Guest Host and Shop Tour with Todd Cole, TC Auto Service, Corpus Christi, TX. Four years ago Todd left his medical sales job and became the new owner of TC Auto Service.
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Todd Cole,
TC Auto Service, Corpus Christi, TX.
Key Talking Points
- Was in medical device sales but looking to make a change. His great grandfather, grandfather, and father were all in the automotive business
- Was a customer of the business and bought the business from the owner (who was 80 years old)
- Senior tech has been with the business for over 30 years- loves to teach and help others, maintains quality. He is a mentor for apprentices.
- ‘Running out of concrete' as they started growing- purchased satellite location
- 7 lifts total
- Look at productivity by technician weekly- scoreboard with names listed, fun competition
- Drive through lanes with vehicles- 3 lanes
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