 months ago, that here in Canada, the demand is very high, very high, because a lot of hairdressers and consumers know about elf, and environment. And for us, it's very important to explain by product by also transparency, that it's possible to be efficient, and be clean, clean, not only by marketing, but also by certification programs. And by to respect or commitments for consumers. So it's very important for us because I was very allergic to plastic in conventional and dressing. And for now, it's very important for me to share my patient and my experience regarding to the industry of cosmetics, but also as a hairdresser and colorist that. It's possible now to make efficiency and transparency in the same product.
Mona Lueng:Wow. So you used to be a hairdresser. Yeah.
Rudolphe:I have false. I had four centers. Now I have two centers in Paris and West of France. And I also trained a lot of addresses for the new protocols of the products anywhere in the world in Canada a few weeks ago.
Philippe:Yeah, yeah.
Mona Lueng:So inspired you to go Wait, this line is because you're allergic. Yeah,
Rudolphe:first of all, yeah, he was that. But also, I love to create I love Create, Create addressing, but also create a lot of things in my life. And to create products is very, very interesting because I try to mix very rare ingredients because a lot of cosmetics use the same ingredients in the market. So the thing is at Rodolfo, I tried to my best thing about innovation. Also, patterns. So we create, we have four patterns at production quo, and five in the end of the year. So we are very proud and happy to say to clients that it's possible to have a very, very technology products and very innovative ingredients into the same products and to perform but also to certify that the products are really efficient. For example, after two or three application of shampoo or treatment, we can prove that it's scientific, that is possible.
Mona Lueng:It's amazing. Well, I feel like I have the same story in a way where like, that's why I've been searching for so long, because I've been allergic to color. You know, I started here at 17 years old. And for two years, I didn't wear gloves. I didn't you know, room solutions. And you know, you know, when you're when you're young, you just feel like you're invincible, right? Like no matter what people say, I'm not gonna wear my gloves, you know. And so eventually, I got very sensitive to the products at a very young age. And then I started working for a color company. And so you know, I was just telling Philly, I like mixing the colors and going like this. I'm like, why am I even using this for people? Like when it's so strong, but you know, you know, when you you don't have enough experience, like, when I didn't have enough experience? I just did it because it's just what you do. It's
Philippe:funny, when you think of it, you have a hairdresser that puts gloves, but then he puts it on your skin and he puts it on your hair, you know, it's almost a nonsense.
Mona Lueng:Yes. Well, also the gloves doesn't dye your fingers too, right. So that's why we don't want to have black fingernails. I mean, yes, it's in, but it's not.
Rudolphe:But another thing is that the thing is, gloves is good. But also I was allergic to latex from gloves. It was complicated to and also when you use a permanent air Kado you have some fumes. And it's gone by your nose and in your body. So it's you can put all gloves you want. It's gone by here and not by here. So that's the point.
Mona Lueng:That's a really good point. Yes. And so like my search for the last 20 years to find more natural products has been such a long journey and like, you know, trying to find something that guests can cover graze, you know, because that's a big demand. And then of course then to list the color. So I can find colors that now can deposit Gray, there's 100% natural, but to lighten color. You know, I heard that you have something that I mean, you have three different lines, right,
Rudolphe:exactly, yeah, we learned through three different lines. We lost the first line in 2007. And it wasn't me Nakara. So it's a deposit color. So you can't lift. But it's covered 100% as totally natural products, which do not have bands, and some vegetables, coupons to so it's very interesting. And we you don't have any ammonia out of arrived, no peroxide. So it's very, very, very smooth for your hair and scalp. So very interesting. Also for people who have problems, or we've had like chemotherapy. So it's possible to be to be perfect when your health is not perfect. So that's very important for here and here. And the second line I launched is the Fisher table. So it's the Glenn base coloring, so why didn't it present?
Philippe:Before you Brother, can you tell us a bit more about the activator?
Rudolphe:Oh from your EA? Yeah.
