The problem with referencing songs when you're writing is that they get stuck in your head.
Like... forever.
I just got done writing an email about my friend Troy Dean's new course (Rock Star Empires) and referenced a bunch of 80's music (more specifically, Van Halen songs... because I love Van Halen). Then as I opened my editor to start writing out this post and thinking back to when I launched the podcast, the song "Oh What A Night"... "(late December back in 63... what a very special time for me... " even though I wasn't even alive in 63, the 'Oh What a Night' popped into my head. You're welcome. And for those of you who don't know the song? Go to YouTube... it's by The Four Seasons and is just as awesome song).
So for whatever reason... when I start reflecting on the good things in my life, 'Oh What A Night' cues right up.
I'm always amazed at how music can transport me back to another time & place in seconds.
Or change my mood (lift my spirits, energize me, calm me down or even bring me to tears).
But it's not just the music... it's the lyrics. It's the 'why' behind the music.
Which brings me to my own 'Why'.
I think this is something that as entrepreneurs we find ourselves re-evaluating from time to time (which is a good thing). I am going through some major changes in my personal life (selling my house, probably the last summer my daughter will be living at home, my son has started working, is getting his drivers permit and I have completely closed the door on certain aspects of my business).
As my kids start taking off in pursuit of their own dreams, my why has totally shifted.
When I started my business 8 years ago my kids were a HUGE part of my 'why' (to provide for them, be home for them, etc.). They're still a part of my 'why' but more from the perspective that I want them to see that you can go for what you want... have dreams, ignore the herd and follow their hearts.
The Journey So Far
When I decided to launch my podcast a few years ago I did it for the SOLE purpose of wanting to have more fun in my business.
I don't think I had quite found my voice in my writing yet and was struggling with being the technician, which was NEVER a goal of mine when I decided to start an online business. I've done a lot of personality tests (one of my favorite tests for entrepreneurs is Roger Hamilton's Wealth Dynamics Test) and I'm never surprised when it reveals that I want to be the 'Star'. So being behind the scenes as a pair of hands (keep in mind this is what my perception was when I started this... and it's all about how you position something) has always been frustrating.
In the last three years I've...
launched an outsourcing company
participated in a high-end mastermind (raced a Ferrari, went ziplining, snorkeling, ATV racing in Mexico, hot air balloon and connected with some wonderful people)
gotten into paid advertising
traveled more than I had in the previous 5 years (Hawaii a couple times, Mexico, Scotland, France, Las Vegas (not a fan), St. Louis, Park City Utah
doubled my email list
launched a high-ticket, done-for-you podcasting service
done coaching (stopped for a while and will be doing so
grew my team to 12 people
gotten one child graduated from HS and off to college (3 more years for the second one)
had a friend live with me for a year
decided to sell my house (recently)
... enjoyed it all and decided it's time for a new chapter
All of this has been a wild ride. Most of it amazing, some of it frustrating and exhausting.
The podcast, while not always as consistent as I would like it to be, has been the one constant (along with this brand).
And outside of the podcast, there are going to be some massive changes.
Massive Changes
The first big change is happening in my personal life.
I've decided to sell my house. It's a little sooner than I was planning (my son has 3 more years left in high school and I was plannin...