Mona Lueng:First line that you're telling
Rudolphe:me Ankara's? Yes, we mix technology of arginine and Marvel Phil to have a higher pH than a neutral one, but higher like pH eight. So a little bit alkaline, but we've got ammonia, ammonia and derived and we mixed with eco activator. So it's hybrid activator made by urea peroxide and not hydrogen peroxide so it's very smooth water and smell as well. Exactly. And the thing is, for example when you use like My belly asked me earlier, it's like, you're whiter to light your hair as a buyers of blonde air, you can lift like six level of light, but without any chemical like dangerous chemicals. So it's very, very good point for clients. We want to have a beautiful restaurants we about that need images covering to convince now.
Mona Lueng:Well, I was just thinking, first of all, first of all, when you talk like that, I'm like, Wait, what are you for real? And then of course, the other side is like, but how you know, so I know there's gonna be people that's listening right now. Be like, yeah, that's too good to be true. How can that possibly be like, you know how back then, you know, you buy something and just looks like natural is so good. It's so good. And there's flowers on it, and this, and then you go home and use it. And then like, I'm allergic. So I know, I put on my head and I'm just burning for like, seven days. Right?
Philippe:rescan it for your
Mona Lueng:do it do it. And so, you know, so many people say it is it's all marketing, right? And so it just makes me so like,
Philippe:scanning, so everyone sees it. Maybe like this. Yeah, you're better than me.
Mona Lueng:Yeah. So let's scan it. And then Oh, my God, look at this. Look at
Philippe:this 100 and 100. Just like the hair color is which is really unusual for a hairline hair products. And
Mona Lueng:some don't even scan, which means they really like no comment. Right? So because you're like, super open to sharing, you know, all of this is just like, wow, I mean, really, it's a dream come true for me, but also for my whole conscious community, all the holistic hairdressers I know, and the ones that I'm gonna know, right? It's just like, I don't need to search no more. How nice is that? And
Philippe:when I met her Raghav, he told me, he says, Look, it's one thing to have an actual product, but everyone has a business to run. I mean, at some point, we need our customer to be happy with the result of our product. So he said to me that I couldn't launch my product to life, I found something that was really working. And as you can see, now it's working.
Mona Lueng:Wow. Well, no, I'm gonna have to see it on my head one day soon. But I do know, friends in the community that they swear by his color. And today actually is, interestingly, a friend of mine ordered the color from his company.
Philippe:Yeah, what three minutes before we met? That was just so perfect. So you know, from Pretoria?
Mona Lueng:Yes. And so I was just very, you know, when you say this makes me think You know how some companies are like, Oh, instead of ammonia, there's no ammonia, but they have the sister product, which is mea or another sister product or another sister product, right? And so it's just like, Wait a second. So what is it and how does it work? How do you make it work?
Rudolphe:We've made our colors. It's the technology of minerals, two pounds for the high level of alkaline pH, as I said, and it makes waves, the urea peroxide. So it's another technology but the thing is, you can't lift it's a deposit color. But it's a permanent. Yeah, so permanent but without any oxidation. So it's very new
Mona Lueng:array, and you got five hours on the head.
Rudolphe:No 40 minutes.
Mona Lueng:Yeah, clients are gonna love you. And what's
Philippe:funny is that I brought us some some of our customers some of our DSC that used to be colors and hairdressers. And he was having this discussion that we're having now and they were sceptical, they wouldn't believe it, you know, and then we did this discoloration test and everyone was extremely happily impressed. And that's what we're going to do it to one day. Yes,
Mona Lueng:I look forward to you know, opening up the box and putting on my client's head and to see that it's covering gray it doesn't take two or three hours because that's you know, with hennas and herbal colors it could take that much especially when you're going dark right you know four hours that you can go black and two hours if you want to go like brown or chestnut brown Yeah,
Rudolphe:I mean I cannot it's always 40 minutes. Yes, plan based coloring is from half an hour and 40 minutes to 90 minutes, but its maximum is 90 minutes. And the last one rainbow clean colors rainbow eights for 30 minutes till 50 minutes for lifting lift, super lighting color.
Mona Lueng:Wow, that's just so crazy. I'm very happy to hear this.
Rudolphe:Yeah, because it's pretty new. Yeah. And for
Philippe:a plant based product you only Mexico color.
Rudolphe:Only water, different temperature of water so you have different results with shades if you want to have like Ash The results, we recommend to use with cold or temperate water like 20 degrees, then if you want to, like, medium, like, natural or a little bit warmer, it's like 40 degrees, and 60 degrees for water. And you makes one part of powder and three pots of water.
Mona Lueng:Wow. Wow.
Rudolphe:So that's water. So
Mona Lueng:Right. Well, I mean, the last time someone told me that I use that line for gold seven years, and I just mix it with water, but I never put it on myself. Because I didn't have gray hair. And so there's one day I put it on myself, because I just want to darken some of my highlights. And I could not believe how much pain I had in my head. Yeah, and and I could not believe I just trusted my distributor which trusted the manufacturer, but why do you know ingredients for React instead of ammonia of TB, oh, this PPD, this PPD in it. And I'm allergic to the PPD and the dye molecules. Right. So it's just like, I was just so surprised that, you know, I use this on my clients for seven years. And my clients, some of them were allergic to color. And they trusted me. They trusted me. And I was just like, I felt so first of all, you know, in a sense, lied to, if I want to say that, you know, but some you know, they don't know sometimes the distributor doesn't even know the manufacturer. Yeah,
Rudolphe:I think we all have the same story. I had exactly the same story that you my sellers many years ago before I launched my brand is one of the reason why I decided to create my own brand. Because now I don't believe in no enough nobody. Because I worked for a company from Denmark. And they said always we're a family of organic products and lab lie always was organic, natural. Finally greenwashing green washing only green washing your beauty beautiful back ending my language is terrible. We add the same story and a lot of salads and addresses like we are at the same story to tell to explain because a lot of companies use a marketing and not real troupe of products. Wow.
Mona Lueng:So you're saying your company is new? How new is your company?
Rudolphe:My company 2009. But my first reduction called products lunch 2014. And then the first line of current 2017 for coverage? Yes. 2019 for land base, and 2023 for rainbow. Yeah, so what's rainbow rainbow is it's a hybrid type of coloration and so but it's makes with the you have a mix of PGD. So it's you know, speed PGD is, is like, it's like, smoother than PPG. But it's chemical. But we mix a part of this with blend based coloring with Hannah, Pamela. Hindi go we mix together Yes. And because of that, we create another technology of coloring that it's possible to minimize the allergic reaction and to have a perfect to perform the ersatz. So the thing is, you can have the result of you want minimize energy, you can lift your hair to maximum treat it 20 volts and we use activator also to have like toner turn to turn permanent and super light. And so the thing is we've Rambo, it's clean vegan, but he's not totally organic is 92% natural, I mean Alcaraz is 97 and plant based is 100%. So, it depends on the agnostic with your clients, if you want to have a specific result, we we like we said that we is necessary to use this kind of products or these kind of products to say to we said to the clients at Rudolfo. Now we can propose our products the clients want for the best results as possible.
Mona Lueng:Well, for the ones who don't know what he was saying about the Indigo and the HANA, like the HANA is basically you know, we've heard of Hana Hana, right? But it's actually just Red, the color is red. Indigo, is when it's mixed with the henna, it makes it brown. So Indigo is a cooler color. And then the amla is basically gooseberry and is going to be your best friend, once you know what Amla is because like, I even put it on my face as a mask. And it is like, as one of my friends had, when I was making beyond vanity, the movie, I went to Sedona, and she's like, Alma is gonna be your best friend. And so you mix that and then makes the color not as dark. And it's kind of like more caramely. And so you don't, you can have many, many different shades with just even these three colors. And it's just unbelievable. So he has that in his hair color line plus all the goodies to go with it so that we can have more lift, at least there's a color company that is clean and can bring it up, like, yeah, maybe it's not 100% natural, but it's better than pretty well, anything out there. I'm just excited to try it. And what's
Philippe:great is that some hair salons are going to start with Red Bull. After that, they're gonna go with it all. And after that, the customer of the hair salon is gonna ask for the plant based vegetable color line. So it's all question of steps.
Rudolphe:It's because also with old technologies, we mix the plant base current to every lines. So you have in this line, you have the same part of blend this plan in rainbow in Milan colors, so we can mix to give her you can use rainbow and then this one, and then colors, you can mix what you want, you can change it switch. That's very, very interesting.
Mona Lueng:Wow,
Philippe:there's something I would like to share, we, we did some plant based coloration on one of our customer. And couple days after the coloration, his or her hair color keep growing and changing. After three days, after three days, some people's gonna say Oh, but it won't be a specific result. But I see the opposite thing I'm seeing is the real nature in all your hair grow differently. And the customer is even happy that it's it's really natural, the effect is natural. If it looks too chemical, too. What's the word for that? It's
Mona Lueng:artificially good. Exactly.
Philippe:You'd become a little bit like everyone was sweet. But this really brings a different result, maybe you can share a bit more about it.
Rudolphe:Yeah, because for example, you use, I don't know brown color with plant based colors to two different clients, the results will be different because your hair is unique. So the results will be unique because you deposits natural products in your nature. So because of that there is it would be very unique all the time, or residence is unique. First of all these days, but also, the thing is, it's depend on a lot of things. Because as you explain is after three days natural oxidation, not from chemical, but from oxygen everywhere. If you have UV, if it's cold outside, or if it's very warm, if it's wet or very dry, the results will be different, and faster or not faster. It depends. So the products is very unique, very natural, and all depends of the environment you have. So it's a good point, because finally the result will be perfect. But sometimes as a few hours, sometimes after two days. It's very interesting. It's natural oxidation. And
Philippe:one of us I think that's part of being a hairdresser is to create a different concept where every customer definitely,
Mona Lueng:I mean, everybody wants to be different from everyone. They don't want to be that cookie cutter. So you know, sometimes, you know, I can just imagine some of this is confirmation right now. So anyway, it's I'm putting together like even maybe even a few shades like most people just do one hole, you know, head. And you know, for me, I'm just like, I can see that mentioned I could see colors, you know, I can see some foils, you know, even with natural color. So, you know, it's about being creative with it as well as being able to, you know, get the, get the color we want, right? Cover the grays and the demand and just be able to, you know, make our clients happy. Mm hmm. Yeah, so, I just feel like, you know what, when I go to a supply store, you know, as a hairdresser, I asked every time they probably know me and they're like, oh my gosh, he's coming in. Like he's the guy so like, what's new, any new, anything natural, you know, anything else organic, anything cool coming in, and the like You know, now there's just no way that, you know, color could be natural, you know, your house, you have to put it in the fridge, you know, all this stuff, and it's just that, that we're thinking I'm like, but you know, panels 2024 is gonna be something cool and new, right? So like, every time I go in, it's like, Hi guys do same thing, right? And then actually, sometimes they do come up with something natural and new, they have something better than before. But then the sales reps are not all educated on it. Right? Even if they do, but they have so many things to learn. I don't blame them either, because, but I think it comes down to the mindset and the demand that us as consumers, and then as hairdressers, you know, create this demand so that the suppliers will be more aware. And then of course, the manufacturers will supply when we have the demand. Right. So now you're seeing from just us being hairdressers, we have that demand. And now you're creating that demand supply for the demand. So I just think it's just super freakin Wonderful.
Rudolphe:So true, and the demand is very high, very high.
Philippe:And we were I remember an American report about natural products. And in the beauty industry, it represents 80% of the annual growth. So the demand comes more from the from the customer than it's coming from a manufacturing company, but the manufacturing company has to adapt. And that's what we're seeing. But it's funny, because it seems that smaller companies are adapting faster than the big company. The biggest reason despite speaking with rebel if I understood it is when you work with natural products have to work with local producer and the production to not be comfortable, without chemical quality can order a certain amount of volume per year. And it's it's easy to remember that basically, when it's natural product can depend on the production of the farm, it depends on its local farmer, its depends on the weather, the amount of rain you're going to have. So smaller company, it's easier for them to adapt to that, but large corporation is going to be tough. So that's why I think we're going to see a lot of share of this business that's going to be spread amongst local suppliers, smaller companies, which is a good thing because it brings back money in the pocket of a younger and smaller entrepreneur.
Mona Lueng:Staying with the hairdressers too, because I feel like we are a very small group, a small niche of hairdressers that, you know, kind of, in a sense, just kind of woke up to be like, I can't use this anymore, I'm allergic or This doesn't feel right. You know, and so that this small little group of hairdressers all over the world that now are friends with me, that I've quested to find, that are really searching for for this, you know, to be more holistic, not just for ourselves, and not just for our clients, but really for our Earth, you know, to to start preserving the earth and that's just my mission, my passion. So, I just feel like you know, you have this product here, we did the Yuka already earlier and it's just amazing, like tell me more about this organic organic shampoo, it says organic on it like really,
Rudolphe:it is you have like 12345 Different certification here you have also totally or recycle packaging, because when you have a certification program or you have a very pure product side, but you have a lot of commitments or so, about the labeling the packaging or so. So, you have to be very very very clear about what you do. The thing is for example for this products, as I explained earlier is for example we use Dragon blood extract so it's very new ingredients for the cosmetic and also for hair industry. Very anti oxy on anti on oxidative sorry, difficult in English to say that and also we use the patterns here is a Kia Guava is one of our patterns is to protect the hair critical with Tarantino with micronization of keratin, so it's very, very efficient to protect your hair and the color in the same time. So it's very interesting. This product is very interesting. It's protect from pollution UV.
Philippe:And as you know, when he said that he talked about Dragonblood it's an extraction from a tree from an AI that people don't know monnaies tree lover. That's something that you should be aware of. Yeah,
Mona Lueng:actually have a little piece of dragon's blood where I'm put in my, I guess I have like, where my stage and everything is and I actually burn the dragon's blood, you know, and so I use it for ceremony for my clients. Nice.
Mona Lueng:So I'm very familiar with. Okay, I
Philippe:didn't eliminate it because
Mona Lueng:Yeah, feel like my clients will love that.
Rudolphe:But yeah, for many, many people are they don't know about what dragon blood is like Dragon like Dragon. No, it's vegan. So it's not real dragon. But I'm sorry. It's not a jungle fruit. Okay, yeah. Dragon from Dragon Tree. And this Robin trees from Africa. And so it can that island, and we sourced from Coney Island. And it's very, very effective. And when I when I go to Cana island for my vacation, I saw this beautiful tree. I remember that with a very nice explanation about the tree and what the tree some particularities about the ingredients and about Brad and for the history of the blood in it. I was super excited about the more about this ingredient. So I take some sample of these ingredients in the lab. And I do some tests with the products and it was super efficient. So I decided to improve that.
Mona Lueng:Wow. So what is the benefit of using sage dragons plans?
Rudolphe:It's antioxidative. So it's very, very good because it's more anti oxidative than any any chemical antioxidant. Anti oxidative is good for Cora, because Cora is oxidation, anti oxidative, protect cut out. So more you take care of your Cara more your color is nice longer.
Mona Lueng:Okay, so it's pretty well like oh, yeah, it's
Rudolphe:very interesting. And I'll explain it's more efficient than a chemical antioxidative. So, yes, we've natural we can be better than chemical. Wow.
Mona Lueng:So I'm curious to know, what is your, you know, your dream or your mission right now for this industry. And for the world really,
Rudolphe:I want to share to you something two days ago, with or commitment at the one person for the planet, because we have here. Here the one person for the planet commitments. With this commitment, we we decided to buy a huge forest. In a small country in Africa, it's been. And we we want to take care of this forest because if not, it was a Chinese company wants to buy it and do some agriculture, their former farming from I think it was called. And I decided to buy this forest with the 1% for the planet to take care of the forest and animals there. So we talk about products. But sometimes we talk about another things because we have some benefits. We reuse the benefits for that to take care of the environment. So my dream is to take care of people with good products, but also take care of the environment and planet. It's embarrassing directly. Yeah, exactly. I'm also an animal lover. So it's very important for me to protect them. Yeah.
Mona Lueng:Yeah, I was with a client this morning in a hair ceremony. And she was the first thing she was she asked me is do you you know have a hair color line? That is natural because my client, her best friend, sorry. Her best friend is so allergic to color. And so she went to a salon, she looked it up and everything. She went to a salon and got a consultation and she's still like, I'm not sure if I'm gonna go see this person because she's so she doesn't trust what's you know, that's what she was telling me. And she says, Do you have any ideas? And of course, of course I do. I always do. I speak my quest for 20 years right? But now to know that there's this you know, it's so much easier for us to be able to share with other people, especially, you know, once I, you know, feel it, touch it, use it, you know, it's so easy to share that with, with people and so many clients are much more aware and care and wants, you know, because I mean, you have to understand that this color that is on our heads for minimum half an hour to an hour is, as as we were saying, feel like, it's like, our skin is the biggest organ in our body. And it's absorbing for 30 minutes to an hour. No wonder my friend, and Athena Morocco was like, I don't want to murder my clients anymore. Like, when are you going to stop murdering your clients? That's what he said to me when I was making the movie humanity. And I was like, Oh, I never thought of it that way, you know, but slowly by slowly, a little bit at a time that is, that is harmful. Um, maybe I know, like, if not on the internet, no one says that it's a correlation. You know, that is causes cancer, this and that we really don't know. And we don't know what we don't know, also, but all I can say if we have a choice, we can choose something more natural, you know, because we are beings of nature. So why not be as close as possible?
Rudolphe:We have information. And we have, I think, a responsibility. As a hairdresser. As a professional, we know everything about technology of chemical, we have to know and for your clients, but also for yourself. Because as a colorist, when you use like 10 times a day, or chemical Cara for your clients. Okay, it's you, it's very bad for your client, but also for your skin and for your nose and for your body. So you have to take
Mona Lueng:for your Yeah, you know,
Philippe:I'm wondering, you were mentioning in the movie, beyond the vanity that basically a hairdressers like the Turks. So technically, or you have a close relationship with your customer? So would you say it's easy for you to? To make them sweat for another product? Tell them this is good for you? Do you think they're gonna believe you?
Mona Lueng:I think the ones are ready will believe and the ones that have been also looking like me, will definitely believe in there waiting for this. Right. So I think definitely hairdressers, you know, we have this beautiful connection and trust for
Philippe:each other. Yeah, no power to make a decision for your customer.
Mona Lueng:That's what I was saying earlier about, like, you know, can you imagine if there's like even 3% of hairdressers around the world that are practicing conscious hairdressing using natural, healthy products, I think this world will be more of a healthier and happier place. You know, and so that's my mission, really. And that's why I feel like hairdressers are that drop of water, we can make that difference. And we are just one entity in one community that's doing this to imagine all the different communities, we are creating the tipping point. And when I say the tipping point, the tipping point towards the boom of consciousness, like once that happens, like it's like this ripple effect, right? And so we're so close to being there. There's like the Tony Robbins out there, there's the over there's a this and that, right? Like we're all doing our own part. But I feel like our industry has been a little bit slower. And so now with this new technology, it's so important to that we are, you know, sharing it and I am just so supportive of the both of you in doing this, like wherever you go, I'm following you. Wherever I go. I'm gonna invite you. Yeah, so it's so important. So is there anything else that you want to share with, say, hairdressers that are watching or the audience or consumers that are like looking for for more right now.
Philippe:But there's a one point I want to say and I think one I told you before is that as a hairdresser, I wouldn't say you have an obligation, but I think it's as a respect for your customer, you should present them different options of products. Because if you go in any convenience store, they're gonna offer different different product myself, I'm gonna buy the kombucha. Some customers gonna buy the Coca Cola the Red Bull, so you cannot force a customer to buy a specific product. But then you have maybe not the word obligation is not the right word, but you have a moral. If you can help me with a word or you have a moral ethics, natural product, maybe you can have other products that are more typical, it's fine, but in the end, you have you need the portfolio for your customer. So he makes the right decision for himself. Exactly.
Mona Lueng:I mean, and that's what I have in my salon is like I have like 100% natural to like, you know, artificially good because I still use lightning or something times. And I mean, although I do less is more, you know, I don't do a full head of bleach on anymore, I stopped doing perms I stopped doing that. But a little bit of you know, highlight, you know, with like maybe four foils, or one foil, sometimes less is more, you're creating that. And so we're used using less now, right? So when creating the effect that we need, it's just about thinking smarter, you know, when you want to create an effect, and it's about the creativity that we are already creative, right? So now it's about using now the right products with it, and how can we be creative and supply the clients? I think it's just wonderful that we have these opportunities now.
Philippe:And especially when the customer is going to shop on Amazon, there's so many choices, there's so many products, he doesn't know what to buy, I think as a hairdresser, you have to be able to give different options, but say, Look, these are the five best option in the market. And I did the evaluation for you. So it's not a big issue for you to go online and try to find what is good for you, a hairdresser knows, is costing her deeply so you're able to get the right consultation. Yeah.
Rudolphe:That's right. And one of the things for me, I think it's take time to read labeling is very important to inform, to see with Yuka, for example, but also by yourself. On Google, just check some ingredients and check if it's a good one or bad one. It's very important to read through iterate and to see if you have some logos there. If it's Ecocert if it's USDA, you have some deep some different certification program, but you have to know more about them because it's very important. And you have real insurance with these kinds of certification programs. So take time for your body for your environment for your children. It's very important for you and for for the planet. Oh
Mona Lueng:for sure. And you know, also our bodies like I love to teach my clients and share share with my clients how to be connected to their own truth, their yeses and noes. So when you put this in your hand, you know how does that feel? Is that a yes or no? When you go to a grocery store wherever you pick up the product. You could already feel this. This is Yes or no if you're connected to your body. I know some people do this with kinesiology is like you stand up. And if it goes forward, it's a yes when you go back because it no I don't know if you ever heard of that. Right? I have a pendulum in my bag. So whenever I'm questioning myself, I'm a little bit off. I bring my pendulum and I put it, you know, on top of my rolodex and the pendulum does not lie. It tells you I mean, do you want to see it? Should we do this test? The real test drive. Okay, okay, so this is the first time I do this with my clients all the time. I do it with all my products. But now I don't need that anymore. I can feel in my body if it's a yes or no. Right?
Philippe:This picture children as well, when they're not behaving.
Mona Lueng:Okay, so I'm thinking yes. And so what happens? When is it? Yes, it goes clockwise. Okay, so I'm already stopped thinking and no, think no is counterclockwise. So I don't know if you guys play with pendulums. But are you ready for the real test guys? Okay, so let's see. It's a yes. And it's not just a yes, it's a big yes. You can see how fast it is. That energy is like it's a big yes. You can't make this up. Like I'm not moving my hands. You can see that right. So it's a yes to the shampoo. Let's see about the hair color. So this is what I do for my clients to make sure that they are okay with the colors or whatever I use on them. Okay, good. Yes. Yes, yeah. You can make this so how I love it. So I can say I will try your products. I can't wait to share that with others. So there you go. And thank you so much for listening and being on with us. This is a really fun episode. And one of the very first that I want to choose to share with everybody because it is my big mission to find the best products for my clients as a hairdresser. I feel as you said, responsible. And for myself, that is self care. It is about loving myself, and making sure that every day when I use these products, it's something that is going to feed me and feed my soul feed my skin and feed my client's skin right so and of course their soul at the end of the day. So thank you so much to both of you for being here.
Rudolphe:Thank you for your thank you too.
Mona Lueng:Yes, all the way from Montreal in Paris. May your day be better than you imagined it to be. I'm going to leave you with one last mantra today's mantra is Lokah samasta so Lokah samasta Sukhino Bhagavan to is about May all beings be happy and free which is all about this product line